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represent a guild, why?


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@Linken.6345 said:If you dont represent you cant get guild decorations from raids that are used as kill proofs aswell same with some world bosses.

that opens more questions than it awnsers.

  1. if i represent guild A i still get the decoration and can give it to guild B
  2. if i give the decoration to the guild i dont have any killproofe anymore to post
  3. for killproofes exist special homepages, so whats the need for a item that cluters my inventory if i just can send a link

? > @DeanBB.4268 said:

Guilds used to get points for people rep'ing them, but that went away. So no good reason.

ok, so what i thought to knew. but why does so many guilds still insit on it?do they sleep the last few years or is it a macho thing or some crazy domination thing or are they so dum to believe representing = loyality???

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Good question. Here's my take on it relative to Tactical Killers [TK].

3 of us have solely built our GH to level 54. If you join our guild we require 100% Rep. If you want to use our facility/boosts or whatever, want help gearing/leveling, you're going to carry that tag at all times except when you access personal guild banks.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:Good question. Here's my take on it relative to Tactical Killers [TK].

3 of us have solely built our GH to level 54. If you join our guild we require 100% Rep. If you want to use our facility/boosts or whatever, want help gearing/leveling, you're going to carry that tag at all times except when you access personal guild banks.

i dont realy get it.if you whant to use a boost you just need to represent for 1 sec till you bought the boost.use some facility works without representing and for the rest you just need again 1 sec rep till you push the buy button.help gearing: theres no representing needed to farm wood and stuff. just for the 1 second when you put it in the guildchest/bank. just to farm guildquests rep is needed for longer than a few secs.lvling: you level guild by build stuff. and yes when you are playing simcity in the guildhall than you have to represent to be able to work. but i cant see a reason for a rule to rep 100% of the time cause of that. i mean you are not building stuff when doing events, quests, story etc.

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@daggerdale.9043 said:

@Linken.6345 said:If you dont represent you cant get guild decorations from raids that are used as kill proofs aswell same with some world bosses.

that opens more questions than it awnsers.
  1. if i represent guild A i still get the decoration and can give it to guild B
  2. if i give the decoration to the guild i dont have any killproofe anymore to post
  3. for killproofes exist special homepages, so whats the need for a item that cluters my inventory if i just can send a link

? > @DeanBB.4268 said:

Guilds used to get points for people rep'ing them, but that went away. So no good reason.

ok, so what i thought to knew. but why does so many guilds still insit on it?do they sleep the last few years or is it a macho thing or some crazy domination thing or are they so dum to believe representing = loyality???

To question nr 1 Yes you can its in your inventory.To question 2 You are correct you wont have any kill proofs to link.To question 3 I wouldent do this becouse if people think you link something you dont have they will ask you to split them.Lets say you linked 30 dhuum tokens once.You will most likely be asked to split em in 13, 7 and 10 and spam each 3 times, just to make it harder for you to get those 3 links together in quick enough spam in the squad window.

People dont like when you fake legendary insights or decorations etc.

And the last thing having you active in the guild make it seem alive + you cant use the waypoint reduced cost if you dont rep.

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@daggerdale.9043 said:

@Loosmaster.8263 said:Good question. Here's my take on it relative to Tactical Killers [TK].

3 of us have solely built our GH to level 54. If you join our guild we require 100% Rep. If you want to use our facility/boosts or whatever, want help gearing/leveling, you're going to carry that tag at all times except when you access personal guild banks.

i dont realy get it.if you whant to use a boost you just need to represent for 1 sec till you bought the boost.use some facility works without representing and for the rest you just need again 1 sec rep till you push the buy button.help gearing: theres no representing needed to farm wood and stuff. just for the 1 second when you put it in the guildchest/bank. just to farm guildquests rep is needed for longer than a few secs.lvling: you level guild by build stuff. and yes when you are playing simcity in the guildhall than you have to represent to be able to work. but i cant see a reason for a rule to rep 100% of the time cause of that. i mean you are not building stuff when doing events, quests, story etc.

So basically you, the way I see it, is leech off our hard work?

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@Loosmaster.8263 said:Good question. Here's my take on it relative to Tactical Killers [TK].

3 of us have solely built our GH to level 54. If you join our guild we require 100% Rep. If you want to use our facility/boosts or whatever, want help gearing/leveling, you're going to carry that tag at all times except when you access personal guild banks.

i dont realy get it.if you whant to use a boost you just need to represent for 1 sec till you bought the boost.use some facility works without representing and for the rest you just need again 1 sec rep till you push the buy button.help gearing: theres no representing needed to farm wood and stuff. just for the 1 second when you put it in the guildchest/bank. just to farm guildquests rep is needed for longer than a few secs.lvling: you level guild by build stuff. and yes when you are playing simcity in the guildhall than you have to represent to be able to work. but i cant see a reason for a rule to rep 100% of the time cause of that. i mean you are not building stuff when doing events, quests, story etc.

So basically you, the way I see it, is leech off our hard work?

Agree s/he should just build up their own guild if they dont want to represent another.

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@Blocki.4931 said:Why be in a guild when you don't want to be part of it by representing is the better question imo

cause representing has 0 to do with being part of it. doing events, dungeons, fractals, raids and guildquest together is beeing a part of a guild.help guildmebers with achivements, knowlege and so on is beeing a part of it.have a nice evening in chat, voicechat or meet with them in real live is beeing part of it.

and all this is not coverd by a clantac

@Linken.6345 said:

@Linken.6345 said:snipLets say you linked 30 dhuum tokens once.You will most likely be asked to split em in 13, 7 and 10 and spam each 3 times, just to make it harder for you to get those 3 links together in quick enough spam in the squad window.

People dont like when you fake legendary insights or decorations etc.

And the last thing having you active in the guild make it seem alive + you cant use the waypoint reduced cost if you dont rep.

mh ok interesting, i will come back to that later. i dont whant to derail that topic. im new to that kp stuff had a long break.

to waypoimts: that is one of my mainproblems. i represent the guild which give me most benefits aka waypoint%all the teamplaystuff has to grow.for me that are 2 diferent things.i dont need to rep guild A when i go to a friend and play at his home with him.also why shouldnt i rep guild B just because there are no teamevents when they have the better buffs?

but with that rule you have to fear to get kicked when you forget to switch back the rep. or when you help others with guildquests.or maybe you like a special guildtac better than a other. gw give you the freedom to take teh benefits of all without harming anyone. but guilds tend to take away this freedom again.had a similar problem once in DDO. i was infited in a AAA guild, but rule was you have to have all charakters, even bank chas in the guild. so i had to decide between the guild where i have been for over a half decade and made some great friends and had alother fun and the AAA guild. the AAA guild lost.its a nogo for me to force me to abond friends.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@Loosmaster.8263 said:Good question. Here's my take on it relative to Tactical Killers [TK].

3 of us have solely built our GH to level 54. If you join our guild we require 100% Rep. If you want to use our facility/boosts or whatever, want help gearing/leveling, you're going to carry that tag at all times except when you access personal guild banks.

i dont realy get it.if you whant to use a boost you just need to represent for 1 sec till you bought the boost.use some facility works without representing and for the rest you just need again 1 sec rep till you push the buy button.help gearing: theres no representing needed to farm wood and stuff. just for the 1 second when you put it in the guildchest/bank. just to farm guildquests rep is needed for longer than a few secs.lvling: you level guild by build stuff. and yes when you are playing simcity in the guildhall than you have to represent to be able to work. but i cant see a reason for a rule to rep 100% of the time cause of that. i mean you are not building stuff when doing events, quests, story etc.

So basically you, the way I see it, is leech off our hard work?

if helping with resources and playtime/guildquests and recruting new members to build up a guild without 24/7 wearing tac is leeching, than yes.if its leeching if you play together, help with achivements and have a nice time together than yes.

so can i basicly understand you like this:

if you work for and with the guild without rep than you are bad.which mean that if you ignore the guild but rep than you are good.

so all this rep thing is indeet you some ballshaking for people with low self esteem?

dont get me wrong. bring me some inteligent reasons why its importand for the guild itself. but till now i basicly got 2 awnsers. that what deanbb sad and the childisch reactions of people when i start to point out that it seems that there are no good reason for the rule.

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@daggerdale.9043 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Why be in a guild when you don't want to be part of it by representing is the better question imo

cause representing has 0 to do with being part of it. doing events, dungeons, fractals, raids and guildquest together is beeing a part of a guild.help guildmebers with achivements, knowlege and so on is beeing a part of it.have a nice evening in chat, voicechat or meet with them in real live is beeing part of it.

and all this is not coverd by a clantac

Sure. But nobody ever talks in a guild chat they don't also represent. Name is also greyed out. Also why wouldn't you just represent them AS YOU DO SAID THING. If you spend time with specific people and you're in the same guild you represent the same guild. Idk why that is something you have to explain, it's like an unspoken rule throughout any game community online

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Why be in a guild when you don't want to be part of it by representing is the better question imo

cause representing has 0 to do with being part of it. doing events, dungeons, fractals, raids and guildquest together is beeing a part of a guild.help guildmebers with achivements, knowlege and so on is beeing a part of it.have a nice evening in chat, voicechat or meet with them in real live is beeing part of it.

and all this is not coverd by a clantac

Sure. But nobody ever talks in a guild chat they don't also represent. Name is also greyed out. Also why wouldn't you just represent them AS YOU DO SAID THING. If you spend time with specific people and you're in the same guild you represent the same guild. Idk why that is something you have to explain, it's like an unspoken rule throughout any game community online

I mean, i talk in guild chats i dont rep, just not very often, especially the larger guilds im a part of.

However i will always rep the guild i asked for help with a thing if they responded to help. it seems fair to me that way. Which is why ill never join a 100% rep guild, we have the ability to join 5 guilds being forced to be part of just 1 "because" is not something im a fan of.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Why be in a guild when you don't want to be part of it by representing is the better question imo

cause representing has 0 to do with being part of it. doing events, dungeons, fractals, raids and guildquest together is beeing a part of a guild.help guildmebers with achivements, knowlege and so on is beeing a part of it.have a nice evening in chat, voicechat or meet with them in real live is beeing part of it.

and all this is not coverd by a clantac

Sure. But nobody ever talks in a guild chat they don't also represent. Name is also greyed out. Also why wouldn't you just represent them AS YOU DO SAID THING. If you spend time with specific people and you're in the same guild you represent the same guild. Idk why that is something you have to explain, it's like an unspoken rule throughout any game community online

i talk to in every guildchat (3) and take part in guildstuff.and like you can see in dantes posts im not unique.im often in 2 voicechat at once. that works cause guild A has other playtimes than guild B.

to say hi and gn8 is normal good behaviour. and to lend a helping hand should be normal too.to gray out name: when you are in a groub or squad than that color overwrites it.

and i see that it is n unspoken rule for aloth in gw, cause that i ask. and i ask here cause when i ask ingame recrutingofficers i just get pointless trashtalk and flaming and not 1 good logical reason.

why i wouldnt rep them? like i already sad less% for waypoints is a reason, like i wrote too already helping with guildmission is another reason and like i sad too forget to switch is another reason.represeting just to show off or make guild leader feel great is no reason for me to rep a guild. there is no uniform/ clantag needed to belong to a groub.to be uniformed is just to 1. show off and 2. to make small mindet people to feel better.to belong to a groub is far deeper thing than wear a clantag. if a groub MOSTLY define themself ofer same cloth or clantag than there is no real relation.look at football where everyone wears the same cloth. but when a other team pays more they are faster off than the roadrunner.there is 0 loyalty or love.they just utilize each other.

it would be something else if there would be direct benefits for the guild who gets rep. like in the past.but no one is able to show me even 1 benefit till now.

and that it is n unspoken rule in every game community: no it isnt, most mmorpg´s just have the option to be in 1 guild. and those games who have the option to have a different guild for every cha, in those games most guilds dont have that rule. and for other games: in alother shooterclans you dont have to wear youre clantag beside in clanwars. some gamecommunitys even promote the oposit like in payday. where beeing in several eliteclans is normal when you reach top tir and almost all dont care if you wear a tag or tags from a other clan.

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Another thing to consider is that Multi-guild is a foreign concept to many players, since this is one of the few games that allow it. Guilds are fundamentally a community building tool; but many groups have ego attached to it, since most games tend to frame guilds as inherently competitive. This this is pushed even harder in games with PvP elements, since it becomes a vehicle for reputation and political maneuvering. Some guilds take this so seriously, that many are formed to be a direct opposition to another.

Most relaxed guilds won't care about rep, unless theres a mechanical or social reason for it. Things like guild missions (which need rep active for mechanical reasons), or hosting public events or organized bosses to show that some group actually does it, and may encourage people to join and help out in the future. For PvP and WvW theres also good reason for psychological warfare, since seeing large numbers of the same guild tag up can scare the opposing teams. The only mechanical aspects left for WvW are Claim priority and the need to Rep to get access to Tactics, but that doesn't prevent you from switching guilds rep on the fly if needed (I use all 5 of my guilds for claiming, since 4 of them are PvE focused but have maxed out guild halls).

Those that force rep otherwise only do it for arbitrary reasons; most likely out of a sense of guild superiority/inflated egos. You run into this kind of guild leader in WvW all the time- and for all the big talk they display, many will get hilariously flustered the moment things get even remotely difficult for them. "We're best guild".... and then 3 defeats later.... "they're just blobbing us, because they'll never win a fair fight". But it get really funny when its obvious you got beat by a smaller bunch, and the commander still insists its because his team was outnumbered. Or blaming siege... thats another common one.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Why be in a guild when you don't want to be part of it by representing is the better question imo

cause representing has 0 to do with being part of it. doing events, dungeons, fractals, raids and guildquest together is beeing a part of a guild.help guildmebers with achivements, knowlege and so on is beeing a part of it.have a nice evening in chat, voicechat or meet with them in real live is beeing part of it.

and all this is not coverd by a clantac

Sure. But nobody ever talks in a guild chat they don't also represent. Name is also greyed out. Also why wouldn't you just represent them AS YOU DO SAID THING. If you spend time with specific people and you're in the same guild you represent the same guild. Idk why that is something you have to explain, it's like an unspoken rule throughout any game community online

I'm part of two guilds. I talk all the time in either guild I'm not currently representing. I have both chats open all the time.And rep when doing things with either guild.

I don't understand the big deal with rep.surely being active with the guild and conversational is more important than repping but always doing your own thing.

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Most active guilds want you to rep to them and well.. hope that you dont Even have other guilds. Why? Coz lets face it, guild isnt active guild If you only have members online. No1 cant focuse 100% for 5 guilds, if i was a leader of the guild, i would like my members to focuse on my guild.

Tho im in very active guild so i dont even have Time to "multi guild".

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@"sokeenoppa.5384" said:Most active guilds want you to rep to them and well.. hope that you dont Even have other guilds. Why? Coz lets face it, guild isnt active guild If you only have members online. No1 cant focuse 100% for 5 guilds, if i was a leader of the guild, i would like my members to focuse on my guild.

Tho im in very active guild so i dont even have Time to "multi guild".

Yea I got main guild, raid guild rep while raiding together and 3 personal bank guilds.If I focused on wvw I would probabely have a wvw guild aswell. guess I had to drop one of my guild banks then.

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If you using hard simple logic like 1+1=2 to ask why to represent, you are not gonna get your answer.Represent now is a matter of principle. If you live your life without any principles, then, you wouldn't understand why the guild want people to rep.

Let's put this into a simple perspective that even people without any principles can understand.Can a person able to tackle two wvw guilds? What happen if the two guilds have overlapping wvw timing? Who are you going to choose? Put yourself in their shoes, do you like to be the one not chosen? This simple concept can be applied too ALL guilds. A person is incaapble of handing multi guilds' activity simultaneously. Guilds deep in their heart want you to prioritise them so they have this rep thing to remind you that you are part of the guild. Tons of guilds like lying about not require to rep but still expect you to rep, don't listen to those hypocrites' explanations.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

Let's put this into a simple perspective that even people without any principles can understand.

That's insulting..and wrong.

Multiple guilds is more like having different groups/clubs

You don't just have to stick with your reading group.You can also hang with your football club.And participate in events with the charity you volunteer for.And sometimes you spend time with your work colleagues.Don't forget the family visits and bbq.

See how it works in real life? and has nothing to do with principles.

Different guilds do different things and are active at different times.

I like to take advantage of that. But I also support both guilds by some weeks even doing GMs twice just to bolster numbers and make the missions easier for others.

I plan on having a WvW and fractal guild at some point also. And I can interact with multiple guilds. It's not that hard.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

Let's put this into a simple perspective that even people without any principles can understand.

That's insulting..and wrong.

Multiple guilds is more like having different groups/clubs

You don't just have to stick with your reading group.You can also hang with your football club.And participate in events with the charity you volunteer for.And sometimes you spend time with your work colleagues.Don't forget the family visits and bbq.

See how it works in real life? and has nothing to do with principles.

Different guilds do different things and are active at different times.

I like to take advantage of that. But I also support both guilds by some weeks even doing GMs twice just to bolster numbers and make the missions easier for others.

I plan on having a WvW and fractal guild at some point also. And I can interact with multiple guilds. It's not that hard.

Ermm, what you stated is different from the point I am stating. Just because you treat guilds that way doesn't mean others will threat guilds that way. The world is a huge place and there isn't just one way of doing and treating things.

I will use your perspective to explain then. In life, relationships to different groups is maintain by people deliberating maintaining it. If you don't deliberating go and maintain it, that relationship will be lost with the passage of time. Here, you mentioned clubs, not school club I assume. If a person stop coming to the club, they will strike him or her out, right? In the club, I suppose you gotta pay club fees right? So I guess the people doing the administration work is not doing for free right? For ingame guild, do you pay guild fees? Do you think the officers or leaders have a printed roster by their keyboards to check your attendance if you came or not? Of course not. How they check if you are still with them or not then? One way is through rep.

Why is this kind of thing considered a matter of principle (this is just one of the few principles for guilds)? A considerate person would surely understand that none of the leaders or officers are paid to do anything they are doing, they are all doing it using their limited free time. As a considerate person, one will do things to make their life easier and less frustrating. This is just one of the many problems they have to deal with to keep things running for everybody for FREE.

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You do realise that one can participate with a guild without repping? or that they can rep when participating with the guild.

It's just like real life.

You don't need to give 100% of your time to one club or guild. And no guild should expect it.

Unless they have activities and events 100% of the time.

and btw actually there are many free clubs. Book clubs are often such. Outdoor sports clubs often are too.

Also repping doesn't gurantuee participation. I see many people who rep but never interact.

Which would you rather have? The person repping who you never speak to or play with. Or the person without rep..who jumps to any guild activities up?

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