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More than half of the Revenant class not worth playing


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@"ventusthunder.5067" said:

@JayAction.9056 said:Let’s be real. PvP is endgame in gw2.

?Exatcly what i was thinking. Plus rev is one of the best PvP and WvW class.Op have a point tho, not all legend are worth and balance would be fun.

Yes I must say the OP (well known rev main and we all know what those are like) seems to not realise in WvW you can play romaer with shiro/glint, hammer rev and 100-0 anyone not tanky same legends, Jalis/Glint, Mallyx/Glint in hammer situations, then there's a few condi revs I've seen breaking out with the tormenting rune changes which do good pressure when supported. In PvP there's a weird condi/hybrid build being played more and more too.

Sorry man but if you're dying to a shiro/glint
rev roamer in WvW and getting 100-0'd by
, the slowest of all weapons, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. To complain about this while neglecting the real problems in WvW roaming (sic' em soulbeast, stealth spamming deadeye, and you guessed it buddy- condi mirage) shows a clear disconnect from what's actually going on. I won't pretend that rev damage is undertuned in WvW. But complaining about hammer roamers is laughable.

You use hammer in large scale where it is mandatory to play WvW almost, I figured people in the forums were smart enough to understand this, guess not. By the way a hammer rev can +1 a fight with shiro and CoR will instantly kill most roamers but generally roaming you come across the sword/staff build.

Hammer rev is one of the 3 must have classes for any organised group you realise?

Edit: Also where was I complaining about hammer rev? I was pointing out it is used in WvW!

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@ArthurDent.9538 said:Are people still seriously complaining about sword 4 damage? It's a 2.25 power coefficient on around a 1 second cast time which is actually quite weak damage to cast time ratio for any burst skill on any class. That cast time is closing in on gravedigger levels which hits 33% harder and roughly half the cooldown but no one in their right mind complains about grave digger and they shouldn't, because the skill is easy to avoid just like sword 4 is now. I swear some people won't be happy until rev is the lowest power damage class in the game with the lowest burst, oh wait it already is just ask any pve hero.

Pve =/= PvP. Would you say power mesmer has low damage? It does in PvE. What about reaper? It's damage is also pitiful. While the trash specs DH and berserker are reigning supreme because of their high dps and utility.

Don't forget about renegade being a top tier build. What works in PvE and PvP are generally not the same, so you can't really compare them.

Also, you're forgetting to mention that Shackling Wave has some range attached to it, revs also has on demand quickness. Something reapers (outside shroud) does not.

Rev damage is objectively low.

Revs play glassier than everybody because we are forced to. When I play the same play style on my Rev on warrior or Soulbeast guess what happens? People get one shot lmfao.

If you think Shiro Glint Invo Deve is low damage, you're either playing it wrong or you're completely delusional.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@ArthurDent.9538 said:Are people still seriously complaining about sword 4 damage? It's a 2.25 power coefficient on around a 1 second cast time which is actually quite weak damage to cast time ratio for any burst skill on any class. That cast time is closing in on gravedigger levels which hits 33% harder and roughly half the cooldown but no one in their right mind complains about grave digger and they shouldn't, because the skill is easy to avoid just like sword 4 is now. I swear some people won't be happy until rev is the lowest power damage class in the game with the lowest burst, oh wait it already is just ask any pve hero.

Pve =/= PvP. Would you say power mesmer has low damage? It does in PvE. What about reaper? It's damage is also pitiful. While the trash specs DH and berserker are reigning supreme because of their high dps and utility.

Don't forget about renegade being a top tier build. What works in PvE and PvP are generally not the same, so you can't really compare them.

Also, you're forgetting to mention that Shackling Wave has some range attached to it, revs also has on demand quickness. Something reapers (outside shroud) does not.

Rev damage is objectively low.

Revs play glassier than everybody because we are forced to. When I play the same play style on my Rev on warrior or Soulbeast guess what happens? People get one shot lmfao.

If you think Shiro Glint Invo Deve is low damage, you're either playing it wrong or you're completely delusional.

You have never been higher rated than me, but sure I don’t know how to play Revenant. If I don’t know how to play Revenant point me to this magical person that alters Revenant code every time they log in and is scoring this insane damage.

Bro gotta come with some logic dude.

Objectively speaking there is no way a 2.25 damage coefficient skill (referring to revenant offhand sword) is outdamaging the 8.38 damage of some war skills or the 7.9 damage of ranger axe skills.. This example is just the easiest most fourthright example I can give to prove you wrong, I can give more if needed. Video proof etc.

Listen bros just don’t even post in my thread if you can’t use facts.

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Every class happens to have a meta build. Sure there are options or variants but it's that one build that is most effective. Same thing happens to Revenant. Herald possess godly burst and decent sustain which fits the role imho. If you are bored and want to try something else why not trying another profession?

There are for sure other professions that need looking into (mirage, cough, cough) so no point talking for a class that it's (nowadays) nicely designed.

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@Dreddo.9865 said:Every class happens to have a meta build. Sure there are options or variants but it's that one build that is most effective. Same thing happens to Revenant. Herald possess godly burst and decent sustain which fits the role imho. If you are bored and want to try something else why not trying another profession?

There are for sure other professions that need looking into (mirage, cough, cough) so no point talking for a class that it's (nowadays) nicely designed.

Yeah..... Nope, definitly not.That's not the case with revenant at all.

Herald is being hard carried by oh-sword, the only actual reason it even has a meta build since we have no spike dmg or burst outside of it, not to mention that it is the ONLY build available for revs to play and it's been that way for a very long time, longer than any other class or spec in the game atm.

Power Herald is by no means a weak build but like I said it's being hard carried by a weapon way too much.

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As rev main, I agree. Playing glint/shiro invo/deso in all gamemodes with almost zero changes in traits Is kinda boring after some time. Other legends (especialy Jalis) arent good enough. Revenant isnt bruiser So you need shiro for dodging. Sure you can go tanky amulet take def. traits but then you arent threat to anybody :-/Im afraid this problem doesnt have solution. And we can be thankful for OP offhand sw. Hope you will Carry us atleast one another year ?

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@ArthurDent.9538 said:Are people still seriously complaining about sword 4 damage? It's a 2.25 power coefficient on around a 1 second cast time which is actually quite weak damage to cast time ratio for any burst skill on any class. That cast time is closing in on gravedigger levels which hits 33% harder and roughly half the cooldown but no one in their right mind complains about grave digger and they shouldn't, because the skill is easy to avoid just like sword 4 is now. I swear some people won't be happy until rev is the lowest power damage class in the game with the lowest burst, oh wait it already is just ask any pve hero.

Pve =/= PvP. Would you say power mesmer has low damage? It does in PvE. What about reaper? It's damage is also pitiful. While the trash specs DH and berserker are reigning supreme because of their high dps and utility.

Don't forget about renegade being a top tier build. What works in PvE and PvP are generally not the same, so you can't really compare them.

Also, you're forgetting to mention that Shackling Wave has some range attached to it, revs also has on demand quickness. Something reapers (outside shroud) does not.

Rev damage is objectively low.

Revs play glassier than everybody because we are forced to. When I play the same play style on my Rev on warrior or Soulbeast guess what happens? People get one shot lmfao.

If you think Shiro Glint Invo Deve is low damage, you're either playing it wrong or you're completely delusional.

You have never been higher rated than me, but sure I don’t know how to play Revenant. If I don’t know how to play Revenant point me to this magical person that alters Revenant code every time they log in and is scoring this insane damage.

Bro gotta come with some logic dude.

Objectively speaking there is no way a 2.25 damage coefficient skill (referring to revenant offhand sword) is outdamaging the 8.38 damage of some war skills or the 7.9 damage of ranger axe skills.
. This example is just the easiest most fourthright example I can give to prove you wrong, I can give more if needed. Video proof etc.

Listen bros just
don’t even post in my thread if you can’t use facts

I'm literally legend every season, not like that matters anymore. How about you take a look at each and every mAT team placing in semis and above using a rev?

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:As rev main, I agree. Playing glint/shiro invo/deso in all gamemodes with almost zero changes in traits Is kinda boring after some time. Other legends (especialy Jalis) arent good enough. Revenant isnt bruiser So you need shiro for dodging. Sure you can go tanky amulet take def. traits but then you arent threat to anybody :-/Im afraid this problem doesnt have solution. And we can be thankful for OP offhand sw. Hope you will Carry us atleast one another year ?

nope ...shiro will carry us FOR ALL ETERNITY

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@"Halikus.1406" said:Yeah..... Nope, definitly not.That's not the case with revenant at all.

Herald is being hard carried by oh-sword, the only actual reason it even has a meta build since we have no spike dmg or burst outside of it, not to mention that it is the ONLY build available for revs to play and it's been that way for a very long time, longer than any other class or spec in the game atm.

Power Herald is by no means a weak build but like I said it's being hard carried by a weapon way too much.Almost all meta builds have a set of offensive/defensive weapons set and rotate accordingly. The same is true about current meta Herald build, with sword/sword as offensive and staff as defensive. I don't really understand what you are asking since that's the design for the specific class.

Early HoTS days herald was the "mirage of that era", then nerfed to the ground and now is very nicely balanced. If it broke don't try to fix it. :)

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@Arkantos.7460 said:

@Catchyfx.5768 said:As rev main, I agree. Playing glint/shiro invo/deso in all gamemodes with almost zero changes in traits Is kinda boring after some time. Other legends (especialy Jalis) arent good enough. Revenant isnt bruiser So you need shiro for dodging. Sure you can go tanky amulet take def. traits but then you arent threat to anybody :-/Im afraid this problem doesnt have solution. And we can be thankful for OP offhand sw. Hope you will Carry us atleast one another year ?

nope ...shiro will carry us

But shiro alone..IT Is enough? Look at renegade.

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@Dreddo.9865 said:

@"Halikus.1406" said:Yeah..... Nope, definitly not.That's not the case with revenant at all.

Herald is being hard carried by
, the only actual reason it even has a meta build since we have no spike dmg or burst outside of it, not to mention that it is the ONLY build available for revs to play and it's been that way for a very long time, longer than any other class or spec in the game atm.

Power Herald is by no means a weak build but like I said it's being hard carried by a weapon way too much.Almost all meta builds have a set of offensive/defensive weapons set and rotate accordingly. The same is true about current meta Herald build, with sword/sword as offensive and staff as defensive. I don't really understand what you are asking since that's the design for the specific class.

Early HoTS days herald was the "mirage of that era", then nerfed to the ground and now is very nicely balanced. If it broke don't try to fix it. :)

Will you feel worse? If people ask for variety.

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:

@Catchyfx.5768 said:As rev main, I agree. Playing glint/shiro invo/deso in all gamemodes with almost zero changes in traits Is kinda boring after some time. Other legends (especialy Jalis) arent good enough. Revenant isnt bruiser So you need shiro for dodging. Sure you can go tanky amulet take def. traits but then you arent threat to anybody :-/Im afraid this problem doesnt have solution. And we can be thankful for OP offhand sw. Hope you will Carry us atleast one another year ?

nope ...shiro will carry us

But shiro alone..IT Is enough? Look at renegade.


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@torben.1532 said:Honestly there is no other option than herald. Renegade is the worst possible Playstyle one could think of for pvp and core revenant is just garbage

Actually, my opinion on release of Renegade was that if they added powerful ondeath effects to the summons and balanced it accordingly then they would be viable in all modes. Sadly, skills like Razorclaw's Rage still exist in their current incarnation.... Like not one Dev thought to themselves that this skill is garbage in anything other than the most specific niche situation.

Anyway, that's what I would do about Renegade.

For Centaur, I would add skill for when the tablet is gone. Each playing on a different concept for the legendary centaur. Things like 1200 range dashes, etc. Then you'd have a support mode and one more focused on supporting yourself. And in genereal a much more interesting legend that may find it's way into builds that aren't only healing. (Since you can still switch to support mode for a nice aoe knockback/cleanse or projectile defense.

For Jalis, I would add a stunbreak to the taunt skill. It's very low powercreep, since you need a target. And it speaks to the defensive nature of Jalis. (Oh, you thought you caught me in a cc, well now I'm free and you're mindlessly chasing me running right into my hammers.

For Malix, I would definitely reduce the energy cost of some skill by 5-10. It's not the legend I use the most, but it's certainly a bit too costly to use the stunbreak, and the baseline resistence is way too short. So increase resistance uptime for yourself, reduce energy cost and I'd also suggest adding 4 seconds of resistance to the heal. (baseline)

Shiro is great, but I do hope they work on some of the pathing bugs in the game's terrain that prevent ports.

Those are my suggestions for the legends to add build diversity.

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@xLiFToFF.5938 said:

@Tyga.7056 said:The current Revenant build is alright. It's a good build to play with, has a high skill cap, but a bit too much dps. There is actually nothing they need to change on the traits or weapons, its basically only the dps that is too high. And build diversity is always a bit hard to manage. All you guys do is talking about Solo or DuoQ, but thats actually not the original purpose conquest has. It's a 5 man game mode and I'm 100% sure that a proper 5v5 team has still a lot of room to theorycraft, the problem is: no one is doing that, so the chance to get to play a different rev build or having build diversity in general is dead atm.

this was the most idiotic post I ever seen. So nerf the dps but keep the skill cap high? Whereas I can get on my reaper and rub my face across and the keyboard and profit lol?

Better yet lets talk pistol mesmer lol

Well he's not wrong. Back when Equilibrium was a thing and nobody took Incensed Response (because it was bad), it was more difficult to generate Might and you had to time Equilibrium with bursts to deal more damage. Herald back then was higher in skill requirement because of that.

I would also like to note that in the past, Power Revenant had a really strong staff 5, and shield was always taken. Sword 2 was also stronger and Impossible Odds granted quickness which had a lot more skill synergy. So basically Power Rev from the past was similar in DPS if not better, but it required better skill.

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