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Discussion: Command Line Option Changes [Merged]

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Uh, what a post. I feel ashamed about myself for some things you pointed about life and gaming.Also, would it be possible that I could get some help with 5 hom points in gw1? I have 10 and need 5 more for black moa pet. No one else I can ask otherwise since they don't play gw1..Thanks in advance.

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@Ryan.6951 said:Do you have any devs who use something like lastpass, or are interested in security in general? Anyone could have weighed in on this and explained to the rest of the team why removing user options and forcing them to manually enter passwords for potentially dozens of different account always inevitably leads to password sharing; which then INEVITABLY leads to password compromise.This. In my experience, there's a point of enforced login security level beyond which you just start seeing stickers with passwords on monitors everywhere. With passwords usually in the form of a simple, easy to remember word (or name) with an incrementing number.

Which, of course, completely defeats the idea of said increased security restrictions.

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As an owner of multiple accounts i consider that (birdculture) a dick move. Taking away the option before thinking of a new way to store the account details in a secure way and doing so without a notice shows that anet is not thinking ahead. Despite that I understand the importance of securing the accounts.

Maybe a better solution would have been to announce that -email and -password will be patched out within the next weeks and advise players to act cautiously with their account data as they can be read easily while working simultaneously on a solution (Healix.5819 made some good points, also thanks to you for your tool, works like a charm).

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@Mireles Lore.5942 said:

@Healix.5819 said:The SMS reminder will stop showing after the next patch, and won't be displayed again unless you launch the account normally (assuming that wasn't also changed with this patch).

Would you mind linking where this was said? It is still showing up for me.

Just to confirm, this method still works. If you want to prove this yourself, delete your Local.dat file, launch with -image, which will download the core Local.dat file, then only launch with -sharearchive after that. Note that -sharearchive puts GW2 in read-only mode, so it won't be able to remember your email/password. Try logging in, then exit (do not logout on the launcher). Do it again and you should see the SMS reminder (it happens every other login), but you won't - repeat as many times as you want. Now remove the -sharearchive and try it. You will now see the SMS reminder regardless of how you launch it, until the next patch where you can -image and then only launch with -sharearchive.

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@Healix.5819 said:

@Healix.5819 said:The SMS reminder will stop showing after the next patch, and won't be displayed again unless you launch the account normally (assuming that wasn't also changed with this patch).

Would you mind linking where this was said? It is still showing up for me.

Just to confirm, this method still works. If you want to prove this yourself, delete your Local.dat file, launch with -image, which will download the core Local.dat file, then only launch with -sharearchive after that. Note that -sharearchive puts GW2 in read-only mode, so it won't be able to remember your email/password. Try logging in, then exit (do not logout on the launcher). Do it again and you
see the SMS reminder (it happens every other login), but you won't - repeat as many times as you want. Now remove the -sharearchive and try it. You will now see the SMS reminder regardless of how you launch it, until the next patch where you can -image and then only launch with -sharearchive.

So I am assuming you are the same Healix that created GW2Launcher. Is this method already incorporated in your launcher?

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@Mireles Lore.5942 said:Is this method already incorporated in your launcher?

-image to update and -sharearchive to launch the game is a basic requirement for running multiple accounts simultaneously, so yes. Technically you don't need -image to update, but that'd be a mess with multiple Local.dat files. Gw2Launcher also offers using an authenticator, for those that don't want to deal with codes.

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@Healix.5819 said:

@Mireles Lore.5942 said:Is this method already incorporated in your launcher?

-image to update and -sharearchive to launch the game is a basic requirement for running multiple accounts simultaneously, so yes. Technically you don't need -image to update, but that'd be a mess with multiple Local.dat files. Gw2Launcher also offers using an authenticator, for those that don't want to deal with codes.

Thanks for that bit of info. Is there a way to create desktop short cuts for each account with your utility or have accounts launched by Hot Key?

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@Healix.5819 said:

@Mireles Lore.5942 said:Is there a way to create desktop short cuts for each account with your utility or have accounts launched by Hot Key?

Drag it, or right click > selected > create desktop shortcut.

Very helpful tool. It almost gets people back to how it was before. Appreciate the work you done on this.

So lets say I want to create shortcuts for each account that will auto log in and auto play via the check box in the game's launcher without having the SMS message come up.

All I need to do is create a local.dat for each log in info, set it up in your launcher with -autologin argument, drag the accounts from the launcher and onto my desktop and wait for next patch for the SMS reminder to go away?

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@"Mireles Lore.5942" said:All I need to do is create a local.dat for each log in info, set it up in your launcher with -autologin argument, drag the accounts from the launcher and onto my desktop and wait for next patch for the SMS reminder to go away?

Yes, and if you want every account to "-autologin", the actual option is under - right click any account > settings > launch options > automatically login on the launcher. If you want every account to have a shortcut, simply right click > all > create desktop shortcut. As for setting up the accounts, you can find a little more information on getting started under the wiki, but it's as simple as adding an account and giving it a name (for the version released on January 23).

For clarification, there's been some confusion about how to setup Local.dat, probably because there's a post on reddit telling people to copy/paste the actual file - don't do this. If you want to use a specific Local.dat file, you can do so under the "Local.dat" tab of the account's settings within Gw2Launcher.


Actually, it looks like you have it a little backwards. For clarification, you want to create the accounts in Gw2Launcher, then launch them. Upon your first launch of a new Local.dat file, you'll be asked if you want to launch it normally to be able to save your settings - say yes, then enter your email/password into the launcher, check auto-play and click login to have it save; exit and repeat. Alternatively, queue them all to launch normally: right click > all > launch (normal).

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No, to get ride of the sms reminder, just use winauth and set it up for each account, its just you dont "have" to use sms, you can use your computer instead to generate the codes, but you have to secure accounts to remove this reminder and get autologin, i think you misunderstood something, the reminder WONT go away except for when its patch time, if i get it right, its a one time setup, and id suggest to include the codes into your launcher as well (thats the automatic feature for network change)

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where is problem to add some chcek option in the client app or account settings, to confirm and accept all risks and allow –email and –password command-line again?? I am aware of all risks, i am only owner of my pc, i have IQ near 100 and I WANT use my shortcuts as i always do in last 6 years (not mention gw1)

so WHY NOT??

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@Healix.5819 said:

@"Mireles Lore.5942" said:All I need to do is create a local.dat for each log in info, set it up in your launcher with -autologin argument, drag the accounts from the launcher and onto my desktop and wait for next patch for the SMS reminder to go away?

Yes, and if you want every account to "-autologin", the actual option is under - right click any account > settings > launch options > automatically login on the launcher. If you want every account to have a shortcut, simply right click > all > create desktop shortcut. As for setting up the accounts, you can find a little more information on getting started under the wiki, but it's as simple as adding an account and giving it a name (for the version released on January 23).

For clarification, there's been some confusion about how to setup Local.dat, probably because there's a post on reddit telling people to copy/paste the actual file - don't do this. If you want to use a specific Local.dat file, you can do so under the "Local.dat" tab of the account's settings within Gw2Launcher.


Actually, it looks like you have it a little backwards. For clarification, you want to create the accounts in Gw2Launcher, then launch them. Upon your first launch of a new Local.dat file, you'll be asked if you want to launch it normally to be able to save your settings - say yes, then enter your email/password into the launcher, check auto-play and click login to have it save; exit and repeat. Alternatively, queue them all to launch normally: right click > all > launch (normal).

Thanks for this. Much easier than what I am doing now.

I pretty much have a .bat file that you run using a shortcut, takes an "account name" and copies a new local.dat saves it, and pastes the unique over local.dat in the gw2 folder for each unique shortcut.

So I don't even need to go about loggin in and manually creating a new dat files? I just create the accounts and log in using your launcher?

Didn't know there as a wiki, I should probably go read that.

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@"arukAdo.2047" said:No, to get ride of the sms reminder, just use winauth and set it up for each account, its just you dont "have" to use sms, you can use your computer instead to generate the codes, but you have to secure accounts to remove this reminder and get autologin, i think you misunderstood something, the reminder WONT go away except for when its patch time, if i get it right, its a one time setup, and id suggest to include the codes into your launcher as well (thats the automatic feature for network change)

To clarify, the only way to actually remove the SMS reminder is to have either an authenticator or SMS enabled. It is however possible to prevent the reminder from ever showing for those that want to stick with email authentication, which is funnily the more secure option.

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@Healix.5819 said:

@"arukAdo.2047" said:No, to get ride of the sms reminder, just use winauth and set it up for each account, its just you dont "have" to use sms, you can use your computer instead to generate the codes, but you have to secure accounts to remove this reminder and get autologin, i think you misunderstood something, the reminder WONT go away except for when its patch time, if i get it right, its a one time setup, and id suggest to include the codes into your launcher as well (thats the automatic feature for network change)

To clarify, the only way to actually remove the SMS reminder is to have either an authenticator or SMS enabled. It is however possible to prevent the reminder from ever showing for those that want to stick with email authentication, which is funnily the more secure option.

actually get rid of sms reminder is allow sms or authenticator, log in the game using this and then disable it again, this will turn off reminder notification for some time, i have one account, where i never have this reminder again, and have 3 other, where this pop up after some time, like once per 3-4 month or so, so i have no idea what start it

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I would like to point out to Anet that I have updated antivirus and a good security setup on my PC (including 2 factor auth for gw2 locked to the IP), the only way someone is going to log into my account or get my credentials from the script files I use to log in is if they break into my house, which means I have bigger security concerns than a computer game.

This is a very inconvenient change, it is particularly disappointing that no alternative was put inplace before functionality was removed.

Anet have demonstrated particularly poor customer service in this instance.

Edit: removed "game game".

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Ryan.6951 said:Do you have any devs who use something like lastpass, or are interested in security in general? Anyone could have weighed in on this and explained to the rest of the > Which, of course, completely defeats the idea of said increased security restrictions.

Personally, I trust Anet more than lastpass vault. Password keepers, local or cloud, make it too easy for your roommate/friend to go through your stuff.

If you want real security, use your PC in a locked room with no internet connection.

Having the user/password viewable as clear text by pressing Ctl-alt-Del and looking in Taskman was a BIG risk. Plus it's easily viewable by any other program. (Linux: ps -ef)

It's best to engineer a new method if they want to endorse multi-account or multi-box/multi-client for PvE.

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I too will add my opinion that the change came without warning and worse, without alternative and it has made me quite unhappy.While I was using my own custom launcher that used the -email -password commands, my data was still encrypted and my accounts were just as secure as manually typing in the credentials for each login. The "fix" Anet made did not protect me but it did completely remove the ease and convenience of logging into multiple accounts.If they would update their launcher to handle multiple accounts then I would consider this a non-issue even though I would still lose some nice features of my custom launcher.

What I would like to see is similar commands reintroduced but instead of clear text it would require hashed data instead.I would also like to bypass the login screen entirely and go straight to character select as it worked before. I doubt this will ever happen since I'm sure they want us all exposed to the ads thus the reason for a 5 second delay.But simply fixing the login screen to support multiple accounts would go a long way in calming the players previously enjoying the now removed features.

Separating the credentials from the local.dat file would also be very helpful to the players for reasons explained earlier in this thread.

Personally, I will attempt to rework my own launcher app to work under the new restrictions and if that doesn't give me the desired results, I'll be trying out GW2Launcher.

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