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Concerns about Elementalist


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@Arcaneus.6931 said:One thing I find frustrating about this class is that you are always forced to play as a Fire Mage, it has Elementalist in its name but you can't actually play a Earth, Ice/Water, or even Air Mage, just because the rest act more like crappy utility skills than anything and you will find yourself cycling back to Fire Attunement Always. I get that they have this mixed rotation you are forced to cycle through but it gets very irritating after awhile for me.

For me it would have been nice if they gave us an option to choose the elements we want to focus on like 1 or 2 elements and the F1 to F2 would be only be the element you chosen, the down side being you now longer have access to the other elements unless you respec or something but you can now weapon swap.

The funny thing is you can already play as a Fire mage if you go Guardian, Warrior Berserker(Melee), Mesmer or Necromancer, all have some form of fire condition or damage based trait or abilities. So in essence Eles Fire Attunement isn't really all that unique or special of a skill to be forced into playing it just because other other classes can also deal fire damage as well.

I really wanted to play as an Ice Mage but god kitten is it disappointing.

FA tempest focuses on air mostly, so do LR d/f weaver and FA scepter weaver. Support tempest builds are basically water focused, with some earth and fire depending on content and purpose. Condi builds are usually built with both fire and earth.

Most weapons actually favor air over fire when it comes to power builds.

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@steki.1478 said:FA tempest focuses on air mostly, so do LR d/f weaver and FA scepter weaver. Support tempest builds are basically water focused, with some earth and fire depending on content and purpose. Condi builds are usually built with both fire and earth.

Most weapons actually favor air over fire when it comes to power builds.

Yeah but I shouldn't be required to take a specific weapon if I want to focus on a single element.I prefer using Staff on eles because I like long range.

Fire and Air shouldn't be the only elements that should available for damage dealing. I think it would be better if they just moved all of the utilities away from weapon skills all together, I just want to play as an Ice Mage but I cant even do that on Eles. I don't like the idea of having some elements locked for utility and support only :/

I get were you are coming from but I would rather just have the option to focus on 1 element and maybe have F1 for a chosen element to be damage based and F2 be Utility skills instead for that element. For example:

Ice MageF1: Ice = Condi/DamageF2: Water= Healing/SupportEarth MageF1: Earth = Condi/DamageF2: Magnetic= Defensive/SupportFire MageF1: Fire = Condi/DamageF2: Magma= Dodge/DefensiveAir MageF1: Lightning = Condi/DamageF2: Air = Dodge/Mobility

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@Arcaneus.6931 said:

@steki.1478 said:FA tempest focuses on air mostly, so do LR d/f weaver and FA scepter weaver. Support tempest builds are basically water focused, with some earth and fire depending on content and purpose. Condi builds are usually built with both fire and earth.

Most weapons actually favor air over fire when it comes to power builds.

Yeah but I shouldn't be required to take a specific weapon if I want to focus on a single element.I prefer using Staff on eles because I like long range.

Fire and Air shouldn't be the only elements that should available for damage dealing. I think it would be better if they just moved all of the utilities away from weapon skills all together, I just want to play as an Ice Mage but I cant even do that on Eles. I don't like the idea of having some elements locked for utility and support only :/

I get were you are coming from but I would rather just have the option to focus on 1 element and maybe have F1 for a chosen element to be damage based and F2 be Utility skills instead for that element. For example:

Ice Mage
F1: Ice = Condi/DamageF2: Water= Healing/Support
Earth Mage
F1: Earth = Condi/DamageF2: Magnetic= Defensive/Support
Fire Mage
F1: Fire = Condi/DamageF2: Magma= Dodge/Defensive
Air Mage
F1: Lightning = Condi/DamageF2: Air = Dodge/Utility

We only have 2 elite specs and they can cover only so much. Can't expect them to do everything and you can't expect all weapons to do that as well. They all have their purposes.

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@"Arcaneus.6931" said:One thing I find frustrating about this class is that you are always forced to play as a Fire Mage, it has Elementalist in its name but you can't actually play a Earth, Ice/Water, or even Air Mage, just because the rest act more like crappy utility skills than anything and you will find yourself cycling back to Fire Attunement Always. I get that they have this mixed rotation you are forced to cycle through but it gets very irritating after awhile for me.

For me it would have been nice if they gave us an option to choose the elements we want to focus on like 1 or 2 elements and the F1 to F2 would be only be the element you chosen, the down side being you now longer have access to the other elements unless you respec or something but you can now weapon swap.

The funny thing is you can already play as a Fire mage if you go Guardian, Warrior Berserker(Melee), Mesmer or Necromancer, all have some form of fire condition or damage based trait or abilities. So in essence Eles Fire Attunement isn't really all that unique or special of a skill to be forced into playing it just because other other classes can also deal fire damage as well.

I really wanted to play as an Ice Mage but god kitten is it disappointing.

Which is the saddest , most stupid, absurd , ridiculous thing I ever seen in a videogame......I can do 3x more burning dmg on a freaking knight class...than the actual class supposed to be a fire mage template...every time I get reminded of the absurdity of this gaming studio....I get reminded why I keep away from it now

From all thishttps://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Fire_Magic

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@Arcaneus.6931 said:

@"steki.1478" said:FA tempest focuses on air mostly, so do LR d/f weaver and FA scepter weaver. Support tempest builds are basically water focused, with some earth and fire depending on content and purpose. Condi builds are usually built with both fire and earth.

Most weapons actually favor air over fire when it comes to power builds.

Yeah but I shouldn't be required to take a specific weapon if I want to focus on a single element.I prefer using Staff on eles because I like long range.

tbh I think elementalists should be most focused on holding onto archtype of being the strongest casting DPS class with good support/utility, not demanding they can pick an arbitrary element, an arbitrary weapon and be successful in an arbitrary role.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Arcaneus.6931" said:One thing I find frustrating about this class is that you are always forced to play as a Fire Mage, it has Elementalist in its name but you can't actually play a Earth, Ice/Water, or even Air Mage, just because the rest act more like crappy utility skills than anything and you will find yourself cycling back to Fire Attunement Always. I get that they have this mixed rotation you are forced to cycle through but it gets very irritating after awhile for me.

For me it would have been nice if they gave us an option to choose the elements we want to focus on like 1 or 2 elements and the F1 to F2 would be only be the element you chosen, the down side being you now longer have access to the other elements unless you respec or something but you can now weapon swap.

The funny thing is you can already play as a Fire mage if you go Guardian, Warrior Berserker(Melee), Mesmer or Necromancer, all have some form of fire condition or damage based trait or abilities. So in essence Eles Fire Attunement isn't really all that unique or special of a skill to be forced into playing it just because other other classes can also deal fire damage as well.

I really wanted to play as an Ice Mage but god kitten is it disappointing.

Which is the saddest , most stupid, absurd , ridiculous thing I ever seen in a videogame......
I can do 3x more burning dmg on a freaking knight class...than the actual class supposed to be a fire mage template
...every time I get reminded of the absurdity of this gaming studio....I get reminded why I keep away from it now

From all this

How much burning do you want? I've got video pushing 40k burn ticks in fractals and bursting 20k+ burn ticks in 4 seconds on fire weaver in solo play. Nobody is doing 3x that with burning on any class, though fire brand is capable of similar results.

I can agree with the complaint about the feel of core/tempest with regard to how the skills are separated. Perhaps you should try weaver? It doesn't feel as locked in as the others because you have dual skills, faster rotation, and only commit half way to a particular element when you swap.

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You sure showed that PvE mob who's boss - oooweee...

Good lord, this has been a long time coming. The fire weaver build you seem to love pushing everywhere is made to address the major weakness of ele, that being it's made of wet, single-ply, gas station restroom toilet paper, by stacking mostly dire stats and then building for burning damage, the most damaging condition in the game. This makes the build much more welcoming to new, inexperienced players, which is good, but that's all they'll ever use that ele for. They could use the exact same gear on a scourge, be tankier, bring a wider array of functions into play (boon rip for instance), and have 900 range on most of their attacks. I'm not obsessive enough to test this, but I suspect they'd have better dps as well due to larger aoes and being able to kite better, and that gets to the point others have been making here: ele can work, but it takes more effort and special builds to do what other classes accomplish much more easily, and that is putting it favourably.

As for fractals, it doesn't say much that you can hit 40k burn ticks here and there on this build because that's what it's meant to do, but that doesn't mean it's all that good for anything beyond t2 and some of t3 because by that point other players will be getting a better handle of their dps builds and blowing you out of the water. The best comparison would be the condi weaver build. That thing not only gets higher burn ticks, but it also has a significant amount of power damage and all that damage is sustained fairly evenly. I usually run my healbrand in cm groups and even on that slightly changed hb build with only 812 condi damage (before boons are considered) and no extra burning duration, I will see burning ticks of roughly 15k when I use Tome of Justice, but that doesn't mean it's good dps.

Push ele all you want, but we need to be clear on the fact that the fire weaver build you advertise is one with training wheels meant for new players and there are more effective, specialized builds on ele and even those will be superseded by what other classes can pull off.

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@Arkaile.5604 said:@AliamRationem.5172

You sure showed that PvE mob who's boss - oooweee...

Good lord, this has been a long time coming. The fire weaver build you seem to love pushing everywhere is made to address the major weakness of ele, that being it's made of wet, single-ply, gas station restroom toilet paper, by stacking mostly dire stats and then building for burning damage, the most damaging condition in the game. This makes the build much more welcoming to new, inexperienced players, which is good, but that's all they'll ever use that ele for. They could use the exact same gear on a scourge, be tankier, bring a wider array of functions into play (boon rip for instance), and have 900 range on most of their attacks. I'm not obsessive enough to test this, but I suspect they'd have better dps as well due to larger aoes and being able to kite better, and that gets to the point others have been making here: ele can work, but it takes more effort and special builds to do what other classes accomplish much more easily, and that is putting it favourably.

As for fractals, it doesn't say much that you can hit 40k burn ticks here and there on this build because that's what it's meant to do, but that doesn't mean it's all that good for anything beyond t2 and some of t3 because by that point other players will be getting a better handle of their dps builds and blowing you out of the water. The best comparison would be the condi weaver build. That thing not only gets higher burn ticks, but it also has a significant amount of power damage and all that damage is sustained fairly evenly. I usually run my healbrand in cm groups and even on that slightly changed hb build with only 812 condi damage (before boons are considered) and no extra burning duration, I will see burning ticks of roughly 15k when I use Tome of Justice, but that doesn't mean it's good dps.

Push ele all you want, but we need to be clear on the fact that the fire weaver build you advertise is one with training wheels meant for new players and there are more effective, specialized builds on ele and even those will be superseded by what other classes can pull off.

I think I've been pretty clear about the fact that this is a generalist build designed for what I personally enjoy doing (story and open world with a bit of PvP, wvw roaming, and fractals up to T4 but not CM).

If it's less offensive to your try-hardness, you might check out some of my dueling vids where I manage to beat legendary tier PvP players using the same build with full glass stats. But I'm sure there will be some reason that requires trash talking both me and the class I enjoy. It wouldn't be the internet otherwise!

Play what you want to play. I'm just trying to help people enjoy a class they're struggling with. They asked for a build that does burning. Mine does it better than most. What's it to you?

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@Arkaile.5604 said:@AliamRationem.5172

You sure showed that PvE mob who's boss - oooweee...

Good lord, this has been a long time coming. The fire weaver build you seem to love pushing everywhere is made to address the major weakness of ele, that being it's made of wet, single-ply, gas station restroom toilet paper, by stacking mostly dire stats and then building for burning damage, the most damaging condition in the game. This makes the build much more welcoming to new, inexperienced players, which is good, but that's all they'll ever use that ele for. They could use the exact same gear on a scourge, be tankier, bring a wider array of functions into play (boon rip for instance), and have 900 range on most of their attacks. I'm not obsessive enough to test this, but I suspect they'd have better dps as well due to larger aoes and being able to kite better, and that gets to the point others have been making here: ele can work, but it takes more effort and special builds to do what other classes accomplish much more easily, and that is putting it favourably.

As for fractals, it doesn't say much that you can hit 40k burn ticks here and there on this build because that's what it's meant to do, but that doesn't mean it's all that good for anything beyond t2 and some of t3 because by that point other players will be getting a better handle of their dps builds and blowing you out of the water. The best comparison would be the condi weaver build. That thing not only gets higher burn ticks, but it also has a significant amount of power damage and all that damage is sustained fairly evenly. I usually run my healbrand in cm groups and even on that slightly changed hb build with only 812 condi damage (before boons are considered) and no extra burning duration, I will see burning ticks of roughly 15k when I use Tome of Justice, but that doesn't mean it's good dps.

Push ele all you want, but we need to be clear on the fact that the fire weaver build you advertise is one with training wheels meant for new players and there are more effective, specialized builds on ele and even those will be superseded by what other classes can pull off.

The guy is literally promoting build mainly for open world, especially group stuff that isn't even designed for soloing, where defensive stats on condi build have 5x better effect than improved direct damage stats that barely contribute 10-20% to your total damage (which is non existent if you're dead, which you will be most of the time on a glassy ele build).

There are specialized builds for fractals, just like there are ones for open world. Just because everything works in general, doesn't mean that everything works on harder group encounters when you face them alone.

Scourge won't have better dps even if you just use autos+utility skills on condi weaver. Kite all you want, encounters will take twice as long. Sword weaver doesn't kite, it facetanks with barrier and evades, not every build has the same defensive mechanisms.

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@"Tere.4759" said:I have tried tempest, ugh. I need to get weaver, which is what I'm working towards (found a weaver build online), but have to get the hero points to open weaver up and need to survive to do that. I don't like tempest.Dude!The first time I played with Tempest I didn't like it too, but when I played Weaver was worse, you need to press twice as many buttons to do something good. I started to like Tempest when I found a Air Tempest build, it changed the way I play for better.Elementalist will always be squishy, Weaver has a little more health bar but still squishy.To play Elementalist, the first thing you need to master is dodge, after that you can easily play every build, you can't take any damage.

If you still want to try Tempest, try this:

I call this one Stormcaller

Berserker - Superior Rune of the Pack[&DQYpKxEuMBsXAQAAvgEAAEIBAADLAAAAJgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGAFsEGaUZCMKmI7iRil1kbbD-zVIYR03fINpAiQkEz0QNzCpjWA-wThis build is focused on critical damage, you just need 2 skills to kill a regular mob.

This one Earth WalkerTrailblazer - Superior Rune of the Ogre[&DQYaJiUdMBt0AAAAcwAAAJEAAAB0EgAAmRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGAFsEGaUZGsJmGrhViHzVXbD-zVJYkRffpUQgkTCUZI0RVY20kiPNA-wThis one has Rock Dog as pet, it helps a lot with bleeding and also defense. Is focused on immobilization, which applies bleeds.A cheaper version of this can beDire - Superior Rune of the Krait

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@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:I think ele just needs permanent pet/ summon.. especially skills with staff takes a long time to trigger damage. I don’t think elementalist should be face tanking mobs... it’s a mage class why can’t ANet make it strong enough that can kill monster before it reaches their face. If you make the damage not so strong then at least give elementalist a permanent pet to tank for them while they channel and cast whatever skill at back line.

In GW1 you can play elementalist casting at back line without worries because you can always put a tank in your team to tank for you.. GW2 nope.. nothing tanking for elementalist so staff is literally useless if you solo. And they try to fix this problem by introducing the sword so elementalist can get even closer to mobs and melee lol.

Please rework the staff to instant cast and instant damage if you don’t wanna give elementalist a permanent tank.I really want to enjoy elementalist with staff and have been waiting for years for ANet to do something about staff and pet..but guess it’s never gonna happen...

Staff skills needs to be faster, it is just horrible.Looks like they are carrying a 10Kg stick.It is super slow and weak, I totally agree with you.

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@JohnWater.5760 said:Staff skills needs to be faster, it is just horrible.Looks like they are carrying a 10Kg stick.It is super slow and weak, I totally agree with you.

I can see why Fire is slow but I don't understand why other attunements are slow as well just because they do low damage.

IMO they should just make the staff 1 ability for water, air and earth do equal amount or as much damage as 1 for fire does because currently they are redundant, having those skills do so little damage is nothing more than bad RP to me because you will be just switching to fire 1 for better damage anyway and at best you lose what a millisecond in switching attunements? It adds nothing to gameplay of it.

I feel like it would be nice way of making players use different attunements as their primary besides Air and Fire, you would also have a decent damage ability while other attunements are in cooldown as well.

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Why not give elementalist more hp and damage if they don't use any elite spec lines? Funny play ele when you have under 14k hp and 2k armor and still damage is horrible. I really hope that dude who got idea add barrier in game and give it only to the elite specs doesn't work for anet anymore.

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@JohnWater.5760 said:

@"Tere.4759" said:I have tried tempest, ugh. I need to get weaver, which is what I'm working towards (found a weaver build online), but have to get the hero points to open weaver up and need to survive to do that. I don't like tempest.Dude!The first time I played with Tempest I didn't like it too, but when I played Weaver was worse, you need to press twice as many buttons to do something good. I started to like Tempest when I found a Air Tempest build, it changed the way I play for better.Elementalist will always be squishy, Weaver has a little more health bar but still squishy.To play Elementalist, the first thing you need to master is dodge, after that you can easily play every build, you can't take any damage.

If you still want to try Tempest, try this:

I call this one

Berserker - Superior Rune of the Pack
This build is focused on critical damage, you just need 2 skills to kill a regular mob.

This one
Earth Walker
Trailblazer - Superior Rune of the Ogre
This one has Rock Dog as pet, it helps a lot with bleeding and also defense. Is focused on immobilization, which applies bleeds.A cheaper version of this can be
Dire - Superior Rune of the Krait

Don't take damage? Easier said than done when all you have is couple of doge and 2-3 defensive utilities on medium/high CD - no ability to switch range mid combat and some of the slowest animations in game. There is no much room for error and you are locked into a specific range against which the enemy can play around, on top of that you need to sacrifice a great deal of sustain to obtain that level of dmg necessary to achieve anything.

There is much going on with ele that you forget how to actually have fun, I used to enjoy playing ele with all the combos and hard thinking required but with time I got tired of it...too much mental exercise for something supposed to be a videogame.

Too much planning ahead and not enough time to enjoy the game, at this point in life I use videogame to relax and ele is not for the faint of heart anymore, old d/d ele was kinda of chill to use...enjoyed ele up to core zerk FA scepter.....for a time I enjoyed fire weaver and...tempest but now.....screw this

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I wish they just removed utilities from long range weapons and just made them more damage and defensive oriented based on attunements and moved utilities to utilities ffs, its kinda dumb imo for eles to have to use utilities from weapons than the utilities bar because for me the utilities bar is probably the most useless thing I have seen the abilities don't do that great deal of damage or give good support and have stupid cool down that's not worth it. I only see eles running with pets and the rest of utilities seem to be there for RP.

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@Junkpile.7439 said:Why not give elementalist more hp and damage if they don't use any elite spec lines? Funny play ele when you have under 14k hp and 2k armor and still damage is horrible. I really hope that dude who got idea add barrier in game and give it only to the elite specs doesn't work for anet anymore.

IMO we chose elementalists because they are cloth class and for better damage at long range so you can kill your enemy while keeping a distance, that's how its supposed to be that's why we choose cloth class, I don't get why they go and make it melee oriented, if I wanted a melee class I would have gone for heavy armor classes. I would rather them have more long range damage options at least then their squishiness would be understandable. Currently its just feels absurd to play a cloth class at melee and long range, no wonder they die so easily.

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@Arcaneus.6931 said:

@steki.1478 said:FA tempest focuses on air mostly, so do LR d/f weaver and FA scepter weaver. Support tempest builds are basically water focused, with some earth and fire depending on content and purpose. Condi builds are usually built with both fire and earth.

Most weapons actually favor air over fire when it comes to power builds.

Yeah but I shouldn't be required to take a specific weapon if I want to focus on a single element.I prefer using Staff on eles because I like long range.

Fire and Air shouldn't be the only elements that should available for damage dealing. I think it would be better if they just moved all of the utilities away from weapon skills all together, I just want to play as an Ice Mage but I cant even do that on Eles. I don't like the idea of having some elements locked for utility and support only :/

I don't like that either, the name shouldn't even be Elementalist because the focus is always on fire.

I get were you are coming from but I would rather just have the option to focus on 1 element and maybe have F1 for a chosen element to be damage based and F2 be Utility skills instead for that element. For example:

Ice Mage
F1: Ice = Condi/DamageF2: Water= Healing/Support
Earth Mage
F1: Earth = Condi/DamageF2: Magnetic= Defensive/Support
Fire Mage
F1: Fire = Condi/DamageF2: Magma= Dodge/Defensive
Air Mage
F1: Lightning = Condi/DamageF2: Air = Dodge/Mobility

I also think so, I should somehow change the skills and be able to use the other elements for damage, the same damage that fire can.I have already spoken on countless threads, a Necromancer can be a great ice wizard and ELEMENTALIST cannot even come close to that.

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Sword/dagger weaver badly need their stances to provide stability as they use to Try a fight vs a ranger (or a thief) with a sword/dagger weaver.. I mean u have no range, no reflects skills, ur immobilized, u cant swap weapon etc and when u finally get close enough to hit, dammit, they stealth! Rinse and repeat until u die!

Unblocable CC's could be a great asset If u cant keep ur opponent close to u with ur CC's and cant swap ur sword/dagger weapon set what can u do vs anyone ranging u? CC'S must work at least!

Its still fun to play sword/dagger weaver and useful for a solo roamer. I can cap a t2-t3 camp faster than most class. But still, fighting vs real peoples is a huge part of the fun in wvw but it have to be fair to be fun and its obviously not as it is for a sword/dagger weaver. I used to target ambiant creatures to leap to them and escape when I was in trouble, I barely can do it anymore since most of them have been removed! Seriously, give me a break ANET! Its totally insane to be a main sword/dagger weaver in wvw these days, pls help me!

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@Arcaneus.6931 said:

@Junkpile.7439 said:Why not give elementalist more hp and damage if they don't use any elite spec lines? Funny play ele when you have under 14k hp and 2k armor and still damage is horrible. I really hope that dude who got idea add barrier in game and give it only to the elite specs doesn't work for anet anymore.

IMO we chose elementalists because they are cloth class and for better damage at long range so you can kill your enemy while keeping a distance, that's how its supposed to be that's why we choose cloth class, I don't get why they go and make it melee oriented, if I wanted a melee class I would have gone for heavy armor classes. I would rather them have more long range damage options at least then their squishiness would be understandable. Currently its just feels absurd to play a cloth class at melee and long range, no wonder they die so easily.

I get that a lot of folks default to mage being ranged spell caster and not much else; but I take personal offense at that limitation! proudly waves spellsword flag lol

In all seriousness though, the fact that both melee and ranged are so lacking is because they don't really commit to either side. Like, Weaver should probably get more health if your gonna ask players to get in close, and Tempest/Base Elementalist really should be able to distance cast better at this point. Hell, I think having Tempest be the go to ranged caster, Weaver being the melee caster, and Elementalist being the half-and-half would be better.

Either that, or make it possible to really spec into ranged or melee roles with our trees.

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@Pocky.3159 said:

@Junkpile.7439 said:Why not give elementalist more hp and damage if they don't use any elite spec lines? Funny play ele when you have under 14k hp and 2k armor and still damage is horrible. I really hope that dude who got idea add barrier in game and give it only to the elite specs doesn't work for anet anymore.

IMO we chose elementalists because they are cloth class and for better damage at long range so you can kill your enemy while keeping a distance, that's how its supposed to be that's why we choose cloth class, I don't get why they go and make it melee oriented, if I wanted a melee class I would have gone for heavy armor classes. I would rather them have more long range damage options at least then their squishiness would be understandable. Currently its just feels absurd to play a cloth class at melee and long range, no wonder they die so easily.

I get that a lot of folks default to mage being ranged spell caster and not much else; but I take personal offense at that limitation!
proudly waves spellsword flag

In all seriousness though, the fact that both melee and ranged are so lacking is because they don't really commit to either side. Like, Weaver should probably get more health if your gonna ask players to get in close, and Tempest/Base Elementalist really should be able to distance cast better at this point. Hell, I think having Tempest be the go to ranged caster, Weaver being the melee caster, and Elementalist being the half-and-half would be better.

Either that, or make it possible to really spec into ranged or melee roles with our trees.

It's less that people default to elementalist having to be exclusively ranged. It's more that currently ele is almost exclusively a melee class, with the lowest hp pool and armor and with no gimmicks like mobility or stealth to compensate. The theme of a cloth-wearing spellcaster is also usually ranged, but that obviously doesn't mean that melee shouldn't be an option. However, it does mean that the ranged options better be good as well. Right now the ranged option have no survivability, no way to escape or kite anything and also the slowest attacks in the game. Very underwhelming design that didn't even cut it in the core game, much less now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Elementalist Users and Anet.

I love GW2 and finally after getting out of the military I am able to play again. One of my favorite professions was Elementalist for its quick switching of elements and fast playstyle. After suffering an injury overseas due to combat and having surgery on my forearms to repair my tendons. I can no longer play elementalist correctly like I used to, because my hands aren't nearly as fast as they once were. I'd love to play it again but have a specialization that rewards less element switching but maybe a stacking buff the longer your "camp" in it with a "big bang" skill or something after reaching certain stacks or however a mechanic can be made. I know this wouldn't be too spectacular for everyone to play, but its just a thought. Annnd I'd love a real GS spec. for elementalist xD. Thanks for reading o/

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