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Concerns about Elementalist


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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:Those of you who care about the ele and its balance, please join this thread and continue to add your thoughtful and constructive comments. Thank you.

Is this the only dev feed back in a forum asking for ele feedback and ideas? Is our feedback being read in a critical maner and considered and or implemented in any way into the game? Or is this thread just a complaint inbox and tossed to the side by the developer community?

Thirty three thouseand views, 724 responses, one dev response.

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@scureuil.4052 said:Gaile was not a developer, but a community manager, and one of the only voices we have from Anet. But she isn't working anymore for ArenaNet since February 25, 2019The last trace of a dev post here is from september 2017 if I remember well

I didnt know gale was one of the people that got canned. O man she was our hope our dreams she was the only one to actually communicate with us....no wonder ben been the one stepping up on the forums the past few months.......

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Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

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@"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

@"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

@"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

We do, but not as well as scrapper.

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@"Dahir.4158" said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

@"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

We do, but not as well as scrapper.

You're basically a nice decoration but never necessary......I am pretty sure you were stating otherwise last time

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

@"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

We do, but not as well as scrapper.

You're basically a nice decoration but never necessary......I am pretty sure you were stating otherwise last time

No, you were the one upset about not being able to "compete" with firebrand heals or "clear condis nearly as good". You even called it "trash level", but the changes that were done back then brought tempest back into the limelight, though not as much as I would have liked. Scrapper still does a better job at both, but what I said was in regards to your disgruntled comments about firebrands being better than us, because we don't provide stability or resistance. That's not our job. It never was.

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@"Dahir.4158" said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

@"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

We do, but not as well as scrapper.

You're basically a nice decoration but never necessary......I am pretty sure you were stating otherwise last time

No, you were the one upset about not being able to "compete" with firebrand heals or "clear condis nearly as good". You even called it "trash level", but the changes that were done back then brought tempest back into the limelight, though not as much as I would have liked. Scrapper still does a better job at both, but what I said was in regards to your disgruntled comments about firebrands being better than us, because we don't provide stability or resistance. That's not our job. It never was.

I don't see any zerg suddenly dieing because that couple tempest minstrel are not there...but feel free to keep thinking that tempest back into the limelight...surely not the limelight of pvp, no tanky stats to let you facetank dmg and you go back to square 1 on ele....lack of base sustain

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@"Dahir.4158" said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:

@"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

@"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

We do, but not as well as scrapper.

You're basically a nice decoration but never necessary......I am pretty sure you were stating otherwise last time

No, you were the one upset about not being able to "compete" with firebrand heals or "clear condis nearly as good". You even called it "trash level", but the changes that were done back then brought tempest back into the limelight, though not as much as I would have liked. Scrapper still does a better job at both, but what I said was in regards to your disgruntled comments about firebrands being better than us, because we don't provide stability or resistance. That's not our job. It never was.

That dose not make it "right" to lack such boons. Tempest job is to support FB jobs is to support scraper jobs is to support they all compete for that spot each in there own way but its an SS+++ rank and A rank and a D rank (FB, Scraper, Rev then Tempest). If you provide stab / resistance is not a class defing effect support is much like doing burn dmg or bleed dmg is not a class defing effect but doing condi dmg is or better yet just doing dmg.

Tempest is the worst support in the game that was made for supporting. Ele core as a class is only an avag. dps class. Weaver is only a slightly better then avage dps class. Ele as a class only has 2 made for rolls support and dmg. It lacks too many uniquest effects other support classes has as well as too many uniquest dmg effects to be that end all be all mage dmg class.

Even the made for uniquest effects like super speed was taken away and given to the other classes.

Ele as a class has nothing and is nothing.

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My only real problem with ele are the skills. Such as... staff and lightning. Chainlightning is not really what it is. Its more a 'bouncy lightning ball'Real chain lightning skill should be a ramp up if you ask me. Starts on a single target and the longer that target is hit, it starts to chain/link to other enemies. Its been a while since I have played my ele, but if ask, I will go through each ability and offer my opinion.Also, scepters... what the hell. Some of the abilities look like you are about to do a mic drop. Almost like the scepter is not really needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my perspective from someone who hasn't played since the newest expansion was released. I've read the patch notes for the last year recently and it looks like devs have made attempts at helping baseline ele in the form of buffing dagger off-hand and improving cantrips. The problem I am still seeing today that I also saw before I quit was protection and healing is not enough to sustain elementalist. Boon-ripping and burst damage from conditions have no longer made it possible to sustain in a fight. If the devs really want to fix baseline ele they need to look hard into the arcane traitline. I would recommend changing Elemental Enchantment to something like making it impossible for boons to be stolen or corrupted for a few seconds after you switch attunements. In the fire traitline Blinding Ashes need an aoe affect in team fights. Also, offhand dagger will never be prevalent in pvp unless they have some form of projectile block such as churning earth blocking projectiles during its casting animation.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:This is my perspective from someone who hasn't played since the newest expansion was released. I've read the patch notes for the last year recently and it looks like devs have made attempts at helping baseline ele in the form of buffing dagger off-hand and improving cantrips. The problem I am still seeing today that I also saw before I quit was protection and healing is not enough to sustain elementalist. Boon-ripping and burst damage from conditions have no longer made it possible to sustain in a fight. If the devs really want to fix baseline ele they need to look hard into the arcane traitline. I would recommend changing Elemental Enchantment to something like making it impossible for boons to be stolen or corrupted for a few seconds after you switch attunements. In the fire traitline Blinding Ashes need an aoe affect in team fights. Also, offhand dagger will never be prevalent in pvp unless they have some form of projectile block such as churning earth blocking projectiles during its casting animation.

The problem with ele is simple there is no ele dev. If your class dose not have a dev backing it your always going to be on the back burner. The last dagger update is an example of ele not having a dev. The leap was bugged as if it was an very old version leap. This tells us that this was made a long time ago but never added in. That how a lot of ele skills are they are outdated with old bugs or simply not been updated to any thing in the game.

There has been no major update buffs to the class in a meaningful way for years now. More then likely what small updates we get now are from the old ele dev who quit years ago.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:This is my perspective from someone who hasn't played since the newest expansion was released. I've read the patch notes for the last year recently and it looks like devs have made attempts at helping baseline ele in the form of buffing dagger off-hand and improving cantrips. The problem I am still seeing today that I also saw before I quit was protection and healing is not enough to sustain elementalist. Boon-ripping and burst damage from conditions have no longer made it possible to sustain in a fight. If the devs really want to fix baseline ele they need to look hard into the arcane traitline. I would recommend changing Elemental Enchantment to something like making it impossible for boons to be stolen or corrupted for a few seconds after you switch attunements. In the fire traitline Blinding Ashes need an aoe affect in team fights. Also, offhand dagger will never be prevalent in pvp unless they have some form of projectile block such as churning earth blocking projectiles during its casting animation.

The problem with ele is simple there is no ele dev. If your class dose not have a dev backing it your always going to be on the back burner. The last dagger update is an example of ele not having a dev. The leap was bugged as if it was an very old version leap. This tells us that this was made a long time ago but never added in. That how a lot of ele skills are they are outdated with old bugs or simply not been updated to any thing in the game.

There has been no major update buffs to the class in a meaningful way for years now. More then likely what small updates we get now are from the old ele dev who quit years ago.

Hey man I understand the frustration. I quit because of it. I am sure that the balance team is concerned as well. However, if you look at things objectively, we have a viable pvp., pve and wvw option available to us. It might not be what we want but thats what we got. Devs do take suggestions, as the entire weaver class was based on someone elses concept. Take a step back and recognize the game for what it is and look into other classes. I've mained ele since release and will always main it, but you can still enjoy the game without it.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:This is my perspective from someone who hasn't played since the newest expansion was released. I've read the patch notes for the last year recently and it looks like devs have made attempts at helping baseline ele in the form of buffing dagger off-hand and improving cantrips. The problem I am still seeing today that I also saw before I quit was protection and healing is not enough to sustain elementalist. Boon-ripping and burst damage from conditions have no longer made it possible to sustain in a fight. If the devs really want to fix baseline ele they need to look hard into the arcane traitline. I would recommend changing Elemental Enchantment to something like making it impossible for boons to be stolen or corrupted for a few seconds after you switch attunements. In the fire traitline Blinding Ashes need an aoe affect in team fights. Also, offhand dagger will never be prevalent in pvp unless they have some form of projectile block such as churning earth blocking projectiles during its casting animation.

The problem with ele is simple there is no ele dev. If your class dose not have a dev backing it your always going to be on the back burner. The last dagger update is an example of ele not having a dev. The leap was bugged as if it was an very old version leap. This tells us that this was made a long time ago but never added in. That how a lot of ele skills are they are outdated with old bugs or simply not been updated to any thing in the game.

There has been no major update buffs to the class in a meaningful way for years now. More then likely what small updates we get now are from the old ele dev who quit years ago.

Hey man I understand the frustration. I quit because of it. I am sure that the balance team is concerned as well. However, if you look at things objectively, we have a viable pvp., pve and wvw option available to us. It might not be what we want but thats what we got. Devs do take suggestions, as the entire weaver class was based on someone elses concept. Take a step back and recognize the game for what it is and look into other classes. I've mained ele since release and will always main it, but you can still enjoy the game without it.

I'll just play Firebrand as no one can live without me in any game mode.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:This is my perspective from someone who hasn't played since the newest expansion was released. I've read the patch notes for the last year recently and it looks like devs have made attempts at helping baseline ele in the form of buffing dagger off-hand and improving cantrips. The problem I am still seeing today that I also saw before I quit was protection and healing is not enough to sustain elementalist. Boon-ripping and burst damage from conditions have no longer made it possible to sustain in a fight. If the devs really want to fix baseline ele they need to look hard into the arcane traitline. I would recommend changing Elemental Enchantment to something like making it impossible for boons to be stolen or corrupted for a few seconds after you switch attunements. In the fire traitline Blinding Ashes need an aoe affect in team fights. Also, offhand dagger will never be prevalent in pvp unless they have some form of projectile block such as churning earth blocking projectiles during its casting animation.

The problem with ele is simple there is no ele dev. If your class dose not have a dev backing it your always going to be on the back burner. The last dagger update is an example of ele not having a dev. The leap was bugged as if it was an very old version leap. This tells us that this was made a long time ago but never added in. That how a lot of ele skills are they are outdated with old bugs or simply not been updated to any thing in the game.

There has been no major update buffs to the class in a meaningful way for years now. More then likely what small updates we get now are from the old ele dev who quit years ago.

Hey man I understand the frustration. I quit because of it. I am sure that the balance team is concerned as well. However, if you look at things objectively, we have a viable pvp., pve and wvw option available to us. It might not be what we want but thats what we got. Devs do take suggestions, as the entire weaver class was based on someone elses concept. Take a step back and recognize the game for what it is and look into other classes. I've mained ele since release and will always main it, but you can still enjoy the game without it.

In the same what that a nomad healing thf is viable sure your there and you can do things but if that your level of defining viable just being level 80 and having green or blue armor is enofe to be viable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In order of the recent balance preview I wanted to post an idea that I had some time ago. How good the new traits in water are, still remains to be seen, and I am no longer in that doubt about the changes as when I first read them. Still, I always found the dmg modifiers in water rather strange. They simply don’t fit well with water. On the one side breaking up the trait lines being to specialized is good thing but the dmg modifiers in water still feel out of place. My biggest complaint is that these two traits simply don’t do anything useful for the water skills at all. In short, it will be all about the global dmg increase the 10% while in water stays bad. And even the global increase doesn't help to improve water skill as they simply don’t have the tools to utilize dmg modifier. Most water weapon skills are insanely terrible at delivering dmg. Unless they bring a new elite spek that breaks up the old fire = dmg, water = heal I don’t see the point of this.I think if water trait line would be focused more in cc it would open much more options than these dmg modifiers. Adding more cc with the effect deep freeze would be fitting well with the water attunement and elementalist in general. Side note, I always wondered why there is only one source of deep freeze in the elementalist portfolio.

The first thing would be a new trait: Frostburn

  • If you apply chill also apply burning for 2 seconds. Icd of Xs
  • If you apply deep freeze to an opponent create an aoe nova around them dealing damage and 2 stacks of burning for Xs.

This would be a new grand master trait.

This would give a lot more options to the elementalist for conditions builds. As they are now, they are mostly dependent on fire or earth attunement, which limits condition application in a long way. This trait would give quite some synergies for condition builds.Further I would change the dmg modifiers to something else to focus more on chill and add a way to apply deep freeze. I don’t have something perfect here:

For Piercing Shards:

  • New “additional” effect:
  • Whenever you apply chill to a foe gain a stack of “Cold” after X stacks of “Cold” your next attack deep freezes an opponent for 1 s.

Here we might need to change it to master tier as even if the dmg modifier is no longer counted for it seems quite too good for adept line. General it might be a bit passive but would be still an interesting new way to play. Something to build around chill application. The other option would be to add a new source of deep freeze to either weapon or slot skills. As much underperforming option as we have here that could improve some of them. On the other hand an interaction with chill could improve underused skills and traits as well. It could create a lot of synergies with other trait lines, air to enhance the dmg with Lightning rod, fire for more and longer burning, arcane for additional sources of chill. The more synergies the better as it would give options to choose from but with downsides as well, like focusing more on cc but losing out on condi dmg and vice versa.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think elementalist should have new attendant on their F5Perhaps arcane or elemental summoningThe reason I suggest this is because majority of elementalist skills all have some sort of delay damage or slow cast time/channeling (especially the staff)For those skills to really do their damage elementalist literally have to stand still and get beat up so mobs will stay in position. However that is nearly impossible considering how fragile elementalist is... and if elementalist use some sort of tanky staff build the damage is almost like a joke.Elementalist staff skills are just not as smooth compare to necromancer or Mesmer.Fire is the only attunment that does damage... every other attunments literally serves no purpose. (Aside from water healing)

I just thought perhaps if elementalist have some sort of permanent pet or summons could solve many issues elementalist currently have instead of keep making elementalist a close combat class with tempest channeling skills or sword weaver why not fix the real issue? I know I didn’t play a mage class to get in close combat and melee... please make staff elementalist viable to solo (I know many people are saying staff elementalist still have highest DPS) ya those dps only occurs if they have a party or someone to tank for them!!! I like to do a lot of solo contents and I don’t have a Zerg or party all the time when I’m playing... please rework staff skills or give elementalist a permanent summon/pet. Not everyone that plays this game always have a party or able to play on a time that majority of the players are playing...

Thanks for reading... <3

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1.Why FGS still 180 Sec Cooldown while other op class i win elite are like 45 -60 sec average it more of i run away button2.Meteor not hitting target most of the time.

If comparing two profession on similar skill set and equipment as constant. Results should similar then its balancesif comparing two profession on similar skill set and equipment as constant. When Results are vastly different then its imbalancesWeightage should be given in different area in terms of mobilty, armour, DPS , HP, Boons etc as well as complexity of playing the class with a simple number system to better balance each profession.

This my 2 cents on balancing profession.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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