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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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btw did anyone think about Wvw when they brought the hammer skin "hammer of the THREE REALMS" into the gemstore? thaha. i was slightly amused, but i miss on pretty much every item more lore descriptions, so no idea to what those "three realms" refer. pvE has way more realms, for every faction even, i think. so that cannot be it.

also, happy #allianceswhen

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@"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:btw did anyone think about Wvw when they brought the hammer skin "hammer of the THREE REALMS" into the gemstore? thaha. i was slightly amused, but i miss on pretty much every item more lore descriptions, so no idea to what those "three realms" refer. pvE has way more realms, for every faction even, i think. so that cannot be it.

also, happy #allianceswhen

My first though was actually how China was split into three kingdoms in the past.Since the Celestials (which this hammer is related to) are Chinese-themed, the connection is pretty easy.

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i have absolutely no clue where i should put these celestials to.. are those the HoT storyline elemental monk guys, where the zephyrite ( also still have no clue what those are really) backpacks been related to?so that hammer was supposed to be looking like some old chinese style (while hammers are surely no classic chinese weapons afaik).... that's super random, but as good as any explaination, i guess.

but yeah, at least there exists some story on that then. many Wvw parts either have no story infos, or those got removed. like, some NPCs have dialogues. and i saw a video from ~2012/13 where early Wvw's EBG had a special loading screen description

"Deep within the Mists lies the Eternal Battlegrounds, a place of mystery, where worlds collide and legends are born. Stonemist Castle lies at the center of the conflict, a silent witness to the chaos of battle surrounding it."

i found that incredibly cool, and have no clue why they removed the loading screen message, honestly. so long, #allianceswhen

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I dont see how it will solve the GvGing issue in a game mode requiring PPT. Its a real source of frustration for both GvGers and WvWers. GvG players dont want to reach T1 or even T2 so they tank while the real WvWers are pushing to win but finally their efforts are wasted by GvGers most of the time.

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guilds take basically not space in what makes servers full. fullness is created by playtime per player, and every play hour of a person who is used to largescale is like 50 times as effective.

therefore, despite some people have the illusion that it does, the 2 hours in ~3 days a week of GvG , does not affect the ppt score at all. in that time even many blobs are not going anywhere, bc if three 30 ppl groups of each color fight, there's just no space for real zoneblobs of 50+, not even 40 normally, on a map.

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the problem is, transfers sorta generate money. u have 1 free transfer... but guess the Alliances system didn't come bc the server transfers, that the "temporary solution" called serverlinks creates all the time, would bring just less money. the issue here is, that the gamemode becomes more chaotic, since the current system annoys many players.it is hard and expensive to stay with your guild, and guilds need to transfer to get good content every some months apparently.

that's why imo keeping the #allianceswhen reminder alive is important.

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yeah, also read that in a discord channel yesterday yet, pretty hype actually! he returned and the Wvw-designer job is now not open anymore... let us hope the best.

will be taking a bit till he's worked in. will be very interesting for sure if something changes - a ray of hope is nice to have tho ;) and till then, we #allianceswhen

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@"vier.1327" i mean we have no release date yet afaik. ppl speculate in late summer we'll be through with icebrood saga, so maybe expac comes september? i don't expect it earlier really. "this year" can also mean december 31 23:59:59 thaha.

since the tengu been in the trailer for next icebrood episode, actually it could be the case that we'll get EoD i summer yet, but who knows.

i mean, the base concept of alliances is full planned since years. technically takes only some finalisation, i'd guess.

@"Kylden Ar.3724" i still think the trailers always talking about pvE Alliances is a bit provoking xD ("the tengu joined your Alliance" -> last trailer)

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