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Interchangable Skins for pets?


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Was wondering what other ppl are thinking about more aesthetical customization options for pets. So main question is: Skins for Pets/Wardrobe system for Pets.

Note: Of course spiders will stay spiders, canines will stay canines etc. So it works like changing the skin on a weapon, it still is the same type of weapon just looks different.

I DONT SUGGEST TO PUT GEMSTORE PET SKINS IN THE GAME. Just swappable skins between pet family members.

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There are 65 pets in total I believe. That is a huge amount of work if we try to make 1 skin per pet.Arguably, many pets are categorized by families with similar attributes so if you don't like a polar bear, you can pick brown/black or Murellow which can be considered as a "different skin".Same with birds.I'm sure there are some people would be interested but to me it feels like a massive drain on potential resources.

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...because it's only for ranger players and seeing at how anet uses its time, be sure they'll never do high work project for a 1/8 of playerbase (assuming the ranger MAIN ones, not as secondary alt).To say that in easier terms to any company logic (not just anet): better sell content for many (like mount skins), intead of content for few.

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I would love to have the ability to change pet appearance, but in the way that you swap for pre-existing color variants- not for anything crazy or new. For instance, the hyena pet takes the appearance of a semi-mangled hyena in rough shape, but with the PoF expansion, more hyena variants were added, such as a mountain hyena, spotted hyena (in good shape), exc. I think it would be amazing to choose how your pet looks (without going crazy and creating new skins for every pet), as there are many color variants in creatures that can become our pets, but we have access to only one option.

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@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:There are 65 pets in total I believe. That is a huge amount of work if we try to make 1 skin per pet.Arguably, many pets are categorized by families with similar attributes so if you don't like a polar bear, you can pick brown/black or Murellow which can be considered as a "different skin".Same with birds.I'm sure there are some people would be interested but to me it feels like a massive drain on potential resources.

You know that these pet inside the families have different archetypes and skills which makes them unique and which is the basic point of why you choose a pet as a ranger and especially as a soulbeast.I did not ask for new skins if you understand me correctly. I ask for skin swaps. So you could use a blackbear skin on a murrelow if you want to.

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@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:There are 65 pets in total I believe. That is a huge amount of work if we try to make 1 skin per pet.Arguably, many pets are categorized by families with similar attributes so if you don't like a polar bear, you can pick brown/black or Murellow which can be considered as a "different skin".Same with birds.I'm sure there are some people would be interested but to me it feels like a massive drain on potential resources.

I agree with this, but at the same time, I would imagine the skins would available on the Gem store, so for ANET it would be an additional source for revenue.

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Yes and no. Yes, because it's cool. No, because people won't know what type of pet we are using (not really important to me, but I can understand. That way, when you use a wolf, you know it has an AoE fear).

I was a little bummed out that we didn't get the new Draconis Mount smokescale's skin.

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I dont think this will happen because, it would be a ton of work for AN, there are better uses of their time and the appearance of a pet is a sort of 'tell' of what their abilities are. An electric wyvern has a very different set of abilities from a fire wyvern.

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There's no way this would work without bloating the hell out of the pet selection.You already have plenty of choices, and that's good, i don't want them to shift the workload of developing new pets to the gemstore.Seriously, after mount-gate, why do you think skins for anything would be a good idea?

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I think a lot of people are misinterpreting the intention: OP asks for pre-existing skins of pets to be applied to other pets, which means no artistic labour is demanded. Granted, it might require some coding work, but this would be a great QoL improvement.The only problem I could foresee is in PvP where visual cues are crucial in expecting attacks, so someone seeing a "black wolf" doing its howl is going to expect to be Feared, but will instead be Frozen because the mechanical pet is an Arctic Wolf with a Black wolf skin. Maybe just disable that feature in PvP/WvW

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Just to clarify, I'm pretty sure that OP wasn't suggested adding new skins, but to be able to use different skins of the pet's family. For example, a fern hound could use a wolf skin, a raven could use an owl skin, etc.

Yes this was the intention. I mean they could expand on this if they really want to but maonly i only want to chenge the skins in between pet families, no new skins needed.For example the hyena with the fernhoind skin, so you can spawn multiple fernhounds with the f2, and so on.

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