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Can't get loot for "Containing The Scarab Plague" without friendly Mesmers

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The access card SHOULD drop from the fight with the asura. either you loot it from their corps or the chest that spawns after.Are you saying you dont get credit for the kill? Remember, need to kill both the asura AND his golem battle suit.Though its possible that if you dont do damage to the asura AFTER the battle suit golem is dead. you dont get credit for your damage to the asura before the golem battle suit spawns. Which then means you cant loot the asura and so no access card.

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@DBZVelena.5186 said:The access card SHOULD drop from the fight with the asura. either you loot it from their corps or the chest that spawns after.

It doesn't though. A lot of people don't seem to get the access pass.It's also possible that some people don't realize they have it because (a) /say and /map call it a 'key' and (b) you have to double-click for it to work and © it disappears from inventory eventually, so even if you got it (and didn't make use of it), you might never have noticed it.

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The whole setup is bad design.

  1. If you participate you should get access
  2. It should be automatic, not requiring manually clicking of an item many people don't know the significance of.
  3. Quiet frankly, it would be more practical to just drop the wall after the event. The teleporter room really serves no purpose.
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@Blocki.4931 said:Tagging the asura again is not a 100% guarantee to get it at all. Besides it being extremely stupid because he dies in 2 second. I've dealt around 70k damage to it before it dies and still didn't get the access card the first time.

I completely agree that it's badly designed. The card should drop from the big reward chest rather than from a mob with 10% health that reappears after you finished killing another mob. There's also the very real chance that it could be bugged for some. However, in my experience and in the experience of others I've talked to after doing this meta a dozen or so times, it does seem to be 100% guarantee to drop IF you tagged the Asura. There were two times that I didn't get the card, and both of those times were when I didn't tag him (first time I was dead from the poison things, and the second time I just looked away at the wrong moment).

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There's so much broken/ bad designed things in this episode that i'm already bored of the whole map.Never, in any LW episode, i've got tired of a map so early.It was a big waiting for the worst delivery EVER.

Edit. I don't even finished the story, since i can't play "Be my guest".

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I think problem with this event is in the design of the Access Key drop. The Asura spawns, you DPS to 10%, then Golem spawns. Once Golem is dead; the Asura respawns at 10% health and that is where the card drops. So the access is solely reliant on you hitting the Asura AFTER Golem is dead (and participation in the Moon Fortress portion of the event).

People assume that once the Golem is dead the event is over but it isn't. Plus, the Asura can be hard to see in a large groups especially with auto-targeting going to other NPCs etc that spawn around the room. IMO, the access card should be dropped with the last chest; regardless of hitting the Asura at less than 10% health. If you participated in the event, you should get the Access card. I also think the access card going to the inventory was a bad design choice. It would be better suited as an auto buff or something more obvious.

My suggestion is to CTRL+T the Asura when it spawns the first time so the target appears when it respawns.

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