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Am I doing something wrong?


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I recently came back to this game after not playing since shortly after the Karka Invasion of lions arch nonsense and i switched from a thief to a Revenant because I just couldn't stand how hard thief was to play solo in the open world (more so im tired of pistol spam and the rifles more of the same thing from the short time i used it). Since coming back i picked up both expansions and boosted 2 other characters but only played the Revenant really.

Okay so leveling 30-80 wasnt so bad (had a birthday booster) and was actually quite easy and I felt like I was pretty powerful. I did some reading around on what to use to level and while i did try a ton of different weapons i settled for two swords with a hammer or sword/axe with a hammer with Shiro/Jalis (Shiro more so because I am a classic GW fan). things died quite easy and I never really had that much of a problem fighting stuff as I could just deal damage to heal through Assassin's Annihilation. Well things started to go flat on its ass when i hit 80. I purchased some exotic gear for a power build and some respective runes for a build i found that uses Jalis/shiro till i have the elite skill lines fully unlocked.

In short I noticed I am taking tons more damage than usual and even cant fight things as efficiently as I used to without dying really fast and it feels like other classes as well as other revenants do loads more damage and have better sustain than i do leading me to ask myself a ton of questions.

I already know I might get comments like "Go back to WoW pleb" or "git gud" which I am used to by now playing games online and asking for help like this. but I would like to know if anything in particular I am doing wrong or if ascended/legendary gear makes a huge difference or not because trying to clear both Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire areas with their respective story events is becoming much less enjoyable when I am spending more time on the ground than fighting. I recently did the Path of Fire mission where you go to Kormir's library and it took me a good 45 minutes just to beat the first part with the sunspear ghosts. Just 2 of the basic guards were absolutely melting me. Ill post my current build as well as the one I am currently looking to try bellow.

Current: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Revenant_-_Power_SwordInterest: http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Power_Glint

I would screencap my gear but its really nothing special. Just your basic Power/fer/precision stats with the Scholar set on it. full exotic gear and weapons. (dont have a high enough crafting class for legendary or ascended items as I have never really had much interest in crafting. Will attempt to level it if I really have to though) Also i'm sitting on a whopping 32 gold

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It's one of the harder/hardest classes in the game to master. For power revenant, the spec is primarily focused on evasion/not getting hit for its damage mitigation. Also play Glint/Shiro its better in solo play than Jalis/Shiro since it provides more boons. It's also more interactive than the Shiro/Jalis playstyle

I believe the build im interested in can use shiro as a sub for jalis. My other problem is what weapons are best to use. Im not a fan of the look of any of the maces and i enjoy sword and axe. I found shortbow to be fun to mess with but i read its damage and skills are horrible. Should i pursue ascended gear or does it not really make much of a difference in the long run?

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@evold.9627 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It's one of the harder/hardest classes in the game to master. For power revenant, the spec is primarily focused on evasion/not getting hit for its damage mitigation. Also play Glint/Shiro its better in solo play than Jalis/Shiro since it provides more boons. It's also more interactive than the Shiro/Jalis playstyle

I believe the build im interested in can use shiro as a sub for jalis. My other problem is what weapons are best to use. Im not a fan of the look of any of the maces and i enjoy sword and axe. I found shortbow to be fun to mess with but i read its damage and skills are horrible. Should i pursue ascended gear or does it not really make much of a difference in the long run?

If you're playing Power Revenant you can either play Power Herald or Power Renegade. Both are lower end dps in end game, but they have somewhat different playstyles. Shiro/Jalis is your top dps legend set in group settings. In solo when I play power I play Glint/Shiro because its slightly higher solo dps and just better utility imo. Sword/Sword is your bread and butter and then either Staff for defense/CC or Hammer for range (or even sword/sword/axe) You'll want Ascended gear eventually, yes. Full zerker w/ scholar runes if you're going to play power.

Shortbow is good/great for the condi Renegade build (alongside mace/axe), but on a non-condi build it's not as good. Condi plays vastly different than Power Revenant. It should be noted that Condi Renegade is better than Power Herald/Renegade for end game raids and about even for fractals (though I personally always get better results with condi rev over power rev in fractals). For open world, they do it differently, but Power Revenant is better for trash mobs and Condi is better for longer fights (champs and up)

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It's one of the harder/hardest classes in the game to master. For power revenant, the spec is primarily focused on evasion/not getting hit for its damage mitigation. Also play Glint/Shiro its better in solo play than Jalis/Shiro since it provides more boons. It's also more interactive than the Shiro/Jalis playstyle

I believe the build im interested in can use shiro as a sub for jalis. My other problem is what weapons are best to use. Im not a fan of the look of any of the maces and i enjoy sword and axe. I found shortbow to be fun to mess with but i read its damage and skills are horrible. Should i pursue ascended gear or does it not really make much of a difference in the long run?

If you're playing Power Revenant you can either play Power Herald or Power Renegade. Both are lower end dps in end game, but they have somewhat different playstyles. Shiro/Jalis is your top dps legend set in group settings. In solo when I play power I play Glint/Shiro because its slightly higher solo dps and just better utility imo. Sword/Sword is your bread and butter and then either Staff for defense/CC or Hammer for range (or even sword/sword/axe) You'll want Ascended gear eventually, yes. Full zerker w/ scholar runes if you're going to play power.

Shortbow is good/great for the condi Renegade build (alongside mace/axe), but on a non-condi build it's not as good. Condi plays vastly different than Power Revenant. It should be noted that Condi Renegade is better than Power Herald/Renegade for end game raids and about even for fractals (though I personally always get better results with condi rev over power rev in fractals). For open world, they do it differently, but Power Revenant is better for trash mobs and Condi is better for longer fights (champs and up)

Im still struggling. I swapped out most of my gear for zerkers and my stats are looking alot better but im just dropping so quickly. I just beat the eater of souls by using a shortbow for a little bit. I just dont feel tanky at all and the damage i am doing is nice but my healing feels a bit weak just for soloing the content im doing. Im not even doing group content at this moment and the game feels like i need to be playing in a group. Is there a better way to play this class that does not die so quickly? at this point ill play turtle if i have to this is not really enjoyable at this point.

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Why would anyone tell you to "go back to WoW pleb"? We're not barbarians.

At any rate, I would have to say that Revenant is one of the harder professions to master and stay alive with. In my experience, a lot of it has to do with the all or none commitment that goes with Legends. So if there are aspects of a Legend that isn't up to par you are pretty much locked in and can't swap it out for a better combo, which is likely why you are having trouble staying alive, too used to being able to fall back on a rotating combination of utilities (such as swapping out an underperforming heal). I feel that Revenant is at it's strongest in support roles. I don't think I've ever attempted to tank with my Revenant. In solo content I tend to take my time more so than I would with some of my other professions, relying more on quick wits and strategy than just my abilities. I typically attempt to avoid mob situations where I'll be overwhelmed (since I can't always depend on a solid heal or two) and try to draw out one or two at a time before I go in for the main guy. Also, when I solo I typically ditch weapons that I like for weapons that have a proven track record in most builds. So yeah you may not like the way a mace looks but if you want to be surviving while soloing you really need to be looking at the weapons overall DPS output instead of the weapons overall looks. Sword and axe is fun, but it's not always the most effective way to kill. I tend to save weapons I love and adore and like playing for fun for when I'm doing group work, such as Dungeons. I typically carry a full set of weapons any given toon can use in order to change it up when play situation change up (such as going from soloing to Dungeon). So my Rev has the hammer, shortbow, shield, mace, sword/sword, ax, and staff all on hand (I feel like I'm forgetting one).

Otherwise, it's just a matter of practice. Revenant is not an easy straightforward profession like say, Warrior or Ranger. You really can't pick it up and just go. You will have to work at it for some time and it will be long and frustrating work in many cases as you nail combos that work for you. If you are expecting quick results you are likely going to be disappointed. Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.

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I don't think this is really a problem with your build, just your expectations of what the difficulty is. Expansion solo content is much harder than anything you have during leveling or core story. So, what I'm basically saying is "Git gud" :lol: But it isn't a bad thing that you're struggling at this point, it's just the natural learning curve of things.

Just in case I'm wrong about the root cause:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscin3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdsklNFyegHchtB4APg9Lp5NA-jxRBQB5TfQCV/hCPBATqEkG7PAgTBQGV+RIABjBA-e

The gear is Ascended but nevermind that, the Exotic stuff is only about 10% less potent and those were extra mouse-clicks I just didn't wanna bother with. When you do upgrade to Asc, pick up weapons first(makes the biggest difference), then jewelry(easy-ish to acquire) and armor last.I used Marauder instead of Berserker because A. the extra health is very handy, and the damage difference is minimal when soloing, and B. IMO having a spare Marauder set handy is never a bad idea. If you are comfortable with Berserker stuff, go ahead and use that. Berserker isn't the best though in the current state revenant is in, whereas Marauder is (I think) considered Meta in WvW. Also, a set of Marauder's + Fury + Roiling Mists = 100% crit chance. Sigils to go for eventually are Air and Force, as they are the biggest DPS increases. Force Sigils will cost you almost 10g per sigil though. Air is a bit cheaper, maybe 3g. Strength Sigils are there because they are cheap and you can go to TP right now and pick them up. You get a good return for your money. I'd also recommend Bloodlust as a cheap(-ish) starter sigil.Scholar Runes are bad for solo content as it is rare that you can keep yourself above 90% HP. Pick up Strength runes instead, they will give you a much steadier DPS increase as you fart out Might at every turn. Scholar runes are meant for group content where you have a healer to keep you topped up.

About playstyle, revenant is a very hit-and-run sort of profession as you really can't take much heat. Avoiding big hits is important. Unrelenting Assault and Riposting Shadows are good for that end. Then in between you dish out as much damage as you can. Remember to manage your energy too, hence I'd only use Impossible Odds for when you have nothing but AA left, then Legend-swap when you run out. Swap the Hammer for Staff if your opponent has a breakbar, or if you can't use the range advantage.

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Not sure revenant was the best choice you could make if you happened to struggle with thief. From my experience, revenant is one of the hardest profession to play in openworld PvE. He got some good point sure but they essentially shine when you play in a group. On the opposite, you might not believe me but from experience, I can say that thief is one of the easiest profession for openworld PvE. It's quick on it's feets, stealthy and it got ton of blind to just breeze through adversity. (Thought I can understand that you didn't enjoy southsun as a thief. Just know that mob there were nerfed in both number and strength since then... Well we can also say that less lags nerfed them even more)

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Op, I always advice going to GW2 metabattle website. It has the details regarding build and gear. Solo PvE, power rev is the way to go. Sword/sword and hammer. You can always use hammer and stay at range.

I can assure you though, rev in solo PvE is not lacking in damage or sustainability.

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@evold.9627 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It's one of the harder/hardest classes in the game to master. For power revenant, the spec is primarily focused on evasion/not getting hit for its damage mitigation. Also play Glint/Shiro its better in solo play than Jalis/Shiro since it provides more boons. It's also more interactive than the Shiro/Jalis playstyle

I believe the build im interested in can use shiro as a sub for jalis. My other problem is what weapons are best to use. Im not a fan of the look of any of the maces and i enjoy sword and axe. I found shortbow to be fun to mess with but i read its damage and skills are horrible. Should i pursue ascended gear or does it not really make much of a difference in the long run?

If you're playing Power Revenant you can either play Power Herald or Power Renegade. Both are lower end dps in end game, but they have somewhat different playstyles. Shiro/Jalis is your top dps legend set in group settings. In solo when I play power I play Glint/Shiro because its slightly higher solo dps and just better utility imo. Sword/Sword is your bread and butter and then either Staff for defense/CC or Hammer for range (or even sword/sword/axe) You'll want Ascended gear eventually, yes. Full zerker w/ scholar runes if you're going to play power.

Shortbow is good/great for the condi Renegade build (alongside mace/axe), but on a non-condi build it's not as good. Condi plays vastly different than Power Revenant. It should be noted that Condi Renegade is better than Power Herald/Renegade for end game raids and about even for fractals (though I personally always get better results with condi rev over power rev in fractals). For open world, they do it differently, but Power Revenant is better for trash mobs and Condi is better for longer fights (champs and up)

Im still struggling. I swapped out most of my gear for zerkers and my stats are looking alot better but im just dropping so quickly. I just beat the eater of souls by using a shortbow for a little bit. I just dont feel tanky at all and the damage i am doing is nice but my healing feels a bit weak just for soloing the content im doing. Im not even doing group content at this moment and the game feels like i need to be playing in a group. Is there a better way to play this class that does not die so quickly? at this point ill play turtle if i have to this is not really enjoyable at this point.

The biggest thing here, i think, is to read your target. You don't really "tank" in this game on any class. I believe someone mentioned it earlier (and applies to any one using melee dps) you need to focus on avoiding the damage through evasion, rather than taking it and healing. Thus way, when you do take damage, your assassins annihilation/ vengeful hangers/ regen boon will be able to keep your health topped off.

That goes into my next point too. If your using glint shiro, your main heal is going to be glint. Shiro's heal is mostly just for extra burst damage rather than actual healing. But glints heal should be used to avoid death when you aste low on health AND you know there's going to be big damage coming.

Dont get discouraged though. The class is hard to master and there is/waa very large jump in gameplay difficulty between vanilla gw2 and hot/pof content. Keep at it. You'll get the hang of it i promise.

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@evold.9627 said:In short I noticed I am taking tons more damage than usual and even cant fight things as efficiently as I used to without dying really fast and it feels like other classes as well as other revenants do loads more damage and have better sustain than i do leading me to ask myself a ton of questions.

To sum it up for you;Revenant is the worst in general out of all the classes in GW2, as of now. Besides few niche builds where it succeeds, Revenant is facing a lot of problems with sustain while already being extremely weak to conditions. Comparing it to sustain of a Warrior for example is just ridiculous, Revenant falls short by light years. If you already got the gear just level up a Warrior and see if they fix Revenant at some point in foreseeable future.

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Map cleared tyria, did hot, did POF, do t2 fractals with pugs, solo/small scale/Zerg wvw, play a little plat spvp (marauder amulet).

You are likely dying because you are not respecting the difficulty the mobs in hot and POF present. You have to be mindful and anticipate incoming attacks on a rev. Learning the big nasty attacks might take some time and some deaths but once you do, you will find rev is bs levels of op for seamlessly transitioing between different types of content without having to completely rework your build.

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Power herald is one of the easier class for open world PVE, and Renegade has less survivablity compared to Herald. Herald just sucks at team-based, higher difficulty stuffs and PVPs but that doesn't mean it is bad at open world and story instances. Use the Power Glint build you posted, and run Glint/Jalis. Some people told you to run Shiro but that's not really a good idea if you have trouble surviving. Glint heal is extremely strong if you time it well, and Jalis heal is more reliable for new players compared to Shiro. Run Jalis hammers whenever you are in Jalis and in close range, and keep protection up in Glint. Along with a shield, this will boost your survivablity a lot.

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@nedlee.5943 said:Power herald is one of the easier class for open world PVE, and Renegade has less survivablity compared to Herald. Herald just sucks at team-based, higher difficulty stuffs and PVPs but that doesn't mean it is bad at open world and story instances. Use the Power Glint build you posted, and run Glint/Jalis. Some people told you to run Shiro but that's not really a good idea if you have trouble surviving. Glint heal is extremely strong if you time it well, and Jalis heal is more reliable for new players compared to Shiro. Run Jalis hammers whenever you are in Jalis and in close range, and keep protection up in Glint. Along with a shield, this will boost your survivablity a lot.

The reason he is dying is because he is getting hit. Jalis doesn't stop that, shiro does.

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Honestly, unless you are already strong with Revenant you really don't want to be soloing PoF and HoT. Both were really made with group play in mind and when it comes to Revenant then you really need to know what you're doing in order to survive soloing. I've always done better with Revenant in the support role than I have trying to be the main target. I think the poster who mentioned that tanking is a bad idea is spot on. If tanking is what you want to do (though I also agree that this game doesn't focus on such distinct roles) then you really want to be on Warrior or Guardian. I've found Spellbreaker useful in mitigating damage I take.

I've also said this a time or two, and folks sometimes don't want to hear it but, Revenant is not for everyone. There are some professions that everyone can play and expect to do equally well and Revenant really isn't such a profession. Sometimes people just don't get that style of play. It's typically not about you but more about how different the profession plays compared to some of the others in the game.

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First, realize the builds you find on sites like metabattle or snowcrows are mostly aimed at organized, team based high end pve (fractals or raids), world vs world, or pvp. To experienced players it really doesn't matter what you use in open world/solo story content so they don't bother covering it. They are designed around maximizing one specific role. Things like scholar runes are significantly marginalized for general purpose solo pve.

Second, revenant is definitely one of the less straightforward classes to play in the game. For someone just starting out, choosing something like ranger or warrior would have been much smoother. Telling someone just starting the game to play the hardest (glassiest) version of one of the hardest classes is like telling someone wanting to learn to swim to go jump off the 30 meter diving platform.

Third, HoT and PoF content IS significantly less faceroll than the old core tyria content these days. Partly because it was designed that way and partly because class buffs over the years have made the core mob tuning inadequate.

My advice is instead of jumping in the deep end and just quitting out of frustration, take it in steps. You don't even have herald unlocked at the moment, so you'll need something to get you to that point. Start with a high sustain build with good survivablity but lower dps. Learn what mobs are truely dangerous, as well as which specific attacks are the greatest threat. When things feel easy and you want to kill faster, then you can change things up if you want to.

Look at something like this. A few cleric jewelry pieces off the trading post (buy rare quality mithril sapphire if you're short on cash) plus runes of rage. You won't want to throw away your expensive scholar rune set though so either buy more berserker armor (search for level 80 exotic with power precision ferocity using filters, for heavy armor it's Devona's). Your weapons are probably fine. Scholar runes are optimal for raids/fractals where you have a healer, but fury is of the utmost importance to your dps as a solo power rev so rage runes help a ton, especially without Glint. Sword/sword is your main weapon set. Use Shiro with Impossible Odds and weapon skills 2, 4, and 5 to dps (sword 3 for dps with some extra survivablity). When you are taking a beating switch to Ventari and use Ventari's Will and Natural Harmony to heal yourself. Hammer is there to either open combat with or for a safer ranged option against very tough opponents. It's important to try to learn what dangerous attacks to avoid and practice actively doing so. Ventrari is just a safety cushion to fall back on.

Try that and have fun doing HoT story and exploring the maps. Once you've seen at lot of it look for a Hero Point or HP train in LFG for HoT zones. These will quickly clear all the not-intended-to-be-soloed champion Hero Points so you can fill out Herald spec. I still recommend doing the story first though because exploring the maps on your own for the first time is one of the best things about HoT (for me at least it was).

Herald is great for personal dps because the easy buffs it gives you mean more than any other legend for dps. Plus the swiftness is nice QoL and the protection is great. The heal active (heal on damage taken) is potent but takes thought and timing. Start with Glint + Ventari. When you get the hang of it, drop ventari and your healing power gear for something like this. You should find lots of jewelry pieces like that as mob drops in HoT content. You play by buffing yourself in Glint, using an active or two, then when you run out of energy swap to Jalis and activate hammers. When you run out of energy swap back to Glint and repeat. When you're comfortable with this, drop Jalis for Shiro for more dps.

You're now just a small step away from going full glass and using an optimized meta build if you want for group content.

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When I started with revenant, I found Jalis and Glint to be the most forgiving setup. Together with the life steal grandmaster trait in devastation, Jalis's hammers provide a lot of sustain. For example, sword 3 with Jalis hammers going gives you a nice evade as well as good life steal. This setup (Glint / Jalis) really helped me get the feel of revenant. The rhythm of switching legends, the use of the amazing Glint heal, energy management, etc, were all easier for me to pick up using Jalis rather than Shiro. I now use Shiro with Glint a lot, and have used Justine's build above with some success. It really is a build that can be used anywhere, even for someone like me who is pretty casual.

One of the things I love about rev is the weapon skills on swords, staff, and hammer. They all have nice evade frames and solid damage, and all have their uses. Get used to using sword 3, staff 3, and hammer 3 as additional dodges to avoid damage, instead of using them primarily to do damage. Save them for when you need to evade or need a breather while waiting for infuser light to come off cool down.

I've tried swapping Glint for Kalla, and it is a lot of fun in open world, but it doesn't have the survivability of Glint.

So I'd recommend trying a Glint/Jalis devastation life steal setup (there is a good build to start with on metabattle), but as you progress, the extra power and evade of Shiro will be worth trying.

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@nedlee.5943 said:

@Justine.6351 said:The reason he is dying is because he is getting hit. Jalis doesn't stop that, shiro does.

He'd be still playing his thief in that case. Jalis mitigate damage pretty well for open world and lets you take some hits.

I really do not get what people mean about evading constantly you get two dodges and even with the increased stam regen trait you do not get it back fast enough for it to help. the shiro dodge and the sword dodge also cost a ton of energy. so which is it am i supposed to do. Use my upkeeps and rely on regular dodges or not use an upkeep at all and use every dodge i have. either way it does not mitigate the damage i take. just a single scarab outside amnoon jumping into an event because it got trained can destroy me because of the blind nonsense so there goes my healing from attacking. the healing from glint's regen is so weak i dont even notice it same for the heal from consuming the facet. Jali's heal is the only forgiving heal the class seems to have and at that the only ability he has that is good is the hammers which are pretty annoying to recast constantly just to switch to glint use all my facets get close to dying then switch to jalis to heal. I even logged into my boosted warrior as well as the ranger I had and both of their heals are leagues better and they do not take nearly as much damage meanwhile they have litterally nothing but the gear they got for being boosted.I am not interested in playing those classes at the moment as they are too easy to pick up but things just do not seem to add up with Revenant and Thief.my problem with my thief was not only that i couldn't keep myself from being hit but also i hated its weapons. the only good weapons to use were two pistols and spam unload. Rifle completely defeats the purpose of dodging because it does more damage stationary than it does moving. also the blind skills the class were really not that good. overall the only way i got anything done as a thief was using cc and spamming unload or building a character around stealth that couldn't fight more than one enemy because of cool downsI understand this is a matter of skill based problems but i really do not understand what people mean when they tell me to not get hit because I have never had a dodge available when i REALLY needed one and if I did it didn't mitigate much.

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@evold.9627 said:

@Justine.6351 said:The reason he is dying is because he is getting hit. Jalis doesn't stop that, shiro does.

He'd be still playing his thief in that case. Jalis mitigate damage pretty well for open world and lets you take some hits.

I really do not get what people mean about evading constantly you get two dodges and even with the increased stam regen trait you do not get it back fast enough for it to help. the shiro dodge and the sword dodge also cost a ton of energy. so which is it am i supposed to do. Use my upkeeps and rely on regular dodges or not use an upkeep at all and use every dodge i have. either way it does not mitigate the damage i take. just a single scarab outside amnoon jumping into an event because it got trained can destroy me because of the blind nonsense so there goes my healing from attacking. the healing from glint's regen is so weak i dont even notice it same for the heal from consuming the facet. Jali's heal is the only forgiving heal the class seems to have and at that the only ability he has that is good is the hammers which are pretty annoying to recast constantly just to switch to glint use all my facets get close to dying then switch to jalis to heal. I even logged into my boosted warrior as well as the ranger I had and both of their heals are leagues better and they do not take nearly as much damage meanwhile they have litterally nothing but the gear they got for being boosted.I am not interested in playing those classes at the moment as they are too easy to pick up but things just do not seem to add up with Revenant and Thief.my problem with my thief was not only that i couldn't keep myself from being hit but also i hated its weapons. the only good weapons to use were two pistols and spam unload. Rifle completely defeats the purpose of dodging because it does more damage stationary than it does moving. also the blind skills the class were really not that good. overall the only way i got anything done as a thief was using cc and spamming unload or building a character around stealth that couldn't fight more than one enemy because of cool downsI understand this is a matter of skill based problems but i really do not understand what people mean when they tell me to not get hit because I have never had a dodge available when i REALLY needed one and if I did it didn't mitigate much.

I use riposting Shadows to kite away and hammer to attack. BTW phase traversal gives +25 endurance on use. If you want I can post a short vid of me playing a little solo pve in pof to show you how I do it?

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@"evold.9627" said:I understand this is a matter of skill based problems but i really do not understand what people mean when they tell me to not get hit because I have never had a dodge available when i REALLY needed one and if I did it didn't mitigate much.

You initially asked what you're doing wrong, and I would sum it up as a combination of energy management and not using your skills to their maximum effectiveness.

Here's just a few things to consider when playing Rev that will most likely greatly enhance your experience...

Everything in PvE is scripted and controllable... Glint's heal is probably the strongest in the game because of this. An AI controlled enemy will NEVER see that you popped facet and stop his attacks. You mention a single scarab outside of Amoon wrecking your shop, but if you pop Facet and walk into his "wingstorm" (I dunno what it's actually called but it's basically Warrior's Axe 5) you will be instantly healed to full life. Same with your Shiro heal, if you pop daggers and get blinded, you don't HAVE to keep attacking and waste them, you can just evade back and kite until blind wears off or you can cleanse it with a legend swap--you have 15 seconds to use the charges, don't feel rushed.

Most of your skills are actually ranged attacks, why cast them from where you can get hit? A good example that you mentioned is sword3 not protecting you from much damage, but the thing is it has a 450 range to it... You don't just stand there and let the enemy punch you in the face while you cast it, run away from them, make them chase you, and you'll teleport back onto them when the cast is finished. Same for things like Burst of Strength, Elemental Blast, Shackling Wave, and Precision Strike. All of these can be used from range, and honestly if you unloaded everything on a target, it's prolly enough to mostly kill it without ever even getting touched... Unless it was like an Elite or Champ.

You have 100 potential energy per legend swap... Be aware of what you want to do over those ten seconds. Quick Example, if you're in Shiro and want to use Sword 4 and 5 on a target, you should skip Impossible Odds that rotation, since turning on an Upkeep skill not only drains your energy, but stops it from regenerating (not counting the Glint ones, since they have much lower upkeep costs)... So, like, if you turn on your upkeep as soon as you swapped into the legend, your energy pool is going to instantly be cut to 40 instead of 100 and will slowly drain from there. I mean, that can be fine, but it's something to consider while you're playing. I'm not saying you need to always be doing math while you're playing, you'll just get an automatic feel for it from experience, but it's the sort of thing you want to think about...

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@evold.9627 said:


If you have no idea what to do in general, that metabattle page you linked have it explained in brief.

Not getting hit isn't very easy, but very important - some builds make it possible to do with less dodges (one of which I recommended, because it gives you more room for error), but in the end you need to know when to dodge, and when to not since stamina is a limited resource. Same with skills. You use it when you need to, and save it when you don't because as you said you have limited energy. They are very much L2P issues and gets much better when you get more experience.

Granted, it seems like you need to have learn bit more about the game. Glint heal makes you invicible for 3 seconds, and use all damages taken in that 3 seconds to heal you. If you thought it was weak, that means simply you casted it at a wrong time. Same with the scarab. It makes a blind field with its sandstorm-y skill, and you shouldn't be stainding inside it. You simply dodge back, the scarab will follow you, and you can hit it again without blind.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Justine.6351 said:The reason he is dying is because he is getting hit. Jalis doesn't stop that, shiro does.

He'd be still playing his thief in that case. Jalis mitigate damage pretty well for open world and lets you take some hits.

I really do not get what people mean about evading constantly you get two dodges and even with the increased stam regen trait you do not get it back fast enough for it to help. the shiro dodge and the sword dodge also cost a ton of energy. so which is it am i supposed to do. Use my upkeeps and rely on regular dodges or not use an upkeep at all and use every dodge i have. either way it does not mitigate the damage i take. just a single scarab outside amnoon jumping into an event because it got trained can destroy me because of the blind nonsense so there goes my healing from attacking. the healing from glint's regen is so weak i dont even notice it same for the heal from consuming the facet. Jali's heal is the only forgiving heal the class seems to have and at that the only ability he has that is good is the hammers which are pretty annoying to recast constantly just to switch to glint use all my facets get close to dying then switch to jalis to heal. I even logged into my boosted warrior as well as the ranger I had and both of their heals are leagues better and they do not take nearly as much damage meanwhile they have litterally nothing but the gear they got for being boosted.I am not interested in playing those classes at the moment as they are too easy to pick up but things just do not seem to add up with Revenant and Thief.my problem with my thief was not only that i couldn't keep myself from being hit but also i hated its weapons. the only good weapons to use were two pistols and spam unload. Rifle completely defeats the purpose of dodging because it does more damage stationary than it does moving. also the blind skills the class were really not that good. overall the only way i got anything done as a thief was using cc and spamming unload or building a character around stealth that couldn't fight more than one enemy because of cool downsI understand this is a matter of skill based problems but i really do not understand what people mean when they tell me to not get hit because I have never had a dodge available when i REALLY needed one and if I did it didn't mitigate much.

I use riposting Shadows to kite away and hammer to attack. BTW phase traversal gives +25 endurance on use. If you want I can post a short vid of me playing a little solo pve in pof to show you how I do it?

kk I couldn't seem to find scarabs but eventually I did find and take on 3 veteron and 2 regular scarabs at once and it was actually kind of boring as they died too fast and did no pressure to me. So instead I found a hydra and again even with vet/sandsharks added in it still was weak. Tried some Forged and same. So I went back to Hydras and decided that if one was meek, 3 would be entertaining.

even eating cc, it just doesn't matter with all the stun breaks. If you are trying to do double melee with sword/sword & X that is on you to figure that out but imo you are going to enjoy open world pve far more playing hammer/x, glint/shiro.

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