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@breno.5423 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

If you are getting hit this hard you are probably playing a bad amulet/spec and you deserve everything you get. Also... ‘Boy?’ Seriously?

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@breno.5423 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

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I don't wonder about the 'nerf' or buff problem is just when the class reach those magical 37-40k+ which is (kinda)required for some raid bosses. The class can then basically one shot enemies in PvP and WvW. Rev had 40k condi built(PvE raid) even when you calc the trick they did with the runes out you are still at roughly 37k.

I believe Deadeye will have the same faith sooner or later which doesn't mean necessarily lower dps but slower built up of malice in pvp and hinder the use of stealth + high dps or something like this.

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@JayAction.9056 said:Zollec is Rev. The other guy is not rev.

Rev was nerfed since s12.

Helio played revenant in over 80% of his games in season 12. Rev was buffed this most recent patch.

Let's talk

Revenant is entirely a bloat class with no reason to exist except to market a trashy expansion of a dying MMO. If Revenant had never existed, it's absence would have had zero impact on the game whatsoever especially considering that Mesmer can just do everything that Herald does, except better, and damage Revenant in general (particularly in PvP) is effectively just Thief except with cooldowns (and patches of stealth replaced with patches of total invulnerability). You're straight up just whining about how your color of DPS isn't as good as this other guy's color of DPS. GW2 is brutally, brainlessly shallow, and there is no reason to stick to any class considering how the game is balanced by whack-a-mole strategies applied to damage numbers and periods of invulnerability. It's not like you need to really re-learn anything anyway since the fotm class buffs which make it into meta only do so because of how it's possible to fall unconscious onto a keyboard and most likely strike the proper keys to kill someone in a teamfight.

You stick to your guns, and I respect that, but don't scream at the whole world because your "generic DPS class 9" isn't as good as "generic DPS class 2" because those options are all that you're going to get from GW2 is at the end of the day (especially when your monthly patches really only arbitrarily raise and lower a bunch of numerical values). You want facts? Accept that Revenant is a class that has no purpose and was added to a game that already had 4-5 too many classes from its outset (considering how meta PvE had always been Warrior-Guardian-Elementalist for the entirety of the game's lifespan prior to HoT and how meta PvP was always Mesmer with 4 flavor of the month boys). Then either keep playing it while understanding how futile it is to complain about your situation or just swap classes. Or just stop playing altogether.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

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@breno.5423 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

Are you telling me that Herald was stronger than its now?

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@breno.5423 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

Are you telling me that Herald was stronger than its now?

Yes, season 1-4 was when herald was at it's strongest by far and was used by pretty much every proleague team for a reason. Season 5 neutered it pretty hard with massive precision strike and sotm nerfs and ever since then it has been sitting between bottom tier and viable and debatably optimal but not mandatory tier.

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@breno.5423 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

Are you telling me that Herald was stronger than its now?

You missed the good old days. Herald sustainability was on a whole other level. It would make SB look like a glass cannon. And it could deal strong damage too.

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@otto.5684 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

Are you telling me that Herald was stronger than its now?

You missed the good old days. Herald sustainability was on a whole other level. It would make SB look like a glass cannon. And it could deal strong damage too.

I didnt missed, actually i was main herald at these "old days".

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@breno.5423 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

Are you telling me that Herald was stronger than its now?

You missed the good old days. Herald sustainability was on a whole other level. It would make SB look like a glass cannon. And it could deal strong damage too.

I didnt missed, actually i was main herald at these "old days".

And you are judging modern herald off of your performance during them. Which is problematic because it was over 2 years ago and a lot has changed.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

Are you telling me that Herald was stronger than its now?

You missed the good old days. Herald sustainability was on a whole other level. It would make SB look like a glass cannon. And it could deal strong damage too.

I didnt missed, actually i was main herald at these "old days".

a lot has changed.

And now its stronger than never

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@breno.5423 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

1st Your original wording implied that you meant all 3 skills were cast within .2 seconds.

2nd That is not how the quickness works, 50% faster skill activation does not mean that skills cast times are reduced by half back when quickness was at 100% that was when it reduced cast times by half, however now it reduces cast times by 1/3 that is just how the math works out.

3rd You are using exceptionally generous damage estimates, even the lower estimates are about 20% higher than what I get with the standard marauder build, so I guess you are assuming full zerk/scholar glass cannon with all damage modifiers active against other full glass builds.

4th Going by that criteria litterally every class can do 23k + damage as a full glass cannon in 1 second which is what the new total cast time is when you do the math correctly, rev is not an outlier in this regard.

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

Are you still going to evade the reallity? Herald is broken.

I played Herald for a while, got 60% of win rate when it wasnt broken already (legendary 2 at the pips system) and i considered it very strong already, even with shield off hand, imagine with the current sword off hand broken skills.

Skilled players become god playing Herald properly.

Where do you get all that energy from? Also if you are going to pull the "I played herald at some point between seasons 1 and 4" card as evidence you know what you are talking about, I can't take you seriously.

Are you telling me that Herald was stronger than its now?

You missed the good old days. Herald sustainability was on a whole other level. It would make SB look like a glass cannon. And it could deal strong damage too.

I didnt missed, actually i was main herald at these "old days".

a lot has changed.

And now its stronger than never


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Man this is scary. Reading most of these replies really makes me thankful these people are not in charge.

Rev is good but not op. The patch was a buff and a strange nerf too but in the end we do more damage, great.

Like i would never rank rev higher than holo, warrior, necro, thief, and many others.

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@"ventusthunder.5067" said:

@breno.5423 said:@"ArthurDent.9538" i just realized that herald was my best performance ever rofl


necro is obviously op please nerf

And obviously you'd have a higher rev winrate if you only played those days, you could play retribution and be a dps and bunker all in one. Nice try trolling though.

And i'm trolling :lol:

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@JayAction.9056 said:There is 1 build that is mid tier. 72/100 at best. Like there are no choices that are even semi viable outside of that.

Stop nerfing rev because all of the 5 people that play it don't have grandma reflexes?

Actually can we get some substantial buffs to all the useless traits?

3/6 legends are straight up useless. Jalis, Mallyx, Kalla.

You guys gave up on RENEGADE? Like it's that bad cmon... just add some huge numbers buffs.
The functionality is not there.

Rev was buffed. Rev is meta and has been meta since the sword offhand change. #1 and #2 on the leaderboard in NA in season 12 are revenants.

@JayAction.9056 said:There is 1 build that is mid tier. 72/100 at best. Like there are no choices that are even semi viable outside of that.

Stop nerfing rev because all of the 5 people that play it don't have grandma reflexes?

Actually can we get some substantial buffs to all the useless traits?

3/6 legends are straight up useless. Jalis, Mallyx, Kalla.

You guys gave up on RENEGADE? Like it's that bad cmon... just add some huge numbers buffs.
The functionality is not there.

Rev was buffed. Rev is meta and has been meta since the sword offhand change. #1 and #2 on the leaderboard in NA in season 12 are revenants.

Zollec is Rev. The other guy is not rev.

Rev was nerfed since s12.

Zollec and others dominating on Rev does not make it balanced. Play rev 5 mins go play holo/mes 5 mins. Tell me it's balanced with a straight face.

you can master Holo/Mes in 5 minutes of spamming buttons, Rev requires a little more skill than that and probably not a good indication of balance... I imagine this is like comparing Warrior To elementalist, we've all seen those Eles stomp a Warrior/SB without a chance even though it's supposed to work the other way.

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@breno.5423 said:

Now add perma evade, perma super speed, perma quickness, perma 25 might, perma protection, block, reveal, imortalities (sword 3, staff 5), free teleport (5 secs cooldown), lots of CC's, chill, blind, imobilize, weakness, slow (3 seconds without any expertise) and a little cooldown at the mentioned broken skills (6 seconds / 15 seconds).

You're portraying a Mirage. @Swagg.9236: I agree with some of your ideas, but for sure Mesmer lack the amount of AoE cleave/rez dany which Rev have. They are better bunkers, better at support and probably better at +1, with more sustain and the capability to play either power, condi or hybrid builds, and hit hard both at mele and range. But Mesmers aren't as good coutering attempts to rez.

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@JayAction.9056 said:Zollec is Rev. The other guy is not rev.

Rev was nerfed since s12.

Helio played revenant in over 80% of his games in season 12. Rev was buffed this most recent patch.

I have
seen this name on Rev, and I spent s12 top 50 all season until like last 3 days brah. Let's talk

Have you ever played Rev? This patch was a major nerf.

Herald rework made me slightly stronger. Wasnt as nerf-ish as I thought when I actually sat down and ran the numbers.You're gonna need to rebuild but herald as a line is slightly better now.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@JayAction.9056 said:There is 1 build that is mid tier. 72/100 at best. Like there are no choices that are even semi viable outside of that.

Stop nerfing rev because all of the 5 people that play it don't have grandma reflexes?

Actually can we get some substantial buffs to all the useless traits?

3/6 legends are straight up useless. Jalis, Mallyx, Kalla.

You guys gave up on RENEGADE? Like it's that bad cmon... just add some huge numbers buffs.
The functionality is not there.

Rev was buffed. Rev is meta and has been meta since the sword offhand change. #1 and #2 on the leaderboard in NA in season 12 are revenants.

@JayAction.9056 said:There is 1 build that is mid tier. 72/100 at best. Like there are no choices that are even semi viable outside of that.

Stop nerfing rev because all of the 5 people that play it don't have grandma reflexes?

Actually can we get some substantial buffs to all the useless traits?

3/6 legends are straight up useless. Jalis, Mallyx, Kalla.

You guys gave up on RENEGADE? Like it's that bad cmon... just add some huge numbers buffs.
The functionality is not there.

Rev was buffed. Rev is meta and has been meta since the sword offhand change. #1 and #2 on the leaderboard in NA in season 12 are revenants.

Zollec is Rev. The other guy is not rev.

Rev was nerfed since s12.

Zollec and others dominating on Rev does not make it balanced. Play rev 5 mins go play holo/mes 5 mins. Tell me it's balanced with a straight face.

you can master Holo/Mes in 5 minutes of spamming buttons

Rev isn't that hard anymore since anet removed equilibrium and sigil hidromancy and did this stupid rework to sword off hand.

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@Interpretor.3091 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Shackling wave 8~10k, deathstrike 7,5~9k, precision strike around 5~6k, just count boy.

These 3 skills has 1/2 cast, which means 0,25 secs of cast with quickness.

If you are getting hit this hard you are probably playing a bad amulet/spec and you deserve everything you get. Also... ‘Boy?’ Seriously?


It's pretty serious

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