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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@hostileskeleton.7364 said:With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better.It does get better. The question is, will that be enough? To be honest I doubt it. The rifts are not common and the jump after the grab is situational and doesn't solve most of the issues that make it currently inferior to the Springer.

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You know, on the topic of the Skyscale's eventual abilities... I feel like those Rifts that are already popping over Tyria now are a huge missed opportunity for organic introduction.

These things are already spawning around different maps, including ones that you need to go to for a collection. Wouldn't it be nice if the later collections had you visiting the maps alongside your Skyscale, and repairing them as part of a collection?

I can already imagine walking into a map and seeing one for the first time, and hearing Gorrik fizzle onto the communicator, yelling in surprise as you tell him what you see before you, and subsequently asking you to try and fly yourself and your Skyscale into it to figure out exactly what it is.

I personally think it'd add depth to the story, and also add in an organic time-delay, as you'd need to train your Skyscale to use the Rift Repair mastery before continuing, just like with the Raptor's Long Jump in the early stages of Path of Fire.

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@Kidel.2057 said:

@"daydreamer.3092" said:i think the reason for timegating this is to prevent a burnout by doing this boring port and run grind for too long...why do we have to get back to the same positions again? why arent there any engaging quests to do instead? (brain drain i guess)

after finishing this i will never come back to this map again because i will remember this mindless grind and it will be a pain

This only make sense for the collections that need the daily reset. What about the feeding achievement that requires 4 days of clicking 1 button once a day? You can only feed the skyscale 3 times a day and you need to feed it 12 times

you are right, just finished saving skycales, but this:" why arent there any engaging quests to do instead? (brain drain i guess)" is still the same

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@inaho.2046 said:

@"hostileskeleton.7364" said:So to start I'd like to say that my opinion has changed a lot over the course of doing the skyscale collection. At first I thought it was pretty dumb to have us do so much collecting, even going back to places we've already been in Dragonfall to collect something that wasn't there when we ran through 30 mins prior. I still kind of hold this opinion but moving on to the egg/concentration of magic achieve, I was initially pretty deflated. I had foolishly thought that the collection ended after we collected all the eggs in Df and more unending collection achievements left me pretty bitter. I almost quit on the game after I saw the workload but I still love it and care about the story too much to let a simple collection chain beat me. I am happy to say I actually really enjoyed jumping back into old maps all over Tyria, felt really good to see maps populated again and everyone unified by a common goal. The collections themselves are also pretty lore heavy in that the majority of them take you back to old locations and npcs that have played large parts in the story. I really loved the Courage egg collection as it makes you consider how much you have really done in this game and does make me feel that they are trying to establish a bond with this creature. My real biggest complaint right now is that in this collection, that may I say is loved just as much as it is hated, there is an impassible bug on the Fear egg collection. If you've been to Vabbi you already know what I'm talking about. I can only imagine this is a pretty serious bug if they haven't fixed it yet (I know nothing of video game coding so take my opinion for what it is) especially in a time that Anet is unfortunately under a microscope because of the timegating issue(doesn't bug me so much anymore now that I've seen what its done to the maps). I'm stuck at the end of the Fear egg collection and I pray they get it fixed before reset so that I don't lose a day. My opinion overall may change when I see the next collection but right now, I'm having a lot of fun. It's nice to see people talking in the old maps again even if it's just to complain about Anet. My only hope going forward(aside from them fixing the Fear collection) is that they really drive the Skyscale home as a legendary mount. With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better. I also hope they actually provide more lore than the other mounts. I'd like to think that since we did exposed the eggs to elemental magic eventually some legendary skyscales will be what we use to replace the elder dragons in the end. (I'M ALSO DYING TO SEE MORE SKYSCALE MOBILITY MAPS. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A FULL-ON FLOATING ISLAND TYPE MAP AND THE SCALES WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THAT.)

Look up this event "Speak from the lectern to lecture against Joko's brainwashing before the instructor arrives" on the wiki... Then check again whether the fear egg is achievement is bugged. I do think there are some trolls laughing their backsides off for peddling misinformation and costing people days in the timegate. However read the description carefully in the fear eggs clue and read the wiki for that event and I think something will click. It threw me for a loop too, initially.

I stood in the lecture hall for around an hour waiting for the event to spawn but yes I suppose it could have been people trolling. Doesn't matter now because I was finally in a map that it worked on and have completed the collection. Not sure what you're implying might "click" on the wiki I read multiple times but go off.

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@Kidel.2057 said:

@hostileskeleton.7364 said:With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better.It does get better. The question is, will that be enough? To be honest I doubt it. The rifts are not common and the jump after the grab is situational and doesn't solve most of the issues that make it currently inferior to the Springer.

Do you already have the mount?

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Protect the Priory explorer while he studies the academy's murals not completing can block the correct event for the fear egg from beginning, everyone was more than aware that wasn't the event needed but because the NPC was stalled - the other event wasn't starting on that map and people had waited for more than an hour.

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@CJtheBigBear.9610 said:You know, on the topic of the Skyscale's eventual abilities... I feel like those Rifts that are already popping over Tyria now are a huge missed opportunity for organic introduction.

These things are already spawning around different maps, including ones that you need to go to for a collection. Wouldn't it be nice if the later collections had you visiting the maps alongside your Skyscale, and repairing them as part of a collection?

I can already imagine walking into a map and seeing one for the first time, and hearing Gorrik fizzle onto the communicator, yelling in surprise as you tell him what you see before you, and subsequently asking you to try and fly yourself and your Skyscale into it to figure out exactly what it is.

I personally think it'd add depth to the story, and also add in an organic time-delay, as you'd need to train your Skyscale to use the Rift Repair mastery before continuing, just like with the Raptor's Long Jump in the early stages of Path of Fire.

There are already achievements for repairing rifts in various maps, so they are setting up collections involving that (just as a head's up).

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@hostileskeleton.7364 said:So to start I'd like to say that my opinion has changed a lot over the course of doing the skyscale collection. At first I thought it was pretty dumb to have us do so much collecting, even going back to places we've already been in Dragonfall to collect something that wasn't there when we ran through 30 mins prior. I still kind of hold this opinion but moving on to the egg/concentration of magic achieve, I was initially pretty deflated.

You're coming from where I was. In the beginning, I was really put off by the time gates. Now that I've worked my way through it, I've really been enjoying the journey of it, and I liked the same things you noticed: people in old maps, others working toward a common goal. I even loved that people were suiciding in DR just to help everyone get their life eggs. I don't see it as an act of desperation, but one of players helping players. Speaking as a mesmer who often helped people get to Jumping Puzzle points, I love seeing that kind of gameplay, and I expect this might become something of the same for the collection. It's more of a journey than a purchase, and frankly, I'm starting to love it, and I'll help other people get theirs.

It wasn't until later I started realizing, I actually get to watch my skyscale grow up. For some people that might be a roadblock. For me it's an experience. I don't expect everyone to see it the way I do, but maybe some dev somewhere will know the work was appreciated, even if they never do this for another mount again. And I don't think people need to 'speak up and call Anet out on it' like they need to be slapped on the back of the hand. They don't.

Make Skyscales stronger/more stamina? Yes. Do away with the journey? No thank you, I will keep at it, and I will continue to speak frankly about my experience with it so that negative feedback isn't the only thing present. The mount and story deserve more credit than they're being given.

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@hostileskeleton.7364 said:

@hostileskeleton.7364 said:With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better.It does get better. The question is, will that be enough? To be honest I doubt it. The rifts are not common and the jump after the grab is situational and doesn't solve most of the issues that make it currently inferior to the Springer.

Do you already have the mount?

No, but it's pretty obvious from the stream. The grab-jump is limited, it will only delay the problems highlited here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/923642#Comment_923642


As you can see it's impossible to go over that ledge with the Skyscale. Even if you release [W] it bounces off, and it's to far to land on it with [C].Meanwhile the Springer can do it just fine.Another issue I have is that the decrease in altitude if you try to move horizontally seems worse then gliding.

This is not acceptable for a mount that requires such a long collection.

I mean, even in the Guild Chat stream they clearly set this mount up to be competing with the Springer (and buffed the Springer to ensure it's ging to stay relevant).How can this huge collection be used for a mount that competes with a free one that you gain by talking once to a NPC?

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Here's a general idea:

How about making content discoverable and enjoyable so players come back to the game because they want to, instead of forcing them to regularly log in to advance collections, crafting etc. and artificially increasing the time it takes to do stuff?

Personally, I pretty much quit the game and now check in once a year, because most of the content is not fun. And even then, the game is very hostile towards casual players. It goes like this:

  • I want to do X (for example craft a legendary item).
  • Need to look it up in the Wiki or other websites, because the game doesn't tell me how to do it.
  • Some of the content requires really boring collections (find 100 Charr penises all over the map) so you follow an online guide, because you would die of old age before you find them all on your own.
    • Tab out of the game.
    • Look up next spot on website.
    • Tab into game, go to spot.
    • Repeat 100 times. FUN.
  • Some other content requires time gated crafting.
  • Result: I'm not doing X after all, because my time is too valuable to look up and do all this crap in the game that I don't enjoy doing.

Going through this a few times, you realize that the content in GW2 is incredibly dull and badly designed. Which is sad, because technically, GW2 is probably one of the best MMOs around and it doesn't have to be like this.I'd rather collect 1,000,000,000 succubus nipples in some other MMO, because while it's time consuming, at least it's straight forward, I don't need to research what the game wants me to do, I get some entertainment from the fights and I can do it whenever I feel like it.

tl;dr: Make content more discoverable and less boring. Stop forcing players into the game daily and let them progress on their own schedule.And tell the exec/game designer who asks you to increase the daily user engagement to make your quarterly report look better to suck a dick.

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@hostileskeleton.7364 said:So to start I'd like to say that my opinion has changed a lot over the course of doing the skyscale collection. At first I thought it was pretty dumb to have us do so much collecting, even going back to places we've already been in Dragonfall to collect something that wasn't there when we ran through 30 mins prior. I still kind of hold this opinion but moving on to the egg/concentration of magic achieve, I was initially pretty deflated. I had foolishly thought that the collection ended after we collected all the eggs in Df and more unending collection achievements left me pretty bitter. I almost quit on the game after I saw the workload but I still love it and care about the story too much to let a simple collection chain beat me. I am happy to say I actually really enjoyed jumping back into old maps all over Tyria, felt really good to see maps populated again and everyone unified by a common goal. The collections themselves are also pretty lore heavy in that the majority of them take you back to old locations and npcs that have played large parts in the story. I really loved the Courage egg collection as it makes you consider how much you have really done in this game and does make me feel that they are trying to establish a bond with this creature. My real biggest complaint right now is that in this collection, that may I say is loved just as much as it is hated, there is an impassible bug on the Fear egg collection. If you've been to Vabbi you already know what I'm talking about. I can only imagine this is a pretty serious bug if they haven't fixed it yet (I know nothing of video game coding so take my opinion for what it is) especially in a time that Anet is unfortunately under a microscope because of the timegating issue(doesn't bug me so much anymore now that I've seen what its done to the maps). I'm stuck at the end of the Fear egg collection and I pray they get it fixed before reset so that I don't lose a day. My opinion overall may change when I see the next collection but right now, I'm having a lot of fun. It's nice to see people talking in the old maps again even if it's just to complain about Anet. My only hope going forward(aside from them fixing the Fear collection) is that they really drive the Skyscale home as a legendary mount. With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better. I also hope they actually provide more lore than the other mounts. I'd like to think that since we did exposed the eggs to elemental magic eventually some legendary skyscales will be what we use to replace the elder dragons in the end. (I'M ALSO DYING TO SEE MORE SKYSCALE MOBILITY MAPS. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A FULL-ON FLOATING ISLAND TYPE MAP AND THE SCALES WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THAT.)

Wizard's Tower, the floating island in one of the human maps that is inaccessible?

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I think you are overrreacting. I found all the scales myself, and I found it enjoyable enough. Only a few I had trouble with. I found many eggs myself from the hints, though I ended resorting to a guide to try make it before daily reset, but failed with 20 mins over time.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@coso.9173 said:Are we even playing the same game? To me gw2 was this crazy mmo where many players did collections for months or some people even years to get a legendary.I understand time gating not being optimal, but a 25 page topic on or and people claiming to leave the game because of having to wait a few days? It seems crazy to me.

its just entitlement speaking. But anet also overhyped the new mount and leaving people completely unprepared for the gating.

the time gating for part 3 is 22 days + 4 days of feeding IF you did not have your charged quartz crystal. the mount is not meant to be legendary mount. it has nothing too different from a griffon really. it was over hyped for this kind of time gating. and we still dont know how achievement part 4 and 5 are going to be at this point.

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Just a (hopefully) short observation:As a past Customer Service Director of a well known guitar company it seems to me that you know that you have made a bad Sales/Marketing decision when you:Have 27 Forum pages largely complaining about a roll-out decisionHave a Livestream that you have to post a notice specifically asking NOT to discuss the decision.Have no comprehensive response with any explanation of why & how that decision took place so that users can be given the opportunity to better understand.Have recently laid people off who perhaps may have contributed a different view of the roll-out.For me---my yellow line is full, and It seems counter intuitive to map complete or participate much more on the new map as once I finally do get the mount, I will need to get XP to fill the masteries involved. So for 3 days I'm waiting for feeding time & not a whole lot more. Also I have a 2nd account and I highly doubt I'll start this collection anytime soon....just can't face it another time so soon.On an UP note--enjoyed the story, the new map is cool.Cheers to all

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All I did in GW2 today, was log in, press a hotkey 3 times, then log out. Feeding the Skyscale is such riveting gameplay. I look forward to the following 2 days of the same exact experience, then another 24h where I can't do anything thanks to another daily reset wall. Can't wait to see how fast I can log off GW2 during the next stage(s). Or for that matter, the likely to be inevitable actual Gold sink, probably as you got to craft a 500 G saddle (— guess I got to point out that the latter is a sarcastic exaggeration).

Some will find it ridiculous, but this timegated collection has ruined any drive I have to play the game beyond doing the little I can do of the collection, such few days after the initial excitement of the update going live. What a great way to sell me on your Gem Store, ArenaNet — making me not want to play. Those things will surely get me to want to spend money; frustration, annoyance and not wanting to log in for more than a minute. It's not that I need or want to get the new mount in a day, but I sure dislike being forced to wait and be unable to play and work towards it with the time I want to allot to Guild Wars 2. I don't find there to be anything immersive about this timegating either, if that was the intended effect. It's just annoying. Let me put my effort into getting it when I want to get it, with the time I can make available to get it at a given time. There's no way I would be able to get it in a day regardless. I don't particularly mind the stupid feeding timegate so much as I hate the daily reset one, but it's a bit stupid after having fed it 14 treats in one go. It feels a bit forced to timegate the feeding at that point, more like a forced wait just to delay the player kind of wait rather than something done for immersion reasons.

It's a shame, what would otherwise be a rather fun collection, is made frustrating with excessive timegating.

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@"AmadeoKristoff.5493" said:was that one "Acknowledgement" the only thing ANet did so far?

They patched in the hot fix for the PoF experience and shards, and probably for the fix to the Claw of Jormag event.

ANet is doing something else, they just aren't telling us they're doing it. What're they doing? (likely doing -- had to put in this qualifier to signify that this is my opinion, because there are so many posters who don't get that everything they see on these forums with the exception of a few facts that don't involve speculation is opinion.)

  • Waiting until enough people are far enough along in the collections so that changing the time gates in any way is going to generate more upset than there would be if they kept them as is.
  • Monitoring metrics to see if the situation is resulting in a significant hit to logins, if people are staying away in droves from the new content, and if there is any significant impact on revenue.

Only if the metrics show the new content is bombing will they do anything other than wait. Time is on their side, they know it, and they're taking advantage of it.

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So if there is no more time gate inside a collection we will be able to use the mount on Tuesday..one weak later. And probably on the same day they will release a patch where they remove the time gate. Maybe anet should have told us that we are able to play the mount on the 21th ...

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@Jaffawer.4932 said:Is it true that you need charged quartz for this collection as well? Like.. what the hell Anet. Whats up with using this kitten dead resource from season 1? Correct me if I am wrong but the only way to get this junk is through mining the resource node in your home instance (and map bonus reward one per week maybe?)... you need 25 per day to charge a single quartz... what the hell.

Quartz is still cheap on the TP, not a big deal to buy 25 to make a charged quartz, only sucks that you are limited to one per day. I’m working on making mine now so I’ll have all I need when I start working toward the Skyscale.

I agree with those who’ve suggested the time gates be tied to in-game time or even anything but reset. I totally understand the frustrations of those who set aside time to enjoy the new mount! It seems to me this could have been avoided by either giving people some idea of what to expect or by making this new mount a surprise completely.

For me, I do like the idea of a journey and story to get your dragon (although as I said, timegate at reset doesn’t seem best design IMHO) and am actually looking forward to starting this even more than I was before the release! Of course, I am in a very different position from most everyone else posting — I am behind and working on too many things at once, lol — so I wasn’t expecting to get it soon anyway and thus no disappointment. Now I am more focused on getting caught up to start this and in the meantime, preparing my charged quartz and watching for news on what else I may need. :)

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@Klipso.8653 said:The collection is a PoF quest, but part of it requires an LS3 map which is HoT. That didn't make sense to me. (I have both expansions and all the maps, but its curious as to why an expansion that has nothing to do with mounts is required)

If you’re referring to Bitterfrost, you can get frozen on other maps, Frostgorge Sound, I believe.

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