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pets used in PvP


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For general use, I tend to choose : Smokescale, E Wyvern (Even with 50% miss F2), Rock Gazelle (Even with 50% miss F2), Wolf.For damage oriented pet : Bristleback and Jacaranda.

You won't see much other kinds of pet, maybe the Owl and Bear for Soulbeast, but that's it.

LMAO and don't listen to Hoodie.

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@Shadelang.3012 said:Jacarranda, Smokescale, Gazelle, Electric Wyvern, and Snow Owl. I believe are the most used pets. Mostly because they can reliably do damage/stick to a target. Which you prefer depends entirely on what you expect from your pet.

This. Jarranda and smokescale especially. I've also found bristleback to be amazing when coupled with Sic 'Em! From my experience, two rangers with this pet and Sic 'Em! can pretty much kill any player within seconds if they fail to dodge.

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I use Smokescale and Electric Wyvern on my druid. The Lightning combo field on wyvern F2 is very nice for pumping out Swiftness at the split. If you get lucky you can also pull off an interrupt with it sometimes. The Wing Buffet the pet uses is also great sometimes. Opponents usually aren't paying attention to what your pet is doing. :lol: What I occasionally also use sometimes: Jacaranda, Rock Gazelle, Bristleback.

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Jaccaranda is fairly easy to evade but it comes with a built in immobilize to help with that. Its also one of hte most powerful terrain denial options we have. And its good for sectioning off a part of a point to give you some breathing room. Or a method of pressuring an area when you KNOW their is a stealthed POS waiting to shank you in the testicle. A thief shadowstepping forward and opening up only to get NAILED by lightning can be pretty nice. Its also very good downed pressure. Typically If I can pressure someone wtih both teh lightning and my gs mauls whoever is rezzing is gonna have to abandon the rez or die. Simply because of how long it can take to rez under that kind of damage with just one person. A full channel of lightnign can do anywhere from 11k to 20k+ damage depending on boons and buffs. The merged version of it is weaker but still decent. And a good option to those nodes that are just too hot to stand on.

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Smokescale has good/reliable damage and a knockdown, and on top of the smoke field F2 for leap/blast combos for stealth, it allows the Smokescale to ignore conditions as long as it in the field, which it will be if it is attacking somebody on a capture point. It's also arguably the best pet for Soulbeasts.

Jacaranda does good AoE damage on a low cooldown which can be setup by its F2 and has decent target tracking against moving targets otherwise. You're primarily fighting on points so the idea of AoE being an issue isn't really a problem in practice, and outside of that Jacaranda is pretty reliable even in a WvW roaming atmosphere. It's also a decent pet for Soulbeasts.

Bristleback is an alright alternative to Jacaranda but there is a lot of body blocking and projectile hate that its damage has to contend with. Not a great Soulbeast pet.

Gazelle is a viable alternative to any of the above, although mostly used for it's Soulbeast interaction.

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@weaponwh.9810 said:ok I mainly play core ranger right now. I can see smokescale been useful for its stealth when using sword/warhorn, but for GS, I should choose different pet?

If your smokescale is on someone and you f2, you can Gs3 into them giving you stealth.What other pet are you using? I like the classic bristleback/smokescale for the Core ranger build I run.It's basically one pet for stealth and close up melee-- and one for range.

Bristlebacks F2, like longbow 2, is channeled = it's great for stealthing classes, especially thieves.

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@weaponwh.9810 covering a maul. Covering a wordly impact. Covering a heal. Covering a CC. The smokefield also causes the pet to evade while tis fighting inside it. Making it immune to CC and debilitating condition application as well as just preventing it from dieing. Meaning it can go fully aggressive and get some solid damage in while its up without you needing to babysit it.

Never underestimate the power of being able to drop target for a couple seconds. Especially if you can do it and get some distance (GS 3 into smoke dodge out and then gazelle charge away for example)

Edit: also you dont have to have an enemy targeted when you swoop. If your pet is a distance away have it drop smoke where it is. Then swoop towards hte smoke. As long as the last part of the animation (the final leap) is in the smoke field you will get teh stealth. This often involves your enemies chasing you and hten losing your target. Which is frustrating and the distraction can often set up something for your team if you are clever. One of my favorite things to do is make myself a target then bail out. Every second they waste chasing you is one that your team has beating up an enemy.

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@weaponwh.9810 said:ok I mainly play core ranger right now. I can see smokescale been useful for its stealth when using sword/warhorn, but for GS, I should choose different pet?

No. Smokescale always rotate other pet;). Pet uses smoke assault to engage follows with a knock down and the radies of the smoke field is it's attack radius> @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@weaponwh.9810 said:ok I mainly play core ranger right now. I can see smokescale been useful for its stealth when using sword/warhorn, but for GS, I should choose different pet?

If your smokescale is on someone and you f2, you can Gs3 into them giving you stealth.What other pet are you using? I like the classic bristleback/smokescale for the Core ranger build I run.It's basically one pet for stealth and close up melee-- and one for range.

Bristlebacks F2, like longbow 2, is channeled = it's great for stealthing classes, especially thieves.

Juvenile Lashtail special also channelled and it's base attack can be a source of poison if one needs it. 900 range of attacks is a limiter but some builds need the kill help of poison application. I like to open with my ranged pet and switch to the smokescale can get in a poison knockback and KD if the procs favor you.

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which pets are BEST in use vs --------------- fast moving pvp targets with swiftness?i like a conception pet as a damage dealer but more what i read about pets makes me sceptical, but maybe not?i am interested with "overall" damage including pet autoattack, skills and f2.

how much % of our damage can do "best" our pvp pet in fight?

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Ill get right on that as soon as engies don't use any CC to set up their holo combo of death.

Lucky for you, I'm not a Holosmith. I'm a core engineer. Sure, core engineer is more complex, but I'd much rather fight my opponents with actual skill rather than that easy to play specialization. That and because Holosmith is the opposite of what the engineer has always been; the most difficult adventurer profession, if not the most difficult profession in general. Holosmith took the skill ceiling that core engineer and even Scrapper had and lowered it into the ground.

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