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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:yeah, i think so either. we have no guarantee for anything, to be precise ^^

some clear communication without terms like "soon", "working on it", "planning", "some time", "in the future" would be dope. imagine "there will be XYZ released in august." ... literal dream :D which is kinda odd, isn't it. #allianceswhen

Sir, you're not projecting enough for the one WvW dev in the back near the janitor's closet. More from the diaphragm, like this:

Alliances when!?

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Devs need to talk to the marketing folks.

Players are beginning to refer to enemy servers & allies as Content.

If you're not a marketing person...this subtle distinction might get lost on you.

When Brand recognition & loyalty is lost...market share erodes when your customers lose their ability to identify & endear to your product.

2018.12.30We've thrown away the one thing that made this game mode endearing & uniquehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/732455#Comment_732455

The Coke vs Pepsi rivalry is now replaced by Cola vs Cola.

Team creation mechanics is not the way to go...it waters down your identity until you're only left with a bland & generic product...imho

Once upon a time players referred to their enemy & allies by the Names of their Servers.

Server Rivalries used to be a BIG thing, but it's not anymore.

Thanks to Team creation mechanics like server linking...players now refer to enemies & allies as Content.

Please use existing mechanics to Reboot WvW while you try to figure out a Road Map for WvW.

Here's HowTo RebootWvW:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1064947/#Comment_1064947

Credibility requires critical insight & time.


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I've never really understood what the heck goes on with their marketing team. Heck I'd help them out for free! lol. I was thinking the other day that some sort of merc mode where we could temporarily balance things out ourselves would be awesome. I'm sure it would get abused too but at least it would be something.

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@Baldrick.8967 said:Just blowing the dust off and checking in.

Nope, no change, back to something else.

ayy, feeling you xD it's often only the half yearly events that randomly occur for one week that blow a bit of fresh wind into the Wvw-lands. i usually am on holidy during that time tho :P normal games have new content when u leave them for some months. as Wvw-main, you need more patience, sadly.

@"knightofmab.2593" yep... they have one of the objectively best formats and treat it as if it'd stole their lunch money for years. Anet even has a still open, potential storylink option for Wvw with "the mists" been kinda afterworld, underworld, world of the dead, nirvana, para-world. and probably somewhere in some cupboard, i'm nearly sure Anet has some lore concepts even. it was mentioned Rytlock and Balthazar had some story in the mists in HoT story, but afaik the game provides not more infos there sofar.

like, i saw in some old video an EBG loading screen with some lore concering the Eternal Battlegrounds. i was confused and a bit hyped. funnily, that is removed... even lore got nerfed lol.

till then, we will keep the thread up and running ;)

@Kylden Ar.3724 idk, i don't like the capitals lel


_ #allianceswhen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Imagine people complaining about having to wait 3 months for EoD annoucement, when  we WvW people are waiting 2,5 years for any new alliances news 🤣


Alliances when!? Communication when!?

Edited by SyLaR.3628
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