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How do you do Map Completion?

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I'm working on my next set of legendary weapons and all I really have left is map completion. How do you guys do it to make it feel less... blah? It's easy but the renown hearts just make me want to give up. I'm listening to music and watching some shows to pass the time. Any recommendations to make it a little easier?

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I do one map a day/gaming session. Takes me overall longer to get to 100% but i only need about max 30 mins on a map to complete it and do fun Stuff after it. I often also use fun builds with weapons wich i normaly don't use in the endagme.

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I try to forget about the fact that I'm doing map completion. Which is absolutely not a way to make it go faster, but it does make it more fun for me and sometimes gets extra things done at the same time.

I go to the map I need to complete, find something I need to complete (vista, heart, POI etc.) and head in that direction, then I let whatever catches my attention distract me and draw me away. Whenever I run out of things to do I go back to checking for map completion stuff and going in that direction but in between I'll do events, talk to NPCs, re-do jumping puzzles, find ways to break out of the map or into areas I'm not supposed to be, help other people with whatever they're doing and along the way I'll often do lots of things which count towards map completion but aren't the specific thing I was going for. I finished the achievements for both Tequatl and the Triple Wurm just because I was on the map when the events started and decided to join in.

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I have 2 monitors and watch movies on the second one, but that's not an option for everyone i guess.Before that, I always had a mentor tag up and offered to help to new and returning players that happened to be in the map as well. Sometimes it's with events, some have questions and so on, it really feels like having a purpose being on that map :)

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@dukenukem.9072 said:I'm working on my next set of legendary weapons and all I really have left is map completion. How do you guys do it to make it feel less... blah? It's easy but the renown hearts just make me want to give up. I'm listening to music and watching some shows to pass the time. Any recommendations to make it a little easier?

Like eating an elephant, one bite at a time :)

I actually like it though because it gives me a chance to play some of my alts, many of whom aren't geared or practiced for me to take into fractals or WvW. I have a Warrior who has spent most of his time in LA just crafting stuff, so it's fun to take him out once and awhile to mow down some dredge or centaurs.

I find I enjoy map completion more with builds that have great cleave or AoE.

Staff/SBow Daredevil, and Scourge I find are particularly easy, especially in the early maps where you are 1-shotting stuff. Any heart that can be completed by killing mobs is filled quickly and effortlessly.

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While it can get annoying at times, the addition of gliders and mounts, and I suppose power creep, makes it enjoyable for me.

I'm also learning a new build as I go, or discovering I don't enjoy a new build and need to find something else.

I usually wander as I go, off into a new map, joining an event, meta, or world boss, so rarely sit down and focus on finishing until I'm actually close to completion.

Maybe that doesn't help anyone, but that's what I do.

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Well, my first suggestion is to just think of them as mini-games that can be fun instead of a chore to get out of the way. That's no help? Okay, then.

It can help if you look at all the varieties of ways to finish the heart instead of just the most obvious. Some of the most horrifically dull hearts have easier alternate methods, especially on the lower-level maps. If you see an event happening near a heart you need, it is usually worth it to run over and join in, in case whatever the event is doing gives you heart credit. (Events are much less dull than chores.) Sometimes killing area mobs will give you credit, even if its not listed on the heart description. In the 'aid the crafters' heart in Snowden Drifts, it is way faster and easier to kill local wolves than to target bunnies with a crossbow (unless you are good at that kind of mini-game.)

And for the truly godawful ones...just grit your teeth and slog through, thinking of your awesome future legendary.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I recently upgraded my PC so I'm admiring the graphics cranked up. I'll try the mentor tag thing and assist anyone that may need help. In the meantime I'll just rewatch The Office and hopefully I get done by season 4 lol.

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I tie it in to something else I'm doing. Whenever there are event completion dailies, for example, I'll do these on a character which hasn't done map completion and do that at the same time. It's not a quick fix (particularly if it's the last thing you're needing) but helps further down the line.

As someone else pointed out, if I'm doing map completion I'll only do 2-3 maps per day unless they only require a couple of PoIs etc. Five characters down and haven't sickened myself off map completion yet!

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