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1-Shot Soulbeast -- An example of the worst "balance"


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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Right. However there are much more viable and stronger alternatives if someone wanted to run a 1 shot build.

Also, every class in the game has these sorts of builds. Ranger, while it does a lot of damage, is also one of the squishiest as you end up dedicating most of your weapon skills and all of your traits and utilities to a single attack that can be easily avoided.

Unkillable 1v1 bunkers also shouldn't be a thing but hey, firebrands are a thing.

People who are defending this 1-hit KO nonsense are either delusional, or afraid that proposed nerfs to this build will harm other builds, which is a reasonable worry. In reality, simple, minor nerfs are needed. Here is just one example of two tandem nerfs that could do the job, easily, without harming other builds:
  1. Your pet does not receive Attack of Opportunity bonus from maul if you don't strike a target (honestly this is how it should have been in the first place)
  2. Worldly Impact inflicts self-reveal for 1 second.

This wouldn't stop the potential of WI from getting enormous hits, but it would stop 30k+ strikes out of stealth without first entering combat. There are other possibilities like lowering damage modifiers you receive when merged with pet, or stopping certain modifiers from stacking but those would be more complicated and may require a game-wide change which I don't think the community would be a fan of.

Ok seriously, I already went over this. Here are nerfs that will end the 1-shot legend of the harsh master drama epidemic, that won't harm other ranger builds:
  • Attack of Opportunity on Maul should not work unless it hits a target.
  • Moment of Clarity should be nerfed from 50% to 25%
  • Remorseless could use 25% to around 15%
  • Sic'Em needs to function with +20% bonus in pvp and wvw, and the 2000 range 6s reveal that cannot be dodged or blocked may need to be reviewed.

Actually this hurts core ranger pretty badly.

I run marksmanship, remorseless, MoC, and sic em with greatsword. These changes would weaken my build significantly even though core ranger isn't an issue.

How would you say to realistically fix the power creep on Soulbeast then? I mean I'm seriously curious to see what actual other Ranger mains say.

Add 3 seconds of self revealed to Wordly Impact just like happens with DJ and 90% of the problems are solved. It must happens at the beginning of the animation.

The whole source of the complains is the stealth part. When it comes to burst build, SoulBeast isn't that great compared to other classes.

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@SoulSin.5682 said:

Right. However there are much more viable and stronger alternatives if someone wanted to run a 1 shot build.

Also, every class in the game has these sorts of builds. Ranger, while it does a lot of damage, is also one of the squishiest as you end up dedicating most of your weapon skills and all of your traits and utilities to a single attack that can be easily avoided.

Unkillable 1v1 bunkers also shouldn't be a thing but hey, firebrands are a thing.

People who are defending this 1-hit KO nonsense are either delusional, or afraid that proposed nerfs to this build will harm other builds, which is a reasonable worry. In reality, simple, minor nerfs are needed. Here is just one example of two tandem nerfs that could do the job, easily, without harming other builds:
  1. Your pet does not receive Attack of Opportunity bonus from maul if you don't strike a target (honestly this is how it should have been in the first place)
  2. Worldly Impact inflicts self-reveal for 1 second.

This wouldn't stop the potential of WI from getting enormous hits, but it would stop 30k+ strikes out of stealth without first entering combat. There are other possibilities like lowering damage modifiers you receive when merged with pet, or stopping certain modifiers from stacking but those would be more complicated and may require a game-wide change which I don't think the community would be a fan of.

Ok seriously, I already went over this. Here are nerfs that will end the 1-shot legend of the harsh master drama epidemic, that won't harm other ranger builds:
  • Attack of Opportunity on Maul should not work unless it hits a target.
  • Moment of Clarity should be nerfed from 50% to 25%
  • Remorseless could use 25% to around 15%
  • Sic'Em needs to function with +20% bonus in pvp and wvw, and the 2000 range 6s reveal that cannot be dodged or blocked may need to be reviewed.

Actually this hurts core ranger pretty badly.

I run marksmanship, remorseless, MoC, and sic em with greatsword. These changes would weaken my build significantly even though core ranger isn't an issue.

How would you say to realistically fix the power creep on Soulbeast then? I mean I'm seriously curious to see what actual other Ranger mains say.

Add 3 seconds of self revealed to Wordly Impact just like happens with DJ and 90% of the problems are solved. It must happens at the beginning of the animation.

The whole source of the complains is the stealth part. When it comes to burst build, SoulBeast isn't that great compared to other classes.

This is a bad idea. I use the leap finisher on Worldly Impact to stealth. This messes up a lot of combo/defensive potential in many soulbeast builds.

I'm also struggling of a way to properly lower the damage of this 1 shot build. But it's tough because none of the individual mechanics that make it all work are overperforming on their own. It's just the fact that you can stack ALL of them at the same time. But if you prevent them from stacking, it will harm builds that don't run one shot, but still utilize several damage modifiers for burst.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:@Trevor Boyer.6524

Actually, I have a solution. Move the taunt from the end of the f3 cast to the beginning.

Although the taunt will make it easier to land Worldly Impact, it will also give a warning to the taunted player(s) as to when the attack is coming.

Problem solved.

Or.... as I said before, a hard cap on single attack damage that exceeds a certain % of a person's health, with exceptions made for certain select skills (IE DJ).

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

Actually, I have a solution. Move the taunt from the end of the f3 cast to the beginning.

Although the taunt will make it easier to land Worldly Impact, it will also give a warning to the taunted player(s) as to when the attack is coming.

Problem solved.

Or.... as I said before, a hard cap on single attack damage that exceeds a certain % of a person's health, with exceptions made for certain select skills (IE DJ).

Sure. But I think the debate over which skills should be capped won't be a very easy one. I also don't believe that capping certain attacks based on health percentage is a very good solution. That's just my opinion of course.

Moving the taunt to the beginning is much simpler and solves the problem.

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As a PvPer that was around at launch, through the dark times of Dhuumfire and Cele Ele, I have to say, just give up. It doesn't matter if this is the most OP build or just annoying, at least, it isn't Hambow.

The PvP will never get better, that's the unfortunate truth. And at this point, PvP no longer matters to ArenaNet to make meaningful gameplay changes, the player base for it is just so small now. At launch you could find a constant 25 filled rooms of pugs fighting it out, now you need a queue just to find 10 people.

ArenaNet never realized that PvP needed to be the end game for Guild Wars 2, as PvE kinda doesn't have a true end game still. I remember when they were proudly stating how every class can perform every role, control, dps and support. With the idea it would have super diverse classes, which, ironically does the exact opposite as it becomes 1 class rules the role.

But anyways, they could bring back Chronobunker if they want to and honestly wouldn't change much in quality of life, it's already at the bare bottom.For anyone asking for a nerf/buff of anything, just give up, and hope Guild Wars 3 fixes the problems.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

Okay, you have all your CD. I perma stealth 1 shot you with Malicious Backstab. Counter? Good luck finding one.

I stack 12sec of stealth to one shot you with WI. When do you dodge? sec 2, sec 4, sec 6, sec 11? All you will do is spam a few dodges trying to predict the opener but when a person can stack so much stealth, your dodges are rng af. Good luck with this kind of counter to stealth openers.

In the case of countering Soulbeast stealth, you don't random dodge around, you just keep moving. The key is to notice them stealthing up, then just keep moving in one direction away from them. If they and you are out of combat, they cannot catch up to you and hit you with WI if you run in the same direction away. Because of theif and mes ports, countering them is abit harder but for soulbeast its easy, unless you're trying to sit on a point and they are coming for you; then yeah goodluck trying to random dodge it; but you could get lucky.

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:Because a one shot shouldn't exist in pvp that is "supposedly" balanced by a dev with over 300 members.

I think the core of this argument comes down to a few things, and this is one of them. Some people think stealth is broken, some people think it's fine. Some people think one shot builds are broken, some people think they are fine. I think stealth was ok until they added Shadowmeld lol. Like seriously? You add reveal because stealth needed counterplay, then you add a reveal-remove because....wait what? And I think one shot builds are perfectly fine when they sacrifice everything to achieve it.

@"Vagrant.7206" said:

What are you supposed to do if you if you never even knew the enemy was there?

That's the problem. Even "one-shot" mesmers and thieves have a period of time where you have a chance to spot them and dodge the nastiest part of their attack. The one-shot Soulbeast... I never even saw him until I was downed in one hit. There is no "L2P" against that. Your only hope is that your team has enough brains and ability to hunt down the goober running such a build, or that you're supremely lucky and manage to CC them in stealth or dodge at just a lucky moment.

If you never saw him coming then its very difficult to avoid dying. However map awareness helps. I'm always looking at the map to see where every icon is and if I don't see where the SB is I'd be on guard. There are very few spots where SBs could stealth up long enough to make it to you, out of your sight completely. Most of the time I do it, they definitely know I'm coming, but for some reason they just sit on point instead of just running away a bit and then coming back when I'm out of stealth.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Ok seriously, I already went over this. Here are nerfs that will end the 1-shot legend of the harsh master drama epidemic, that won't harm other ranger builds:

  • Attack of Opportunity on Maul should not work unless it hits a target.
  • Moment of Clarity should be nerfed from 50% to 25%
  • Remorseless could use 25% to around 15%
  • Sic'Em needs to function with +20% bonus in pvp and wvw, and the 2000 range 6s reveal that cannot be dodged or blocked may need to be reviewed.

First is fine, second NO, third NO, fourth fine. Why would you nerf damage modifiers that would hurt core before fixing Soulbeast issues?

I propose gutting Sic'em damage modifier to 25% when merged, and leave it the same un-merged. Also replace self-buffed attack of opportunity (25%) with moment of clarity's (50%) upon interrupt, preventing the two from stacking. That would mean a max modifier of 100% with rupt, instead of the current 140%. Majority of bursts wouldn't have the rupt, so the common modifier would be 75% (normal AoO instead of MoC's AoO)

That's a start; then we can look into not letting maul buff without landing the blow on a target.

To clarify, NONE of these changes affect druid or core except not letting maul buff without hit, which is why I put it last.

A core ranger can't stack the two attack of opportunity buffs; only a soulbeast can. A core ranger doesn't get sic'em's modifier on himself; only a soulbeast can.

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@Euthymias.7984 said:

I propose gutting Sic'em damage modifier to 25% when merged, and leave it the same un-merged.

Pretty sure Sic' Em is already +25% damage merged/+40% Pet damage unmerged. The tooltip just doesnt reflect that effect.

I remember patch notes about it I think but a few people on the forums tested it from what I remember and it's still 40%

Not 100% sure about this though. If it's indeed already 25% for us then move on to the other nerfs I suggested, or sic'em could be completely changed to do something spicy and interesting without the damage modifier at all.

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@Madisonlee.9641 said:

I propose gutting Sic'em damage modifier to 25% when merged, and leave it the same un-merged.

Pretty sure Sic' Em is already +25% damage merged/+40% Pet damage unmerged. The tooltip just doesnt reflect that effect.

I remember patch notes about it I think but a few people on the forums tested it from what I remember and it's still 40%

Not 100% sure about this though. If it's indeed already 25% for us then move on to the other nerfs I suggested, or sic'em could be completely changed to do something spicy and interesting without the damage modifier at all.

It's definitely still +40%. Go attack a golem with 1 spams on a no precision build. If you were dealing 1000 damage, you'll see that it goes up to 1400 damage.

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:Sooner or later Stealth will likely end up changed in a similar way to what they did in Heroes of the Storm. Like 1-2s actual invisibility and immunity to Revealed unless self-inclined, then past that partial visibility, more visible while moving.

Then there will be some whining from bad players who need the gimmick to get anything actually done, then people adapt and go on with their lives.

This is interesting since I used to play Zeratul a lot when I played HOTS. I've thought about playing again when I saw they added Fenix, I was a huge supporter of getting Fenix added and I really wanted him to start out as a zealot and have his ult turn him into a stalker, but bliz failed me :(

Anyways, what I'm interested in is zeratul's passive - how did they change it? His stealth wasn't an active like nova's, his was just always on, so it wouldn't make sense to have it only last 2s.

Regardless, to get back on topic though - I don't agree that 1shots SHOULDN'T EXIST - I think they do have a place in a well-telegraphed, well-prepared scenario that should be avoidable (like DJ). But from what I understand this particular build (which I've not encountered personally) doesn't have any actual tells once the user has gone into stealth - making it easy to stealth behind a wall or something then gank someone without them even knowing they were there. That IS something I would be against.

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Nerf one Shot sb so we can finally enjoy the balanced and awesome meta again. Im getting one shotted left and right every time. They are everywere, cant enjoy Game. I cri everitiem. So unfair 15sec of ez stealth, then broken Maul dmg 20k cant even see. Broken Pls Nerf. Buff core Ranger. Im a Plat fuqqboi, i know what I am talking about reeeee

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@"pelle ossa.9705" said:it's time to nerf dh longbow again

Good meme. Man, I miss bashing on Coalescence of Ruin, then screaming "BETTER NERF TRUESHOT AGAIN" but then they actually nerfed CoR.

@shadowpass.4236 said:

Afraid of harming other builds. There are stronger 1 shot builds than soulbeast. Until those get nerfed, I don't think soulbeast should be touched.

People are acting like this soulbeast build is viable and more of an issue than mantra mes or deadeye. This isn't the case.

Your first suggested change hurts every other soulbeast build except the 1 shot. They should only implement the second if it applied to all attacks on every class from stealth.

Sure it hurts them, but like I said, this should never have been a thing in the first place. Doesn't make any sense for you to attack literally nothing, then have your pet get enraged. I mean may as well just telepathically tell your pet to have Moment of Clarity, no need to attack. Logic aside, what build exactly would this hurt? Neither core ranger nor druid rely on mauling thin air then following up with their pet f2 to make use of that +50% damage. It's more of a reward for skillfully landing maul on an actual target, not a necessary or keystone part of the build.

As for the second change, you mentioned that you use WI to blast smoke fields. Fine, just lower the reveal timer to 0.25s or 0.5s, and have it begin the moment you cast WI. This way, the reveal expires as your blast finisher occurs so you will still be able to blast smoke fields.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:

Afraid of harming other builds. There are stronger 1 shot builds than soulbeast. Until those get nerfed, I don't think soulbeast should be touched.

People are acting like this soulbeast build is viable and more of an issue than mantra mes or deadeye. This isn't the case.

Your first suggested change hurts every other soulbeast build except the 1 shot. They should only implement the second if it applied to all attacks on every class from stealth.

Sure it hurts them, but like I said, this should never have been a thing in the first place. Doesn't make any sense for you to attack literally nothing, then have your pet get enraged. I mean may as well just telepathically tell your pet to have Moment of Clarity, no need to attack.
Logic aside, what build exactly would this hurt? Neither core ranger nor druid rely on mauling thin air then following up with their pet f2 to make use of that +50% damage.
It's more of a reward for skillfully landing maul on an actual target, not a necessary or keystone part of the build.

As for the second change, you mentioned that you use WI to blast smoke fields. Fine, just lower the reveal timer to 0.25s or 0.5s, and have it begin the moment you cast WI. This way, the reveal expires as your blast finisher occurs so you will still be able to blast smoke fields.

Yes they do. It's part of playing greatsword properly.

Sorry, your suggestion is awful. Tying a reveal to a leap/blast finisher is counter-intuitive and why do you assume I use WI as the first stealth? If I'm already in stealth and want to extend the duration with a smoke field + WI, it reveals me first??

You basically want to make it so situations like this would happen: I have 9 seconds of stealth. Use WI to blast a smoke field. It reveals me and I end up with 3 seconds instead.


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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Kageseigi.2150 said:Would it help to add a self-Reveal to Sic'Em that would only affect the pet unless melded? If melded, it would also affect the Ranger?

All of these changes would hurt the build in question. However they (like yours) would also hurt builds that should be left alone.

Just curious what adding a self-Reveal to the pet during Sic'Em would hurt? Wouldn't it just keep a Soulbeast from boosting damage in Stealth, but nothing else?

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@Kageseigi.2150 said:

@Kageseigi.2150 said:Would it help to add a self-Reveal to Sic'Em that would only affect the pet unless melded? If melded, it would also affect the Ranger?

All of these changes would hurt the build in question. However they (like yours) would also hurt builds that should be left alone.

Just curious what adding a self-Reveal to the pet during Sic'Em would hurt? Wouldn't it just keep a Soulbeast from boosting damage in Stealth, but nothing else?

I've found people just throw that "it will hurt other builds/core" around just because it's an easy defense. I had someone say that to me on another thread about this when I specifically chose changes that in -no way whatsoever- affect anything other than soulbeast lol. Anyways that's actually a pretty good suggestion you have, as having pet be revealed wouldn't hurt core, however. . . . the SB would just cast sic'em during the WI animation and it would essentially be the same outcome.

First and foremost they need to correctly nerf the damage in merged mode to 25%

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@Kageseigi.2150 said:

@Kageseigi.2150 said:Would it help to add a self-Reveal to Sic'Em that would only affect the pet unless melded? If melded, it would also affect the Ranger?

All of these changes would hurt the build in question. However they (like yours) would also hurt builds that should be left alone.

Just curious what adding a self-Reveal to the pet during Sic'Em would hurt? Wouldn't it just keep a Soulbeast from boosting damage in Stealth, but nothing else?

A reveal to the pet wouldn't affect anything. Pet's don't really stealth.

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@Kageseigi.2150 said:

@Kageseigi.2150 said:Would it help to add a self-Reveal to Sic'Em that would only affect the pet unless melded? If melded, it would also affect the Ranger?

All of these changes would hurt the build in question. However they (like yours) would also hurt builds that should be left alone.

Just curious what adding a self-Reveal to the pet during Sic'Em would hurt? Wouldn't it just keep a Soulbeast from boosting damage in Stealth, but nothing else?

That does nothing. You cast sick'm during the worldly impact cast. That way you have enough of it left over to finish them off. you aren't oneshotting anyone with toughness. Nerfing sick'm in beast mode is the best solution I've seen. It doesn't affect anything besides SB which is the problem.

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@ChartFish.1308 said:harsh master strikes again, leaving nothing but salt in their wake

@"ZeteCommander.4937" said:The real problem is that condition damage can hardly hurt them,This is even more than the Druids and more damage than the Druids

bruh. conditions
any ranger not using wilderness survival, and if you want to imitate this oneshot wonderbuild then you can't run wilderness survival.A oneshot wondershot build has nothing to cleanse conditions. NOTHING. Not Bear stance, because WHaO is necessary for mightstacking, not signet of renewal because it brings no damage boosts. any ranger running a high damage little sustain build atm on soulbeast
that if they get focused, be it power damage or condi damage, they will melt. you essentially fill the role of a thief +1s but with less mobility.

I'd like to correct this statement slightly. Thief +1s have 4s cooldowns for this level of burst damage if core, are a chain of hits that exceed this level of damage over 8 seconds, or can double burst you in .75s for this damage.

There's a reason I play D/d shortbow Deadeye in Pvp. Immobilize Venom, Shadow Meld, Haste, Infiltrator Signet if necessary. Tag, Blink+5 with venom and haste on, press 1, press 0, press 1, press 2 until target is "stomped". I'm even able to run Valkyrie gear with it xD

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

Or.... as I said before, a hard cap on single attack damage that exceeds a certain % of a person's health, with exceptions made for certain select skills (IE DJ).

Thats a terrible suggestion.

You want to say why?

Because vitality would be a useless stat. Say you'd cap this damage at 50%, you wouldn't get oneshot as a zerk deadeye, fa ele or zerk guard. It's dumbing down an already easy game. WI is not the issue, it's the 8k longbow autos, 17k rapid fires that are also unblockable. Especially on coliseum.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

Or.... as I said before, a hard cap on single attack damage that exceeds a certain % of a person's health, with exceptions made for certain select skills (IE DJ).

Thats a terrible suggestion.

You want to say why?

Because vitality would be a useless stat. Say you'd cap this damage at 50%, you wouldn't get oneshot as a zerk deadeye, fa ele or zerk guard. It's dumbing down an already easy game. WI is not the issue, it's the 8k longbow autos, 17k rapid fires that are also unblockable. Especially on coliseum.

That's exactly what I've been trying to point out right there.

I originally made this video for fun, but going back and watching it, I realize it's the perfect video to example for realistic values vs. the discussion & embellished opinions going on in this thread. Notice the damage coming off the Longbow autos & rapid fires. Although it may be Maul & WI that is killing players, it is Longbow that is downing them. At one point a player says in /s "one shot SB so annoying" <- Complete over-exaggeration of the build I am running.

Here is a realistic look at what everyone is complaining about, from the Soulbeast's point of view. Again, notice the numbers rolling off that Longbow vs. the Mauls & Worldlys that are certainly not 1 shots. This is a Berserker Soulbeast and more along the lines of the types of builds that people are actually running competitively. It's been said a dozen times in this thread already but I'm going to say it again: No one other than Harsh master is running 1-shot gimmicks. The build is terrible in more competitive play.


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@shadowpass.4236 said:

Afraid of harming other builds. There are stronger 1 shot builds than soulbeast. Until those get nerfed, I don't think soulbeast should be touched.

People are acting like this soulbeast build is viable and more of an issue than mantra mes or deadeye. This isn't the case.

Your first suggested change hurts every other soulbeast build except the 1 shot. They should only implement the second if it applied to all attacks on every class from stealth.

Sure it hurts them, but like I said, this should never have been a thing in the first place. Doesn't make any sense for you to attack literally nothing, then have your pet get enraged. I mean may as well just telepathically tell your pet to have Moment of Clarity, no need to attack.
Logic aside, what build exactly would this hurt? Neither core ranger nor druid rely on mauling thin air then following up with their pet f2 to make use of that +50% damage.
It's more of a reward for skillfully landing maul on an actual target, not a necessary or keystone part of the build.

As for the second change, you mentioned that you use WI to blast smoke fields. Fine, just lower the reveal timer to 0.25s or 0.5s, and have it begin the moment you cast WI. This way, the reveal expires as your blast finisher occurs so you will still be able to blast smoke fields.

Yes they do. It's part of playing greatsword properly.

Sorry, your suggestion is awful. Tying a reveal to a leap/blast finisher is counter-intuitive and why do you assume I use WI as the first stealth? If I'm already in stealth and want to extend the duration with a smoke field + WI, it reveals me first??

You basically want to make it so situations like this would happen: I have 9 seconds of stealth. Use WI to blast a smoke field. It reveals me and I end up with 3 seconds instead.


Alright then, what would you suggest? You can't say do nothing; this build is a problem and needs to go. It's just a matter of what's the best way of eradicating it without harming other builds too much.

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