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Weaver Stealth Nerf


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@Glacial.9516 said:As much as I liked Swiftness on both attunes I agree this is a bug fix and not a nerf. It might have been an opportunity to raise the duration of Swiftness/Regen while fixing them however which would maintain the swiftness upkeep whilst not giving more condi clears than intended (when traited).

Maybe it was not intended, but it should have been. It's not like attuning to a single element was ever good anyway. You effectively lose 4 skills in your rotation and now you don't get a boon either. The cooldown for attuning to a single element is the same as double attuning too, so having a boon on it is not even remotely imbalanced. There is no point to it except for elements of rage tryharding now.

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@Sahfur.5612 said:This is an epic nerf, especially in WvW or anyplace where you have to run alot. Even with our swiftness trait many classes outran us before this. Now? Oh well.

I only want to note here that let's say you start in Fire/Fire, press Air, Press Fire, press Air = permanent swiftness. If you simply want to move fast you can still have permanent swiftness even after the nerf, just don't dual attune to Air.

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@LazySummer.2568 said:they obviously don't want you to double attune so they can keep buffing double attuned #3 skills and say they buffed you while they actually want to nerf you haha

This is what I feel a lot of people are genuinely missing. Weaver is more about juggling elements and going halves into each attunement while not really double attuning so if the double attuned sword 3 skills suck it's kind of OK in the grand scheme of things, so why are the devs constantly focusing on them?

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Unfortunately, the ability to stack that swiftness quicker before a battle and keep up with people was way too important in wvw against skilled opponents that aren't as predictable. We lose more flexibility this way even if we can still technically keep perma swift if we just constantly lock ourselves into one rotation. It cripples us against good people with brains.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

Well eles make a huge amount of population in the game.

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There are a lot of very bad elementalist is what i read in this thread. Weaver... Hela EZ... Swiftness on weaver... also Hela EZ. Blast a static field....

Since when does weaver need any boons other than Might. I never take damage unless I'm focused by a ranger / thief gank squad, and thats why I have my friend Key in squad to kill those dudes on his Ranger.

You say "Lock yourself into a rotation" but all the rotations are beneficial... Whatever button your face smashes when you roll across the keyboard is good...

I don't think Lava Font was doing such crazy damage that it needed a nerf, but compare it to Necro Staff 2, its a complete joke. And don't get me started on Scourge F5 vs Ele Meteor, both on a 24 second cooldown if traited. They don't even compare to each other.

How about you appreciate that Anet didn't give your AOE skill a big pulsing red circle for everyone to complain about.

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@Meetshield.1756 said:(...)I don't think Lava Font was doing such crazy damage that it needed a nerf, but compare it to Necro Staff 2, its a complete joke. And don't get me started on Scourge F5 vs Ele Meteor, both on a 24 second cooldown if traited. They don't even compare to each other.(...)

Also compare F3 on ele to F3 on scourge! Damn, that crappy air attunement. AoE-barrier is so much better!

I love comparing classes like this lol. It's always fun!

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@"Meetshield.1756" said:There are a lot of very bad elementalist is what i read in this thread. Weaver... Hela EZ... Swiftness on weaver... also Hela EZ. Blast a static field....

Since when does weaver need any boons other than Might. I never take damage unless I'm focused by a ranger / thief gank squad, and thats why I have my friend Key in squad to kill those dudes on his Ranger.

You say "Lock yourself into a rotation" but all the rotations are beneficial... Whatever button your face smashes when you roll across the keyboard is good...

I don't think Lava Font was doing such crazy damage that it needed a nerf, but compare it to Necro Staff 2, its a complete joke. And don't get me started on Scourge F5 vs Ele Meteor, both on a 24 second cooldown if traited. They don't even compare to each other.

How about you appreciate that Anet didn't give your AOE skill a big pulsing red circle for everyone to complain about.

are you honestly comparing a non-channeled, instant cast (but with 0.5s delay) Scourge F5 skill to a channeled skill, with the former also casting a movable one on the scourge itself? imagine MS gets casted on the eles themselves too. There's also a big, red circle on MS, it's just less of an eye sore.

and necro staff 2 to lava font...it's not even comparable because your staff #3 is obvious better than our staff fire #3, but if you really want to compare bs, these comparison can be made: marks are bigger radius, doesn't have a delay on hit, can be traited to be unblockable, and can be left on the ground for a long time.

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Yer.. talking about zerg staff build... where almost any build is possible... but the sword/dagger roamers who often have to 1v3-4 are bad. Are you seriously saying sword dagger is balanced because staff is balanced in an entirely different area of wvw? Are you actually paying attention to anything? Blast static field? Are you serious? Try sword dagger weaver rotation when you don't have a zerg to protect you and your staff. Try to fight actual opponents who are aware of your existence and give me a second opinion cupcake. lol. I still win on weaver its just alot easier on my other classes to accomplish a wide variety of things. Oh, btw I play them all.

Saying we are bad because we aren't standing in backline with staff on a specific build.. lol.Try "Whatever button your face smashes when you roll across the keyboard is good..." when people dodge your attacks/aren't surrounded by hundreds of huge particle effects and circles.

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@Sahfur.5612 said:Yer.. talking about zerg staff build... where almost any build is possible... but the sword/dagger roamers who often have to 1v3-4 are bad. (...)

90% of roaming is noob bashing. Alongside with gear and food optimization, that is no indicator at all.

€: I admit, S/D is rather okayish in roaming though. Mobility is good, sustain is good, damage is kinda lackluster, but okayish. It is definitely not top tier, but not in the worst spot.

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Anet, please stop "buffing" sword weaver and weaver in general for that matter. Every time you guys touch it, it gets worse because of bug "fixes." It's almost unplayable currently.

Last patch was what? Half a step forward with Sword air/air 3, and 3 steps back in bug "fixes" with one newly bugged trait as well?

No one cares about dual attunement skills, and never will in PvP They're either so OP that you start your engagement with them (QS), or they wont get used (everything else) because it's almost always better to have 5 new skills than to lock yourself into 3+2 more that are already on cool down. Focus on giving them a way to deal with the ranged DPS that is so prevalent in this game. It's gotten so bad that I was nearly kited by a sand swell scourge with chill spam the other day. Rangers, thieves, engineers, everything but warrior, meta necros and revenant can kite us practically without end. All while poking us down with nothing we can do to fight back.

Most of their DPS far surpasses the "high risk high reward" melee Ele while doing it from a totally safe distance on top of it all. Sitting on no teleport spots for one!

We used to at least hard counter necro by cleansing conditions faster than they could apply them, but after the water elemental attunment "fix" and breaking of cleansing wave, not even that much is true.

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Rarely play my sw/d weaver anymore. It cant kill sustainy builds if they know what they do and you will die to bursty builds if they know what they do. On the other hand its quite fun to oneshot weavers with soulbeast atm. Dodge half of the rapid fire? What does it matter, the other half of the channel is enough often. Weaver survives? Spam 111 a bit and see them explode on 5-8k 1800range projectiles. Weaver actually manages to come close? WI it for 15k/maul for 10k/use the channeled dodge from petmerge for a 3.5k tooltip dmg

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@Raithwall.8201 said:Rarely play my sw/d weaver anymore. It cant kill sustainy builds if they know what they do and you will die to bursty builds if they know what they do. On the other hand its quite fun to oneshot weavers with soulbeast atm. Dodge half of the rapid fire? What does it matter, the other half of the channel is enough often. Weaver survives? Spam 111 a bit and see them explode on 5-8k 1800range projectiles. Weaver actually manages to come close? WI it for 15k/maul for 10k/use the channeled dodge from petmerge for a 3.5k tooltip dmg

I was just thinking the same thing just 5 minutes ago :/ While being less squishy, SB can deal much more pressure at range and melee. Weavers just try hard, their AA tickles, while they dance around trying to survive.

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^Been playing SB for the past two weeks or so.With sw/d weaver it takes like 5 minutes to even kill a thief, with SB it takes 1 second.

Ele (apart from fresh air) is the only profession that needs to spec healing power to be remotely viable, the whole ele concept is flawed and it's without any doubt the profession that needed the most a rework.

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  • 1 month later...

@"Sahfur.5612" said:Nope. You removed the boon from ALL double attuning instead of just regeneration.

I loved playing sword/dagger ele with celestial gear in WvW. Trait lines: Water, Arcane, Weaver. It was very versatile build, with amazing survivability, good support and decent damage. And then I found out about the "Fixed bug". Sadly found it out in a series of fights when I was feeling that something is wrong. Was lacking on swiftness, drowning in conditions ... Long story short, that build is dead for me now and I play power staff ele like everyone else. Still a bit sad all the while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Senji.2048 said:

@"Sahfur.5612" said:Nope. You removed the boon from ALL double attuning instead of just regeneration.

I loved playing sword/dagger ele with celestial gear in WvW. Trait lines: Water, Arcane, Weaver. It was very versatile build, with amazing survivability, good support and decent damage. And then I found out about the "Fixed bug". Sadly found it out in a series of fights when I was feeling that something is wrong. Was lacking on swiftness, drowning in conditions ... Long story short, that build is dead for me now and I play power staff ele like everyone else. Still a bit sad all the while.

Came here to post a similar experience and was about to create a new topic when I saw this. Not sure why this was done.

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

Wait, where did I say they'd love us? :astonished: I never wanted to say that! I miss classic FA, I hated tempest healbotting and weaver is getting complete trash, more and more each patch. And that's just my PVP point of view! ;) Oh, wait, wrong smiley... :scream:

(about to run for work)

Nothing on you or not just explaining how things are on these forms in this game etc..

I think a dev. posted hear well over a year and that was during pof where they HAD to. Dev. just do not like ele as a class and they do not like ele players i would not be shocked if Anet hates gw2 players over all.

They love mesmer and holo though. I am a bit happy because they seem to be destroying scourge too. :grimace:

Wow never see someone so full of spite for a class. that they woud want to gut a class and destroy it completely.Your bitterness serves you well as a reminder that when you get wrecked on weaver and gutted, you remember those years that necro was sub every other class and being autokicked, and maybe it serve as a lesson in humility.

I'm not wishing for revenant or holosmith or mesmer to be gutted

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

Wait, where did I say they'd love us? :astonished: I never wanted to say that! I miss classic FA, I hated tempest healbotting and weaver is getting complete trash, more and more each patch. And that's just my PVP point of view! ;) Oh, wait, wrong smiley... :scream:

(about to run for work)

Nothing on you or not just explaining how things are on these forms in this game etc..

I think a dev. posted hear well over a year and that was during pof where they HAD to. Dev. just do not like ele as a class and they do not like ele players i would not be shocked if Anet hates gw2 players over all.

They love mesmer and holo though. I am a bit happy because they seem to be destroying scourge too. :grimace:

Wow never see someone so full of spite for a class. that they woud want to gut a class and destroy it completely.Your bitterness serves you well as a reminder that when you get wrecked on weaver and gutted, you remember those years that necro was sub every other class and being autokicked, and maybe it serve as a lesson in humility.

I'm not wishing for revenant or holosmith or mesmer to be gutted

Relax, dude, it was a joke. :smile: I mean... scourge is still meta. And it is in a good spot as it is right now - from a PVP perspective, can't tell much about WvW.

However, it used to be so overpowered it completely dominated PVP and carried a whole lot of bad players into high divisions - which is not necessarily bad, but when they rant about their skill and everyone else playing badly, while they camp mid with their fellow scourges spamming shade skills... it really felt awful from time to time. So it was very, very good they nerfed it. I would have prefered different directions, but who am I to judge.

Scourge is good right now. Reaper is good. Core necro not so much, but we have much more important concerns in (PVP-) balance - this is the ele forum after all. :wink:

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

Wait, where did I say they'd love us? :astonished: I never wanted to say that! I miss classic FA, I hated tempest healbotting and weaver is getting complete trash, more and more each patch. And that's just my PVP point of view! ;) Oh, wait, wrong smiley... :scream:

(about to run for work)

Nothing on you or not just explaining how things are on these forms in this game etc..

I think a dev. posted hear well over a year and that was during pof where they HAD to. Dev. just do not like ele as a class and they do not like ele players i would not be shocked if Anet hates gw2 players over all.

They love mesmer and holo though. I am a bit happy because they seem to be destroying scourge too. :grimace:

Wow never see someone so full of spite for a class. that they woud want to gut a class and destroy it completely.Your bitterness serves you well as a reminder that when you get wrecked on weaver and gutted, you remember those years that necro was sub every other class and being autokicked, and maybe it serve as a lesson in humility.

I'm not wishing for revenant or holosmith or mesmer to be gutted

Relax, dude, it was a joke. :smile: I mean... scourge is still meta. And it is in a good spot as it is right now - from a PVP perspective, can't tell much about WvW.

However, it used to be so overpowered it completely dominated PVP and carried a whole lot of bad players into high divisions - which is not necessarily bad, but when they rant about their skill and everyone else playing badly, while they camp mid with their fellow scourges spamming shade skills... it really felt awful from time to time. So it was very, very good they nerfed it. I would have prefered different directions, but who am I to judge.

Scourge is good right now. Reaper is good. Core necro not so much, but we have much more important concerns in (PVP-) balance - this is the ele forum after all. :wink:

I know that, i just didn't think it was proper to wish for gutting a class.

I can't speak for weaver anyways since i don't have the newest exp and i'm not.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

Wait, where did I say they'd love us? :astonished: I never wanted to say that! I miss classic FA, I hated tempest healbotting and weaver is getting complete trash, more and more each patch. And that's just my PVP point of view! ;) Oh, wait, wrong smiley... :scream:

(about to run for work)

Nothing on you or not just explaining how things are on these forms in this game etc..

I think a dev. posted hear well over a year and that was during pof where they HAD to. Dev. just do not like ele as a class and they do not like ele players i would not be shocked if Anet hates gw2 players over all.

They love mesmer and holo though. I am a bit happy because they seem to be destroying scourge too. :grimace:

Wow never see someone so full of spite for a class. that they woud want to gut a class and destroy it completely.Your bitterness serves you well as a reminder that when you get wrecked on weaver and gutted, you remember those years that necro was sub every other class and being autokicked, and maybe it serve as a lesson in humility.

I'm not wishing for revenant or holosmith or mesmer to be gutted

Relax, dude, it was a joke. :smile: I mean... scourge is still meta. And it is in a good spot as it is right now - from a PVP perspective, can't tell much about WvW.

However, it used to be so overpowered it completely dominated PVP and carried a whole lot of bad players into high divisions - which is not necessarily bad, but when they rant about their skill and everyone else playing badly, while they camp mid with their fellow scourges spamming shade skills... it really felt awful from time to time. So it was very, very good they nerfed it. I would have prefered different directions, but who am I to judge.

Scourge is good right now. Reaper is good. Core necro not so much, but we have much more important concerns in (PVP-) balance - this is the ele forum after all. :wink:

I know that, i just didn't think it was proper to wish for gutting a class.

I can't speak for weaver anyways since i don't have the newest exp and i'm not.

But it was not gutted - it was brought in line with other meta specs. It took them a couple of patches though, that's why I was joking about "destroying it", as if they'd continue the same way for several patches more - which I did not and still do not expect (or think appropriate :wink:).

Sorry you took it the wrong way. I am kinda fine with scourge right now - I would have still liked to see it as a support spec, but now it is kind of a hybrid... anyway. As I said, I would have changed it differently, but it is okay.^^

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

Wait, where did I say they'd love us? :astonished: I never wanted to say that! I miss classic FA, I hated tempest healbotting and weaver is getting complete trash, more and more each patch. And that's just my PVP point of view! ;) Oh, wait, wrong smiley... :scream:

(about to run for work)

Nothing on you or not just explaining how things are on these forms in this game etc..

I think a dev. posted hear well over a year and that was during pof where they HAD to. Dev. just do not like ele as a class and they do not like ele players i would not be shocked if Anet hates gw2 players over all.

They love mesmer and holo though. I am a bit happy because they seem to be destroying scourge too. :grimace:

Wow never see someone so full of spite for a class. that they woud want to gut a class and destroy it completely.Your bitterness serves you well as a reminder that when you get wrecked on weaver and gutted, you remember those years that necro was sub every other class and being autokicked, and maybe it serve as a lesson in humility.

I'm not wishing for revenant or holosmith or mesmer to be gutted

Relax, dude, it was a joke. :smile: I mean... scourge is still meta. And it is in a good spot as it is right now - from a PVP perspective, can't tell much about WvW.

However, it used to be so overpowered it completely dominated PVP and carried a whole lot of bad players into high divisions - which is not necessarily bad, but when they rant about their skill and everyone else playing badly, while they camp mid with their fellow scourges spamming shade skills... it really felt awful from time to time. So it was very, very good they nerfed it. I would have prefered different directions, but who am I to judge.

Scourge is good right now. Reaper is good. Core necro not so much, but we have much more important concerns in (PVP-) balance - this is the ele forum after all. :wink:

I know that, i just didn't think it was proper to wish for gutting a class.

I can't speak for weaver anyways since i don't have the newest exp and i'm not.

But it was not gutted - it was brought in line with other meta specs. It took them a couple of patches though, that's why I was joking about "destroying it", as if they'd continue the same way for several patches more - which I did not and still do not expect (or think appropriate :wink:).

Sorry you took it the wrong way. I am kinda fine with scourge right now - I would have still liked to see it as a support spec, but now it is kind of a hybrid... anyway. As I said, I would have changed it differently, but it is okay.^^

I hope they don't wreck ele, because tempest has a special place for me, and i might want to try weaver sometime.

I wanted to try weaver eventually anyways if some exciting change happens.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Oh no... I didn't even see this yet. Why, just why? When you don't want us to double attune, why do they even buff double atuunement skills like cauterizing strike...? I just don't get any of the changes.

ANET HATE ELES! I do not know what game you been playing but that just the truth of it.

The thing is they hate ele players more so then the class as they will NEVER post here. Even if ppl point out major bug like the other classes forms.

Wait, where did I say they'd love us? :astonished: I never wanted to say that! I miss classic FA, I hated tempest healbotting and weaver is getting complete trash, more and more each patch. And that's just my PVP point of view! ;) Oh, wait, wrong smiley... :scream:

(about to run for work)

Nothing on you or not just explaining how things are on these forms in this game etc..

I think a dev. posted hear well over a year and that was during pof where they HAD to. Dev. just do not like ele as a class and they do not like ele players i would not be shocked if Anet hates gw2 players over all.

They love mesmer and holo though. I am a bit happy because they seem to be destroying scourge too. :grimace:

Wow never see someone so full of spite for a class. that they woud want to gut a class and destroy it completely.Your bitterness serves you well as a reminder that when you get wrecked on weaver and gutted, you remember those years that necro was sub every other class and being autokicked, and maybe it serve as a lesson in humility.

I'm not wishing for revenant or holosmith or mesmer to be gutted

Relax, dude, it was a joke. :smile: I mean... scourge is still meta. And it is in a good spot as it is right now - from a PVP perspective, can't tell much about WvW.

However, it used to be so overpowered it completely dominated PVP and carried a whole lot of bad players into high divisions - which is not necessarily bad, but when they rant about their skill and everyone else playing badly, while they camp mid with their fellow scourges spamming shade skills... it really felt awful from time to time. So it was very, very good they nerfed it. I would have prefered different directions, but who am I to judge.

Scourge is good right now. Reaper is good. Core necro not so much, but we have much more important concerns in (PVP-) balance - this is the ele forum after all. :wink:

I know that, i just didn't think it was proper to wish for gutting a class.

I can't speak for weaver anyways since i don't have the newest exp and i'm not.

But it was not gutted - it was brought in line with other meta specs. It took them a couple of patches though, that's why I was joking about "destroying it", as if they'd continue the same way for several patches more - which I did not and still do not expect (or think appropriate :wink:).

Sorry you took it the wrong way. I am kinda fine with scourge right now - I would have still liked to see it as a support spec, but now it is kind of a hybrid... anyway. As I said, I would have changed it differently, but it is okay.^^

I hope they don't wreck ele, because tempest has a special place for me, and i might want to try weaver sometime.

I wanted to try weaver eventually anyways if some exciting change happens.

Well, we all hope they will buff it - for PVP and WvW at least. :wink:

Doubt it will happen with the patch today though, since they said it would be a minor one focusing on weapon traits. We will see!

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I stopped playing it. It is simply too easy to get the same level of efficiency from other classes, 1vX and with far less button presses, timed far less well. Spellbreaker, Firebrand, Mirage, Holo, Deadeye (I can, and have explained to new players how to kill people on most of these classes and they used them to kill "mechanically" good weavers with better reaction time and better experience than them with minimal effort).. for the amount of effort I put in on weaver or similar skill level I get far more out of these other classes. Even played perfectly, a weaver will not compete, because if you can play weaver near perfectly you can play the others near perfectly now too and kill 2-3 people with the effort it requires to kill 1 with weaver. Also faster. Theres not much complexity to the rotation anymore due to the nerfs removing too many options. Even with our omg op sword 2 the devs have a sick fascination with nerfing, we die faster against groups too. Wonder why? Could it be that we can't spew out stability and blocks to cover our now predictable rotations we are locked into? Could it be that theres simply too much to do in comparison and that leaves other classes time for planning, maneuvering or other wiggle room? Could it be the power creep on those classes is just too over the top?Even with my APM it just isn't viable. I have recorded fights where I dodged twice as many hits, hit more times, pressed around TWICE as many buttons and it ended up being roughly a draw. Why is that a thing, balance wise? Shouldn't skill be at least a factor? Is balance an excuse to allow some classes to get.. lets use a term they are familiar with.. "diminished returns?"

I have no doubt they will continue to nerf weaver survivability while not giving us (them at this point) anything of substance to make up for it, too.

I consistently kill weavers with just a few button presses on deadeye at 1500 range and no tell. I can spam this attack twice then stealth and they have objectively no chance of winning, only the fleeting hope they can make it to a castle door in time to duck inside. In addition, my spellbreaker can simply interrupt them between the evade frames and keep them from ever getting the chance to use their now mediocre heals. Mirage is god mode and requires no skill on my part. I win with it when I try it even though I literally hate playing it and neglect learning much about it due to sheer boredom. Firebrand does more condition damage (or direct, take your pick) while being able to survive nuclear catastrophe that weaver would not last 30 seconds in. Heck, soulbeast practically auto attacks elementalist to death at this point and is able to run fast enough that the ele will hardly land any hits. I've seen ele's who were playing perfectly fine die to pets.

But yeah... #Balance.I gave up trying to play skilled classes and builds as often, I guess I am supposed to just use the meta.I don't understand how the mindset of thieves being able to do as much as they do because it requires skill does not translate to elementalist.. only ele got this sheer amount of nerfs. I'll never understand but then I won't have to. I'll be on whichever class they didn't do a good job of keeping balanced because I set all my classes up for it at this point. I tried, but at this point I'm bitter and I have to play something effective because population issues (aka transfers blocked even though the other zerg consistently is twice our size).

I imagine alot of players are in my position and just don't have time anymore to lose the math game even if they won the user input game.

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@"Sahfur.5612" said:I stopped playing it. It is simply too easy to get the same level of efficiency from other classes, 1vX and with far less button presses, timed far less well. Spellbreaker, Firebrand, Mirage, Holo, Deadeye (I can, and have explained to new players how to kill people on most of these classes and they used them to kill "mechanically" good weavers with better reaction time and better experience than them with minimal effort).. for the amount of effort I put in on weaver or similar skill level I get far more out of these other classes. Even played perfectly, a weaver will not compete, because if you can play weaver near perfectly you can play the others near perfectly now too and kill 2-3 people with the effort it requires to kill 1 with weaver. Also faster. Theres not much complexity to the rotation anymore due to the nerfs removing too many options. Even with our omg op sword 2 the devs have a sick fascination with nerfing, we die faster against groups too. Wonder why? Could it be that we can't spew out stability and blocks to cover our now predictable rotations we are locked into? Could it be that theres simply too much to do in comparison and that leaves other classes time for planning, maneuvering or other wiggle room? Could it be the power creep on those classes is just too over the top?Even with my APM it just isn't viable. I have recorded fights where I dodged twice as many hits, hit more times, pressed around TWICE as many buttons and it ended up being roughly a draw. Why is that a thing, balance wise? Shouldn't skill be at least a factor? Is balance an excuse to allow some classes to get.. lets use a term they are familiar with.. "diminished returns?"

I have no doubt they will continue to nerf weaver survivability while not giving us (them at this point) anything of substance to make up for it, too.

I consistently kill weavers with just a few button presses on deadeye at 1500 range and no tell. I can spam this attack twice then stealth and they have objectively no chance of winning, only the fleeting hope they can make it to a castle door in time to duck inside. In addition, my spellbreaker can simply interrupt them between the evade frames and keep them from ever getting the chance to use their now mediocre heals. Mirage is god mode and requires no skill on my part. I win with it when I try it even though I literally hate playing it and neglect learning much about it due to sheer boredom. Firebrand does more condition damage (or direct, take your pick) while being able to survive nuclear catastrophe that weaver would not last 30 seconds in. Heck, soulbeast practically auto attacks elementalist to death at this point and is able to run fast enough that the ele will hardly land any hits. I've seen ele's who were playing perfectly fine die to pets.

But yeah... #Balance.I gave up trying to play skilled classes and builds as often, I guess I am supposed to just use the meta.I don't understand how the mindset of thieves being able to do as much as they do because it requires skill does not translate to elementalist.. only ele got this sheer amount of nerfs. I'll never understand but then I won't have to. I'll be on whichever class they didn't do a good job of keeping balanced because I set all my classes up for it at this point. I tried, but at this point I'm bitter and I have to play something effective because population issues (aka transfers blocked even though the other zerg consistently is twice our size).

I imagine alot of players are in my position and just don't have time anymore to lose the math game even if they won the user input game.

Question:if this is true, is tempest better then now in spvp? or is weaver still a superior option? because tempest has decent amount of stability from overloads.

What kind of stability from water and earth do you have? can you get anything from there like magnetic shield?What about things like protection and regen?

What about things like superspeed or having air have some form of stability or some form of projectile blocks? Anything?

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