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Infinite Horizon and Evasive Mirror


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Infinite Horizon and Evasive Mirror are the traits that makes mirage so strong right now. You can literally sit on staff, spam 3 clones and abuse of triple Chaos Vortex ( STAFF AMBUSH ), by doing that you will 100% win ANY trade at distance, and it can get even worst with Illusionary Ambush to do more damage with a extra Mirage Cloak(that combos with Horizon) + " Broken " Targets (clones beeing exactly the same as the player, to the point that if the player stands still after using Ilusionary ambush, it will take at least 2 seconds to realize who's the real one). You got 30 stacks of torment in 2 seconds? yep, thats Infinite Horizon, it's not even Axe damage, 4 stacks of burn? yep. And let's not even talk about the boons that Arcane Thievery with Chaos traits will provide you. And all this with an insane reflect up time.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:No reason to post this here.

The Mirage mains will defend their Elite Spec till the end of Time.

Let me answer for them so they don’t need to use their precious PvP time.

„Get good, Mirage is actually B Tier and Balanced.“

You realize Mesmer mains are the ones constantly proposing reasonable nerfs instead of the useless nuke them from orbit crying you get from everywhere else right? And there are a couple things, such as not getting hit by the slowest projectile in the game that are l2p. There's maybe 2 Mesmer players on the OF that think it's just fine and everyone else thinks they're ridiculous.

To the OP: Staff Ambush is as slow as could be. You could literally just run out of its path or dodge it super easily due to its long and obvious casting animation.

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Now are the traits the problem or the staff?with all these mesmer op threads it’s getting confusing what’s op and what’s not lol seems like it’s everything.mirage could use some adjusting but all these threads are getting ridiculous. Soon we’ll have mirage walking is op or the way mirage holds its weapons is op threads popping up. Maybe we should ask for arenanet to limit what foods/utilities mesmer can use? Mirage is no more op than the boonbeast/sic em builds rangers are using,the way ranger traits and elite traits synergize can make them just as op as any mirage.tho it’s goid design for them to synergize like they do the numbers on some skills/utility skills should definitely be lower as well as some of the coefficients within they trait lines.same as holo’s,I have far more matches where I feel helpless against a holo than I ever do a mirage.until holo,soulbeast,DE,scourge aoe spam etc get toned down there’s no point in nurfing mirage to accomplish what?now those other blatantly powercrept specs can now dominate with just one less spec in their cool kids group? Ele/elites,core thief/DD,Core Engi,necro,warrior/berserker are the only specs in the whole game that arnt powercrept to some degree.im not a huge mirage player myself but most of the nurf cry’s come from an emotional place whether from multiple losses from one or because of bias which often leads to either just wanting the class gutted and ruined which is bad for the game or most ask for changes in the very mechanic that was given to the class to difine it and differentiate it from others example being mirage cloak. I’m not defending mirage as this is what happens to all classes that are over performing and probably one of many reasons arenet doesn’t listen to its players as often as we players think they should.

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@"DanAlcedo.3281" said:No reason to post this here.

The Mirage mains will defend their Elite Spec till the end of Time.

Let me answer for them so they don’t need to use their precious PvP time.

„Get good, Mirage is actually B Tier and Balanced.“

:/"Mirage mains don't want to see their class nuked from orbit due to misguided whining so obviously they must believe it's perfectly balanced and will defend every aspect of it"

There's a whole spectrum of opinion between those two extremes, please don't generalise.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:I'm not sure if I have ever lost to a staff mirage while using a greatsword mirage. Axe and melee condi mirages when they get surprise bombs in sure but when they swap to staff its like lol good luck slowpoke you die before the first attack reach me.

I can't hear you over the sound of the Weakness I just applied to you with Chaos Storm.

Anyway Evasive Mirror as a trait is nuts quite frankly. Mesmers locking down ranged pressure is a cool aspect of the class but that should require actual skills you have to actively think about like Feedback and Focus skills. Evasive Mirror is too passive. You get it for free and you don't even really need to think about it.

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@"HUSKAR.2506" said:Infinite Horizon and Evasive Mirror are the traits that makes mirage so strong right now. You can literally sit on staff, spam 3 clones and abuse of triple Chaos Vortex ( STAFF AMBUSH ), by doing that you will 100% win ANY trade at distance, and it can get even worst with Illusionary Ambush to do more damage with a extra Mirage Cloak(that combos with Horizon) + " Broken " Targets (clones beeing exactly the same as the player, to the point that if the player stands still after using Ilusionary ambush, it will take at least 2 seconds to realize who's the real one). You got 30 stacks of torment in 2 seconds? yep, thats Infinite Horizon, it's not even Axe damage, 4 stacks of burn? yep. And let's not even talk about the boons that Arcane Thievery with Chaos traits will provide you. And all this with an insane reflect up time.

Staff is a powerful utility/defense weapon made more powerful by reflect on evade. However, you don't need to exaggerate to make the point. The fact is nobody is stacking 30 torment with staff. Ever. Let alone in 2 seconds as you claim. Chaos vortex has surprisingly good theoretical sustained damage for a utility/defense weapon. But it's still nowhere near as strong as axe by itself. And axe isn't by itself because it also has torch burst as well as melee range shatters that actually have a good chance of landing. Between that and the fact that chaos vortex has a lot of difficulty actually hitting a moving target at range, it's laughable to claim that staff is winning "ANY" trade at a distance. It's simply not a high pressure weapon.

The problem is that the mirage has high reflect uptime and teleports, target breaks, and clones. So your strategy is somewhat limited. Obviously, if the mirage isn't using the superior damage of axe it's because he doesn't want to get close to you. But you can't tee off from range because of the reflects. On the other hand, if you try to maintain melee pressure the mirage simply teleports away while the clones slowly wear you down and you waste time trying to find the real mirage. By the time you do, the mirage is ready to swap to axe and bring the pain again. Game over.

I get it. It's overpowered. It's frustrating to deal with. And it's difficult to fix because some of the skills that synergize the best with mirage are core skills that will hurt builds that aren't overpowered. There was nothing particularly OP about reflect on evade prior to mirage with its high evade uptime paired with high damage output. Likewise, staff was no threat at all without chaos vortex bumping up the damage to a semi-decent level.

Maybe you nerf the boons from chaos? But what then? Mirage will simply switch to illusions for insane shatter burst while legitimate builds that rely on chaos for boon uptime will suffer.

It's a difficult problem to solve, honestly.

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@EpicTurtle.8571 said:

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:No reason to post this here.

The Mirage mains will defend their Elite Spec till the end of Time.

Let me answer for them so they don’t need to use their precious PvP time.

„Get good, Mirage is actually B Tier and Balanced.“

You realize Mesmer mains are the ones constantly proposing reasonable nerfs instead of the useless nuke them from orbit crying you get from everywhere else right? And there are a couple things, such as not getting hit by the slowest projectile in the game that are l2p. There's maybe 2 Mesmer players on the OF that think it's just fine and everyone else thinks they're ridiculous.

To the OP: Staff Ambush is as slow as could be. You could literally just run out of its path or dodge it super easily due to its long and obvious casting animation.

Just want to point out that didn't stop orbital nukes from smashing classes like Berserker and DH. Mirage is suffering from DH syndrome but a much more advanced stage of it.

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