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Thf Vault

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@Abelisk.4527 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

100% of this. Or one...

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

100% of this. Or one...

Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

100% of this. Or one...

Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video.

Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@"Kawloon Fuathach.3807" said:Just for those curious, this is the build I was running in the instance the OPs video takes place

Usually I'm running straight Berserker's, but I decided to try out Valk's and see how I liked it. Less damage, but more survivability.And yeah, I'll admit it's basically Power Cheese, or rather it's also been called a Meme build, but I have fun with it. o/

Maybe Rune of the Daredevil would make it synch more with Valkyrie since all you really want is to land Vault. Maybe even Sigil of Intelligence?Dodge -> Vault -> get all the Power and Ferocity from Amulet to hit.

It's personal preference really, as I don't really like Rune of the Daredevil, and considering most of my damage will be full HP burst, Scholars has better damage output. In terms of a lack of crit chance, the Hidden Killer trait suppliments the lack-there-of quite well.

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@Hyraltia.4185 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:the pvp in getting more and more brainless one shot festaless fun and no chance to fight back at all

I mean LITERALLY THE POST RIGHT BEFORE YOURS he explained multiple ways to avoid it, I don't know how you can not see that

I feel like you're missing his entire point or the point everyone is making against 1 shot clown kitten, so I'll throw a brief explanation in.

When a game has one shot builds it leads to 2 types of players, those that abuse the cheese and those that despise it because it is just that, cheese. It's extremely bad for the health of a pvp game to have the "counterplay" to being one shot to randomly predict when a stealth person is gonna jump on you and blow you up, this is the same reason people wanted mirage nerfed, because no one has fun plying rng simulator with their life.

yea people seem to have an issue with other players being better than them....

This one shot nonsense... Some guy gets hit by 5-8 skills in succession really fast and it's "OMG 1 SHOT DELETE HIS BUILD UNHEALTHY FOR GAME".....Same thing goes for any player that takes the time to set up their kill or to use any skills in succession successfully.... "OMG 1 SHOT REMOVE THE BUILD GAME BROKEN"

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@Kawloon Fuathach.3807 said:

@"Imperadordf.2687" said:The amount of people requesting nerfs to thief because of a cheese build makes me :facepalm:

Yet also, quite entertaining. I find it more hilarious as I've basically been using the same build ever since HoT dropped, and it's only taken till recently for people to have an issue with it.

1st time im running accross this double vault 17k hit immediately followed by a 19k hit vault them while still in stealth a 4.9k hit build.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GkBEkkPVWfRIHNURKyjbkGVidSMOJwz-/view?usp=drivesdk

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@"Imperadordf.2687" said:The amount of people requesting nerfs to thief because of a cheese build makes me :facepalm:

Yet also, quite entertaining. I find it more hilarious as I've basically been using the same build ever since HoT dropped, and it's only taken till recently for people to have an issue with it.

1st time im running accross this double vault 17k hit immediately followed by a 19k hit vault them while still in stealth a 4.9k hit build.

In pure honesty, I don't know where the first Vault came from. The only one I hit you with in my log, was the 19k, followed up by the staff auto chain.I also didn't start doing Ranked till very recently. I mostly haunted Hotjoins till that died, then I've been haunting Unranked and Duel servers fora while.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

Still isn't the thiefs fault you don't know what the obvious telegraph looks like

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@Abelisk.4527 said:This is an RNG, one-trick pony build that relies on people stepping on your traps.

Not to mention the dependency on Shadow Pursuit actually working and putting you on target instead of into a random wall 10 feet away.

AOEs and other traps counter this build.

This is truth. Many times, it's an absolute blind teleport with no recourse. I can't recall the number of times I teleported into a Ranger's or Guardian's traps.

@Kawloon Fuathach.3807 said:You can see the initial vulnerability pop up from when I teleport, then the active of Signet of Shadows, then the Vault

I haven't had the chance to play Daredevil much yet. Can you pre-cast vault before you use Shadow Pursuit? Also, just curious... do you incorporate Assassin's Signet as well? Which adds more DPS when active? Assassin's Signet or Signet of Shadows? Thanks :-)

@"Eddbopkins.2630" said:i feel if ur in stealth u should do 1/2 damage or even 25% damage reduction just for attackin in stealth....why should anyclass ever get a free invisa attack that can do more damage then most classes have hp, with no reprocussions even if it is dodged.

This is the life of the Thief. Getting one-shot/insta-downed whether the opponents are invisible or not. It's a two-edged sword. Single-target damage is literally the only thing a Thief can do decently. And remember, this was a complete ambush tactic... exactly what a Thief should be doing. If you hadn't tripped a trap, you would have been just fine. Without the trap, he may very well have had no Stealth, he wouldn't have lots of Might, and you wouldn't be loaded with so much Vulnerability. Once again, it was a perfectly executed, prepared ambush.

It was completely unlike the Ranger being able to hit for 30k+ (22k through Protection) from Stealth with absolutely no tell or target/field preparation (traps, malice, etc.).

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@DragonFury.6243 said:the pvp in getting more and more brainless one shot festaless fun and no chance to fight back at all

Power creep is real,but builds like this are rareand even more rare is the player that can pull it off.

One shot builds are either gimmicks or not meta for the team game of PvP.They don't influence the game outside of a few 1v1 fights.

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@Abelisk.4527 said:This is an RNG, one-trick pony build that relies on people stepping on your traps.In conquest everyone will step on point so having people trigger a trap is no longer RNG.

@Kageseigi.2150 said:

AOEs and other traps counter this build.

This is truth. Many times, it's an absolute blind teleport with no recourse. I can't recall the number of times I teleported into a Ranger's or Guardian's traps.I don't know how you can teleport to ranger's/guardian's trap. But at least trapper guardian/ranger are mostly visible and doesn't have access to 1-shot build.

@Kageseigi.2150 said:This is the life of the Thief. Getting one-shot/insta-downed whether the opponents are invisible or not. It's a two-edged sword. Single-target damage is literally the only thing a Thief can do decently.I don't know what you mean by double edge sword? it's free kill from stealth. And last time i check, vault can hit 5 targets in 180 radius.

@Kageseigi.2150 said:It was completely unlike the Ranger being able to hit for 30k+ (
) from Stealth with absolutely no tell or target/field preparation (traps, malice, etc.).While I agree that ranger needs nerf too your statement is totally wrong.Ranger needs preparation to do that kind of damage. They have to activate Sic'em and Strength of the pack. Also stealth is count as preparation too.

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@Arbalest.4506 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:This is an RNG, one-trick pony build that relies on people stepping on your traps.In conquest everyone will step on point so having people trigger a trap is no longer RNG.

AOEs and other traps counter this build.

This is truth. Many times, it's an absolute blind teleport with no recourse. I can't recall the number of times I teleported into a Ranger's or Guardian's traps.I don't know how you can teleport to ranger's/guardian's trap. But at least trapper guardian/ranger are mostly visible and doesn't have access to 1-shot build.

@Kageseigi.2150 said:This is the life of the Thief. Getting one-shot/insta-downed whether the opponents are invisible or not. It's a two-edged sword. Single-target damage is literally the only thing a Thief can do decently.I don't know what you mean by double edge sword? it's free kill from stealth. And last time i check, vault can hit 5 targets in 180 radius.

@Kageseigi.2150 said:It was completely unlike the Ranger being able to hit for 30k+ (
) from Stealth with absolutely no tell or target/field preparation (traps, malice, etc.).While I agree that ranger needs nerf too your statement is totally wrong.Ranger needs preparation to do that kind of damage. They have to activate Sic'em and Strength of the pack. Also stealth is count as preparation too.

Funny how stealth is preparation for a ranger but not for a thief, and how backstab or dj are one shot builds but worldly impact or maul is not

I'm not even going to bother arguing the actual build until you clear out all that really obvious bias

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Its actually a good video and question for anet ... WHY THE F00K attacks from stealth doesnt reveal asap and they have for some reason solid second or even sometimes few being completely invisible and untargetable

Its a good question that was answered a few times, before you asked.

It wasnt ? Or you mean 'desync' ,lol what a good explanation . So ppl with this magical desync always have alot of time to nearly kill you from stealth before you can actually see them ,clearly intended

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@Legatus.3608 said:

Funny how stealth is preparation for a ranger but not for a thief, and how backstab or dj are one shot builds but worldly impact or maul is not

I'm not even going to bother arguing the actual build until you clear out all that really obvious bias

Which are my statement that bias to you? I never specifically said that thief's stealth is not part of preparation.

I also never said that 30k worldly impact is not a 1-shot build. And I do want that to get nerf too.

I just point out that not only thief who takes time to prepare for insane damage.

All class have need preparation for maximum burst. But right now only thief and ranger able to 1-shot people with no chance of survival.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

100% of this. Or one...

Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video.

Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to

Hahahahaha, this death was so traumatic he will remember it as much as 9-11

Well done job then, we need this to happen to more mesmer players :D

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@Legatus.3608 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

100% of this. Or one...

Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video.

Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to

Hahahahaha, this death was so traumatic he will remember it as much as 9-11

Well done job then, we need this to happen to more mesmer players :D

Im not a mesmer player at all

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

100% of this. Or one...

Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video.

Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to

Hahahahaha, this death was so traumatic he will remember it as much as 9-11

Well done job then, we need this to happen to more mesmer players :D

Im not a mesmer player at all

Ooh sorry lol I saw pink icon and thought mesmer lol

Anyways is still a joke to compare this to 9-11

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@Legatus.3608 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.

Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\

It's easy to know what to do.

Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands.

100% of this. Or one...

Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video.

Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to

Hahahahaha, this death was so traumatic he will remember it as much as 9-11

Well done job then, we need this to happen to more mesmer players :D

Im not a mesmer player at all

Ooh sorry lol I saw pink icon and thought mesmer lol

Anyways is still a joke to compare this to 9-11

1st time i see some one use double vault remain invis and still have int forbig staff hit.

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@Kawloon Fuathach.3807 said:You can see the initial vulnerability pop up from when I teleport, then the active of Signet of Shadows, then the Vault

I haven't had the chance to play Daredevil much yet. Can you pre-cast vault before you use Shadow Pursuit? Also, just curious... do you incorporate Assassin's Signet as well? Which adds more DPS when active? Assassin's Signet or Signet of Shadows? Thanks :-)

You can actually pre-cast Vault with any teleportation skill. The window of opportunity is very small however, sitting at roughly the 65% Cast Bar mark, and the higher your latency is, the lower the chance of its' success. Anything above 100 ping, and you'll end up vaulting in place more than vault-stepping to your target.

I use both Assassin's Signet and Signet of Shadows, typically popping Assassins Signet initially before I engage, and then Signet of Shadows right before my burst hits.

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@Hyraltia.4185 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:the pvp in getting more and more brainless one shot festaless fun and no chance to fight back at all

I mean LITERALLY THE POST RIGHT BEFORE YOURS he explained multiple ways to avoid it, I don't know how you can not see that

I feel like you're missing his entire point or the point everyone is making against 1 shot clown kitten, so I'll throw a brief explanation in.

When a game has one shot builds it leads to 2 types of players, those that abuse the cheese and those that despise it because it is just that, cheese. It's extremely bad for the health of a pvp game to have the "counterplay" to being one shot to randomly predict when a stealth person is gonna jump on you and blow you up, this is the same reason people wanted mirage nerfed, because no one has fun plying rng simulator with their life.

It actually leads to 3 types of player: those who know to counter it, those who learn how to play against it, and those who cry about it, the later one probably overlaps with your "those that despise it" category. One shot builds are not the problem in this game. The real problem are builds that can constantly one shot you once every 10 seconds or less, who also have strog defense mecanics and can't be one shoted back by another glass canon. Cause lets face it, glass canons should be the only clases that should be able to 1shot. Oh and the 10 seconds interval i mentoned is the time one needs to recover energy for a dodge, it makes the 1shot dodgeable unless you waste evades. And yeah there are proffesions with builds that can 1shot you in a time frame less than 10 seconds while having enough defense mecanics to go toe to toe with sustained builds. I guess those are the real offenders in the game right now.

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@NuhDah.9812 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:the pvp in getting more and more brainless one shot festaless fun and no chance to fight back at all

I mean LITERALLY THE POST RIGHT BEFORE YOURS he explained multiple ways to avoid it, I don't know how you can not see that

I feel like you're missing his entire point or the point everyone is making against 1 shot clown kitten, so I'll throw a brief explanation in.

When a game has one shot builds it leads to 2 types of players, those that abuse the cheese and those that despise it because it is just that, cheese. It's extremely bad for the health of a pvp game to have the "counterplay" to being one shot to randomly predict when a stealth person is gonna jump on you and blow you up, this is the same reason people wanted mirage nerfed, because no one has fun plying rng simulator with their life.

It actually leads to 3 types of player: those who know to counter it, those who learn how to play against it, and those who cry about it, the later one probably overlaps with your "those that despise it" category. One shot builds are not the problem in this game. The real problem are builds that can constantly one shot you once every 10 seconds or less, who also have strog defense mecanics and can't be one shoted back by another glass canon. Cause lets face it, glass canons should be the only clases that should be able to 1shot. Oh and the 10 seconds interval i mentoned is the time one needs to recover energy for a dodge, it makes the 1shot dodgeable unless you waste evades. And yeah there are proffesions with builds that can 1shot you in a time frame less than 10 seconds while having enough defense mecanics to go toe to toe with sustained builds. I guess those are the real offenders in the game right now.

And how exactly you can counterplay a SINGLE instakill attack that came from stealth? Because that is the problem in the game right now.

It may be okay for glass canon to do 1-shot against another glass canon. But the ele in video is not really a glass canon. He invest some of offensive stats to VITALITY, yet the thief can still instakill him FROM STEALTH.

And killing player in a frame of 10 secs is not 1-shot. A lot of things can happen in that scenario. Every profession can do that.

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