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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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@"circuitnerd.5863" said:I really don't know how you guys expect your customers to not feel alienated. I cannot see any other company functioning with these response times and not being reviewed by the BBB. No way would you wait a week or longer for customer support from Amazon, Blizzard, EA, UPS, etc. Also treating one player's case as less important is basically saying "Oh well, this person's value is less." Everyone should be expected to the same treatment regardless of issue. If man power is an issue you really need to hire more because as of right now it reflects badly on your company's image.

I've waited over a week with EA to get someone to even reply to my ticket on refunding a game I bought with the wrong debit card, so don't even start with me on EA. Blizzard is the same way if it has nothing to do with money they will happily let you wait half a decade for a reply.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" Hi, i pushed a support ticket one week ago, regarding not being able to access my account, due to lost authenticator. ticket was submitted without logging in. ticket ID : "6941598: lost authenticator". hope you can do something about this. because i would like to access my account from other devices. thanks.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@pkBond.3509 said:@"Gaile Gray.6029" Hi, i pushed a support ticket one week ago, regarding not being able to access my account, due to lost authenticator. ticket was submitted without logging in. ticket ID : "6941598: lost authenticator". hope you can do something about this. because i would like to access my account from other devices. thanks.


As I've explained, this thread is not intended as a means to request a ticket status update or review. We're happy to host a thread that allows players to discuss their situations, but we're not monitoring this thread with an eye to expediting or reviewing specific tickets. Thanks for understanding.

As far as asking for an update, CS has informed me that asking for an update doesn't really accomplish too much. Certainly it's preferable to ask about an update in an existing ticket, as compared to creating a new one to say "What about that other ticket?" But the time taken for a CS agent to respond with an update takes time away from actually resolving issues, which is our first priority. Asking for an update doesn't raise the ticket in the queue, but if you're concerned and have not heard in, say, two weeks -- the outside edge of resolutions, as we've said -- you're welcome to ask about the status of that ticket within that same ticket.

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:

@pkBond.3509 said:@Gaile Gray.6029 Hi, i pushed a support ticket one week ago, regarding not being able to access my account, due to lost authenticator. ticket was submitted without logging in. ticket ID : "6941598: lost authenticator". hope you can do something about this. because i would like to access my account from other devices. thanks.


As I've
, this thread is not intended as a means to request a ticket status update or review. We're happy to host a thread that allows players to discuss their situations, but we're not monitoring this thread with an eye to expediting or reviewing specific tickets. Thanks for understanding.

As far as asking for an update, CS has informed me that asking for an update doesn't really accomplish too much. Certainly it's preferable to ask about an update in an existing ticket, as compared to creating a new one to say "What about that other ticket?" But the time taken for a CS agent to respond with an update takes time away from actually resolving issues, which is our first priority. Asking for an update doesn't raise the ticket in the queue, but if you're concerned and have not heard in, say, two weeks -- the outside edge of resolutions, as we've said -- you're welcome to ask about the status of that ticket within that same ticket.

Good to know, guess I will wait another week or so since my issue is pretty minor.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Neutra.6857 said:

@pkBond.3509 said:@Gaile Gray.6029 Hi, i pushed a support ticket one week ago, regarding not being able to access my account, due to lost authenticator. ticket was submitted without logging in. ticket ID : "6941598: lost authenticator". hope you can do something about this. because i would like to access my account from other devices. thanks.


As I've
, this thread is not intended as a means to request a ticket status update or review. We're happy to host a thread that allows players to discuss their situations, but we're not monitoring this thread with an eye to expediting or reviewing specific tickets. Thanks for understanding.

As far as asking for an update, CS has informed me that asking for an update doesn't really accomplish too much. Certainly it's preferable to ask about an update in an existing ticket, as compared to creating a new one to say "What about that other ticket?" But the time taken for a CS agent to respond with an update takes time away from actually resolving issues, which is our first priority. Asking for an update doesn't raise the ticket in the queue, but if you're concerned and have not heard in, say, two weeks -- the outside edge of resolutions, as we've said -- you're welcome to ask about the status of that ticket within that same ticket.

Good to know, guess I will wait another week or so since my issue is pretty minor.

Thank you very much for being so understanding!

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:

@pkBond.3509 said:@Gaile Gray.6029 Hi, i pushed a support ticket one week ago, regarding not being able to access my account, due to lost authenticator. ticket was submitted without logging in. ticket ID : "6941598: lost authenticator". hope you can do something about this. because i would like to access my account from other devices. thanks.


As I've
, this thread is not intended as a means to request a ticket status update or review. We're happy to host a thread that allows players to discuss their situations, but we're not monitoring this thread with an eye to expediting or reviewing specific tickets. Thanks for understanding.

As far as asking for an update, CS has informed me that asking for an update doesn't really accomplish too much. Certainly it's preferable to ask about an update in an existing ticket, as compared to creating a new one to say "What about that other ticket?" But the time taken for a CS agent to respond with an update takes time away from actually resolving issues, which is our first priority. Asking for an update doesn't raise the ticket in the queue, but if you're concerned and have not heard in, say, two weeks -- the outside edge of resolutions, as we've said -- you're welcome to ask about the status of that ticket within that same ticket.

Good to know, guess I will wait another week or so since my issue is pretty minor.

Thank you very much for being so understanding!

Remember all: Gayle has told us in other posts that they are working on training up more CS people to help deal with the load, so it's going to get better as they start coming out of training, and online. Though where they found all those Skritt I will never know...

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I have opened this discussion hoping one of the members of support team comes across it. I am trying to recover my old GW2 account. Unfortunately the recovery steps requires me to enter the serial code of my physical purchase of GW2, which I have lost. I have submitted two tickets no. 6953985 and 6947706. It's been 5 days and still haven't gotten a response. The excitement of coming back to GW2 is wearing off... I am starting to regret making a second purchase of the game... I hope someone at techsupport takes this matter seriously and responds to this matter as soon as possible.

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14 days waiting for a response, i know my problem is not an autenthification problem, but i got a duplicated gift that is using 5 spaces in my inventory, i mean its really annoying, its either a refund or a delete those items b/c we wont refund them, i think taking 14 days to answer that is far too much... at least they could reply with a "we will come back to your ticket in X days" instead of making me hope everyday, just to be disapointed on gw2 support that used to be pretty good... i was going to buy a package with perma tools and stuff, after waiting 14 days for support i dont feel like putting more money into gw2, i do believe the game deserves the money its getting but support is in a really bad shape right now and they need to do something about it...

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I wanted to offer some constructive criticism. I submitted a ticket on the 7th (one week ago) and bumped it twice, simply based on what I'm familiar with from ticket response times of other games (BDO, AA, etc). While I don't expect answers within 7 days necessarily, generally I'm used to an update in my ticket to let me know it's being processed, giving me a general eta when a team is under high load. So far I've received nothing but the automated email from when I originally submitted the ticket. More over, because of the way this Zendesk instance is set up I cannot see if the ticket is even owned by someone (which would give me some self assurance that it is in someones queue of things to do). I feel like my ticket is basically left in a queue and, having worked in support before, I understand that things can be lost in the pipe.

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Edit does work, try moving your cursor around.Logging into the Support website does work, else every post about tickets would mention it. Try another browser, try turning off ad-blockers/add-ons, or if you've ever changed your Account Name, you'll have to work with the CS Team to get logging in fixed.Pretty sure Gaile responded to the issue.

Good luck.

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It is really astonishing that such a poor level of tech support persists (or even exists in the first place) after how many months?!?! Arenanet should realize that the effect could be a monetary loss for some of its customers. In my instance, I cant even request for a refund of my purchase now... I paid USD 150.99 for the ultimate package that includes 4k of in game gems, which I have unfortunately spent... Upon spending those gems, I have forfeited my right for a refund... This could have been avoided if their tech support level was upto industry standard and a response was recieved prior to me spending those gems... #fixitnow

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@Linken.6345 said:How did you spend gems if you cant get into your account?

I hastly created a new account to join my friends after being unable to recovery my old account (had it since 2012). However, upon playing the game again, I realized that it will be tedious and cumbersome to replay the old contents of the game and recollect the sets of gear/dye I had on my previous account. Realizing that, I went and submitted a ticket initially trying (very optimistically and hopefully) to retrieve my old account and merge it with my new account. Little by little, reality started creeping in and felt that maybe my request of account merger was unattainable. So I submitted another ticket from my old account trying to simply just recovery the account.. and here we are...6 days later...

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How does the support influence your ability (or inability) to make sensible purchases? You bought the ultimate edition just to play with your friends idk free to play could have done the same

And complaining about the poor customer supports.. man it just makes me angry to see that. Not like they can help it Not like people make it so much worse all the time at a rate faster than they could get new hires to work against it etc.

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@Blocki.4931 said:How does the support influence your ability (or inability) to make sensible purchases? You bought the ultimate edition just to play with your friends idk free to play could have done the same

And complaining about the poor customer supports.. man it just makes me angry to see that. Not like they can help it Not like people make it so much worse all the time at a rate faster than they could get new hires to work against it etc.

let's make things clear shall we... I am not blaming tech support for my purchase decision nor the type of purchase... My issue is with well-established service providers that are unable to keep up to the demands of their customers... Most of these situations are avoidable... My situation is avoidable if they were able to respond to my ticket in a reasonable time. It would have at least given me the option of using the refund to upgrade my account. FYI, in moments such as these you are able to gauge the level of customer service.

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Not sure how a delay in recovering your old account, and there's no guarantee that would have been accomplished quickly even if the CS Team had responded the same day (if the account has been compromised or such) forced you to spend 4000 Gems. If you knew you wanted a refund, no matter how long it takes, why spend the Gems, effectively canceling any possibility of refund?

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