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Trouble with mastery points.

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Hi!For now I have 8 mastery points and a full bar of yellow exp, but I have trouble with spending it. For all of my masteries i need to have three mastery points to unlock. Number of my available points is 2 and this annoying full bar that i cannot spend. All my gained exp is waste of now. What should I do?

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You can select different mastery to level while you get enough mastery points for older mastery. That way you dont waste experience

There are plenty of points in story instances or on the map, so getting a few of them shouldn't be an issue.

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@Hederath.2350 said:Hi!For now I have 8 mastery points and a full bar of yellow exp, but I have trouble with spending it. For all of my masteries i need to have three mastery points to unlock. Number of my available points is 2 and this annoying full bar that i cannot spend. All my gained exp is waste of now. What should I do?

Find a mastery that requires the amount of mastery points you have. That way you'll increase your mastery level and you will no longer waste experience for nothing. You can find mastery points in vanilla maps, HoT maps and PoF maps.

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@Hederath.2350 said:Thanks for reply.For now, all of my masteries needs 3 points to be unlocked. So with 2 mastery points and full bar I have to find mastery point, then I`ll have 3 to spend, right?

Correct. Which masteries are you trying to get? There are three groups: Central Tyria - red - Heart of Maguuma (HoT) - green - and Crystal Desert (PoF) - purple.

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@Hederath.2350 said:Thanks for reply.For now, all of my masteries needs 3 points to be unlocked. So with 2 mastery points and full bar I have to find mastery point, then I`ll have 3 to spend, right?

Exactly. Once you spend your mastery points on a mastery that requires 3 mastery points, you'll increase your mastery level and you will no longer be wasting experience for nothing.

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@steki.1478 said:You can select different mastery to level while you get enough mastery points for older mastery. That way you dont waste experience

There are plenty of points in story instances or on the map, so getting a few of them shouldn't be an issue.

If there are any other unlocked and incomplete mastery tracks then the exp automatically spills over anyway so they won't be wasted even if you do nothing. If there are no other unlocked tracks then there is no way to avoid wasting the exp either.

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These Central Tyria masteries are the easiest to get. Here you just need to visit a location (Maybe defeat a bunch of monsters) and activate the mastery point:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/MasteryInsights(Central_Tyria)

Here is a list of all available Central Tyrian mastery point unlocks. Some are extremely difficult, some are quite easy. But there are a lot of them so you may choose how you like to get to the amount of mastery points that you require.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks

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I'd like to have a choice in this: if I filled my XP bar, but I don't have enough (or don't want to spend?) mastery points, I could choose some other things, for example a few laurels, or mats bag, a mystic stone, or similar small rewards. Not much, just a few, or only one. It could be restrained by-day, or by-week too.I'm a casual solo PvE player at ~50 mastery points (including ~10 from HoT and PoF) and I pretty much ran out of all easier points in core Tyria. What left are just the long, time-gated, and somewhat boring achievements (50 krait eggs in LA, repeat Teq/wurms, grinding in SW for rare bosses, etc...). I don't mind if I have to restart XP collecting (I'm doing my third world completion), but I'm slightly annoyed by the "waste" and I don't like to play on Tyria anymore because of this. (Yes, I know it's weird. :) )

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@"zistenz.1945" said:I'd like to have a choice in this: if I filled my XP bar, but I don't have enough (or don't want to spend?) mastery points, I could choose some other things, for example a few laurels, or mats bag, a mystic stone, or similar small rewards. Not much, just a few, or only one. It could be restrained by-day, or by-week too.I'm a casual solo PvE player at ~50 mastery points (including ~10 from HoT and PoF) and I pretty much ran out of all easier points in core Tyria. What left are just the long, time-gated, and somewhat boring achievements (50 krait eggs in LA, repeat Teq/wurms, grinding in SW for rare bosses, etc...). I don't mind if I have to restart XP collecting (I'm doing my third world completion), but I'm slightly annoyed by the "waste" and I don't like to play on Tyria anymore because of this. (Yes, I know it's weird. :) )

Just imagine you are playing pretty much every other MMO in the universe, and once you reach level cap you simply stop earning XP. (At least, until the next reset comes, and the level cap is raised.)

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@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:Just imagine you are playing pretty much every other MMO in the universe, and once you reach level cap you simply stop earning XP. (At least, until the next reset comes, and the level cap is raised.)

I actually did it in Atlantica Online. :) It was horrible and left the game (but because of other things too in AO)...

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