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Which expansion do you prefer...?


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I liked HoT elite specs more in general, but to me PoF is superior in every other aspect. The maps, story and mounts are wonderful, and I honestly don't even miss the meta events from HoT. It would be nice to have one (maybe brought to us by LS4?) but if they decide to leave the maps as they are, it's fine by me too.

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I much preferred PoF, mostly because I prefer the aesthetic, I found navigating the HoT maps to be way too difficult (oh, that POI is above me? Okay, so how do I get up? Okay I'm up-- oh, now it's below me......), and I liked the story a lot more. Can't really go into detail about the last one obviously because of spoilers, but I felt way more invested and interested in the story this time around.

Oh and now I get a sand dog that clings to my back. Hands down the best part.

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Really wish I could say heart of thorns, what with all my sylvari mains, but PoF has obviously had more time put into it, and I really appreciate being able to play the maps at my own pace. Also I've been claiming that this game has needed mounts from the start, and they really do add so much to the game! ♥

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Can we say tie? Hot has pros and cons and POF has pros and cons. Honestly I loved hot cause it's a lot of work to go through. Even though I hated it. The MF maps were a challenge and it made me better understand build in the game. And auric basin will always be a staple of coming back. And verdant bring. I think hots maps are anoying af. But it makes me work which that's the reason why I choose game cause they are a challenge. I mean gliding. Jumping mushrooms. Etc. Awesome. Then POF. Big maps. Mounts. Another story. However compared to hot it's ether our stats are too high for them or they need to upgrade the challenge. In POF the story wasn't as hard. I don't think it was as hard as living world season 3 going against that white mantle boss was harder. But even though it wasn't as hard. Last chapter boss was epic. I do wish they added map masteries for something just for the maps rather than just all mounts, but then again we gots mounts lol. Another this POF is classes I love the diversity you can choose. Before you would be like oh I gotta switch characters for PvP or wvw. Now that each class can use a different way to fight you don't have to switch as much. Saying one is better then the other? No. I think they are great in quality. Some might disagree. But me I'm ready for them to take my money in next expansion. Just hope they know

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I've gone with PoF, if only because my first time running through it was a much more pleasant, welcoming experience than HoT (wherein I actually quit GW2 for some months).

However, I wouldn't have had that pleasant experience in PoF if I didn't have HoT's reaper spec and HoT's chrono spec. I'd also happily get my glider out in PoF for some places, and that's even after having a fully maxed griffon.

In all honesty, I'm a troll for map completion, and that's much easier in PoF. HoT's more hardcore hero challenges can occasionally ask for other players, and I don't think that's reasonable. I'm not saying there's no hero challenge trains running or that playing together is bad or that it's impossible (because it's not), just that for simple map completion we shouldn't have to co-ordinate our schedules and do LFG. That's what HoT metas are for and whereas I enjoy running those metas, I'd never insist on map-wide metas everywhere afterwards - maps feel more organic without some big overarching event going on in each one. It's what I'd consider a HoT quirk, and hey! If players like metas, there's some good ones right there. In terms of hero challenges and events, PoF scales. It makes more sense.

As it is, I'd still recommend both expansions as they both bring different experiences to the game.

Although, after I've bobbed on with my PoF maps on several characters, I'll be back to good old vanilla GW2 and doing the level-up-and-delete game I usually play - but perhaps those PoF maps will be tacked on. :)

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I don't think it's fair to compare pof to hot, since hot is like the first one... i think i will always love how exciting the first time I used elite specialization and doing raids were (raids kept me playing gw2). The first time I killed VG was like extreme happiness. I was extremely excited for pof too, earlier this year i just wanted new content and anet gave it earlier than i expected, i thought i had to wait till late next year. I really love firebrand and deadeye.

Both of the expansion brought something new to the table, which I love. I really love the big maps in Pof and how detailed the sceneries and architectures are. the differences between day and night in some spots are really beautiful... The mounts are innovative, i love figuring out which mounts to use to get where. Loved doing bounties.

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I'd say pof. I came back after a long break to hot. I missed most of the story just prior to hot release so I was a bit confused as to what was going on. The hot maps were beautiful but a bit confusing with the verticality of them. I also primarily play solo and a decent amount of the hot hps require groups.

I can understand players frustrations at the lack of world bosses and big meta events as those things are very exciting and a good way to get some gold and loot. However as many have stated...the game is a only a couple weeks old. There's still plenty of time to add content to the maps. Possibly something related to upcoming living story events? Time will tell. At least old content is still relevant.

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I prefer Path of Fire by a lot. I quit playing for a long time after HoT was released. I still remember being frustrated at the HoT maps. The HoT maps really divided the community into those that have tons of masteries and time vs those that do not. I am glad that I came back for Path of Fire. I have been having a lot of fun in Path of Fire. The Path of Fire areas feel like everyone can join in.

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HoT. More fun group content because of map-wide metas, hard hero points and a hard story instance (Hearts&Minds). HoT feels like a real massively MULTIPLAYER game (the reason why I love this genre). PoF feels like a boring single-player game. After maxing PoF masteries, there's no reason to go back to the desert.

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I voted for HoT, but to be fair, I do not remember HoT at release. This is more a comparison of HoT now (4 maps HoT + 6 LS3 maps) to PoF.

HoT maps, except TD, are significantly better.

What I greatly dislike about PoF is that it completely disregarded all previous map design experience. We kind of know what works and what does not, and yet devs went for a model that clearly lacks depth and reply-ability. I always liked that GW2 maps were simple yet deep and complex. HoT, especially without mastries, fell too much in the complex zone. Though PoF is just simple and empty. No much to do and no where to go.

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I like verticality, but not in the way HOTs presented it. It was so confusing to navigate. The Tangled Depths remains my least completed map. I still get lost in it because the world map doesn't handle vertical maps well. POF has verticality but also wide open vistas. The best of both world. I guess HOT maps require too much three-dimensional thinking. I'm not really a fan of that.

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@AegisRunestone.8672 said:

@Fluffball.8307 said:They both have things I like.

Same. Overall, I preferred HoT, but PoF is just as fun.

(Except that place where you train to use a jackal. That was... -10/10.)

Sand Jackal Run. I like how it was difficult just to get to it. I didn't have Skimmer Mastery 3 so I couldn't quite reach it. Had to use Raptor Mastery 3 to canyon jump from one of the nearby outcroppings, which is no small feat given the Desolation sulfur all over the place equals a quick death. Now, it's super easy with the sand portal. :)

My biggest complaint with Jackal is I love the portal hopping but it's hard to remember where all of them are located, or even if a map has them. It would be very useful to show the portals on the map, under the Navigation layer.

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For me it is PoF. I enjoyed HoT and still will in the future, but PoF is home for me.

I loved Elona in GW. Nightfall was my favorite campaign and I played mostly there for years. I love the quasi Egyptian themes and the story was beyond amazing.

Now with PoF, I get to see places I actually recognize from the original game. That didn't happen before this. Core Tyria had nothing very recognizable from the original game. The Lions underwater in LA and some basic ruins (again underwater) of Droknar's Forge. A broken statue in the Temple of the Ages. But they were just bits. Nothing recognizable that endured the ages. Heck there are plently of RL examples that are much older than 250 years old that are still almost at full glory. The Pantheon and the Taj Mahal come to mind.

Now in PoF there are MANY places that are beautiful renditions of GW1 places. The Tomb of the Primeval Kings. The Garden of Seborhin. The Kodash Bazaar. Just to name of few.

So while I love both expansions, PoF will always win for me on nostalgia levels. Content is pretty fun too.

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