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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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Visual Issue: Mistwalker infusion completely breaks the texture of the gemstore tattoo body skins (chest and legs)

Race: Charr    Gender: Male    Gear: Bestial Tides Tattoo Chest   Infusion: Mistwalker

(Note: I have specified the above only for the purpose of demonstration in the images below and for the sake of required formatting. This issue persists with the mistwalker infusion on all tattoo chest and leg skins on all races as far as I've seen. I've added an example on another race as the last image in the link.)

Images: https://imgur.com/gallery/2zrKMx1

Description: When equipping the mistwalker infusion when you have any tattoo body or legging skin actively showing on the character, the character body texture (skin/fur details, tattoo details, etc.) completely breaks and distorts on the character model even causing the character's face texture to show on their chest in some cases (female norn specifically)

Do let me know if you need any additional clarification or further description/images.

Edited by teddybear.3509
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Race: Asura, Gender: Female, Class: Necromancer

Description: It only appears in main character select screen. it looks like there's texture bug in Asura's one eye. Very visible despite of headgear, eye effect etc. Seen also with headgear turned off. (Only in main menu) Not visible in game, there's no problem during actual gameplay.


Tried possible solutions, changed graphic settings etc. nothing worked so far.

Edited by nul.1970
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On 10/22/2023 at 11:09 PM, nul.1970 said:

Race: Asura, Gender: Female, Class: Necromancer

Description: It only appears in main character select screen. it looks like there's texture bug in Asura's one eye. Very visible despite of headgear, eye effect etc. Seen also with headgear turned off. (Only in main menu) Not visible in game, there's no problem during actual gameplay.


Tried possible solutions, changed graphic settings etc. nothing worked so far.

It is noticeable in game too, but it's most noticeable in the menu.

The only place it's not an issue is character creator, big left preview on makeover/hair kits, but you can also see it on the miniatures on the right. The only case this doesn't occur at all is when shaders are low: when normal maps are not rendered.

Edited by Marge.4035
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Human Female 

When wearing the Rebel Long boots and the Krytan Jerkin a white band appears around the bottom of the jerkin, even if dyed with Shadow Abyss.



I'm not hoping for much seeing as a post I left 3YEARS AGO about the Severn Reapers Bow being about 3 foot from the back is still not fixed.

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Been bumping my thread about it for a while and still no fix, so I'm just going to add this to the pile and hope this has some form of impact.


The Synergetics Cyberscale Skyscale skin does not have fireball animations, target tracking or skin-specific roar sound design when spitting said fireball. This issue has been here since the first release of Secrets of the Obscure and has yet to be fixed.


Edited by Dotveg.5108
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Hello, so returning to the game now and playing since release, this visual bug has been happening forever, if you are a char with a pistol in the main hand or a greatsword and you walk to the right, whenever you stop your animation get stuck for a second an then come back to normal. Like skipping a frame. PD: the medium armor of female charr clipp a kittening lot yet, half of the helmet are unusuable because of this

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On 10/21/2023 at 12:20 AM, teddybear.3509 said:

Visual Issue: Mistwalker infusion completely breaks the texture of the gemstore tattoo body skins (chest and legs)

Race: Charr    Gender: Male    Gear: Bestial Tides Tattoo Chest   Infusion: Mistwalker

(Note: I have specified the above only for the purpose of demonstration in the images below and for the sake of required formatting. This issue persists with the mistwalker infusion on all tattoo chest and leg skins on all races as far as I've seen. I've added an example on another race as the last image in the link.)

Images: https://imgur.com/gallery/2zrKMx1

Description: When equipping the mistwalker infusion when you have any tattoo body or legging skin actively showing on the character, the character body texture (skin/fur details, tattoo details, etc.) completely breaks and distorts on the character model even causing the character's face texture to show on their chest in some cases (female norn specifically)

Do let me know if you need any additional clarification or further description/images.


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As a sylvari in the jump animation with a rifle in your hands the animation get bugged and the armor get stuck in the hair. Also as a sylvari engineer being scrapper, your personal gyro situated at the right of your character is in a position that make the rifle and the future shortbow cut through it. The gyro is inside the rifle butt in your back.

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It's asura hours again, loves, this time with an issue that appeared along with capes. When equipped with one, any weapon mounted on character's back ends up disfigured. This thing behaves differently and depends of chosen body type. On slimmer builds, it shrinks them on X - staves, hammers, greatswords, rifles, shields - disfigures the weapon entirely. On larger body types the cape, seems to enlarge the weapon significantly.

https://imgur.com/cejWKl2 - smaller guy

https://imgur.com/0j4aBci - larger guy

Feels like weapons inherit scaling from... chest area? And gender/class have no significance here. All asura are affected.

Almost all capes - including the quiver from the Forest Archer Pack - cause this, with one exception of Shimmering Aurora Cape.


Being an asura main, I didn't noticed the same thing happening on my non-asura toons except for the weapons moving a little farther away from the back, however I looked at this on other races only briefly - players who main other races, I implore you to confirm of deny this occurring on your toons, and complete my observation.

There's also the issue of some early added capes being absolutely too small to even be noticed on asura, but... one thing at a time.


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bought the "Armored Wolf"-Skin for the Jackal and really love the look of it.
Unfortunately, if your legs are too long (e.g. female Ranger Sylvari), they "vanish" behind the saddle .
Asura work fine 😉
This wolf skin without any armor or saddle would be great, like the "Primeval" skin.
A natural, wild wolf skin 🐺

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Race: All
Gender: Both
Class: All Classes that wear Heavy Armor
Armor: Heavy

The textures of the Council Guard armor have been messed up since the launch of the game and they have never been fixed. I reported this issue in the past but nothing has been done about this in almost 11 years. However, the textures on the armor are fine when NPCs are wearing it. For some strange reason, players get this worn, cracked and burnt version of the armor while NPCs get a clean version.

This is what the armor looks like on a player: https://i.imgur.com/EfKuee8.jpg

This is what the armor looks like on an NPC and what it should look like on a player: https://i.imgur.com/Hi2M6UX.jpg

Can you please finally fix these awful textures on the armor? This is my favorite armor set in the game and its textures have been messed up for almost 11 years, although I will not be surprised if you ignore this and leave this armor forever messed up.

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