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List of Mesmer Bugs [Updated May 9th 2019]

Me Games Ma.8426

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What is this thread?

This thread is meant to be a one stop for everyone who wants the community to know about a bug regarding the Mesmer profession.I also hope that some Anet Devs will look into this list from time to time to see what needs fixing.

Please, if you know of a bug that is not listed here, tell me about it and I will test it, then add it to the list

The bugs will be listed in 3 categories: Wrong Tooltip, Visual/Audio Issue & Gameplay Issue. Additionally I will tag the bugs with [reproducible] if that is the case.

Example Bug - [reproducible]detailed descriptionadditional information

The Bugs

Wrong Tooltips

WvW JauntStill shows a maximum of 3 charges.

Delayed ReactionsTooltip should clarify that the interval is only for defiant foes.

Phantasmal SwordsmanMight the Phantasm receives is not listed.

Chaotic PersistenceThis trait doesn't update the stats on your hero panel.

Phantasmal Force RadiusThe tooltip lists a nonexistent radius.

Visual/Audio Issues

Universal Ambush Animation stuck on characterThe universal "energy draw animation" that plays on using an ambush as mirage can get stuck on the character. This does not only affect the visual part of the animation but also the audio that comes with this animation is played permanently. This bug is client side!No certain way of reproducing this bug: Happens a lot when you spam ambushes (like in PvE raids). Seems to happen more often on low end machines!

Gameplay Bugs

Mantra of Recovery UnderwaterThis abilities Cast time is 2.75s when underwater which is 0.5s longer than the normal cast time.

pWarlock AnimationSometimes using Phantasmal Warlock directly after swapping to the staff locks the character in an anination unable to move at all.Might be race specific.

Sirens Call Healing - [reproducible]Sirens Call used by clones heals when it hits alliesEvery time a clones sirens call bounces to an ally that ally will be healed for a tiny amount. It inconsistently appears in the combat log.

Mimic cooldown behaviour - [reproducible]The cooldown of mimic does not only get increased by the skill that adds its own cd but will also be reset to full cooldown as soon as the buff is used.Example: Use mimic, wait 9 seconds (mimic is on 31s cooldown), use mantra of pain: Cooldown is 41s instead of 32s

Mantra of Recovery - [reproducible]The mantra's channel does not count as healing ability and does not trigger "on heal" effects.

Mirror self interruptWhen mirror is being interrupted you can get free reflects without having the skill on full cooldown.This behavior was fixed on Blurred Frenzy as well!

Mantras - [reproducible]If cast too quickly after the channel is finished (e.g. when you keep the key pressed) the skill will use a charge but not have an effect.This bug does not happen every time but very often!

Phantasmal Defender & Lesser Phantasmal Defender - [reproducible]These two skills do NOT trigger any "on interrupt" or "on CC" effects.

Signet of MidnightThis skill (unlike all other instant cast stealth abilities on mesmer) does not interrupt other abilities. This causes unwanted reveals.

Healing PrismWhile in downed state, the internal cooldown of Healing Prism does not seem to apply. Each tick of self heal using bandage will trigger healing prism and heal allies around you.

Mind StabMind Stab uses higher cast priority (similar to defensive abilities and those that CC)

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I'm sure you're already aware but as a reminder I don't think Confounding Suggestions and Rune of the Mesmer daze duration stacking is updating tooltips properly. Here's the discussion thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63124/confounding-suggestions-paralyzation-sigil-stack#latestI think one of the screenshots in that thread was posted by you confirming that the effects may actually stack.

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@"LTCpanders.2871" said:I'm sure you're already aware but as a reminder I don't think Confounding Suggestions and Rune of the Mesmer daze duration stacking is updating tooltips properly. Here's the discussion thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63124/confounding-suggestions-paralyzation-sigil-stack#latestI think one of the screenshots in that thread was posted by you confirming that the effects may actually stack.

Yeah that's my own thread.I actually think runes & sigils are not supposed to change tooltips so I didn't add them. Does trapper Rune add the stealth/superspeed tooltip to traps? I would say it doesn't but I'm not sure.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Confusing Images still self interrups and goes on 1-2s cd constantly. Most noticable when trying to channel straight after weapon swap, but just whispering quietly is enough to interrupt it.

If we talk about weapon swap things... You never noticed how retarded weapon swap on staff and cast warlocks? You stuck in some weird staff whirl animation while u cant move at all? xD

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@Me Games Ma.8426 said:Continuum Split in aftercast of certain skills.Continuum Split can be used in the aftercast of a couple of skills which allows the user to benefit from cooldown resets before entering CS and after CS ends. Skills that work like that:Signet of the Ether, Signet of IllusionsIts actually noticed by smart mesmers and used for increasing dps in power mesmer rotation ,otherwise its going to be waaaaaaaaay lower.Can also screw you while u heal in split but because of aftercast u end split w/o getting heal but full cd on it

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@tinyreborn.1938 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Confusing Images still self interrups and goes on 1-2s cd constantly. Most noticable when trying to channel straight after weapon swap, but just whispering quietly is enough to interrupt it.

If we talk about weapon swap things... You never noticed how kitten weapon swap on staff and cast warlocks? You stuck in some weird staff whirl animation while u cant move at all? xD

That animation is pretty neat, reminds me of the other one in which mesmers swing a gs BF alike with one hand.

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Visual/animation effect

Sword ambush sometimes act funny, and toss you in the air (like the pulls effects before if anyone remember that), to be honest that only happened to me once where I used sword ambush and at the end of it I was tossed up in the air xD

TooltipJaunt in wvw still shows maximum charges 3.

gameplay bugsMantra of recovery, underwater ever since the change of mantras the cast time of it underwater is still 2 3/4.another bug not sure if Mesmer only or specific ability related but I guess not related to specific skill, you can use false oasis and if you time the cast time and jumped into the water, your water heal won't be on cd.same as the above, you can cast mass invisibility underwater and jump off the water and your elite skill won't be on cd.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Confusing Images still self interrups and goes on 1-2s cd constantly. Most noticable when trying to channel straight after weapon swap, but just whispering quietly is enough to interrupt it.

@tinyreborn.1938 said:If we talk about weapon swap things... You never noticed how kitten weapon swap on staff and cast warlocks? You stuck in some weird staff whirl animation while u cant move at all? xD

I can't seem to reproduce this behavior, can you explain in detail how it works or record a video? Ty.

@Heartpains.7312 said:Visual/animation effect

Sword ambush sometimes act funny, and toss you in the air (like the pulls effects before if anyone remember that), to be honest that only happened to me once where I used sword ambush and at the end of it I was tossed up in the air xD

Hm happened once. Seems tough to reproduce. Maybe I'll add it when I see a clip of it happening. Never happened to me though.

@Heartpains.7312 said:TooltipJaunt in wvw still shows maximum charges 3.Mantra of recovery, underwater ever since the change of mantras the cast time of it underwater is still 2 3/4.

Thanks, added.

another bug not sure if Mesmer only or specific ability related but I guess not related to specific skill, you can use false oasis and if you time the cast time and jumped into the water, your water heal won't be on cd.same as the above, you can cast mass invisibility underwater and jump off the water and your elite skill won't be on cd.Seems ability related. I noticed that you may not use the same skill underwater as you did above. Else you'll have CD.

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@Me Games Ma.8426 said:

@tinyreborn.1938 said:If we talk about weapon swap things... You never noticed how kitten weapon swap on staff and cast warlocks? You stuck in some weird staff whirl animation while u cant move at all? xD

I can't seem to reproduce this behavior, can you explain in detail how it works or record a video? Ty.I'm not willing to record each time I play thats lower my fps ,not fun .If you want to reproduce it just play mesmer with a staff . Its seems to happen after swap and quickly pressing 2-3 (well, who doesnt use 2-3 instant after swapping to staff? xD ) sometimes just 3 , may be depends how quick you pressing, no idea. Its happens and when it does happen you cant move , i'm sure many mesmers that play staff can confirm that happen time to time

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@MesmerizedNYC.2479 said:I'll add that Signet of Illusions spawns clones to attack wildlife and non-threatning npc's. Idk if they would consider this a bug as the clone does spawn - but jeesh, can we have it not attack rabbits and the such?

This is the same as Deceptive Evasion. It's been like this since release and I think they're aware of it. I don't think it's a bug but a missing Quality of Life. It's just not a priotity I think.

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Well, something that I would truly want them to fix is, jaunt blink etc on the damn stairs, wvw towers stairs etc (old maps and EB) I rarely go to the desert but I believe they got that right there =p

Stairs is the most op thing that have ever been created in this game, can't forget the random fall dmg on them, but that was fixed long time ago =pNow lets get the blink etc fixed on those stairs =)

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@tinyreborn.1938 said:

@"MesmerizedNYC.2479" said:
feel free to watch at this crappy unintended animation that lock you out of movement until its over

I'll add it to the main post when I come home later. Thanks for the clip. Could it be Asura related? I play a lot of staff and I've never seen this happen (on my sylvari) and even when I tried to force it it didn't happen.

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@Heartpains.7312 said:Well, something that I would truly want them to fix is, jaunt blink etc on the kitten stairs, wvw towers stairs etc (old maps and EB) I rarely go to the desert but I believe they got that right there =p

Stairs is the most op thing that have ever been created in this game, can't forget the random fall dmg on them, but that was fixed long time ago =pNow lets get the blink etc fixed on those stairs =)

Thats an issue of the structures, not the class. Thieves are just as crippled by that as we are.

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@Me Games Ma.8426 said:

@"MesmerizedNYC.2479" said:
feel free to watch at this crappy unintended animation that lock you out of movement until its over

I'll add it to the main post when I come home later. Thanks for the clip. Could it be Asura related? I play a lot of staff and I've never seen this happen (on my sylvari) and even when I tried to force it it didn't happen.

I had bookah (hooman) char. She had the same retardation on weapon swap. So noAs you see anet have done something really BAD to make character use some weird animation that lock you at place w/o ability to move xD

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  • 1 month later...

Mirror self interruptWhen mirror is being interrupted you can get free reflects without having the skill on full cooldown.This behavior was fixed on Blurred Frenzy as well!

I hope this doesn't get fixed because:

  1. it's the only thing keeping mirror interesting (and it's still quite poor).
  2. it's a fun mechanic (one of the few left).
  3. it is not "free", as you are putting your own healing skill on 5 second additional cooldown which is often risky. It is actually not that easy to use in combat as it might seem on paper (in PvP at least).
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@"Quadox.7834" said:

Mirror self interruptWhen mirror is being interrupted you can get free reflects without having the skill on full cooldown.This behavior was fixed on Blurred Frenzy as well!

I hope this doesn't get fixed because:
  1. it's the only thing keeping mirror interesting (and it's still quite poor).
  2. it's a fun mechanic (one of the few left).
  3. it is not "free", as you are putting your own healing skill on 5 second additional cooldown which is often risky. It is actually not that easy to use in combat as it might seem on paper (in PvP at least).Putting skill on 1/2 of its cooldown for 0.2 s reflect is very smart !You gain mirror as long you cast heal ,as soon you interrupt its canceled.Even if it would be nerfed I wouldnt miss it . No one ever used that anyway

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There's a simple rule to how skills go on full cooldown when interrupted. Here it is said in my words: "An interrupted skill goes on full cooldown if the skill had any effect."Some skills just have an immediate effect so they go on full cooldown after the initial effect. Especially stunbreaks with a cast time work like this.That includes but is not limited to:Blurred Frenzy, Renewed Focus, Well of Precognition, Overload Air, Chapter 4: Stand Stalward, "You are all weaklings!", Bandits Defense.

There are very few skills that do not work like this. In fact I can only name Mirror. That's an inconsistency which should be fixed. Let me remind you of SoMidnight getting Expertise instead of 20% cDuration) or as mentioned above, blurred frenzy. I believe that they try to make the game more consistent with each patch.

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@Odik.4587 said:

@"Quadox.7834" said:

Mirror self interruptWhen mirror is being interrupted you can get free reflects without having the skill on full cooldown.This behavior was fixed on Blurred Frenzy as well!

I hope this doesn't get fixed because:
  1. it's the only thing keeping mirror interesting (and it's still quite poor).
  2. it's a fun mechanic (one of the few left).
  3. it is not "free", as you are putting your own healing skill on 5 second additional cooldown which is often risky. It is actually not that easy to use in combat as it might seem on paper (in PvP at least).Putting skill on 1/2 of its cooldown for 0.2 s reflect is very smart !You gain mirror as long you cast heal ,as soon you interrupt its canceled.Even if it would be nerfed I wouldnt miss it . No one ever used that anyway

Yes of course, it's already not used so let's nerf it more for no reason.Sidenote, I like it as core mesmer vs teams with ranger and deadeye.

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