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Ranger is way too strong 1v1 in WvW


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@bigo.9037 said:

@"Xenash.1245" said:Just gonna throw it out there since the whole "huge ranger burst" with longbow is something people seem to bring up constantly. But if you're having trouble with those types of rangers for whatever reason then you can simply run something with projectile destruction/reflect, and if you don't it's simply just your fault. If the ranger is truly doing such INSANE damage or whatever then they're most likely going to just kill themselves or blow all their endurance from dodging their own attack. Hell even if they're smart enough to end their attack you can either just now win if they really did put everything into that opening burst or just simply disengage since most rangers in wvw from what I've seen don't run with things that cripple/immobilize.

I agree that ranger isn't that big of an issue in general wvw blob fighting but you're missing 2 key points.1: unlockable makes reflects irrelevant and as discussed earlier they have high uptime because of 1 single trait.2: the thread discusses 1v1, where soulbeast outshines pretty much any class in wvw balance.

sure, wvw isn't made for 1v1 but neither is Spvp, yet 1v1s happen on the regular. dismissing 1v1 balance entirely is really stupid as it impacts a lot of players. anet knows this too, which is why there isn't only 1 class capable of utterly destroying everything while the rest are only good for group fighting.

1v1 needs to be completely dismissed in WvW because balancing around that would completely eradicate any means of balance in the mode in general. The classes can't be balanced both on a 1v1 potential and large scale battles at the same time. There is only so much unblockable up-time out there, and it's not as high as people make it out to be. Then combine that with the fact their damage is completely abysmal. As I outlined earlier, a full zerk SB is often met with 1.5-2k crit attacks (if they are lucky) with 2.5k crit attacks with their rapid fire. This is the exact opposite of overpowered, it borderlines pathetic, considering that same target you unloaded a 1.5K crit on, can turn around and land a 4-5k hit on you while sitting in PVT gear.

Trying to reduce the SB's damage potential because of 1v1 potential (based on how elite players use it because that is what this really is coming down to), is just wrong. What are people looking for? To turn that 2.5k rapid fire crit into 1.5k and their long range shots never to exceed 1K? To remove their stealth potential which is useless when the melee train is running in your direction (given the scourge bombs). Want the unblockabe uptime reduced by half so they can only land 3-4 (then healed through), before all their projectiles become either blocked or reflected?

People really need to think about what they're saying first.

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@Lynnie.7213 said:

@Lynnie.7213 said:Had this laying around, thought would be a good fit for this discussion. That spellbreaker, man ... :s

lmao just stop with these videos that ar spellbreaker is really bad i have played him before and the other guy literally just opened the wrapper on the game,the spell breaker is just following you around key board turning. anet should grow a pair of kitten and just say this game is balanced at a competitive level not at the wood league level to get gud like blizzard would say.post a video of fighting other good soulbeast and spell breakers that can atleast jump dodge goodness. This thread needs to die lol WI is just a maul that roots with a 25 second cooldown now. Ranger has to be the only profession in the game that ranger mains come in here begging for nerfs

Broken Soulbeast. lol

im still waiting for a decent video of guys who can jump dodge roll and dont keyboard turn,u have no footage of fighting other soulbeast who are decent or spell breakers mirages any thing really lmao. no footage of these 15k autos vs some one who is wearing armor . I have full legend armor zerker with full zerker trinkets and scholar runes with all power infusions never see these numbers of 15k autos are 40k rapid fires. literally no decent footage of any thing of the sort in this ttopic. just people posting screen with no armor i guess lol :disappointed:

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@Maven.1690 said:Yes its a purprose built build to crit heavy and hard on the opening two or 3 shots. He was running a druid build staff and bow so not sure what armor but pretty sure i caught him by surprise and got the shots off before he knew what happened. You can call it cheese but its really just glass and takes a fair amount of effort to not get jumped unawares. Pretty fun watching everyone argue rock paper scissors though.


I’m all zerk, protection and stone passive was down. You had some extra stats from Guild Aura and Keep buffs. I knew you were there, but was trying to lure you down by giving you a couple cheap shots (while I brazenly tapped keep). And then I was suddenly dead!

Those big shots have only happen a few times. I’ve been 1 shotted by DEs fwiw.

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@Brian.1289 said:

@Lynnie.7213 said:Had this laying around, thought would be a good fit for this discussion. That spellbreaker, man ... :s

lmao just stop with these videos that ar spellbreaker is really bad i have played him before and the other guy literally just opened the wrapper on the game,the spell breaker is just following you around key board turning. anet should grow a pair of kitten and just say this game is balanced at a competitive level not at the wood league level to get gud like blizzard would say.post a video of fighting other good soulbeast and spell breakers that can atleast jump dodge goodness. This thread needs to die lol WI is just a maul that roots with a 25 second cooldown now. Ranger has to be the only profession in the game that ranger mains come in here begging for nerfs

Broken Soulbeast. lol

im still waiting for a decent video of guys who can jump dodge roll and dont keyboard turn,u have no footage of fighting other soulbeast who are decent or spell breakers mirages any thing really lmao. no footage of these 15k autos vs some one who is wearing armor . I have full legend armor zerker with full zerker trinkets and scholar runes with all power infusions never see these numbers of 15k autos are 40k rapid fires. literally no decent footage of any thing of the sort in this ttopic. just people posting screen with no armor i guess lol :disappointed:

It's hard to find decent 1v1s in WvW, those are most common in Spvp, and when i do its long af. Not gonna post a 10 minutes 1v1 to kill people out of boredome. :)Also i don't play the zerk sic'em build everyone is talking about, but you should watch Gladomer, he plays it very often and its the reason this whole thing starts. I think the first post about nearly 20k autos were about him.https://www.twitch.tv/gladomer

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:

@"Xenash.1245" said:Just gonna throw it out there since the whole "huge ranger burst" with longbow is something people seem to bring up constantly. But if you're having trouble with those types of rangers for whatever reason then you can simply run something with projectile destruction/reflect, and if you don't it's simply just your fault. If the ranger is truly doing such INSANE damage or whatever then they're most likely going to just kill themselves or blow all their endurance from dodging their own attack. Hell even if they're smart enough to end their attack you can either just now win if they really did put everything into that opening burst or just simply disengage since most rangers in wvw from what I've seen don't run with things that cripple/immobilize.

I agree that ranger isn't that big of an issue in general wvw blob fighting but you're missing 2 key points.1: unlockable makes reflects irrelevant and as discussed earlier they have high uptime because of 1 single trait.2: the thread discusses 1v1, where soulbeast outshines pretty much any class in wvw balance.

sure, wvw isn't made for 1v1 but neither is Spvp, yet 1v1s happen on the regular. dismissing 1v1 balance entirely is really stupid as it impacts a lot of players. anet knows this too, which is why there isn't only 1 class capable of utterly destroying everything while the rest are only good for group fighting.

1v1 needs to be completely dismissed in WvW because balancing around that would completely eradicate any means of balance in the mode in general. The classes can't be balanced both on a 1v1 potential and large scale battles at the same time. There is only so much unblockable up-time out there, and it's not as high as people make it out to be. Then combine that with the fact their damage is completely abysmal. As I outlined earlier, a full zerk SB is often met with 1.5-2k crit attacks (if they are lucky) with 2.5k crit attacks with their rapid fire. This is the exact opposite of overpowered, it borderlines pathetic, considering that same target you unloaded a 1.5K crit on, can turn around and land a 4-5k hit on you while sitting in PVT gear.

Trying to reduce the SB's damage potential because of 1v1 potential (based on how elite players use it because that is what this really is coming down to), is just wrong. What are people looking for? To turn that 2.5k rapid fire crit into 1.5k and their long range shots never to exceed 1K? To remove their stealth potential which is useless when the melee train is running in your direction (given the scourge bombs). Want the unblockabe uptime reduced by half so they can only land 3-4 (then healed through), before all their projectiles become either blocked or reflected?

People really need to think about what they're saying first.

what I'm saying is not that ranger dmg should be nerfed.

Imagine if anet completely dismissed 1v1 balance and it was just completely broken. 1 or 2 specs completely dominate 1v1 fights/roaming.. I'm pretty sure you're gonna see more complaining than you do now. every time anet tries to cater to the majority and forget about the minority, things go to shit. the majority are usually casuals who want to play on easy mode, get free rewards just for pressing the play button and be feel like they've accomplished something in a zerg fight even though they were really just a HP shield and supply carrier. that's the majority. catering to them will destroy the game. you get rid of roaming in wvw and suddenly a huge amount of players will stop playing because spvp doesn't provide the same game play. and most people know roamers tend to have more brains than the typical supply runner who does nothing but follow tags pug mode all day.

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@RangerThings.9810 said:

@"Lynnie.7213" said:Also i don't play the zerk sic'em build everyone is talking about

Why not? May be enlightening for the haters.

I don't like glass builds, i tend to play more of tanky style.

Here is the broken SB everyone cry about. lolhttps://clips.twitch.tv/ComfortableBadWhaleTheTarFu (Rapid Fire Oneshot)

https://clips.twitch.tv/ClearBeautifulYamTBCheesePull (30k Maul)

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@Lynnie.7213 said:

@Lynnie.7213 said:Also i don't play the zerk sic'em build everyone is talking about

Why not? May be enlightening for the haters.

I don't like glass builds, i tend to play more of tanky style.

Here is the broken SB everyone cry about. lol
(Rapid Fire Oneshot)

(30k Maul)

I have been playing full glass for about 3 years and long prior to Soulbeast's introduction.

Personally, I'm a sucker for big numbers. Others just like to cheese and wall hug. Regardless of your reasoning, it is suboptimal for solo roaming. Even if you're using the double Stone Signet with Marksmanship (which is a waste btw) you're just too glassy to commit to outnumbered fights, which are most of what you find when solo.

Yes you can absolutely pull off outnumbered fights as full glass but the issue is that it requires a lot of hard kiting and resetting to gain the upperhand. This could be said with any class but the difference here is that the longer you draw out the fight the greater chance you have of dying. Glass Ranger/Soulbeast excels at killing it's targets quickly. A more durable build is the opposite in that it excels at wearing it's opponents down which is much safer choice.

I find the biggest issue I have being full glass is that unless my opponent(s) have next to no range or mobility, either I'll die or be forced in to full defensive mode if I make even one mistake. Of course I can eventually recover if given the time and with proper kiting, but the point is that I can't afford to trade hits and especially in outnumbered fights, you're going to be forced to do that sometimes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is redonk.. I'm sorry, but are you serious? I know others have said it.. but Soulbeast is hardly OP... Fight a good condi mirage, and then tell me it's OP.. Mirage can dump dozens of multiple stacks of condis, and disengage in a heartbeat.. among a thousand other things.. good vs/ every class... come on man. Ranger is balanced, and is the counter to other builds. There should be more balance, and counter builds, not something like a mez that can fight every class/build and have an edge.

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@So Fuzzy Pop.1384 said:This thread needs to be locked. The OP should never have been replied to to begin with.

Nah i personally welcome any kind of discussion. When you see only arguments players to complain is to confuse druids with soulbeasts you realise they are seriously struggling with the game mechanics if they play at all.

I would find nice to Anet to put under the user name the amount of hour that player has for every class. That would help other forum members to give a better advise. You can not give the same advise to a veteran with 6k hours which is asking for any ideas to play against a busted mechanics (DE stealth) than to a player just struggling with the base game mechanics which seems to be the OP in this case.

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  • 7 months later...

@"Aridon.8362" said:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/75147/soulbeast-pew-pew-is-out-of-hand#latest ; just to put this out there and rub all the I told you so on this thread. They have been like this for about half a year now.

Can you stop already? You could oneshot ppl even before PoF. Remember the old Signets? Soulbeast makes it just easier. And stop making arguments based on meme videos. Go watch other roaming vids with ppl using boonbeast - or literally every other meta builds from other classes. Spoiler: you would not stand a chance against that either. The only difference is that your death will be slow and agonizing.

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@beatthedown.2651 said:

@"Aridon.8362" said:
; just to put this out there and rub all the I told you so on this thread. They have been like this for about half a year now.

Can you stop already? You could oneshot ppl even before PoF. Remember the old Signets? Soulbeast makes it just easier. And stop making arguments based on meme videos. Go watch other roaming vids with ppl using boonbeast - or literally every other meta builds from other classes. Spoiler: you would not stand a chance against that either. The only difference is that your death will be slow and agonizing.

I said before and I'll say it again ... You can't oneshot if the enemy is not zerker, a newby player or is afk for few sec. The One Shot Ranger build is full zerker, with only 1 defensive skill Signet of Stone with a CD of 70 and 5 sec of invulnerability vs power damage only. So, what you saw in that video are only those moments when he oneshot ppl, but I am sure that he died twice more than he killed. Because oneshot ranger build also die in a sec too. Remember that this kind of oneshot build have it also other classes like mesmer, thief, warrior (on warrior you must use more skills not only 1, but you have the same feeling that you die in 1 sec).

@beatthedown.2651 before post and talk about, please use this build, go in WvW and see how often you kill ppl and how often are you die. This build is good only if you have a good support party. Usual in WvW ppl are running in party/groups of 3-5-10 etc ...

Anyway, GL with this build in WvW :D

PS: this build it is funny only when you get bored and want to try something else, but can't be used for roaming or zerg in WvW. I want to see you duelling with this build ... lol

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@"Aridon.8362" said:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/75147/soulbeast-pew-pew-is-out-of-hand#latest ; just to put this out there and rub all the I told you so on this thread. They have been like this for about half a year now.

Dear Aridon,

1- This game wasn't built for 1v1. And putting "1v1" next to "wvw" looks kinda silly.

2- I can guarantee most players around the pvp and wvw scenes are aware that damage output, aka "power creep", is a problem across all professions when geared for it. Here again, silly to complain about ranger directly when it's a problem with profession designs.

Have a great one!

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Aridon.8362" said:
; just to put this out there and rub all the I told you so on this thread. They have been like this for about half a year now.

Dear Aridon,

1- This game wasn't built for 1v1. And putting "1v1" next to "wvw" looks kinda silly.

2- I can guarantee most players around the pvp and wvw scenes are aware that damage output, aka "power creep", is a problem across all professions when geared for it. Here again, silly to complain about ranger directly when it's a problem with profession designs.

Have a great one!

Writing a forum post as if it were a letter is silly.

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15k autos by simly having the right build using maul, swap, sic em 11111 on longbow from 1500 + range, all while moving, hell throw in unblockable and revealed effects on that bitch too while you're at it. healthy for wvw ? i think not. Yeah pretty much all classes can "1 shot" anyone but most have to set it up by blowing their entire kit or take a chance and actually walk up to the target in melee. Soulbeast's are just lazy, so damn lazy.

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