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Too much dismounting and remounting

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I would at least like to see that gathering nodes does not auto dismount.With most tonic transformations u can also gather, u get to see a small progress bar instead of gathering animation.When attacked while gathering u also get that small progress bar instead.

I now skip plenty of nodes cos i dont wanna (auto) dismount

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All I want for christmas is being able to change mounts when mounted - skill 1 is used for dismounting with a vengeance, but skills 2 to 5 are free and could be used to switch between mounts when riding. Or even keys 6 to 9. They can do the same ol' dismount/remount animations as they do now, just with fewer clicks.

Also, I wish dismounting didn't throw you slightly forward. There's that.

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@mXz.4512 said:Dismounting on pillars and close to ledges is frustrating as well, most times it'll let you slip off/ throw you over. I hope this isn't intended, if it is... then I'm very disappointed. Smh.

well... dismounting on pillars and close to ledges should't be a regular thing to do, otherwise why would you do that?

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@Pax.3548 said:

@mXz.4512 said:Dismounting on pillars and close to ledges is frustrating as well, most times it'll let you slip off/ throw you over. I hope this isn't intended, if it is... then I'm very disappointed. Smh.

well... dismounting on pillars and close to ledges should't be a regular thing to do, otherwise why would you do that?

There happens to be a dungeon ruin in one of the northern maps with a lot of ice imps and pillars every 10ft apart, its pretty much a scavenger hunt for wep parts and they also happen to be up top of some of the pillars. And if you're squishy against ice imps, that's pretty much the case. A lot of dismounting and falling into mobs of imps, that have a 10-15min respawn it seems.

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There is a reason WoW started disabling mounts around critical quest related npcs — a lot of people, intentional or not are utterly obnoxious with their mounts. It's a nightmare to interact with npcs/banks/repair etc., if 234583046584320 people are standing on top of it mounted despite the interact key considering it's propensity to target elsewhere when there are multiple interact objects in the immediate vicinity. It's only logical to dismount and remount and personally I find it's really not that much of a hassle, if anything I'm gathering nodes significantly faster per hour now. I hope the people with motion sickness can find a solution though!

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One problem I found is that when traveling with one mount and need to switch mount, u use the keybind, it makes u dismount first and then theres a small delay/mount icon refresh in between, and mount up animation. Too often i got into combat cos of that tiny frame. I would like to suggest that if u are on one mount, pressing hotkey of another mount only cast the mount up animation and no delay.

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My thoughts on the on and off and on and off... Interacting with npcs , specifically in busy places, it causes it to not be a sea of huge mounts. The bank is bad enough without them, if people could stay mounted all the time, it would be pretty messy. It's probably hard to code for only specific times, I don't really know, but I have to think that any sort of interaction forces it because it can't be cherry picked (for now).. I was sooo hoping I'd be able to hit my beloved nodes while mounted, but as I've seen stated here by others, now it's just too inconvenient to hit one on the fly like I've grown used to doing

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@Wild Sister.7529 said:

@Manasa Devi.7958 said:If you want to talk to an NPC, chances are there's a few people in the neighbourhood that also want to talk to that NPC. Who wants big, kitten clusters of mounts obscuring everything? Not me!

EXACTLY!! I think it is not done well enough. There should be a circle around it so you don't see them unmount or mount again at all.

Besides that the whole idea of the mounts is to use them for example the raptor for big leaps and long distances right? Or that rabbit for higher grounds. USE them for that and walk in towns or cities etc. Worked fine in the past 5 years.

This could easily be solved by zones, like cities, where mounts dont work. The gist of this guys post is valid. There are 5 mounts, each one performs differently to tackle certain terrain, so when you encounter various terrain in a short span or want to speak to several npcs in a short span, the mount swapping definitely does not provide a smooth or fluid experience.

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Too much problem gathering anything in PoF maps. I'm afraid to dismount to gather because those sand eels on the other side of the canyon or those harpies way up on that mountain will aggro on me and I can't remount. Aggro range is a real problem. Our survival more often than not relies on being on a mount that can get us away.

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@Nikal.4921 said:Too much problem gathering anything in PoF maps. I'm afraid to dismount to gather because those sand eels on the other side of the canyon or those harpies way up on that mountain will aggro on me and I can't remount. Aggro range is a real problem. Our survival more often than not relies on being on a mount that can get us away.

Iol. I have not used the mounts other than in the story where you had to use the raptor. Have explored the maps without any of the mounts. Got aggro yes but just walk on or kill it. Mostly dodge and ran away.

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While I see both sides of the argument and agree with both sides, I don't care that much. What I DO care about is that I dismount when talking to people. That's just silly. Why can't I talk to someone while mounted? I mean, they're right there. Can't they hear me? It's not like I'm trying to gather stuff from way up high. That makes sense. Gotta get down, get out my sickle, cut away the plant. But just talking? Never understood that. This isn't the first game that does this dismount when talking thing either. Always hated it.

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I even passed a rich orichalcum node on the Skimmer because stopping, dismounting and farming is not worth it. On old maps, you could just run all across and harvest nodes because the maps are relatively small. In the new maps, you would need a very long time to farm nodes without mount, so the argument that you could just not mount is moot at this point. Nodes are rare and far away from each other now. I basically stopped farming at all, while on the old maps, I stopped for every node. Even useless materials farming gives me Unbound Magic, so it was always a win.

The main issue for me is not even dismounting and mounting, but the high probability that you cannot just mount again and be on your way because you get aggro by some trash mobs. It's not a positive experience when you always hesitate to dismount for anything because you might just be stuck at that place. Harvesting a node often means you have to kill a bunch of mobs, and that makes it a less worthwhile activity. It's funny because the "PoF Starter Package" comes with a set of infinite gathering tools.

I am curious what the reasons where to dismiss more agile and dynamic ways of switching mounts. Why can I not hold a key and scroll through mounts and release the key at the mount I want to use? And why can I not do it on the fly and while some mob aggroes me without me engaging? I want to play fluently, I want to run to a rock with my Jackal and while running, I want to switch to the bunny to jump up, and then, with another scroll of my mouse, I want to mount my Skimmer. Why would some Choya that's minding its own business at 2000 range bother me at all? I'm not a game designer, so maybe someone help me out, maybe even someone from ArenaNet who was involved in the project? Why can I not switch mounts while aggroed, or mount at all? Would this break the game? If so, how? I cannot fight mounted, so even a weapon swap is more powerful.

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@EdgarMTanaka.7291 said:I personally dislike in other games where everybody is mounted and does everything. I like that you dismount for interacting, it's not that it takes a long time to mount up again. When I saw the "no raptor sign" in Amnoon I hoped that you would be forced to dismount, got a little disappointed there.

The whole reason why dismount-on-interact is a thing is because, in other games, you'd find vendors and other important NPCs crowded by these huge mounts. There was wave after wave of dissent about this kind of thing in the old-forum mount threads, so the devs likely had that feedback in mind.

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I understand the OP's frustration, but I do not agree.

People have already complained about "can't find the NPC" or "can't see the node" when there are a lot of people standing around. LA on a busy day makes it kitten annoying for people with slower computers or colorblindness. Why would you want to make it worse by adding large beasts? I absolutely LOVE that we have to dismount for interactions with "stuff." Many of us remember (insert other Asian-style MMO) where you have 3,792,765 terrestrial mounts and aerial behemouths in the way when you're trying to interact with a merchant or anything else. The fact that GW2 makes you dismount is one of the things I hope they never change for that very reason.

As far as dismounting when going from raptor to springer to skimmer to whatever, a couple of extra button pushes will not ruin your game. Oh, by the way, you can't ride in combat, so switching mounts in that cirumstance isn't even an issue...

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I add my vote for dismounting in cities, not dismounting outside. (Which basically boils down to dismounting to talk to NPCs, etc, but not to harvest nodes.) Avoid people clustered around NPCs, hiding the target, but also avoid having to fight over every single node you harvest.

At a minimum, if you have to dismount for everything -- including harvesting -- have a buff that you get when you hit a harvest node that shrinks your aggro radius a bit and encourages leashing for mobs. So picking up a mining node on the way to somewhere else is not a calculation in "how many mobs can I see, since I'm going to have to fight all of them if I grab that ore".

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Agree with OP. Basic interacting should not dismount.I'd take it a step further and say that selecting a new mount (since mount juggling is apparently a thing now), should not require dismount of old then remount of new. Seamless transition when selecting next mount (dismount and mount to new in one key bind) would be nice I think. Lol not sure if that would break Anet's philosophy on macros though?

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