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[vT]Hobo: Hybrid Revenant Roaming Video(s)


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Hybrid renegade video.

With the rune change I was interested in trying out renegade (and core rev) with tormenting runes. Being lazy, I put together a grieving/carrion mixed build to test it out.

Now clearly renegade is never going to be totally viable in fights in a general sense. However from my experience with this build, I would say it at least has some use when combined with the tormenting runes being able to prop up the abyssmal sustain.

I'd be the first to say it isn't the best build, and while I haven't gotten around to try it extensively I have a gut feeling core (with it's access to stab) would be better.

Apologies for no build link yet. I'll add it later tonight once I have some time.

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Ah, you must be the Renegade I've been seeing running around on NSP, not getting insta-deleted, lol. Cool to see some Renegade gameplay from a good player. I'd also say core probably functions better but it sucks that you don't have access to a ranged condi weapon. Sword/sword can still do some solid damage on hybrid though, and gives you a bit of slight ranged pressure as well as some mobility/iframes. You had some nice downstate cleave though.

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@Justine.6351 said:Needs might generation. Picking up Incensed Response over Spirit Boon would be good. Mace 2 needs to be used more. Should make an effort to use Mace 3 for blasting Mace 2 field for might or even Unyielding Anguish for area blind.

I'll play around with the might trait. My instincts were telling me spirit boon was better since it allows for a burst on swap (plus a decent size heal from the swap torments) into mallyx that is really valuable in 1vX against players who actually press buttons.

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Ah, you must be the Renegade I've been seeing running around on NSP, not getting insta-deleted, lol. Cool to see some Renegade gameplay from a good player. I'd also say core probably functions better but it sucks that you don't have access to a ranged condi weapon. Sword/sword can still do some solid damage on hybrid though, and gives you a bit of slight ranged pressure as well as some mobility/iframes. You had some nice downstate cleave though.

Haha if I wasn't insta dying you must've caught me at a good time. I haven't gotten around to trying core aka I've been too lazy to make another ascended staff (cc and defense would probably be better than the dmg s/s brings I think). SB is mainly for the ranged cleave allowing me to not have to constantly be in the thick of things. Downstate cleave is really good overall since all the torment keeps you topped off. It's pretty insane how well it works for cleave like that even against compped groups.

@Clownmug.8357 said:Cool vid, what's up with all that shortbow #3 at point blank range though?

Thanks and just because it's a really quick cast that gives me a small heal even if it hits a bunch of different targets. And you'll see me use it right after I port into someone so I can get just a little more torment onto the target before the swap burst.

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@Helly.2597 said:

@Justine.6351 said:Needs might generation. Picking up Incensed Response over Spirit Boon would be good. Mace 2 needs to be used more. Should make an effort to use Mace 3 for blasting Mace 2 field for might or even Unyielding Anguish for area blind.

I'll play around with the might trait. My instincts were telling me spirit boon was better since it allows for a burst on swap (plus a decent size heal from the swap torments) into mallyx that is really valuable in 1vX against players who actually press buttons.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that burst you mention looks to be from Maniacal Persistence. Since the blanket condi nerfs in November 2017, that trait has always struck me as being odd. Even before the change to its current state it was weird, but at least the torment inflicted on enemies lasted longer than the self-inflicted stacks. Now it inflicts two stacks on both the rev and enemies for the same duration, which seems pretty lopsided for a profession which has such limited options for dealing with condis when compared to others. With that in mind, I don't know if the burst of healing would really make up for the damage you're dealing to yourself once your resistance runs out. Moreover, as Justine said, you should consider the opportunity cost of giving up the might generation from Incensed Response. I would also recommend trying out Pulsating Pestilence in place of Maniacal Persistence to give yourself a way to deal with incoming condis (should make up for the loss of healing) while acting as another option to deal damage.

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@Arkaile.5604 said:

@Justine.6351 said:Needs might generation. Picking up Incensed Response over Spirit Boon would be good. Mace 2 needs to be used more. Should make an effort to use Mace 3 for blasting Mace 2 field for might or even Unyielding Anguish for area blind.

I'll play around with the might trait. My instincts were telling me spirit boon was better since it allows for a burst on swap (plus a decent size heal from the swap torments) into mallyx that is really valuable in 1vX against players who actually press buttons.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that burst you mention looks to be from Maniacal Persistence. Since the blanket condi nerfs in November 2017, that trait has always struck me as being odd. Even before the change to its current state it was weird, but at least the torment inflicted on enemies lasted longer than the self-inflicted stacks. Now it inflicts two stacks on both the rev and enemies for the same duration, which seems pretty lopsided for a profession which has such limited options for dealing with condis when compared to others. With that in mind, I don't know if the burst of healing would really make up for the damage you're dealing to yourself once your resistance runs out. Moreover, as Justine said, you should consider the opportunity cost of giving up the might generation from Incensed Response. I would also recommend trying out Pulsating Pestilence in place of Maniacal Persistence to give yourself a way to deal with incoming condis (should make up for the loss of healing) while acting as another option to deal damage.

Spirit Boon grants resistance which in turn procs Maniacal Persistence.

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Cool vid! The first ~10 minutes were the most enjoyable part of the video to watch.

Already saw some recommendations, haven't played hybrid in a while but MH sword is also a good choice. More for 1v1 rather than group fights however. I liked the synergy with Spirit Boon > Maniacal Persistence + Tormenting runes, the sustain looked nice in group fights/vs mesmer clones. I do think Pulsating Pestilence is a better grandmaster trait overall since it was fixed, especially vs mirage.

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@Arkaile.5604 said:

@Justine.6351 said:Needs might generation. Picking up Incensed Response over Spirit Boon would be good. Mace 2 needs to be used more. Should make an effort to use Mace 3 for blasting Mace 2 field for might or even Unyielding Anguish for area blind.

I'll play around with the might trait. My instincts were telling me spirit boon was better since it allows for a burst on swap (plus a decent size heal from the swap torments) into mallyx that is really valuable in 1vX against players who actually press buttons.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that burst you mention looks to be from Maniacal Persistence. Since the blanket condi nerfs in November 2017, that trait has always struck me as being odd. Even before the change to its current state it was weird, but at least the torment inflicted on enemies lasted longer than the self-inflicted stacks. Now it inflicts two stacks on both the rev and enemies for the same duration, which seems pretty lopsided for a profession which has such limited options for dealing with condis when compared to others. With that in mind, I don't know if the burst of healing would really make up for the damage you're dealing to yourself once your resistance runs out. Moreover, as Justine said, you should consider the opportunity cost of giving up the might generation from Incensed Response. I would also recommend trying out Pulsating Pestilence in place of Maniacal Persistence to give yourself a way to deal with incoming condis (should make up for the loss of healing) while acting as another option to deal damage.

I need to truly test it, but from my observations, the torment I was applying to myself didn't use my condi dmg to factor in how much dmg it did. While moving I'd tic for 52 dmg from the two stacks, which is really not that much given the regen from dodges even. I haven't tried out pulsating pestilence since they fixed it. But the reason I usually am hesitant to pick up traits like that is because against certain specs (aka every power spec) the trait becomes worthless, it is a bit too feast or famine for my liking but I should try it out.

@WraithOfStealth.1624 said:Cool vid! The first ~10 minutes were the most enjoyable part of the video to watch.

Already saw some recommendations, haven't played hybrid in a while but MH sword is also a good choice. More for 1v1 rather than group fights however. I liked the synergy with Spirit Boon > Maniacal Persistence + Tormenting runes, the sustain looked nice in group fights/vs mesmer clones. I do think Pulsating Pestilence is a better grandmaster trait overall since it was fixed, especially vs mirage.

Thanks! I tried out mainhand sword (actually was trying out the old spvp meta of herald instead of renegade) and its a better dueling spec than the renegade version for sure. It does dramatically drop off when fighting groups cause the sword dmg scales horribly once its split a bit. I'll have to try out pulsating pestilence, as I mention above, I avoided using it since it gives no real benefit against power specs (or support specs) so it swings from really good to no impact dramatically based on what you're fighting.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Ah, you must be the Renegade I've been seeing running around on NSP, not getting insta-deleted, lol. Cool to see some Renegade gameplay from a good player. I'd also say core probably functions better but it sucks that you don't have access to a ranged condi weapon. Sword/sword can still do some solid damage on hybrid though, and gives you a bit of slight ranged pressure as well as some mobility/iframes. You had some nice downstate cleave though.

I've seen more hybrid renegades around in WvW too and while I've not fought against one myself, those I saw have handled themselves competently and seemed pretty strong.

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Agree with Justine. You need more searing fissure use, especially on downed targets. 90% of the time if you’re in Mace/axe and you down someone you don’t drop a fissure on them, even with other targets nearby trying to Rez. The go to cleave options for downed targets should always be Searing Fissure, Unyielding Anguish and CC abilities to stop Rez/keep them in your fields. If you do drop SF and UA on them you’re looking at like 2-4K condi damage to anyone in the area per second, which really makes rezzing hard unless they have resistance or some other way to deal with it effectively. Also needs more might generation somehow since you have very little. But some of that is also just how they’ve neutered condi rev’s might generation while targeting power rev, so that’s less a you issue and more of an “Anet really needs to give a might generation option for the corruption traitline” issue.

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:Obviously, no one said this guy, that the core rev is bad :D Good job sir

Careful, anet will find a way to nerf it anyways. Seriously though, I think core rev is a bit slept on right now with the tormenting rune changes. While I haven't found a great way to make power work better as core than herald, I do think condi rev works better as core since you don't have to give up the mobility of shiro and gain the defense of the retri line.

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:Agree with Justine. You need more searing fissure use, especially on downed targets. 90% of the time if you’re in Mace/axe and you down someone you don’t drop a fissure on them, even with other targets nearby trying to Rez. The go to cleave options for downed targets should always be Searing Fissure, Unyielding Anguish and CC abilities to stop Rez/keep them in your fields. If you do drop SF and UA on them you’re looking at like 2-4K condi damage to anyone in the area per second, which really makes rezzing hard unless they have resistance or some other way to deal with it effectively. Also needs more might generation somehow since you have very little. But some of that is also just how they’ve neutered condi rev’s might generation while targeting power rev, so that’s less a you issue and more of an “Anet really needs to give a might generation option for the corruption traitline” issue.

A bit confused which video you're referring to, in the 2nd video almost every down has searing fissure on them at some point and while the 1st video doesn't always have it, looking back it does look like the majority did. And while searing fissure can be good for down cleave, in fights against certain groups, I would much rather stack torment with mace 3 with its much longer duration or mace auto to get poison on the down than use searing fissure.

Might just comes down to the which trait you run; spirit boon or incensed response. Personally I didn't find incensed response to be as useful as spirit boon overall but its a solution to the might uptime.

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Good stuff. I dusted off my old condi rev this week to start roaming with her and it's so kitten fun. Mallyx is such a fun legend.

Condi rev is strangely addictive. The only change I really would want for mallyx (skillwise) would be to make unyielding anguish an evade frame, but that might make it a bit strong. Its a lot of fun to drop down UA and use embrace the darkness in a group and go ham, a lot more fun than I first expected these builds to be tbh.

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@"Helly.2597" said:Hybrid renegade video.

With the rune change I was interested in trying out renegade (and core rev) with tormenting runes. Being lazy, I put together a grieving/carrion mixed build to test it out.

Now clearly renegade is never going to be totally viable in fights in a general sense. However from my experience with this build, I would say it at least has some use when combined with the tormenting runes being able to prop up the abyssmal sustain.

I'd be the first to say it isn't the best build, and while I haven't gotten around to try it extensively I have a gut feeling core (with it's access to stab) would be better.

Apologies for no build link yet. I'll add it later tonight once I have some time.

So what’s the build for the renegade spec?

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@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

@"Helly.2597" said:Hybrid renegade video.

With the rune change I was interested in trying out renegade (and core rev) with tormenting runes. Being lazy, I put together a grieving/carrion mixed build to test it out.

Now clearly renegade is never going to be totally viable in fights in a general sense. However from my experience with this build, I would say it at least has some use when combined with the tormenting runes being able to prop up the abyssmal sustain.

I'd be the first to say it isn't the best build, and while I haven't gotten around to try it extensively I have a gut feeling core (with it's access to stab) would be better.

Apologies for no build link yet. I'll add it later tonight once I have some time.

So what’s the build for the renegade spec?

Apologies. I forgot to link it here. https://goo.gl/yLaKTt

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  • 2 weeks later...

New video! Build is in the description. Trait changes means I have good might uptime and swapping to the condition transfer corruption gm means I have good ways to fight condition builds.

If you are interested in commentary/have questions I have been streaming at twitch.tv/thecozert.

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