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With the focus on Soulbeast, did we forget about Holo?

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@coro.3176 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:

I genuinely don't know how much more math or what kind of math I'd need to do to mathematically prove how over tuned healing turret has been and has always been.

It's totally in-line with other heals:
  • 15s (and can be reduced to 12!) cooldown. Cleanses more condi, heals more. No combo field, but also doesn't need to be comboed, slightly longer cast time, but not by much, since HT takes longer than it's listed 3/4s to activate and overcharge.

just as one example.

Mending has been buffed and buffed and buffed to being crazy high healing, and great utility too for a healing skill, but even the highest healing can't compete with literally zero skill required like Healing Signet. Especially when you're dealing with builds like Meta Spellbreaker that go out of their way to be deliberately under enemy fire 100% of the time and thus often blocking, dodging and GS 3ing around and usually don't have the luxury of actually casting a healing skill the way engineers can just Toss Elixir S and heal from relative safety.

When you see off meta core warrior builds or even

they're usually running Mending because it is genuinely excellent and most warriors are straight up sleeping on how good it is right now.

Glyph of Elemental Harmony is another similarly super strong heal skill I've calculated. Even before you take into account the bonuses from Water Attunement. If you're fishing for examples.

But if nerfing Healing Signet, Mending, and Glyph of Elemental Harmony is your price for nerfing healing turret it's a deal.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

As an
engineer main
, I respectfully disagree.with the amount of misinformation u put out when it comes to engi, u dont get to say that:)Yea, it's just a class main trying his hardest to downplay the viability of his main to avoid the nerf.

You do know the forums have very little effect on what the devs actually do, right?Every single nerf on the mesmer was called exactly from forum, just as certain buffs ideas. I dont know, you must be blind to not see how impactful it is, otherwise you wouldnt be here
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@Vagrant.7206 said:I'm not sure @"mortrialus.3062" should be concerned about his tone when there's people making this kind of error because they want to insult somebody. There is a little something called civilityso civility is what u used here i presume?I enjoy watching you make an engineer just to take a screenshot. :smile:me telling u u arent a engi main is basically the same

Feel free to downplay or insult me on every little thing I say. I hope the forum moderators read your posts. :smile:im not downplaying or insulting u mate. im proving u wrong, and have done so on numerous occasions now. not to mention ive read alot of the things that u have posted which have led me to believe that u arent a engi main since often times u dont know what traits/skills actually do on the class u surposedly main.

i like to think im as objectively about the class i play and not afraid to admit if it is infact overperforming.which is why i always comes to these kind of threads to give my 2 cents on the class i main to give a clear picture on what actually is possible to do on holo or engi as a whole and what is not possible (or overexaggirated)

ive already said what i would like changed on holo and imho i dont think nerfing Healing turret is the right way (except for cutting the regen off it since no other turrets comes with a boon either) id rather see vigor nerf (less dodges, less heal and less spammy play since u cant vent heat as often anymore), heat therapy x10 not being a thing(having double warrior signet heal for 50% of our heat cooldown shouldnt be a thing) increase cd on holo 2(this is obvious) and remove holo 5 100% crit rate aswell as a range nerf(again building into holo actually need to get close instead of dropping a nuke from 600 range and cc'ing the crap outta u, also 100% crit should also not be a thing) nerf stealth duration on elixir S to 3 sec/ 4 sec traited(6 sec stealth traited is bonkers and rivals mesmer elite)and remove 1 of the reveals on "lock on" trait and give it 20 sec cd to compensate(having 2 on 25 sec cd ensures u always have a reveal up in most cases)

and i do apoligize for my bad english, its not my first language but i hope my point comes across clear enough

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@toxic.3648 said:

@Vagrant.7206 said:I'm not sure @"mortrialus.3062" should be concerned about his tone when there's people making
because they want to insult somebody. There is a little something called civilityso civility is what u used here i presume?I enjoy watching you make an engineer just to take a screenshot. :smile:me telling u u arent a engi main is basically the same

Very different. One statement is teasing somebody else. The other statement is calling someone a liar or a fraud.

@toxic.3648 said:

Feel free to downplay or insult me on every little thing I say. I hope the forum moderators read your posts. :smile:im not downplaying or insulting u mate. im proving u wrong, and have done so on numerous occasions now. not to mention ive read alot of the things that u have posted which have led me to believe that u arent a engi main since often times u got no clue on what traits/skills actually do on the class u surposedly main.

No, you haven't done so on "numerous" occasions. You proved me wrong on one thing, which I agreed I was objectively wrong on. How that gets conflated to me being wrong on everything, I don't know. But I don't appreciate being called "no true scotsman" because you don't like me.

@toxic.3648 said:i like to think im as objectively about the class i play and not afraid to admit if it is infact overperforming.which is why i always comes to these kind of threads to give my 2 cents on the class i main to give a clear picture on what actually is possible to do on holo or engi as a whole and what is not possible (or overexaggirated)

I very literally said, just a few posts up, that Holo is OP in absolute terms. It's the relative OP'ness that's at debate. I don't personally believe that holo is any less or more OP than a lot of the current meta elite specs.

And I am trying to be objective as well. I assume most people are. But when you mix insults with your arguments, I don't care what your argument is.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"Moirg.7560" said:Stupid literal "supersoldier" class that has EVERYTHING. Class has every single offensive utility in the game, ridiculous sustain, boons, stealth, hard cc tied into burst. All able to be managed by a 3 year old.

It's stupid and out of control and a nerf to anything in their toolkit would be a good start. This nonsense is the kind of imbalance that results in unenjoyable gameplay and leads to people quitting.

You forgot:
  • Reveal
  • Full heals itself like a Druid, without running any heal stat

If anything, it needs its heal potential dropped down to 3/4ths of what it is now, at the least.

They have like 15k health mate. That's literally 1 Spin to win from a Reaper.

"It's unfair to nerf holosmiths when reapers exist somewhere... out in the distance someplace.... idk never seen them but they're there!"

If Holosmiths were uncounterably broken(like Mirage was and still can be), I would agree to a nerf but if a Core Necro or even core engie can make a holo look like small fry, I don't know what to say to you. It may just be a they got you with a quick burst or something?

And really, that's all they have, a quick burst. Survive that burst and watch them flop into run away mode.

What run away mode? They're going to pop either the Photon Wall or Toss Elixir S, heal to full and be right back in your face charging you. I've already done the math on just how over powered just one aspect of the meta holosmith's sustain is.

That's the thing with meta holosmith, they're rush you hard. And you can avoid it, sure. And you can counter attack in between that, sure. Maybe even burst them down to 25% of their health.

But their ability to resustain and self healing is absolutely over the top. They'll heal to full and have many ways to help ensure they can pull that off, then be back in your face with immense pressure again. And they'll jack hammer you as many times as they need until they either screw up badly enough for you to kill them or they eventually just outpace your cooldowns because their cooldowns are significantly lower and their healing is significantly higher.

Oh come on, you're over exaggerating. As one who as played Prot Holo quite extensively, they definitely cannot heal to full. The calculation you did, and please correct me if I'm wrong, was for the Holo to use his blast finisher skills in combo with HT. And let me tell you, no Holo worth their salt would come back to fight you unless they have those off cooldown.

I literally have the math. Its right up there. You can literly scroll up and see it.

I have caculations with no field interaction at all, only Detonate Healing Turret, Detonate plus one finisher, and 2 finisher. And i have direct comparisons between most other healing skills of similar caliber.

So 7k health is a full heal? They heal a lot more than others, I can agree with you on that but do they really heal to their full complete health? That part is exaggeration.

It's a
lot more
health, very quickly, than
any other
class gets without heals that require extreme circumstances like Herald's Infuse Light. Mathematically it's better than other similar heals by 30-40% without any investment in Healing Power statwise. And that's before you start accounting for Engineers who are decent enough to toss a jump shot, or a holo leap or holographic shockwave as they reengage you in the fight. And before you start accounting for it splashing heals on allies and thus deserves lower self healing, and before you realize it also cleanses conditions, and before you realize it also does damage.

A mediocre holo is getting more healing with much less restrictions from Healing Turret than any other profession. A good holo is wringing 10k from Healing Turret every time they need to. And yeah, at 30% remaining health 10k is indeed a full heal.

They have at least 15-20k health. 10k would only be 75-50% of their health. But hey, you have a point about the heal being strong so I'll leave you to it. Let Anet do what it wills.

It's everything else stacked with Heal Turret. All sources of leaps & blasts in the water field, and small regens, ect ect. This is why Holos walk off node around a barrel and then come back with full health. When I say full health, I do mean full health.

We'll, I don't have a problem with them coming back with full health. Because that's what Engine has always been able to do since before Holosmith. But now we have a problem with it because you easily get bursted down by Holosmiths. But again, I am not going to interfere any longer with your complaints. Keep calm and carry on.

People are having a problem with it because with the condition mirage and chronobunker nerfs, core guardians basically deleted and firebrand having not been good outside of MATs for like a year now, Boonbeasts nuked, thieves of all stripes being culled, Ele's having not being good or even fun since Path of Fire, people are now looking at the new top tier builds for ranked now that that dust has settled and what they're having to go up against literally every single game. And this group is; Spellbreaker, Revenant, Holosmith, Scrapper, Sic Em Soulbeast. Basically in that exact order.

Welcome to what it feels like to be on top.

@"Moirg.7560" said:Stupid literal "supersoldier" class that has EVERYTHING. Class has every single offensive utility in the game, ridiculous sustain, boons, stealth, hard cc tied into burst. All able to be managed by a 3 year old.

It's stupid and out of control and a nerf to anything in their toolkit would be a good start. This nonsense is the kind of imbalance that results in unenjoyable gameplay and leads to people quitting.

You forgot:
  • Reveal
  • Full heals itself like a Druid, without running any heal stat

If anything, it needs its heal potential dropped down to 3/4ths of what it is now, at the least.

They have like 15k health mate. That's literally 1 Spin to win from a Reaper.

"It's unfair to nerf holosmiths when reapers exist somewhere... out in the distance someplace.... idk never seen them but they're there!"

If Holosmiths were uncounterably broken(like Mirage was and still can be), I would agree to a nerf but if a Core Necro or even core engie can make a holo look like small fry, I don't know what to say to you. It may just be a they got you with a quick burst or something?

And really, that's all they have, a quick burst. Survive that burst and watch them flop into run away mode.

What run away mode? They're going to pop either the Photon Wall or Toss Elixir S, heal to full and be right back in your face charging you. I've already done the math on just how over powered just one aspect of the meta holosmith's sustain is.

That's the thing with meta holosmith, they're rush you hard. And you can avoid it, sure. And you can counter attack in between that, sure. Maybe even burst them down to 25% of their health.

But their ability to resustain and self healing is absolutely over the top. They'll heal to full and have many ways to help ensure they can pull that off, then be back in your face with immense pressure again. And they'll jack hammer you as many times as they need until they either screw up badly enough for you to kill them or they eventually just outpace your cooldowns because their cooldowns are significantly lower and their healing is significantly higher.

Oh come on, you're over exaggerating. As one who as played Prot Holo quite extensively, they definitely cannot heal to full. The calculation you did, and please correct me if I'm wrong, was for the Holo to use his blast finisher skills in combo with HT. And let me tell you, no Holo worth their salt would come back to fight you unless they have those off cooldown.

I literally have the math. Its right up there. You can literly scroll up and see it.

I have caculations with no field interaction at all, only Detonate Healing Turret, Detonate plus one finisher, and 2 finisher. And i have direct comparisons between most other healing skills of similar caliber.

So 7k health is a full heal? They heal a lot more than others, I can agree with you on that but do they really heal to their full complete health? That part is exaggeration.

It's a
lot more
health, very quickly, than
any other
class gets without heals that require extreme circumstances like Herald's Infuse Light. Mathematically it's better than other similar heals by 30-40% without any investment in Healing Power statwise. And that's before you start accounting for Engineers who are decent enough to toss a jump shot, or a holo leap or holographic shockwave as they reengage you in the fight. And before you start accounting for it splashing heals on allies and thus deserves lower self healing, and before you realize it also cleanses conditions, and before you realize it also does damage.

A mediocre holo is getting more healing with much less restrictions from Healing Turret than any other profession. A good holo is wringing 10k from Healing Turret every time they need to. And yeah, at 30% remaining health 10k is indeed a full heal.

They have at least 15-20k health. 10k would only be 75-50% of their health. But hey, you have a point about the heal being strong so I'll leave you to it. Let Anet do what it wills.

It's everything else stacked with Heal Turret. All sources of leaps & blasts in the water field, and small regens, ect ect. This is why Holos walk off node around a barrel and then come back with full health. When I say full health, I do mean full health.

We'll, I don't have a problem with them coming back with full health. Because that's what Engine has always been able to do since before Holosmith. But now we have a problem with it because you easily get bursted down by Holosmiths. But again, I am not going to interfere any longer with your complaints. Keep calm and carry on.

People are having a problem with it because with the condition mirage and chronobunker nerfs, core guardians basically deleted and firebrand having not been good outside of MATs for like a year now, Boonbeasts nuked, thieves of all stripes being culled, Ele's having not being good or even fun since Path of Fire, people are now looking at the new top tier builds for ranked now that that dust has settled and what they're having to go up against literally every single game. And this group is; Spellbreaker, Revenant, Holosmith, Scrapper, Sic Em Soulbeast. Basically in that exact order.

Welcome to what it feels like to be on top.

What it feels like to be on top? I love playing underdog builds mate. And even with my underdog builds, the only class that felt impossible to beat was Mirage. Everyone else, I could see where they had openings. As for Mirage, I still don’t know what Anet was thinking when they made mirage.

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@"Vagrant.7206" said:Very different. One statement is teasing somebody else. The other statement is calling someone a liar or a fraud.im neither calling u a liar or a fraud. im calling u uninformed.No, you haven't done so on "numerous" occasions. You proved me wrong on one thing, which I agreed I was objectively wrong on. How that gets conflated to me being wrong on everything, I don't know. But I don't appreciate being called "no true scotsman" because you don't like me.on top of my head : 25 might stacks isnt a thing on elixir holo (it is) compounding chemicals heals when u cleanse (heals on boon application) reveal isnt a thing on holo(it is) not knowing what minor elixir b is(4+ boons when u lose hp) HT is easy to destroy b4 heal get off (it is if u put it in a reaper spin2win(no holo worth their salt would do that) otherwise not) these are all statements uve put out that comes to mind were ive either proven u wrong or another guy have done so. which is the reason im treating ur factual posts as nothing but filler.

but tbh im quite done with this. we can continue in pm if u want but i rather get back on topic instead of derailing an otherwise good thread.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would press the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

He wouldn't have healed if he woulda just killed the turrentRight?

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@Solori.6025 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would press the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

He wouldn't have healed if he woulda just killed the turrentRight?

That video clip is the perfect description of what it's been like to fight Holos, because the particular way Holosmith is overpowered right now is some of the most potent but also not obvious and the style of the class makes players a bit less likely to complain about it just in general because it "feels" fair.

Yeah their damage isn't absolutely ridiculous, high but not out of line for a mostly glassy build, they're not one shotting you. Their active defenses aren't so highly tuned to make them feel untouchable the way Scrappers, Spellbreakers, even mirages once did, you can get those hits in.

But you can reduce them down to 20% because the holosmith just messes up and leaves themselves wide open for a burst. And even if and when you do the amount of resustain on a holosmith is such that it basically full on didn't happen.

Like yeah every class can heal but nothing is getting 9-10k healing every 20 seconds from their healing skill with zero investment into healing power and on such a low cooldown on top of all the passive healing they have ticking in the background at all times. If you look at the health percentages the holosmith is just casually gaining about 3% of it's health back every second not even counting when he uses healing skill. Mender's Weaver had similar levels of resustain but it also hit like a wet noodle, not aggressively rushing you down with highly lethal damage the entire time.

On top of it the spamminess of Photon Forge lets the guy just carelessly and skillessly cycle through cooldowns and Photon Forge attacks before the streamer has even entered attacking range. The holosmith also completely botches his opportunity to dodge the primary burst, panic dodging before the primary burst. And it doesn't even matter. Because the ease of use and it's resustain makes it one of the easiest builds to play with the highest level of forgiveness for bad play.

I'm preaching to the choir with you tho. It really just is the perfect summation of Holosmith right now though.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would press the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

He wouldn't have healed if he woulda just killed the turrentRight?

That video clip is the perfect description of what it's been like to fight Holos, because the particular way Holosmith is overpowered right now is some of the most potent but also not obvious and the style of the class makes players a bit less likely to complain about it just in general because it "feels" fair.

Yeah their damage isn't absolutely ridiculous, high but not out of line for a mostly glassy build, they're not one shotting you. Their active defenses aren't so highly tuned to make them feel untouchable the way Scrappers, Spellbreakers, even mirages once did, you can get those hits in.

But you can reduce them down to 20% because the holosmith just messes up and leaves themselves wide open for a burst. And even if and when you do the amount of resustain on a holosmith is such that it basically full on didn't happen.

Like yeah every class can heal but nothing is getting 9-10k healing every 20 seconds from their healing skill with zero investment into healing power and on such a low cooldown on top of all the passive healing they have ticking in the background at all times. If you look at the health percentages the holosmith is just casually gaining about 3% of it's health back every second not even counting when he uses healing skill. Mender's Weaver had similar levels of resustain but it also hit like a wet noodle, not aggressively rushing you down with highly lethal damage the entire time.

On top of it the spamminess of Photon Forge lets the guy just carelessly and skillessly cycle through cooldowns and Photon Forge attacks before the streamer has even entered attacking range. The holosmith also completely botches his opportunity to dodge the primary burst, panic dodging before the primary burst. And it doesn't even matter. Because the ease of use and it's resustain makes it one of the easiest builds to play with the highest level of forgiveness for bad play.

I'm preaching to the choir with you tho. It really just is the perfect summation of Holosmith right now though.

I can't beat Holos even when severely outplaying them, although I pushed into the 1v1 without all cooldowns up.

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Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

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@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

Good job in naming DH abilities while trying to give me tips of how to play Core Guard at high-tier against meta specs. Bursting from full vision with a 4 second wind-up time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

I can do without the pity.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

Well, watching that video, you would have landed it. But hindsight is 20-20 really. Either way, you could've won that. Your VIRTUE of courage (sorry i mistyped earlier) if it was up, could've save you from the Overcharged shot (possibly not definitely). But again hindsight is 20-20.

And I'm not here for ego. If you can't take constructive criticism, then that's okay. I won't reply to you any longer.

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@Dirame.8521 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

Well, watching that video, you would have landed it. But hindsight is 20-20 really. Either way, you could've won that. Your VIRTUE of courage (sorry i mistyped earlier) if it was up, could've save you from the Overcharged shot (possibly not definitely). But again hindsight is 20-20.

And I'm not here for ego. If you can't take constructive criticism, then that's okay. I won't reply to you any longer.

Without the F3, my burst wouldn't have been nearly as big as I used it for the 20% damage modifier. I will never beat holo in an extended fight.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

Well, watching that video, you would have landed it. But hindsight is 20-20 really. Either way, you could've won that. Your VIRTUE of courage (sorry i mistyped earlier) if it was up, could've save you from the Overcharged shot (possibly not definitely). But again hindsight is 20-20.

And I'm not here for ego. If you can't take constructive criticism, then that's okay. I won't reply to you any longer.

Without the F3, my burst wouldn't have been nearly as big as I used it for the 20% damage modifier. I will never beat holo in an extended fight.Why dont you listen to 1270 rated player? He knows how to play guardian better than you !
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@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

The only cooldown the guardian didn't have was Renewed Focus, which is impactful and would have bought more time. But Even if it was up it was still likely a losing match up. The holo was at full health regardless and because of the nature of their damaging cooldowns being so low. And Healing Turret is back up long before the primary guardian burst is back up. This is generally true for most classes (Edit: I mean most other builds that have to fight holosmith). Holosmith's damage is high and it's damaging cooldowns are very very low. It's healing is crazy high and it's healing cooldowns are very very low. The momentum of the fight is very much in their favor in every fight and it's up for the holosmith to lose.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

The only cooldown the guardian didn't have was Renewed Focus, which is impactful and would have bought more time. But Even if it was up it was still likely a losing match up. The holo was at full health regardless and because of the nature of their damaging cooldowns being so low. And Healing Turret is back up long before the primary guardian burst is back up. This is generally true for most classes. Holosmith's damage is high and it's damaging cooldowns are very very low. It's healing is high and it's healing cooldowns are very very low. The momentum of the fight is very much in their favor in every fight and it's up for the holosmith to lose.

You may be SHARP in your explantions, but they are at least not personal attacks. I enjoy reading them. Thanks for fair analysis.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

Well, watching that video, you would have landed it. But hindsight is 20-20 really. Either way, you could've won that. Your VIRTUE of courage (sorry i mistyped earlier) if it was up, could've save you from the Overcharged shot (possibly not definitely). But again hindsight is 20-20.

And I'm not here for ego. If you can't take constructive criticism, then that's okay. I won't reply to you any longer.

Without the F3, my burst wouldn't have been nearly as big as I used it for the 20% damage modifier. I will never beat holo in an extended fight.Why dont you listen to 1270 rated player? He knows how to play guardian better than you !

HAHAHAHAHAHAH... wait wait wait, you think rating means something? ......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh boy, i'm sorry that I don't have time to play as much as other people who are higher rated. I really only came back to play GW2 to test out weird specs that people weren't playing. I've spent enough time chasing rank in this game. It gets boring after a while, you know.

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@Dirame.8521 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

Well, watching that video, you would have landed it. But hindsight is 20-20 really. Either way, you could've won that. Your VIRTUE of courage (sorry i mistyped earlier) if it was up, could've save you from the Overcharged shot (possibly not definitely). But again hindsight is 20-20.

And I'm not here for ego. If you can't take constructive criticism, then that's okay. I won't reply to you any longer.

Without the F3, my burst wouldn't have been nearly as big as I used it for the 20% damage modifier. I will never beat holo in an extended fight.Why dont you listen to 1270 rated player? He knows how to play guardian better than you !

HAHAHAHAHAHAH... wait wait wait, you think rating means something? ......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh boy, i'm sorry that I don't have time to play as much as other people who are higher rated. I really only came back to play GW2 to test out weird specs that people weren't playing. I've spent enough time chasing rank in this game. It gets boring after a while, you know.Not always,but thats more than hilarious to see how bottom gold players trying to teach actually good players how to play their main.You found time to play 120+ games. Not all high rated people play that much as you think.
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It is becoming fatiguing every season to go up against the "flavour build" of the season only to see it nerfed to the ground due to community (legitimate) feedback and lack of balance. Back at launch, I started playing this game because it was marketed as the game where you could choose your own build/style; there was no tank and no healer and instead all professions were equipped to look after themselves and help their friends. Clearly, times have changed and "meta" builds have taken over; and sadly HoT's quasi holy trinity elite specs really perpetuated this in PVE. The good part for PVP is that the element of surprise is removed when trying to sort out what I need to modify in my own build in order to beat these latest "meta." :smile: Admittedly, it also takes away some of the fun and creativity that initially drew me to this game and while it really bums me out to see it in both PVE and PVP, I accept that is the evolution of this game.

Personally, I am tired of seeing nerfs to professions... any profession. I would rather the team actually balance the game and demonstrate to the community that it is balanced. It is not easy and as players we must accept that each profession will have certain strengths/weaknesses but it just seems to me like profession balance is being handled like a hot potato being thrown from team-member to team-member -- rather than from a solid, game-interest standard that allows the team to demonstrate the intended outcomes to the community. I suppose i just think we get profession changes dropped on us so frequently that it is just starting to look like the hamsters are too tired to see the wheel they are treading on.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

Well, watching that video, you would have landed it. But hindsight is 20-20 really. Either way, you could've won that. Your VIRTUE of courage (sorry i mistyped earlier) if it was up, could've save you from the Overcharged shot (possibly not definitely). But again hindsight is 20-20.

And I'm not here for ego. If you can't take constructive criticism, then that's okay. I won't reply to you any longer.

Without the F3, my burst wouldn't have been nearly as big as I used it for the 20% damage modifier. I will never beat holo in an extended fight.Why dont you listen to 1270 rated player? He knows how to play guardian better than you !

HAHAHAHAHAHAH... wait wait wait, you think rating means something? ......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh boy, i'm sorry that I don't have time to play as much as other people who are higher rated. I really only came back to play GW2 to test out weird specs that people weren't playing. I've spent enough time chasing rank in this game. It gets boring after a while, you know.Not always,but thats more than hilarious to see how bottom gold players trying to teach actually good players how to play their main.You found time to play 120+ games. Not all high rated people play that much as you think.

120+ games in 2-3 months? During a season as well? Dude that's nothing compared to what other people have done in the same amount of time.

Are you sure you want my credentials? You might be here all day reading them ?

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IMOBoonfarting is the issue on both holo and soulbeast.Without the massive boonoutput their damage and sustain would probably be on par with most.

Also this is probably more of an issue on Soulbeast than Holo due to Holo animations being INCREDIBLY telegraphed and relatively slow.I mean you can see a Photonsayan miles away due to all sparkling effects and animations? You know the moment he goes supersayan he will slam the head on the keyboard so as long as you are expecting the combo you should be able to evade it (unless you getting +1 by holo..)

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@Dirame.8521 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Condi Deadeye can beat Prot Holo..... researched and tested.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:
Just going to share this here from last nights stream.

But i was told no holo worth their salt would continue pressing the attack after using their healing skill.

Also tWeNtTy PeRcEnT tO nInEtY pErCeNt IsN't A fUlL hEaL.

The Holo clearly had cooldowns to win that fight. The Holo hadn't even used his overcharged shot. Mr Angel could've won that in the blink of an eye. That burst he got was glorious, if he had used Shield of Wrath a few seconds before teleport spin to win, that would have been an even more glorious burst. But he popped his shield of courage instead which was just a bad decision at that moment. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" Never pop your shield of courage against an Engie power spec, it's the most annoying thing you have against them. Only pop it if you're REALLY desperate, you weren't desperate there. You could've won that easy.

time ability is just asking to get dodged. In which case I would have had nothing.

Well, watching that video, you would have landed it. But hindsight is 20-20 really. Either way, you could've won that. Your VIRTUE of courage (sorry i mistyped earlier) if it was up, could've save you from the Overcharged shot (possibly not definitely). But again hindsight is 20-20.

And I'm not here for ego. If you can't take constructive criticism, then that's okay. I won't reply to you any longer.

Without the F3, my burst wouldn't have been nearly as big as I used it for the 20% damage modifier. I will never beat holo in an extended fight.Why dont you listen to 1270 rated player? He knows how to play guardian better than you !

HAHAHAHAHAHAH... wait wait wait, you think rating means something? ......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh boy, i'm sorry that I don't have time to play as much as other people who are higher rated. I really only came back to play GW2 to test out weird specs that people weren't playing. I've spent enough time chasing rank in this game. It gets boring after a while, you know.Not always,but thats more than hilarious to see how bottom gold players trying to teach actually good players how to play their main.You found time to play 120+ games. Not all high rated people play that much as you think.

120+ games in 2-3 months? During a season as well? Dude that's nothing compared to what other people have done in the same amount of time.

Are you sure you want my credentials? You might be here all day reading them ?

Playing more =/= correlate with high rating. Like, at all. A lot of people who really try hard actually play as few of games as they need to on their main accounts so they are risking their rating less.

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