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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

Thank you. In this analogy your home is your PC. Gw2 is your public area. So anet coming to your PC and taking stuff back to their HQ is not cool. They are allowed to monitor our data, like other game companies do. But they only send reporst when they hit a suspicious match.

ooh analogy, i didnt think of that, dam trapped me! actually my home is my home, and my process list is just um a list of processes running on my pc, a list of strings, not personaly data, not personal metrics, a list of strings representing processes i'm running. Anet, if it protects my gaming experience you go for it.

Do you think they are persisting that data in the long term, do you think they are paying for the hardware and staff to protect that data, do you reallllly?

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  • Replies 2.5k
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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

you can't block on the forum, lul

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

Lol .. its just a false flag used to smash things with maybe?

A hack is per definition an intrusive "unlawful" method to access data.

ArcDPS works with data that the game is freely giving away for anyone to use.

Apples and oranges.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

Thank you. In this analogy your home is your PC. Gw2 is your public area. So anet coming to your PC and taking stuff back to their HQ is not cool. They are allowed to monitor our data, like other game companies do. But they only send reporst when they hit a suspicious match.

ooh analogy, i didnt think of that, dam trapped me! actually my home is my home, and my process list is just um a list of processes running on my pc, a list of strings, not personaly data, not personal metrics, a list of strings representing processes i'm running. Anet, if it protects my gaming experience you go for it.

Do you think they are persisting that data in the long term, do you think they are paying for the hardware and staff to protect that data, do you reallllly?

If the redditor is right and this data has been sent via unprotected channels there is a risk of your payment data being revealed to unautharized person, including your credit card numbers. The redittor can by lying but Anet never said it's not possible or explained what is happening with our data now so any scenario is possible.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

You win a prize for the worst comparison of the day. It is more like giving a death sentence to a murderer because he might murder again.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

Lol .. its just a false flag used to smash things with maybe?

A hack is per definition an intrusive "unlawful" method to access data.

ArcDPS works with data that the game is freely giving away for anyone to use.

Apples and oranges.

Pretty amusing that you two suddenly care about the correct definitions considering this entire time you have been slandering users of cheat engine

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

Lol .. its just a false flag used to smash things with maybe?

A hack is per definition an intrusive "unlawful" method to access data.

ArcDPS works with data that the game is freely giving away for anyone to use.

Apples and oranges.

You as a player can't access this data without using 3rd party dll from arcdps

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

Lol .. its just a false flag used to smash things with maybe?

A hack is per definition an intrusive "unlawful" method to access data.

ArcDPS works with data that the game is freely giving away for anyone to use.

Apples and oranges.

Pretty amusing that you two suddenly care about the correct definitions considering this entire time you have been slandering users of cheat engine

What are you talking about? I've not been invovled in any discussion about cheat engine.

Take a chill pill.

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

Lol .. its just a false flag used to smash things with maybe?

A hack is per definition an intrusive "unlawful" method to access data.

ArcDPS works with data that the game is freely giving away for anyone to use.

Apples and oranges.

You as a player can't access this data without using 3rd party dll from arcdps

That is sort of irrelevant, but also relevant in the sense that using ArcDPS as a player to access this data does not a hack make: what matter is how ArcDPS access said data. Does it do it by getting access to "hidden" data in a hack-ish way? No, no it doesn't. And that is why Anet's official-unofficial stance is that they are okay with the software.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

You win a prize for the worst comparison of the day. It is more like giving a death sentence to a murderer because he might murder again.

How much AP do I get?

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

Lol .. its just a false flag used to smash things with maybe?

A hack is per definition an intrusive "unlawful" method to access data.

ArcDPS works with data that the game is freely giving away for anyone to use.

Apples and oranges.

Pretty amusing that you two suddenly care about the correct definitions considering this entire time you have been slandering users of cheat engine

Slandering.. the poster I was discussing with... huge difference there - I asked why they had it and what they used it for, strangely enough that convo died and never got an answer and of course that person is banned not me. Had that person defined their usage I would of chosen to either accept that or not, but past posting in the thread by that person just kept making the hole deeper and deeper each time for him/her.. probably why they eventually thought it was better to not give answers to the question otherwise he/she might never of got out of the hole .

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

Thank you. In this analogy your home is your PC. Gw2 is your public area. So anet coming to your PC and taking stuff back to their HQ is not cool. They are allowed to monitor our data, like other game companies do. But they only send reporst when they hit a suspicious match.

ooh analogy, i didnt think of that, dam trapped me! actually my home is my home, and my process list is just um a list of processes running on my pc, a list of strings, not personaly data, not personal metrics, a list of strings representing processes i'm running. Anet, if it protects my gaming experience you go for it.

Do you think they are persisting that data in the long term, do you think they are paying for the hardware and staff to protect that data, do you reallllly?

If the redditor is right and this data has been sent via unprotected channels there is a risk of your payment data being revealed to unautharized person, including your credit card numbers. The redittor can by lying but Anet never said it's not possible or explained what is happening with our data now so any scenario is possible.

now your applying a strawman based on ifs and buts, a whatif Anet are somehow exposing your personal data (while collecting process names lol!). Maybe Anet is not a real company, maybe they are a front for a mysterious international money laundering and fraud organisation (they all wear black suits and dark glasses) , you just cannot tell, better to be paranoid just in case!

ps how did you block cynn again?

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

You win a prize for the worst comparison of the day. It is more like giving a death sentence to a murderer because he might murder again.

How much AP do I get?0 AP and the title "I am very smart"
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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

You win a prize for the worst comparison of the day. It is more like giving a death sentence to a murderer because he might murder again.

How much AP do I get?0 AP and the title "I am very smart"

That explains why I couldn't find you on the list of participators :(

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While I do applaud that actions were indeed taken on offenders, I am worried about the methods used to reach a conclusion and hope that more discretion would be committed in the next time. As a former serveradmin of several FPSes, I can say that this is something I would dare not do. Only because of the flak that can/will be generated.

To those who were indeed caught: perhaps you shouldn't be using shady 3rd-party software next time. Wait it out if your appeal gets denied. That's the price you pay. And dry up your meaningless tears while you're at it.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Game is McDonald's, Cheat engine is car but what Anet didn't check for, based on their announcement, is driving part. In this case your analogy was like that:

You are sitting drunk at McDonald's and police arrests you because you have a car so it's possible for you to drive it drunk today.Actually if you're sitting in a car drunk even if you're not driving and a police officer catches you, 9 times out of 10 you're going down for a DUI. You better have a verifiable alibi that can say "Yes, it was I who took them to McDonalds" and you damn sure better not have the keys or you're SOL regardless.

Don't go to McDonalds while you're drunk. Or else you better stick to your sober friend like glue and avoid anything that even remotely implicates you as a potential driver of a motor vehicle. Because you're still likely to catch crap regardless.

And God help you if you're a stupid/crazy kind of drunk. You better just stay home or not drink.

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@Yasi.9065 said:See, the thing is... I dont use steam, I dont play WoW, actually atm I dont play any other MMO or moba. I got a refund from EA because they didnt tell me beforehand that they would install something similar with a game I bought from them. I dont own or play any EA games anymore because of this. Do you even realize how much private data this kind of polling can gather?

Also... you might live in a TrumpWorld, I for one... luckily... do not.

TrumpWorld? Nope. I don't live in the States. And I know how much private data that kind of polling can gather. What I am saying is, we have no idea what Anet did. All we have is the word of one person on Reddit. Taking the word of one person and jumping to a conclusion is...essentially...more Trump-like. Just ask Syria.

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I don't really have enough faith to believe that all the accounts Anet suspended were guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, much less that they're going to get rid of whatever data they collected.

At least they didn't try packaging Denuvo or something in with the update, thank God for small mercies.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

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@Warkind.6745 said:I don't really have enough faith to believe that all the accounts Anet suspended were guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, much less that they're going to get rid of whatever data they collected.

At least they didn't try packaging Denuvo or something in with the update, thank God for small mercies.

They wont be, there will be a small percentage of people who use cheating programs for purposes other than cheating. As omeone else mentioned there are 3 things you can do:

  1. monitor nothing, cheating has the green light.
  2. Monitor the least amount to allow a judgement with high probability i.e if you are running a cheating program alongside GW2 then the vast majority of people caught will in fact have been cheating. A small number of casualties/innocent will be affected - these need to be triage/prioritized.
  3. overly obtrusive monitoring, expensive to do properly and safely and may impact gaming experience.

Option 2 is the no brainier right

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@Rajani Isa.6294 said:

@"TexZero.7910" said:All terms are available to read online publicly, when signing up for the game/forums you are given a pop-up with a check box that denotes you approve. If they had spurious claims in there they wouldn't legally hold up. However, that isn't the case here. They have every right to monitor their game and your pc as it's a live service there's plenty of legal precedent for this so good luck taking it to court.

Is there plenty of precedent though? Most of what I know of revolves around the WOWGLider (IIRC) program and it's sandboxing - which got them in trouble due to the DMCA more than anything (illegal copies of the game), from what I recall.


I'll leave that there. Im sure you can find several easily relevant cases where users give up their rights voluntarily without me linking each individual one.

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@Cynn.1659 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

you can't block on the forum, lul

now what is the probability that a liar would be inclined to use cheating programs and be defensive :P teasing here ofc :)

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  1. Relying on a five-year old overly broad and absurdly one-sided license Anet planted spyware on my personal computer which scanned and recorded all running processes on said computer and then transmitted that data to its own servers over the internet in a process which may or may not have been inherently secure. This was unprecedented to my knowledge. I was given no notice. I was not given any opportunity to opt out by deleting their software or by any other means. This spyware existed on my computer without my express permission for x days until it was apparently deleted.

  2. The amount and type of data collected has not been described. The retention method and security of that data has not been described. The period of retention has not been described and may not be limited.

This act was a breach of my privacy for reasons of apparently marginal commercial benefit to the company. The collection and retention of such data may put me at risk for a further breach of privacy if Anet security is compromised.

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