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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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I was planning on coming back after 2 years. as i booted up the game i had an issue that needed to be adressed by a GM. Sent in a ticket a few days ago but after reading all this stuff it made me realise its probably going to take +-3 weeks. I'm not even going to bother anymore tbh.

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Submitted a ticket for a very irritating crafting bug about a month ago (#6987116) preventing me from working on the Viper's set I needed for my ranger, still no response - and now have a new bug to submit after an item dropped but never updated in my Ydalir collection (#7029414). Updated both with screenshots but idk if it'll do anything. These are the first really progression breaking bugs I've ever had in my entire GW2 experience (playing since launch).

I've followed all the advice so far, keeping it to single tickets - though now I've got two different tickets open it's getting a bit frustrating. Hope they get those new hires up to speed soon :/

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@"Kerynean.3624" said:Submitted a ticket for a very irritating crafting bug about a month ago (#6987116) preventing me from working on the Viper's set I needed for my ranger, still no response - and now have a new bug to submit after an item dropped but never updated in my Ydalir collection (#7029414). Updated both with screenshots but idk if it'll do anything. These are the first really progression breaking bugs I've ever had in my entire GW2 experience (playing since launch).

On the topic of your Ydalir issue: what item is it? Have you tried right-clicking on it and choosing the "Add to collection" or "Unlock" option, if there is one? Sometimes you have to do that for certain collection items.

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I accidentally deleted my alt with gem store gathering tool in it which i forgot to remove before deleting it, i realize when i made a new character with same name as my alt that i deleted that my gem store gathering tool were still there and got deleted. I wrote the ticket and explained what happen.. what worries me is i have the same character name as the alt i deleted, can they handle it or i have to delete my new character as well so they can restore it ? i just need the gem store gathering tool from my alt that i deleted. i'm worried because if they asked me to delete the character i want to play right now, i don't wanna redo all over again :anguished: since i still got no answer from CS i made this thread.. anyone know how long does it takes for them to review the ticket and answer it ? i'm really worried :'(

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Greetings everyoneas someone who just got a problem about sms verification code and submitted a ticket, i actually have a good Customer Service support from the teamIt takes less than 12 hours for the team to respond and about 20 mins for the support team to fix the problemi submitted 2 ticket where the first ticket using my alt account (which i actually closed) & an annon ticket using my core emaili updated the ticket once and about 10 hours i got the responsi'm kinda late on responding back but the team responding back at once.

my theory is that what makes it longer than what we expected might be because some people miss to respond at once and the team have to wait a while for the player that submit the ticket to respond back.but that's my experience on the CS team, glad i dont have to wait 1 week or 1 month

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@Secret.5127 said:Greetings everyoneas someone who just got a problem about sms verification code and submitted a ticket, i actually have a good Customer Service support from the teamIt takes less than 12 hours for the team to respond and about 20 mins for the support team to fix the problemi submitted 2 ticket where the first ticket using my alt account (which i actually closed) & an annon ticket using my core emaili updated the ticket once and about 10 hours i got the responsi'm kinda late on responding back but the team responding back at once.

my theory is that what makes it longer than what we expected might be because some people miss to respond at once and the team have to wait a while for the player that submit the ticket to respond back.but that's my experience on the CS team, glad i dont have to wait 1 week or 1 month

It has been 18 days since I submitted my ticket, I've checked it daily but still no response^^I've given all the information needed and I didn't open several tickets as I know it'll just make the waiting time longer.I'm glad for you that you didn't have to wait 2+ weeks.

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@jbrother.1340 said:

@Rottie.8596 said:Month and 8 days of waiting for any answer. Great, ArenaNet!

I wish I could make the users I support at work wait this long sometimes just because of their pushy attitudes but 5-6 weeks is not acceptable for any company.

Even comcast has better service than this and I consider them dead last in the US.

LOL sad part is I'm wondering if ppl waiting a month or more if they have even looked at the ticket yet. Reminds me of this one mmo on their 6th anniversary they asked me if I still had a problem that occured during the launch they never touched.

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@Klypto.1703 said:

@"Rottie.8596" said:Month and 8 days of waiting for any answer. Great, ArenaNet!

I wish I could make the users I support at work wait this long sometimes just because of their pushy attitudes but 5-6 weeks is not acceptable for any company.

Even comcast has better service than this and I consider them dead last in the US.

LOL sad part is I'm wondering if ppl waiting a month or more if they have even looked at the ticket yet. Reminds me of this one mmo on their 6th anniversary they asked me if I still had a problem that occured during the launch they never touched.

We do have a help desk that routes stuff initially and assigns a status to tickets 2-5. 2 being high priority drop everything and go, 5 being best effort might never get done we don't have a time frame outside of sometime someplace.

Seems like lately because of a lack of staff all they run are "5s".

My team would get replaced if we moved this slowly.

No one in the last years of me on this team survived giving this level of support and were fired or moved to other teams they could handle.

this is a game company though and where I work is life and death. In the long run it is only sensibility and money here being affected and while it seems like life or death it really isn't. that is not an excuse though. They hopefully work hard to close this gap in their support model

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@jbrother.1340 said:

@"Rottie.8596" said:Month and 8 days of waiting for any answer. Great, ArenaNet!

I wish I could make the users I support at work wait this long sometimes just because of their pushy attitudes but 5-6 weeks is not acceptable for any company.

Even comcast has better service than this and I consider them dead last in the US.

LOL sad part is I'm wondering if ppl waiting a month or more if they have even looked at the ticket yet. Reminds me of this one mmo on their 6th anniversary they asked me if I still had a problem that occured during the launch they never touched.

We do have a help desk that routes stuff initially and assigns a status to tickets 2-5. 2 being high priority drop everything and go, 5 being best effort might never get done we don't have a time frame outside of sometime someplace.

Seems like lately because of a lack of staff all they run are "5s".

My team would get replaced if we moved this slowly.

No one in the last years of me on this team survived giving this level of support and were fired or moved to other teams they could handle.

this is a game company though and where I work is life and death. In the long run it is only sensibility and money here being affected and while it seems like life or death it really isn't. that is not an excuse though. They hopefully work hard to close this gap in their support model

Yeah I used to do customer service for a natural gas company had some issues that were life and death but even those that weren't majority of things were fixed immediately or if reasonable mostly within one or two days depending on volume of work loads. A lot of the problems I've read here you knew to just not to show up for work if you let issues go unresolved for more than three business days at the most.

Edit: I am wondering if Anet has ever considered using remote customer service to get experienced customer service specialists lol.

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@Klypto.1703 said:

@"Rottie.8596" said:Month and 8 days of waiting for any answer. Great, ArenaNet!

I wish I could make the users I support at work wait this long sometimes just because of their pushy attitudes but 5-6 weeks is not acceptable for any company.

Even comcast has better service than this and I consider them dead last in the US.

LOL sad part is I'm wondering if ppl waiting a month or more if they have even looked at the ticket yet. Reminds me of this one mmo on their 6th anniversary they asked me if I still had a problem that occured during the launch they never touched.

We do have a help desk that routes stuff initially and assigns a status to tickets 2-5. 2 being high priority drop everything and go, 5 being best effort might never get done we don't have a time frame outside of sometime someplace.

Seems like lately because of a lack of staff all they run are "5s".

My team would get replaced if we moved this slowly.

No one in the last years of me on this team survived giving this level of support and were fired or moved to other teams they could handle.

this is a game company though and where I work is life and death. In the long run it is only sensibility and money here being affected and while it seems like life or death it really isn't. that is not an excuse though. They hopefully work hard to close this gap in their support model

Yeah I used to do customer service for a natural gas company had some issues that were life and death but even those that weren't majority of things were fixed immediately or if reasonable mostly within one or two days depending on volume of work loads. A lot of the problems I've read here you knew to just not to show up for work if you let issues go unresolved for more than three business days at the most.

Edit: I am wondering if Anet has ever considered using remote customer service to get experienced customer service specialists lol.

I think a lot of it is just a difference in support model.

we have phone, text, and email support 24/7 365. We have no choice. people live and die based on what happens with some of these issues. It doesn't happen often but I know of at least one instance that someone did die even when we responded fast enough. That is just life.

I think two things here are important to consider. The CSR's here are not in control and cannot force their bosses to hire more people even if the support is horrible and this seems pretty horrible. Their overlords have to balance what they want to spend against how much they think they will loose if they don't spend more on support. If they won't loose more than they can handle they simply won't spend to increase throughput on their customer service end.

second thing is this is an item of luxury and no matter how much I don't like it and think they should and can certainly do better no one dies here over botting reports and locked out accounts.

I say give them and inch and just a little slack no matter what I have already said. I was overly critical possibly.

Anet really should be working harder though to close the gap in their customer service model over the next year. No one reasonable expect instant action but at this point anytime anything happens support times jumps from day to days and then to weeks and weeks. They should examine why that is and have a work around for those few times a year that it goes out of control. That is why we have 24/7 support both at a help desk and on local teams at all of our sites. Without that people die. All they need is a back up plan for when it all goes wrong. Right now they don't seem to have one. I guess giving them some time to sort that out would be kind. If they don't soon though all they will do is lose customers and thankfully not lives.


Maybe a little double overtime is needed. Maybe keep some contractors close that you can call in when you are in a bind or need overflow support. There are a lot of options for support you just need to try something. Hiring may not be viable based on your income ratios but contractors cost a lot less and can save you a lot over lost customers and wasted salaries. Just a thought and only one of many possible.

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I made a ticket for a MTX Refund, due to not liking a product I bought with Gems.

So far since 9 days ago, I haven't heard a word from the service team.

No further emails, no comment saying to wait for an extended time, no mention if there is a technical problem; nothing.

Is there a reason as to why this strange silence is taking place? Hasn't happened to me before. They are usually quick.

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