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If you enjoyed the old days of roaming in WvW, this is something you'd definitely want.

Yes, it seems cliche with other games trying (late) to get on the hype train, but I think it's a pretty good idea when it comes to GW2.

I know about Southsun Survival, but that is nowhere close to what I'm suggesting.

This has more to do with the lack of "wilderness" / Open world PvP than trying to copy an idea: no, this does not include WvW. World vs World is composed of 3 largely permanent factions fighting each other where zerg size matters and avoiding fights is viable.

GW2, or any popular MMO right now, does not really have a good open world PvP system and even if other games have it there are always issues with gear balance. GW2 suffers very little from the issues of gear balance, even more so when it comes to sPvP builds where you don't even need gear (just pick an amulet and your set!).I think this is something that a huge part of the PvP community would enjoy, while also drawing in many new players because there is literally no RPG-Battle Royale, period, and I think GW2 is perfect for such a mode given how everything about this game works.

Some other details:

  • Entered through the sPvP lobby, using the sPvP system of skills and gear. This is done to not split up the community while also not requiring any grinding or gear preparation in advance.
  • Basic battle royale features (area closing in, last group standing wins, etc).
  • TWENTY groups of up to 5 players in a single party.
  • You would have to option of being able to queue as a pre-made (1-5 people, yes you can solo queue but you may encounter others in a group of 5)
  • Or Matchmake (join up with others that want to fill up empty slots)

Basic Rules:

  • There is a maximum of 20 groups. There are 20 pre-chosen spawn locations (that ArenaNet would have placed) around the border of the map. This means it is possible to have a match of up to 100 players, or a minimum of 20 players if all slots are filled. As a player, you and whoever is in your group will spawn in one of these locations together at the start.
  • Last group surviving wins. Everyone else can eat a bag of soiled rags.
  • All player names are censored: everyone is simply "Enemy [insert Profession]" when encountering enemy players.
  • NO NPC mobs. At all. Only player attacks should cause any kind of damage outside of the battle royale mechanic.
  • Like traditional battle royale maps, there is the play-zone. Being outside of the play-zone damages you over time, but in GW2 you cannot receive healing and you will be permanently revealed to avoid using it as a refuge for stealthy characters.
  • At the very end, when the center is too small, a capture point spawns. This is to prevent a stalemate, and naturally, if your the last team alive, the point is all yours.
  • There is a point system (sPvP already has this). This is mostly for rewards: this is to discourage running around or AFKing not doing anything. The whole point is to fight. Downing players give points, defeating players give even more points. Winning the game (last group standing) multiplies your points and gives you a loot box These points could be converted into custom currency that is used to purchase rewards (loot boxes, skins, whatever).
  • This means players who defeat a large amount of players but lose in the end still get many points, while a group that avoided many fights and secures the win at the end will actually end up with less rewards (but still won, so the speak).
  • If the capture point is spawned, healing received is reduced by 1% every second, up to 100%. Eventually, someone will die. The game ends immediately when there is only 1 last group standing.

No special stuff, no nonsense items or mechanics. The only mechanic in place is to actually have the game end on a good note.

Essentially 5 Hrs of WvW roaming packed into 10-20 minutes.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How would you combat perma stealth comps?

Getting kills is more important than winning. Winning and getting many kills is more important than avoiding everything. It says in my post.

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:MOBA attempt went so well with stronghold, so the BR mode in GW2 will be double glorious!

Because that was not even nearly close to a MOBA and poorly designed, both in how the mechanics worked and the level design. Unlike Stronghold, this battle royale mode is based off of what already exists in GW2, which is roaming in GW2. This is closer to WvW with no large teams, but many small teams competing to balance kill power and survivalability which is basically general PvP, while also using sPvP's balancing and skill differences.

@FyzE.3472 said:Let the best 5 mesmer team win!

If sPvP or WvW was that imbalanced, why doesn't everybody do it right now? That wouldn't be an issue of the game mode but how ArenaNet has balanced their game.

I've always had problems with GW2 forums and their forum-goers in the past, which is why I stopped posting anything here. Quick to rejection for most things except stuff like cosmetics and superficial luxuries, while many others respond without even reading the entire post to make points that I already covered, and some people even post completely wrong information that I would have to actually go in game to disprove. I've had better discussions in F2P MMORPG forums that at least attempted to entertain an idea than here which seems to prefer conservatism (non-political). People don't need to like my idea, and I do know with the recent Battle Royale craze having it in GW2 is very band-wagon, non-hipster, and uncreative, but in actuality we know several things: one, all other game modes involving PvP, especially sPvP, are stale and lacking players, so we know that kind of thing isn't going to be revived anytime soon, two, GW2 has the perfect infrastructure, mechanics, and systems in place for an open world PvP arena, three, a lot of people who no longer play this game for PvP left because fighting in giant blobs are not appealing and roaming in WvW is very limited nowadays, four, an MMORPG with good open world PvP with balanced gear does not exist right now, and judging from the market for the next year or two, if GW2 can make it even somewhat decent you'd see a huge player explosion just because of it. I think a large portion of the community here doesn't like it, because the ones that do either don't play the game, no longer player the game, or are losing interest in the game to even bother investing time into the community. There isn't much to fix in GW2 where a huge influx can happen because of it (keep an eye on WvW), there is much room for growth, but it seems like the game does not want to grow.

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I actually like this idea a lot. I think it would be very popular and a fun way to spend time with friends. It's much less restrictive than ranked matches and the rewards would still give a good incentive for players to play it.

I totally support this, however its up to Anet to actually make it happen.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How would you combat perma stealth comps?

Stealth in this game has hardly any drawbacks. Yes, it does not last long in a thick of battle, yet the application of said boon is very frequent to some classes which gives more of an edge than they should be allowed to have. There could be a drawback of sorts, perhaps a self reveal debuff for just as long as stealth was applied. For example: 5 seconds of stealth result in 5 seconds of revealed status. And a stealth cap should exist as well, so that no more than, let's say, 10 seconds of stealth can be applied between revealed status. This has to come with a sensible trade-off , of course, like thief's survivability (same with mesmer). But I would rather have a thief who can take a punch and survive it, rather than convenient disengagement tools in any given moment when something goes wrong.It all comes down to more punishing mistakes, and fewer ways to escape on demand. This would certainly raised the skill cap required to play something without reaching ridiculous levels of one man army at some point. However, stealth and its bad implementation in this game is its own issue. The most bleeding one is overtuned access to mobility.

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Also, perhaps having multiple control points around the map to increase your score (because its based on kills to get points for rewards, so AFKing and "winning" gets you basically nothing if it happened) could be something as well: it's why ArenaNet probably designed sPvP to be based on capture points.

@Rodzynald.5897 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:How would you combat perma stealth comps?

Stealth in this game has hardly any drawbacks. Yes, it does not last long in a thick of battle, yet the application of said boon is very frequent to some classes which gives more of an edge than they should be allowed to have. There could be a drawback of sorts, perhaps a self reveal debuff for just as long as stealth was applied. For example: 5 seconds of stealth result in 5 seconds of revealed status. And a stealth cap should exist as well, so that no more than, let's say, 10 seconds of stealth can be applied between revealed status. This has to come with a sensible trade-off , of course, like thief's survivability (same with mesmer). But I would rather have a thief who can take a punch and survive it, rather than convenient disengagement tools in any given moment when something goes wrong.It all comes down to more punishing mistakes, and fewer ways to escape on demand. This would certainly raised the skill cap required to play something without reaching ridiculous levels of one man army at some point. However, stealth and its bad implementation in this game is its own issue. The most bleeding one is overtuned access to mobility.

Maybe CCing someone who is already in stealth should remove stealth. Not apply revealed, just remove stealth. CC is something every class has access to, its dodge-able, it doesn't actively ruin stealth-based classes, and most classes have AoE CCs. Also, these same CC abilities tend to not be on short CDs. Changing how stealth works right now would probably break a lot of things.

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Hmm very septic, don't want this game to turn into Fortnite or Pubg, we already have SouthSun Cove survival / Mad king Labyrinth aka "Lunatic Inquisition" which are great minigames by the way they make you survive in teams or alone. So I will not say that is kitten but I'm more "meh" Don't approve but don't really reject it either. Have to be implemented in a good way and catch the interest of players.

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@WEXXES.2378 said:GW2, or any popular MMO right now, does not really have a good open world PvP system and even if other games have it there are always issues with gear balance.

And in GW2 as soon as you do anything other than conquest for PvP you have massive issues with balance, just look at WvW over the game.

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@WEXXES.2378 said:Maybe CCing someone who is already in stealth should remove stealth. Not apply revealed, just remove stealth. CC is something every class has access to, its dodge-able, it doesn't actively ruin stealth-based classes, and most classes have AoE CCs. Also, these same CC abilities tend to not be on short CDs. Changing how stealth works right now would probably break a lot of things.

And this is what I am afraid of. The core mistakes are rooted too deeply and covered with coding that is hard to understand for developers so it has to stay that way. However, breaking stealth upon crowd control is not too bad. I though about breaking it upon receiving damage, but that would make stealth useless as everyone would carry AoE attacks with them to break it as soon as someone get the boon. CC is sensible I believe.

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BRs thrive on having big random "deck-building" factors and if I were to see such game mode being a thing, I would take advantage of some serious buildcrafting elements GW2 has.

Starting out with bland character of any race, then finding your class, specializations, traits, weapons, utilities and equipment just like you find guns in Battle Royales. Then trying to assemble reasonable build out of parts you find. Could be fun.

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@hugo.4705 said:Hmm very septic, don't want this game to turn into Fortnite or Pubg,

Hugely sucessful and popular?

I'm not saying that this would work, but those games have a huge following, and implementing a BR game mode in one desert or alpine map should be fast and cheap. And if fails they can just shut down as did with the backyard map and some other game modes.

Edit: also, ANet rented two stands for the incoming (barely a month) E2, so they would show some kind of news. GW2 to consoles? A new expansion? A new game in their portfolio?

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@"Rym.1469" said:BRs thrive on having big random "deck-building" factors and if I were to see such game mode being a thing, I would take advantage of some serious buildcrafting elements GW2 has.

Starting out with bland character of any race, then finding your class, specializations, traits, weapons, utilities and equipment just like you find guns in Battle Royales. Then trying to assemble reasonable build out of parts you find. Could be fun.

This. I like this idea!

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@"Rym.1469" said:BRs thrive on having big random "deck-building" factors and if I were to see such game mode being a thing, I would take advantage of some serious buildcrafting elements GW2 has.

Starting out with bland character of any race, then finding your class, specializations, traits, weapons, utilities and equipment just like you find guns in Battle Royales. Then trying to assemble reasonable build out of parts you find. Could be fun.

It could bring fun theme of waking up/falling down into the mist with amnesia.

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  • 2 weeks later...
@Rym.1469 said:BRs thrive on having big random "deck-building" factors and if I were to see such game mode being a thing, I would take advantage of some serious buildcrafting elements GW2 has.Starting out with bland character of any race, then finding your class, specializations, traits, weapons, utilities and equipment just like you find guns in Battle Royales. Then trying to assemble reasonable build out of parts you find. Could be fun.

Woah, this could be really cool!

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