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New insane build!!!! ( tpvp, not roaming, not pve)


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because you can build a great amount of dps in short time and release on enemy,also stabi with grp support, less boons to corrupt, also teefs will fall in short time when aa> io or vh + legendswapaxe is by far better option then sword, every tried sw5 on moving targets ... AXE FTWplay safe , around necros shades and wait until barrier is lost ... ez win

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I don't get why revs are so reluctant to retire axe from their power builds... Literally the only thing axe has that sword doesn't do better is s a ranged poke, and you're only making like one great play with that thing a game, tops.

Also, I know it's cool to try and make Renegade work, but not having Facet of Light is still a death sentence these days. Once people see you swap from Shiro to Jalis you're going to be everyone's insta-immob-nuke target for the rest of the game. :confounded:

Also, also, why Vindication in a power build? I assume it's more for the might and not the extra missiles, but you already have IR for might. Feels like you'd get a lot more from the extra crit damage... or even the condi dmg reduction, as bad as that is.

I dunno, if it works for you, it works for you, more power to you and happy rev'ing... But I know if I saw someone using this in a game, I'd just insta gib him anytime he dared to try turning up at a team fight and going after my scourges, or if I saw him trying to decap a point by himself, or really if I saw him doing anything once I saw he didn't have Glint.

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@narcx.3570 said:I don't get why revs are so reluctant to retire axe from their power builds... Literally the only thing axe has that sword doesn't do better is s a ranged poke, and you're only making like one great play with that thing a game, tops.

Also, I know it's cool to try and make Renegade work, but not having Facet of Light is still a death sentence these days. Once people see you swap from Shiro to Jalis you're going to be everyone's insta-immob-nuke target for the rest of the game. :confounded:

Also, also, why Vindication in a power build? I assume it's more for the might and not the extra missiles, but you already have IR for might. Feels like you'd get a lot more from the extra crit damage... or even the condi dmg reduction, as bad as that is.

I dunno, if it works for you, it works for you, more power to you and happy rev'ing... But I know if I saw someone using this in a game, I'd just insta gib him anytime he dared to try turning up at a team fight and going after my scourges, or if I saw him trying to decap a point by himself, or really if I saw him doing anything once I saw he didn't have Glint.

AXE has low cds>more often use >more dps ...hard CC .... sword not just a melee cripple ...greater range teleport.... sword yeeeeaaa.....and you never get the sw5 second hit on moving targets ... so its crap

INfused light IS THE ONLY thing cause taking herald ...the only thing....maybe you get to platin or above ... ppl there will simply not attack you while yu use infused light and then you have PATHETIC heal.... but right , over 90% ppl in this game dont know skills and how to counter

Jalis gives u stabi(alsof for grp), cc, and hammers that do dps on block with heal and condi reduce ...... and the grp dmg reduction as elite ....you will meet lots of players who easily evade your herald elite ;)if infused light is the only thing that keeps yu alive in teamplay, you should rly learn how to engage difficult situations without a panic button...

I use also VIndication over IR because i DONT PLAY offhand sword (because its worse) and dont have so much fury to get 25 might stacks permanent

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@"Arkantos.7460" said:INfused light IS THE ONLY thing cause taking herald ...the only thing....maybe you get to platin or above ... ppl there will simply not attack you while yu use infused light and then you have PATHETIC heal.... but right , over 90% ppl in this game dont know skills and how to counter

Infused Light isn't about the "getting people to hit me so I can heal," it's about popping it during a burst to cover yourself while you're going all in, or being able to eat a condi bomb that you couldn't avoid.

Also, the only reason to take Herald...? How about permanent team fury, shared might/prot, being able to spike 25 might in a matter of seconds, being able to REVEAL/finish off all the stealth cheesers, a passive ~10% damage boost, a no energy cost stun break, and an insta-cast elite to proc your Runes of Surging.

AXE has low cds>more often use >more dps ...hard CC .... sword not just a melee cripple ...greater range teleport.... sword yeeeeaaa.....and you never get the sw5 second hit on moving targets ... so its crap

As for sword 5, you're right that you're not going to land the 2nd hit of Deathstrike on anyone, but that's not what it's all about. It's pretty much a guaranteed chill/slow as the first hit is almost impossible to evade, compared to axe 4, which is probably the slowest projectile in the game. And while axe 4 might have a "greater range" you actually have to hit your target to make use of it... Sw5 can be used from out of range to cover 600, which is awesome for gap closing, disengaging, and escaping those dreaded Immobs. And while we're talking about Immob, hitting somebody with sw4 is basically a guaranteed kill against somebody--as opposed to axe's rift where they can still stun break + you still need to do other things to actually, like do damage to them. Both sword 4 and 5 do a ridiculous amount of damage, to the point that you are forcing players into evading them... This is really where sword shines, you can force somebody into wasting both their evades which frees up all your other abilities to level them... Or if they wasted an evade on your surge or ps or something, they'e basically screwed.

As for Jalis, I don't think I really even need to talk about it... It's just horrible. I guess the taunt's pretty useful and the heal's reliable, but when's the last time you've seen somebody pop RotGD in a game and not instantly thought, "Oh okay, this guy is terrible." I'm also sure Scourges giggle extra hard when they see someone drop the road on their team since they can just AoE corrupt it into fear.

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@narcx.3570 said:

@"Arkantos.7460" said:INfused light IS THE ONLY thing cause taking herald ...the only thing....maybe you get to platin or above ... ppl there will simply not attack you while yu use infused light and then you have PATHETIC heal.... but right , over 90% ppl in this game dont know skills and how to counter

Infused Light isn't about the "getting people to hit me so I can heal," it's about popping it during a burst to cover yourself while you're going all in, or being able to eat a condi bomb that you couldn't avoid.

Also, the only reason to take Herald...? How about permanent team fury, shared might/prot, being able to spike 25 might in a matter of seconds, being able to REVEAL/finish off all the stealth cheesers, a passive ~10% damage boost, a no energy cost stun break, and an insta-cast elite to proc your Runes of Surging.

if you get bursted my more then2 ppl with cc and dps your not able to pop your heal after legendswap .... gl with thatand i also learned that its not a grateful job to buff your team with boons and let them all die on corruption and get some nice comments

I appreciate both legends have their pros and cons, I can play both but prefer jalis now, lets see whats next balance patch bring up

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I dare say that most people can't think outside the box.

If any build that someone posted does not have an affinity with Metabattle builds, it automatically considered bad. That's how we live now.

Also, it's a bad idea to post your personal build that you get used to play with. If you have great success with your build, it will be, probably, great fail for another.

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@SirTomato.3627 said:I dare say that most people can't think outside the box.

If any build that someone posted does not have an affinity with Metabattle builds, it automatically considered bad. That's how we live now.

Also, it's a bad idea to post your personal build that you get used to play with. If you have great success with your build, it will be, probably, great fail for another.

No problem really ... you know the players that aren't any good are going to use generic builds anyways. Does anyone think the top ranked guys are checking out metabattle for stuff? Hell no.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@SirTomato.3627 said:I dare say that most people can't think outside the box.

If any build that someone posted does not have an affinity with Metabattle builds, it automatically considered bad. That's how we live now.

Also, it's a bad idea to post your personal build that you get used to play with. If you have great success with your build, it will be, probably, great fail for another.

No problem really ... you know the players that aren't any good are going to use generic builds anyways. Does anyone think the top ranked guys are checking out metabattle for stuff? Hell no.

Its true if you not tell ppl when to use what skills they cannot combine ...

ALACRITE... perfext for rev, using after heal to get it faster after next swapF3- perfect for necros on point or everything else whats on the point and for good dpsmy favourite combo to smash necros to 25% lifeFE, a5, a4, weaponswap, proc speed, s3, legendswap shiro, proc SOM, IO necros mostly down if you attack with someone else ^^ ez win

and the good thing it will buffed with next patch, jalis gets imba with 5condicleanse, reduced upkeepcost for tpvpand dont forget that SHTTY PASSIVS will be gone next patch .... hehehehe so YOU WILL BE SUCCES because never used passivs of rev and... hmm that tears of enemies ^^fg off glint because yur heal is your downfall as well

Cmon guys the next patch will be revs reborn!

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@Arkantos.7460 said:jalis gets imba with 5condicleanse

Thats HUGE!!! oh my god!.....Yeah. Sorry to break it to you, that isn't imba in the slightest. It will just mean that Rev has just a TINY bit less crappy condi removal, shame about the legend its attached too...

@Arkantos.7460 said:Cmon guys the next patch will be revs reborn!

Hahahaha, Oh....You're serious!?

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@ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

@Arkantos.7460 said:jalis gets imba with 5condicleanse

Thats HUGE!!! oh my god!.....Yeah. Sorry to break it to you, that isn't imba in the slightest. It will just mean that Rev has just a TINY bit less crappy condi removal, shame about the legend its attached too...

@Arkantos.7460 said:Cmon guys the next patch will be revs reborn!

Hahahaha, Oh....You're serious!?

Man, stop it there. Your post will probably get removed because you're being offensive towards them. No matter how deluded they are.

Sarcasm aside. Revenant's current role is to +1 similar to thief, Jallis will never fit that role unless it will become better than Glint. And while additional condi cleanse on Jallis is nice, I've seen very few condition specs this season. Save for scourges of course.

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@Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:Man, stop it there. Your post will probably get removed because you're being offensive towards them. No matter how deluded they are.

Sarcasm aside. Revenant's current role is to +1 similar to thief, Jallis will never fit that role unless it will become better than Glint. And while additional condi cleanse on Jallis is nice, I've seen very few condition specs this season. Save for scourges of course.

That is very true, while some classes are getting nerfs. They still wont be on Rev levels of bad balance :/ LolThe issue with the condition removal, is that its limited (way too limited!) to running ventari (poorly designed Legend, good skills though) Running staff (LONG cool down and cast time) Mal (no removal, resistance sucks!) I mean take Mesmer. I could take the Mantra. That is 12 conditions removed on charging, 3 more removed per a use. So charging and using twice. That is 18 potential conditions removed. Even the buffed Jallis removal gets laughed at. 13 conditions LESS removed, 4-5k healing (meh) and a 30 second cool down Vs 12 seconds.

Revenant needs a LOT of work in the anti conditions. A simple fix: Change Mal Resistance to be an effect rather than a boon. This would then make it 100,000 times better to balance. Why? No longer affected by boon duration. No longer affected by boon removals or corruption.

I still see pretty much every class running condi builds when roaming, except Ele. Though they are MUCH better suited to hybrid.

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@Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:I wish we could get one more utility skill for each legend with Mallyx getting some sort of condi transfer. Suck conditions from your party > spit them at some annoying kitten, that would alter gameplay greatly for Mallyx stance. There are also lots of plain useless traits in his traitline.

Or, they could buff Pulsating pestilence. Transfer 3 conditions to your target on your next attack after you legend swap. Same cool down and everything. This would then be good for those of us that solo roam as well as group play. Hell what they could do is make Replenishing Despair better while they are at it. gain health every second per a condition you have on yourself. The more conditions you have on yourself. The more healing you will gain. same 1second ICD but it would now be that its not when you get a condition but whenever you have conditions on yourself. Healing per a condition would need to be perfected but this would be a GREAT option. Hell while we are at it Bolstered Anguish. Take reduced condition damage per a condition you have on yourself.

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jallis meant to be team fighter and not +1. sort of bruiser who can support also the group on a point

the idea is nice . stability, weakness, cc, dmg and healing buff, dmg and condition reduction for 5 sec for the team. on paper it sound great.but than rev cannot stand versus conditions due the lack of cleansethe add +2 conditions cleanse to SB wont help much but make jallis bit more attractive now.we have to see how the new patch will shift the meta to more power where jallis can be more suitable.if so maybe i would take kalla with soulcleave and breakrazor can put on the point nice support and dmg buffthe problem if you dont communicate with your team and mainly solo it will be harder to pull off.

think about thisdestruction line with assassin annihilation (no icd)+focus siphoning+soulcleave (no icd) = 57+306+386 = 749 healing per second. dmg is 820 dpsthink with mender it can be above 1000 hps...add to that staff healing orb its another 349 hps.... some dmg reduction with jallis (15% from stability) VH 20% and you have nice bruiser with 25 might stacks

putting here the buildhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAW8snXNWMTqJvmR/kZzsgytZ4QZ3MYr8bmFNlqdBCgI4/HHykktMWj3A-jpxHQBJ8IAIvyAA4CAYwDCQZ2fQZPAAA

counter - condi build like necro and mesmer, big aoe from guard traps and holo which kill fast warbands.

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I do not speak of wvw (roaming), you guys must be having fun with the pve players .... should have wrote this in headlineand glint .... every ppl with half brain just wait while your heal and then pop burst .... or cc after legendswap to glint ... ez winyou can never play another legend if your sustain only comes from glint heal ....dont know what you guys want to balanced more (besides kalla and shortbow)you will not get some instant burst skill , you have evolve, think elseor try other classes like mesma if Revenant is to hard for you to handle maybe ;)well Rev has its risk vs conditions but if you can handle positioning and since the last necro nerfs i can easily deal themcheers guys

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