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Slower than everyone else?


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So I've been noticing something weird in wvw. Everyone seems to run way faster than me in a straight line despite having 40% speed on swiftness (I'm talking in combat here). Anyone else seeing this? Or maybe have an answer? Because this is getting absurd when skirmishing and I can't catch someone despite having the faster swiftness. Cheers~

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I have to admit that it happens to me in a disturbingly great amount of cases, that I have swiftness with the 40% Trait and enemy still runs away from me. Both in combat mode.It's rather frustrating and often makes me question what am I doing wrong or what Profession mechanics did I miss.

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@ZNICK.8537 said:When in WvW I am almost always 2nd in line next to the commander. It's odd, I've never noticed this.

I only notice it against enemies. When it comes to allies I do notice the slight increase. It's a really strange thing, and it seems to keep happening. Maybe it's a latency issue, but my ping is always 80 or below.

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