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Exordium thread

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You can check what mats you need and how much gold at Guild Wars 2 Efficiency. You will have to add your API key to view the shopping list if you choose "Use Own Materials"


You can choose the shopping list either as buy all materials or use own materials among other options.

Also when you get to that point, here is a tip from reddit on how to save a significant amount of gold on legendary shards for two handed weapons:


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@"Genoshock.2104" said:Thanks a lot for tools, I looked up the meaning of Exordium - it means the start of something new so I’m hoping there will be a lot of new content.

How do you get 500 crafting or is that a reflection of the level of material that you need.

You have to craft to level up each crafting profession. This involves discovering new recipes via crafting. Follow these guides for a fast and usually more economical way to do it:


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IT IS PERFECTION i have never felt more attached to an in-game item since NEVERMORE. the greatsword is perfect, the name is perfect EX---XOR---DI---UM.... it's not a memeable name like Tequatl or xiuquotl or astralprojections... i always make fun of tequatl's name like tequila, tequisha, telilah. but you can't make fun of EXORDIUM or NEVERMORE... it's poetic and legendary


i dont care about the meta, fk the meta, EXORDIUM is too beautiful to not be used by GS wielding classes. ANET should just consult me for approval of skins, i am the aesthetics master

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My queen loves the excellence that is Exordium.



I had a bunch more, but they weren't high quality and in many of them other players/pets were partially obscuring my character model so I was sad. It looked fantastic the moment you ge the Dragons Blood spears in the story, holding up your weapon and all it's amazing.

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Loving the skin. It's a nice variations to Sunrise and Twilight as well as Eternity (I sold my Eternity keeping only the both aforementioned skins). Made Exordium on day 1 (had most materials ready, did have to do some crafting).

The transforming effects are noticeable (I was a huge sucker for the unique Sunrise and Twilight effects from clones on Mesmer during vanilla too) and give every class a unique feel.

It's unique very neon coloring does make it harder to match with dyes and outfits. Then again, now great-sword user can go with either a light themed (Sunrise), dark themed (Twilight) or neon-blue/pink themed look.

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@Samnang.1879 said:IT IS PERFECTION i have never felt more attached to an in-game item since NEVERMORE. the greatsword is perfect, the name is perfect EX---XOR---DI---UM.... it's not a memeable name like Tequatl or xiuquotl or astralprojections... i always make fun of tequatl's name like tequila, tequisha, telilah. but you can't make fun of EXORDIUM...

I want one myself, but it's kind of EXORBITANT. :p

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Exordium looks great but doesn't stand out like the earlier greatswords when it comes to looks. It neither sounds as good as hope or the dreamer while in combat. Can we get some more sound effects please? For example on the skill Arc Divider ? Much appreciated.

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