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Shield changing on legend.


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Hey there,I was wondering if someone would be interested in this. FoN inspiried. How about Revenant's Shield skills changed with different legends?

For example:ShieldGlint:

  • 4 - stays the same + is now a blast finisher
  • 5 - also pulses heal to nearby allies


  • 4 - instead of Protection grants short Quickness
  • 5 - (Riposte) After Blocking with 5 your next 2-4 attacks are unblockable


  • 4 - Instead of Protection grants Retaliation
  • 5 - When a foe attacks you on block Daze them once / Pulse Retaliation or Protection


  • 4 - Grants Regeneration
  • 5 - Cleanse conditions on nearby allies with each pulse / Pulse Regeneration


  • 4 - Additionaly to heal apply Slow/Cripple to foes in radius OR give short Resistance to allies
  • 5 - Additionaly apply short Confusion to foes with each pulse

You'd have to sacrifice one effect from specific legend for another. This is how Facet of Nature works and I think that Herald goes really well with adapting to other legends.


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I would like to see something Kain above mentioned.Skills have same animation but generates diferent buffs and (condis?)

But definetly:Shield 4 Blast(cool would be have 1blast at targeted location and second below as as "shield" came back)Shield 5 if root stay ->heal aoe nearby allies and boon on every pulseif root will be removed-> stay at it is

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@"Catchyfx.5768" said:I would like to see something Kain above mentioned.Skills have same animation but generates diferent buffs and (condis?)

But definetly:Shield 4 Blast(cool would be have 1blast at targeted location and second below as as "shield" came back)Shield 5 if root stay ->heal aoe nearby allies and boon on every pulseif root will be removed-> stay at it is

I understand your concerns, however, fighting an Ele you also have to be aware of what element they are attuned to. Changes I suggest aren't a total game changers but would definitely add a bit more flavor to the shield if refined.

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@ethanzephyr.7298 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:What do you mean with FoN? The trident got pretty good

Glint overall lost tons of boon duration. And this is a personal reason, but Enhanced Bulwark was essential to my fractal carry build. Now my personal stab is very, very spotty.

For me, FoN update opened new ways to play herald. Mallyx is going in a very good direction - finally manages to fullfil its theme of controlling conditions. Ventari has now a pretty strong spot in Raid groups. Jalis is still strong in WvW providing more Stability. Shiro was our eSpec for toow long, do moving away some powers from it opens up (SLOWLY) different ways for other legends while using Herald.I understand your pain. I loved the initial thought behind Mallyx that was later completely scrapped.

For me - Herald is something that evolves with each legend as we all know it isn't really a true eSpec (we got it in the very beginning so it doesn't feel like an additional option, at least for me). Glint has the opportunity to be this interesting mix of everything that Revenant has to offer and enhance it with some support or offensive powers.

Don't you think Shield could use some love? I, personally, see it as a versatile tool. Not exactly like Staff or Trident but something that will make you feel good while using it in specific legend. On the end - it's an eSpec(event if it doesn't feel like it), so let the Shield change our playstyle a bit.

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@ethanzephyr.7298 said:The FoN changes weren't all sunshine and roses. We lost so much in that rework, and I no longer trust huge changes like this.


I think the idea of changing weapon skills per legend overcomplicates (from both a balance and playstyle perspective) an already complicated class. Not that shield doesn’t need a little love, I’m just not sure it needs this.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:What do you mean with FoN? The trident got pretty good

Glint overall lost tons of boon duration. And this is a personal reason, but Enhanced Bulwark was essential to my fractal carry build. Now my personal stab is very, very spotty.

For me, FoN update opened new ways to play herald. Mallyx is going in a very good direction - finally manages to fullfil its theme of controlling conditions. Ventari has now a pretty strong spot in Raid groups. Jalis is still strong in WvW providing more Stability. Shiro was our eSpec for toow long, do moving away some powers from it opens up (SLOWLY) different ways for other legends while using Herald.I understand your pain. I loved the initial thought behind Mallyx that was later completely scrapped.

For me - Herald is something that evolves with each legend as we all know it isn't really a true eSpec (we got it in the very beginning so it doesn't feel like an additional option, at least for me). Glint has the opportunity to be this interesting mix of everything that Revenant has to offer and enhance it with some support or offensive powers.

Don't you think Shield could use some love? I, personally, see it as a versatile tool. Not exactly like Staff or Trident but something that will make you feel good while using it in specific legend. On the end - it's an eSpec(event if it doesn't feel like it), so let the Shield change our playstyle a bit.

More playstyles were opened up, sure, but other playstyles also had the book closed on them. I will admit that Jalis now has a very solid presence in WvW now, at least in zerg play, and can sometimes even do some roaming as well. But usually an elite spec has a single good role. It would also seem Arenanet almost intends for us to use Herald as a healing/boonshare support. If we tie too many good things to Herald, then other especs in the future will not compete. Perhaps we should work on core instead.

If our weapons had elementalist-esque reactions, I wager that Shiro would be one of the only legends that sees use. This game tends to favor evasion and high damage builds instead of damage mitigation and recovery. I can agree on shield needing some love, but it can be a situationally solid choice. As it stands, shield holds one of our 2 block skills. With the changes to Hardening Persistence, it gives the class some much needed condition management outside of Mallyx.

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