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Confessor Caudecus fight is garbage

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10 hours ago, Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

with current power creep the fight is pretty easy.

but yes overall the fight isnt that great.

I went in with three of my guild mates that have min maxed toons and we melted him in around 60 seconds-ish. I remember that fight being a pain when i solo'd it on episode launch.

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Did this story again recently, was laughing at how the bullet hell mechanics were so bad I died after respawning again and again.


Probably a l2p issue though, but I think mesmer (chronomancer) struggles to heal through artificially extended battles (ie. Do x before you can deal damage).

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The worst part of that fight is the room itself.

Just like Mordremoths stupid spinning tower.


Environments that move on their own make me motion sick, and makes the fight harder. Had to stop playing halfway up mordremoths tower when i went through it because i was getting dizzy and nauseous.  😞

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  • 3 years later...
5 hours ago, Stew Commander.1983 said:

this is the worst boss fight i ever encountered across any mmos. it just pure garbage, close camera you cant see crap visual mess as always. i never felt so bad playing a video game seriously

It's not great.  But for future reference, it may help to angle your camera down and just focus on moving from bloodstone to bloodstone while avoiding orange circles in the first phase.  For the second phase just stand right on top of him.  He has one heavy damage attack, but it shouldn't be enough to kill you even if you don't dodge.  Just burn him down to avoid repeat phases.  Helps if you use a high DPS build, but the phase is pretty long so even a high sustain build (e.g. celestial) should be able to do it.

Here's a demonstration:


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5 hours ago, Stew Commander.1983 said:

this is the worst boss fight i ever encountered across any mmos. it just pure garbage, close camera you cant see crap visual mess as always. i never felt so bad playing a video game seriously

3... years... later...


Champion necromancer lord appears 😂

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31 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

3... years... later...


Champion necromancer lord appears 😂

Well, nothing about the encounter has changed since, so it's not surprising new people would hit the very same issues new people did then.

Besides, if that poster made a new thread about the same issue, you can bet a certain someone would pop up immediately asking why the poster did not use the search function.

How exactly is someone meant to comment on a recurring issue, if we forbid both making new threads and necroing old ones? It's not like the issue will disappear just because people will be forbidden to comment on it.

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8 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, nothing about the encounter has changed since, so it's not surprising new people would hit the very same issues new people did then.

Besides, if that poster made a new thread about the same issue, you can bet a certain someone would pop up immediately asking why the poster did not use the search function.

How exactly is someone meant to comment on a recurring issue, if we forbid both making new threads and necroing old ones? It's not like the issue will disappear just because people will be forbidden to comment on it.

Someone necroing a post after months or years just casually adding onto the conversation will always be funny. Half the people who posted previously may even have quit the game since, it's like they're coming in and starting a conversation with a bunch of skeletons.

Since you're asking, if it was me I would probably either necro the post and actually ask "was anything ever done about this?" or start a new post linking to the ancient thread asking the same thing "hey guys, did anyone ever get any feedback on this issue?".

No one was forbidden from posting in an old thread, it's just amusing.



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Back when I did this I used full dps gear and managed defeat him on the second attempt, but honestly it's just so much better to use a decent open world build with celestial gear and chill through all open world and story encounters.

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