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Epidemic in raids needs to be nerfed

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@Vinceman.4572 said:Either Malediktus is losing buyers - according to this forum (^^) or, on a more serious side he want's to push raids more into the niche in which they already are.

The second. He always was for making things harder/more exclusive, after he has already achieved them.

@Feanor.2358 said:Not for long. If they don't split Meteor Shower when they fix its wvw damage numbers, we're trash.To paraphrase earlier Epi complains - if it's one skill that changes ele from the trash tier to among top dps, that one skill is definitely OP and should be nerfed.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:You know whats funny? Ele users kept complaining that necro was broken because of one skill (epidemic). Yet, the same people claim that ele is useless when Anet nerfs meteor shower. Isnt that ironic?

No. Context is different.

To elaborate a bit - necro was never fine. It was either underpowered or broken. Ele was fine, then it get nerfed to oblivion. It remains somewhat viable, but if it loses another significant chunk of its damage then it will be complete trash.

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@Vinceman.4572 said:Either Malediktus is losing buyers - according to this forum (^^) or, on a more serious side he want's to push raids more into the niche in which they already are.

I have not sold a single raid encounter in my life time lol

If anything nerfing everything makes raid selling harder. Currently players are so powerful that anything can be low manned - even dhuum cm. It is time to nerf all classes to the point that 10 people are required - or buff the raid encounters by a large margin.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:You know whats funny? Ele users kept complaining that necro was broken because of one skill (epidemic). Yet, the same people claim that ele is useless when Anet nerfs meteor shower. Isnt that ironic?

No. Context is different.

To elaborate a bit - necro was never fine. It was either underpowered or broken. Ele
fine, then it get nerfed to oblivion. It remains somewhat viable, but if it loses another significant chunk of its damage then it will be complete trash.

If you look at it from a different point of view, what wasn't fine on the necromancer was either the ability to have an increasing number of impacts applying bleed stack (Lich form- mark of horror) or an infinite loop of condi bouncing (epidemic). In the case of the elementalist what have never been fine is the aoe skills delivering a set amount of impacts that initially were designed to be spread on different targets instead of loading everything on a single target. The choice of anet to load a maximum of the damage onto the first strike to balance these kind of skills is what hurt the most WvW. To fix the skills they should have made them into classic pulsing aoe, but yeah, the damage loss would have been tremendously higher.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@"Voltekka.2375" said:You know whats funny? Ele users kept complaining that necro was broken because of one skill (epidemic). Yet, the same people claim that ele is useless when Anet nerfs meteor shower. Isnt that ironic?

No. Context is different.

To elaborate a bit - necro was never fine. It was either underpowered or broken. Ele
fine, then it get nerfed to oblivion. It remains somewhat viable, but if it loses another significant chunk of its damage then it will be complete trash.

Nah, ele was never "fine". It was severely overpowered. From its tempest days (when raids came out), ele has always been waaaaaay ahead in dps to other classes (fresh air builds/staff builds) . It is fine now

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Vinceman.4572 said:Either Malediktus is losing buyers - according to this forum (^^) or, on a more serious side he want's to push raids more into the niche in which they already are.

I have not sold a single raid encounter in my life time lol

If anything nerfing everything makes raid selling harder. Currently players are so powerful that anything can be low manned - even dhuum cm. It is time to nerf all classes to the point that 10 people are required - or buff the raid encounters by a large margin.

Wasn't meant too serious but I agree to the point having raid bosses requiring 10 people to play an important part on the boss fight. At least they should be required over the main time frame. For example I have nothing against the 7 marks on Dhuum during the last 10%.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:You know whats funny? Ele users kept complaining that necro was broken because of one skill (epidemic). Yet, the same people claim that ele is useless when Anet nerfs meteor shower. Isnt that ironic?

No. Context is different.

To elaborate a bit - necro was never fine. It was either underpowered or broken. Ele
fine, then it get nerfed to oblivion. It remains somewhat viable, but if it loses another significant chunk of its damage then it will be complete trash.

Nah, ele was never "fine". It was severely overpowered. From its tempest days (when raids came out), ele has always been waaaaaay ahead in dps to other classes (fresh air builds/staff builds) . It is fine now

It was overpowered when it did 48k on golem. Since then it has been fine-ish.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:You know whats funny? Ele users kept complaining that necro was broken because of one skill (epidemic). Yet, the same people claim that ele is useless when Anet nerfs meteor shower. Isnt that ironic?

No. Context is different.

To elaborate a bit - necro was never fine. It was either underpowered or broken. Ele
fine, then it get nerfed to oblivion. It remains somewhat viable, but if it loses another significant chunk of its damage then it will be complete trash.

Nah, ele was never "fine". It was severely overpowered. From its tempest days (when raids came out), ele has always been waaaaaay ahead in dps to other classes (fresh air builds/staff builds) . It is fine now

It was overpowered when it did 48k on golem. Since then it has been fine-ish.

Whats the current benchmark?

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So... Epi nerf was expected and deserved. Too much abuse potential. But dhuumfire nerf? Sounds like a PvP inspired nerf that also went over to PvE.... meh. The problem for condi necros now is that there was nothing buffed to compensate for that and now benchmarks show something like 28k which isn't acceptable.

Now we have DE with a very easy rotation going up to 38k.... Should be cut to 34k and then it would be ok.

Staff Ele large on 37k is completely fine. 33k on small is not. Lava font changes should be reversed and if the large hitbox damage goes up again too much then the meteor sprinkle style skills should be adjusted to make sure that ele on large doesn't go apeshit again with dps.

Looking at the numbers, I'm not sure what Anet wants to do with the classes. There is no clear dps range that Anet aims for. ( Like a range between 33k and 37k dps )

I am totally ok with Ele being top dps while Necro coming in at last place as long as the difference between both classes is reasonable, which right now, is not.

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@Walhalla.5473 said:So... Epi nerf was expected and deserved. Too much abuse potential. But dhuumfire nerf? Sounds like a PvP inspired nerf that also went over to PvE.... meh. The problem for condi necros now is that there was nothing buffed to compensate for that and now benchmarks show something like 28k which isn't acceptable.

Now we have DE with a very easy rotation going up to 38k.... Should be cut to 34k and then it would be ok.

Staff Ele large on 37k is completely fine. 33k on small is not. Lava font changes should be reversed and if the large hitbox damage goes up again too much then the meteor sprinkle style skills should be adjusted to make sure that ele on large doesn't go apeshit again with dps.

Looking at the numbers, I'm not sure what Anet wants to do with the classes. There is no clear dps range that Anet aims for. ( Like a range between 33k and 37k dps )

I am totally ok with Ele being top dps while Necro coming in at last place as long as the difference between both classes is reasonable, which right now, is not.

Why is 33k on small not fine? Is it because it's to much dps on a single target for an aoe dps build? I think scepter builds should be the elementalists top dps build on small target, but even so, 33k wouldn't be a bad dps target for such a build. After all 33k dps builds are already in the above average dps builds.

The issue of the necromancer is that anet expect him to rely on corrupting boons on it's foe and drawing condition from it's allies to send them to their foes to increase it's dps. This is not realistic in PvE, they even give more boon corruption to PvE skills, it's to the point that I wonder if they deliberately troll necromancer players.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:You know whats funny? Ele users kept complaining that necro was broken because of one skill (epidemic). Yet, the same people claim that ele is useless when Anet nerfs meteor shower. Isnt that ironic?

No. Context is different.

To elaborate a bit - necro was never fine. It was either underpowered or broken. Ele
fine, then it get nerfed to oblivion. It remains somewhat viable, but if it loses another significant chunk of its damage then it will be complete trash.

Nah, ele was never "fine". It was severely overpowered. From its tempest days (when raids came out), ele has always been waaaaaay ahead in dps to other classes (fresh air builds/staff builds) . It is fine now

It was overpowered when it did 48k on golem. Since then it has been fine-ish.

Whats the current benchmark?

38/33k huge/small. But take it with a grain of salt. Until we see the actual patch or get a confirmation by a dev, we don't know if MS fix will be applied to pvp modes only or will be uniform. The latter will push both benchmarks lower and likely result in weaver remaining usable only few bosses.

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:dam this thread is still going is epi still broken and need nerfs huehuehue or has it completely changed from the topic and talking about buffs to necro or nerfs to other classes now

Topic is still the same. Elementalist players being upset for one reason or another that they are not the undisputed top dps class in most/all scenarios.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:dam this thread is still going is epi still broken and need nerfs huehuehue or has it completely changed from the topic and talking about buffs to necro or nerfs to other classes now

Topic is still the same. Elementalist players being upset for one reason or another that they are not the undisputed top dps class in most/all scenarios.

haha I do main ele myself, but I've recently made a Deadeye :^)

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Xantaria.8726 said:Great idea, nerf even more others like just cause ones own class isnt in the line with the rest.... oh and if i recall correctly people are crying cause raids are to hard? Guess what, nerf everything and this will get even worse.

Instead of constantly demanding nerfing working builds, you should rather support the idea of reworking your class, giving it options to drop sustainabilities for more damageoutput, cause thats the only thing preventing necrobuilds from actual getting buffs. And not only necromancer, other builds as well. Many cry cause of the chrono for examble, yet we could have good alternatives like fb and renegade if they would finally start buffing those or at least give us the statcombi healpower, condidmg, condiduration boonduration. But noooo, better nerf again.

This is far from the truth, sorry. People have been constantly crying about epi nerf instead of asking for a buff of their class (mainly ele users). Necro players have been saying epi SHOULD get nerfed, with buffing of other dps skills. Necro is non existent in this meta, ele is still viable.

Reading this just made me laugh. How do you exactly know who is which kind of player? And did you really read every single post to this topic of every member in here?Get real. All sides have made valid points (and also invalid points) to why sth was op and sth not. The “truth“ is that there are idiots on both sides. This whole “evil eletistics are all against the poor poor necros“ is just a way for many to let out there frustration by shifting blame on others. It makes me wonder which players are actual toxic here. But hey, some just read what they want to :PThe fact is nobody besides maybe deadeye is looking better after the patch (and deadeye dps is just stupid right now).Oh and before you blame me being an ele main, dh and chrono main here.

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:It was overpowered when it did 48k on golem. Since then it has been fine-ish.It will be fine-ish once it's down to 29k like necro.

You mean "irrelevant".

Odd, that's not what people were saying about necro's.

Apparently they're fine and dandy at 29K but the moment it's an Ele it's irrelevant ?

29k ele would be trash. Complex rotation, very quick to lose damage potential. We'd be having hard times to outdps banner warriors, and when a dps spec compares in damage output with a support one, it is trash. We have exactly zero group support, too. Scourges can at least pretend to be useful by spamming barriers.

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@Feanor.2358 said:But at 29k, it would be trash.That's not however weaver-specific.

I mean, there are always a lot of reasons brought up why necro shouldn't have its dps buffed, and why ele shouldn't have its dps nerfed. And the end of the day, however, necro keeps its position at the bottom of the pack, and ele is, as always, the king of the big hitbox (and has a decent dps on small hibox as well). And the difference between them is still quite big. Way too big than it should be.

So, yeah, at the current meta, ele at 29k would be trash. But at 33k/38k it isn't. Not even close. And i'm 99% confident that even the incoming MS tweak won't make the build worse than 31-32k/35-36k.

@Feanor.2358 said:Scourges can at least pretend to be useful by spamming barriers.It's not worth the low dps. It's about as useful as heal tempest being the best healer spec in the game. And it still doesn't cover the case of reaper (that was meant to be a dps-focused spec) having even worse dps as both condi and power.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:But at 29k, it would be trash.That's not however weaver-specific.

But it is worse for weavers because of how ridiculously unreliable their dps is. See my post in this thread.

@Astralporing.1957 said:So, yeah, at the current meta, ele at 29k would be trash. But at 33k/38k it isn't. Not even close. And i'm 99% confident that even the incoming MS tweak won't make the build worse than 31-32k/35-36k.

I mean, it is already better to run thief. Want cleave? Just switch to DD and staff.

@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:Scourges can at least pretend to be useful by spamming barriers.It's not worth the low dps. It's about as useful as heal tempest being the best healer spec in the game. And it still doesn't cover the case of reaper (that was
to be a dps-focused spec) having even worse dps as both condi and power.

Hence the "pretend". The difference with tempest being, tempest will not deal any meaningful damage when healing while a scourge can pump out some barriers and still be a dps. A bad dps, sure, but a dps. I agree, it's not worth it. I also agree on reaper.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:But at 29k, it would be trash.That's not however weaver-specific.

But it is worse for weavers because of how ridiculously unreliable their dps is.See my post in
thread.Curiously how that never seemed to apply to engis, who had even more complex rotation and unreliable dps. Also, by your own post that you linked, DE daggers/DD staff should at least get some points for being strictly melee builds (and equally squishy as eles, btw).

You might have a stronger point if ele was single target melee spec. In that case rotation complexity would be the only meaningful difference, and in such a case ele indeed should end up on top. That's however not so.

@Astralporing.1957 said:So, yeah, at the current meta, ele at 29k would be trash. But at 33k/38k it
. Not even close. And i'm 99% confident that even the incoming MS tweak won't make the build worse than 31-32k/35-36k.

I mean, it is already better to run thief. Want cleave? Just switch to DD and staff.Staff DD isn't all that much higher than weaver, and is also full melee. No orb clearing on gorse on thieves, for example (lack of which might not be important for the top few percent raiders, but is going to kill an average group)

@Feanor.2358 said:Scourges can at least pretend to be useful by spamming barriers.It's not worth the low dps. It's about as useful as heal tempest being the best healer spec in the game. And it still doesn't cover the case of reaper (that was
to be a dps-focused spec) having even worse dps as both condi and power.

Hence the "pretend". The difference with tempest being, tempest will not deal any meaningful damage when healing while a scourge can pump out some barriers and still be a dps. A bad dps, sure, but a dps. I agree, it's not worth it. I also agree on reaper.That part i can agree. The point i meant however is, that both ele healing and scourge banners aren't important enough to take them for it. Scourges were being taken for epi dps, with barriers being no more than a nice bonus. And while i saw some tempest healers in some fights (on cairn and Matthias mostly, with some weaker groups), i have
seen a scourge being taken for barriers.
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