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What is Revenant supposed to do in PvP?


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I am trying to get through nightmare of farming pvp achievements with my revenant. Playing metabattle marauder dps build. What is this profession supposed to do in pvp? Except of dying? It's outplayed on every front by every profession. Is there revenant rework incoming soon? Because I don't know if I should grind these titles now with badly designed and terribly managed profession or wait 2 weeks and enjoy it after it is fixed?

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Revenant is a support class. You job is too boon share with the support of glint facets, or to provide damage support with renegade, either one is useful. Revenant requires a heavy learning curve. If you could get pass this barrier of struggle, you could almost be put on the level of other classes. Here is a tip when engaging in a 1v1 situation. always take it slow, look at the enemy instead of the user interface that shows your skills cooldowns, just make quick glances at it you don’t need to look at it for long. And when I mean “take it slow” don’t just spam your attack and evades, revenant n1 weakness is to be taken down before your heals skill is up, so when their is like 6 seconds left until your glint heal is ready, play defensively to pass time on your heal skill.

Also avoid fighting mirages or scourges they would eat you alive.

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honestly the safest builds that i find for rev in pvp is hammer and shiro, speccing into retribution for some survival and retaliation. Try to +1 and stay out of harms way. I don't think it really matters what elite spec you take, most will say herald is better but I seriously love renegades interrupt spirit for downed foes or allies. Unless your extremely skilled with rev I wouldnt try any 1v1 builds. Never use shortbow, use hammer or staff as a secondary even on condi builds. Rev's skills just aren't suited for dueling anymore like they were when they were first released, I would recommend re-rolling a pvp character of a diff profession if your looking to get achievements, unless your a glutton for punishment.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:What is this profession supposed to do in pvp? Except of dying? It's outplayed on every front by every profession. Is there revenant rework incoming soon? Because I don't know if I should grind these titles now with badly designed and terribly managed profession or wait 2 weeks and enjoy it after it is fixed?

You just need to take a look at channels as the ones from Tubby Two Ton (mostly WvW) or Bryvanent (which streams PvP Rev):


The class is still vaible, despite being extremely hard to master. Just try to enjoy it while last, because winter is coming and much darker times are ahead.

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People need to stop assuming that bad in PVP = a class problem. I can't help but think that Anet purposefully has made classes vary in difficulty over a wide range to appeal to a wide range of PVPer's interests; not everyone wants a faceroll and not everyone wants a tryhard. I know it's the not answer people look for but ... you need to choose a class that works for you and suits your capabilities/interests. Unlike other games I've played, it's not so much the build that's the differentiator for PVP success in GW2, it's the class. The best part is that Anet makes it as easy as possible for you to do that ... take advantage of how character 'development' works in PVP to the fullest extent.

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@Obtena.7952 said:People need to stop assuming that bad in PVP = a class problem. I can't help but think that Anet purposefully has made classes vary in difficulty over a wide range to appeal to a wide range of PVPer's interests; not everyone wants a faceroll and not everyone wants a tryhard.

That's why I encourage people which starts in the game to always chose Guardian or Mesmer: one can't go wrong if a class is meta in every department of the game 90% of the time.

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Rev is supposed to +1 and be the highest damage dealer. Hence why it has no "save me", no way to recover from being condi bombed, low healing unless specced for support, and middle of the pack mobility.

Now the issue is look at rev skills in the wiki. Near every "important" skill has been nerfed multiple times some skills doing 300% more damage than they currently do with lower CDs, and/or having added functionality that is no longer present.

So basically what you are left with is a class that has been nerfed to oblivion with no respect to its inherit weakness due to forum QQ. No other class has been nerfed as much as rev in as short a time period all the nerfs happened.

Now you have POF and rev was given the worst POF spec by a extreme margin, even being completely destroyed by some classes core specs.

I consider playing rev as voluntarily gimping yourself at the moment, and if I did not invest so much time getting used to it I would not be playing it now.

Rev best PVP spec is as good as other classes subpar options. All other rev specs literally do not put out the numbers to make it possible to compete never mind the functionality issues. 3 of your skills = 1 enemy skill damn near.

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@"JayAction.9056" said:Rev is supposed to +1 and be the highest damage dealer. Hence why it has no "save me", no way to recover from being condi bombed, low healing unless specced for support, and middle of the pack mobility.

Now the issue is look at rev skills in the wiki. Near every "important" skill has been nerfed multiple times some skills doing 300% more damage than they currently do with lower CDs, and/or having added functionality that is no longer present.

So basically what you are left with is a class that has been nerfed to oblivion with no respect to its inherit weakness due to forum QQ. No other class has been nerfed as much as rev in as short a time period all the nerfs happened.

Now you have POF and rev was given the worst POF spec by a extreme margin, even being completely destroyed by some classes core specs.

I consider playing rev as voluntarily gimping yourself at the moment, and if I did not invest so much time getting used to it I would not be playing it now.

Rev best PVP spec is as good as other classes subpar options. All other rev specs literally do not put out the numbers to make it possible to compete never mind the functionality issues. 3 of your skills = 1 enemy skill kitten near.

Do you think rev would be viable with the upcoming nerfs to other classes?

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Rev is NOT a support class. Power rev is definately not a support build, It is best described as a cross between a warrior and a thief. It also has a very high skill cap which is why so many people say its bad. You can fight mirages and scourges but you must use your dodges and blocks effectively. To be effective in skirmishes you want to preassure their squishier classes and finnish downs.

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@Obtena.7952 said:People need to stop assuming that bad in PVP = a class problem. I can't help but think that Anet purposefully has made classes vary in difficulty over a wide range to appeal to a wide range of PVPer's interests; not everyone wants a faceroll and not everyone wants a tryhard. I know it's the not answer people look for but ... you need to choose a class that works for you and suits your capabilities/interests. Unlike other games I've played, it's not so much the build that's the differentiator for PVP success in GW2, it's the class. The best part is that Anet makes it as easy as possible for you to do that ... take advantage of how character 'development' works in PVP to the fullest extent.

This is profession problem. Revenant was only nerfed after release, its abilities are underpowered compared to other professions, has no option to deal with condition builds.

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@Buran.3796 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:People need to stop assuming that bad in PVP = a class problem. I can't help but think that Anet purposefully has made classes vary in difficulty over a wide range to appeal to a wide range of PVPer's interests; not everyone wants a faceroll and not everyone wants a tryhard.

That's why I encourage people which starts in the game to always chose Guardian or Mesmer: one can't go wrong if a class is meta in every department of the game 90% of the time.

Already farmed titles for these professions. Keep in mind I'm not interested in competitive game, just want to farm pvp related profession achievements and delete the character.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

Already farmed titles for these professions. Keep in mind I'm not interested in competitive game, just want to farm pvp related profession achievements and delete the character.

But those achievements are EXTREMELY EASY to get. You only need 10 victories with 3 different classes to get them, right (at least for the League Achievements)? I did only play heavy classes in PvP and when I needed to get the victories with the Necro I just rolled my face on the keyboard until I got them.

If you're talking about the generic titles of "winning 200 matches with this class", well, that of course will take more time. But if you only want the titles for the APs to boost your PvE ego then let me say that I have 0 empathy for you, and I no longer care if you're struggling to reach them.

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

Already farmed titles for these professions. Keep in mind I'm not interested in competitive game, just want to farm pvp related profession achievements and delete the character.

But those achievements are EXTREMELY EASY to get. You only need 10 victories with 3 different classes to get them, right (at least for the League Achievements)? I did only play heavy classes in PvP and when I needed to get the victories with the Necro I just rolled my face on the keyboard until I got them.

If you're talking about the generic titles of "winning 200 matches with this class", well, that of course will take more time. But if you only want the titles for the APs to boost your PvE ego then let me say that I have 0 empathy for you, and I no longer care if you're struggling to reach them.

I never asked for empathy, I'm asking for revenant tips in pvp (not wvw) so I'm not a total liability during matches. Also, revenant is objectively worst pvp profession period. but somehow I need to farm 150/200 wins for revered. So focus on profession tips, pwetty please.

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@Doctor.1384 said:Rev is NOT a support class. Power rev is definately not a support build, It is best described as a cross between a warrior and a thief. It also has a very high skill cap which is why so many people say its bad. You can fight mirages and scourges but you must use your dodges and blocks effectively. To be effective in skirmishes you want to preassure their squishier classes and finnish downs.

This pretty much. Power rev is in a good spot.

Though it has glaring weaknesses. Weakest build against condis. Both heals are extremely gimmicky and fail to effectively work much of the time. It most definitely needs a strong support. If enemies have the ability to focus fire and cc you easily, you will be extremely ineffective. Something that other classes that fulfills the same role do not suffer from. It is also not a strong solo either. I always find it highly inconsistent in effectiveness.

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After playing 2 more days I feel I'm more comfortable with the profession. I'm trying to use your suggestion guys - avoiding necros and mesmers, picking squishy targets, utilise my mobility for roaming. But all these things, it all feels underpowered. Everything my rev does, thief would do better. Even +1. In teamfights I feel especially exposed as enemies focus me asap.

I can say, I got pretty good at running away.

I think shiro/glint needs more reliable heal skills. Especially shiro heal is more of a damage boost than a heal. And condi cleanse is abysmall. Even though I learned condi clear rotaion it's only worth anything if you plan to run away, not fight.

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I am trying to get through nightmare of farming pvp achievements with my revenant. Playing metabattle marauder dps build. What is this profession supposed to do in pvp? Except of dying? It's outplayed on every front by every profession. Is there revenant rework incoming soon? Because I don't know if I should grind these titles now with badly designed and terribly managed profession or wait 2 weeks and enjoy it after it is fixed?

Decap, roam, and gank fights...

If you find yourself being forced into a more team fighting role, assassinate high priority targets and get out. I usually go after the other team's ranged assassin types that are focusing our scourge, or if they don't have those I'll just shut down their thiefs/holos/other revs.

You don't really want to spend too much time 1v1'ing on point unless you know you're better than them, because even if you win the fight you probably lost point control in the process and you've of generated a lot more points for your team just doing other stuff.

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@Doctor.1384 said:Rev is NOT a support class. Power rev is definately not a support build, It is best described as a cross between a warrior and a thief. It also has a very high skill cap which is why so many people say its bad. You can fight mirages and scourges but you must use your dodges and blocks effectively. To be effective in skirmishes you want to preassure their squishier classes and finnish downs.

If Rev is not a support class, how do you explain BOTH herald and renegade being extremely weak specs for solo, but stronger in groups? How do you explain Revs being the 1st or 2nd best class at providing alacrity, but not being able to benefit from it in a significant way (utilities are not supposed to have cooldowns and you can never use all of your weapon skills because of the bad energy system).

That said, most of the advice people gave above is accurate. Pick your fights and use your dodges wisely. If you have a support class to keep you alive, you can be somewhat effective at mid point. If you’re getting focused at mid (and you don’t have a dd, mirage, sb, or druid already filling the decapping role) play sides.

After gimping power revs into nonexistence, A-net gifted us with the worst espec ever in the game in Renegade. Not only is it simply just terrible in everything outside of PvE, but it doesn’t bring any unique play style to the profession as especs are supposed to do.

I’m less confident than others that the upcoming patch will put revs in a better spot. History always repeats itself...

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My best advice to you would be to learn to watch for attacks and use your shiro evade extensively but correctly and when needed only, or you’ Find yourself out of energy. This is your main sustain method.Use your s4 and 2 to burst and sword auto to keep the pressure. Use this preferably after PT for quickness. Sword 3 is a great followup to keep pressure and avoid counter pressure and staff5 is a powerful lockdown to help your team capitalize on the target with you (great to 1shot scourges after a s4 burst).When you start dropping low wait for a spike to obsorb with your glint heal.When you down a target never stomp, you’ll die. You have extremely powerful cleave instead with PT quickness and IO for extra hits usig sword auto.Focus being in teamfights or +1 your duelists if teamfights are not good considering comps (fb scourge on enemy).1v1ing on this is not easy, but you can beat things like sb, any guards, bad thieves, necros engies and any ranger that is not the avatar’s bow one.

One last thing would be to learn to use shocking aura from surging (soon RIP). You can interrupt blurred frenzy, thief evade spam, other revs UA, etc.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Obtena.7952 said:People need to stop assuming that bad in PVP = a class problem. I can't help but think that Anet purposefully has made classes vary in difficulty over a wide range to appeal to a wide range of PVPer's interests; not everyone wants a faceroll and not everyone wants a tryhard. I know it's the not answer people look for but ... you need to choose a class that works for you and suits your capabilities/interests. Unlike other games I've played, it's not so much the build that's the differentiator for PVP success in GW2, it's the class. The best part is that Anet makes it as easy as possible for you to do that ... take advantage of how character 'development' works in PVP to the fullest extent.

This is profession problem. Revenant was only nerfed after release, its abilities are underpowered compared to other professions, has no option to deal with condition builds.

No, it's not really. People who are very capable are successful with it ... it's simply one of those 'high threshold' classes. I'm not saying there isn't problems, but the evidence seems to indicate that Revenant isn't designed to be a scrub class in PVP either. Even you are indicating that the more you use it, the more capable you are with it. This makes more sense to me if you are one of the more capable PVP people.

If there is a point to take away here; we can't assume Anet's not on their target with how the class performs, in any game mode, just because it doesn't compare well with other classes. For this class, it seems very natural it's harder to play in PVP, just by the nature of how Legends work and that's not something that's wrong that needs fixing; I believe classes of very different levels or performance requiring different levels of player are quite intended .. and sensible. The only thing we can fault Anet with is that they do a very poor job communicating that these differences exist and how to direct players looking for different experience levels; the class concept is NOT the only thing that differentiates class performance.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Obtena.7952 said:People need to stop assuming that bad in PVP = a class problem. I can't help but think that Anet purposefully has made classes vary in difficulty over a wide range to appeal to a wide range of PVPer's interests; not everyone wants a faceroll and not everyone wants a tryhard. I know it's the not answer people look for but ... you need to choose a class that works for you and suits your capabilities/interests. Unlike other games I've played, it's not so much the build that's the differentiator for PVP success in GW2, it's the class. The best part is that Anet makes it as easy as possible for you to do that ... take advantage of how character 'development' works in PVP to the fullest extent.

This is profession problem. Revenant was only nerfed after release, its abilities are underpowered compared to other professions, has no option to deal with condition builds.

No, it's not really. People who are very capable are successful with it ... it's simply one of those 'high threshold' classes. I'm not saying there isn't problems, but the evidence seems to indicate that Revenant isn't designed to be a scrub class in PVP either. Even you are indicating that the more you use it, the more capable you are with it. This makes more sense to me if you are one of the more capable PVP people.

If there is a point to take away here; we can't assume Anet's not on their target with how the class performs, in any game mode, just because it doesn't compare well with other classes. For this class, it seems very natural it's harder to play in PVP, just by the nature of how Legends work and that's not something that's wrong that needs fixing; I believe classes of very different levels or performance requiring different levels of player are quite intended .. and sensible. The only thing we can fault Anet with is that they do a very poor job communicating that these differences exist and how to direct players looking for different experience levels; the class concept is NOT the only thing that differentiates class performance.

Revenant isn’t in a good place, even if you are good at it. Sure you can make it work but you shouldn’t be putting in 10x more effort than someone who’s playing like Mesmer. Also Anet has no idea what they are doing when they balance rev.

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