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wvw legendary armors

Keviin Snow.5760

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@Arimas.3492 said:

@Sylvyn.4750 said:

2K rank only takes 'years' if WvW isn't your primary game mode. While farming the tickets, you get the ranks. Boosters et al.

If WvW isn't your primary game mode why get the WvW legendary armor?

Currently play with three people who started two months ago at lower than 100 rank, and are currently at 850. And they have gotten a significant number of tickets.

Just out of curiosity and trying to relate this to my own situation, how many hours a day are they normally in WvW? I run about 2 hrs a day on average in WvW, because other than a little time spent gathering nodes in the guild hall and a little crafting, it's all the time I have available each day. Since the pip system patch dropped, what, 3 months ago?, I've gained around 170 ranks, and that's with using up all the birthday boosters I had left plus the guild booster. My typical play style is to run with a group and I get up to T6 participation within 5-10 minutes easily. So I'm getting roughly 2 ranks per night for my 2 hours of play, sometimes 3 ranks. At that rate, I'll reach rank 2k in about 800 days, well over 2 years. So even for those that mostly play WvW, if they are a typical working stiff with RL commitments outside the game and are limited to 2-3 hours per night, then I can see that it can still take years. Buying boosters to have them up consistently might shorten that time by a third, but that would still be well over a year. You'd have to make WvW a job, not just a primary game mode, at least from what I'm seeing.

It also depends on what you do in WvW. You'll gain many more ranks running with a tag and taking stuff rather than running with a tag who is defending or just fighting. Roaming even less so.

I've played since launch and have 4500 hours or so now and I'd reckon 3500 of them are in WvW and I'm rank 1997 as of today. I mostly did roaming and fought other players without following tag.

Yes, absolutely right. I have played WvW since mid-2013 and played with zerg guilds until essentially the beginning of 2016. During the year 2015 I managed to go from rank 2000 to 4000 (both spending my time blobbing and spending way too much time on the game in general). I was mithril rank from mid 2015 all the way up until August 2017 where I finally crossed into diamond (and am still diamond invader). I took only a year to gain 2,000 ranks zerging and capturing objectives, and more like 2 years to gain 2,300 ranks roaming (this also includes me using birthday boosters for about half this time). As a roamer, it takes easily 2 months to even get one title change in diamond. Roaming is not very rewarding in terms of rank ups but it still is the most fun in my opinion.

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@lotusedge.6743 said:

@Aleksander Suburb.4287 said:I'm more worried about the memories of battle. You need 500 per legendary and you dont get as much as the wvw tickets :(

You can buy them on the trading post.

ArenaNet wanted Memories of Battle to be a way for WvW players to make money. I guess it is by design that you dont get that many so you are forced to buy them and thus drive up the price so players who are not trying to make legendaries can make a few extra gold.

Cant complain personally, I get too many of them. You get a lot from skirmish and reward tracks. But I also play a lot of WvW each week, so I can understand that people who are not as active do not get as much.

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@Dreddo.9865 said:Let's say that the skirmish tickets farm time (which is debatable as it is dependent on the game time played by each of us) is ok. What about the rank requirement for the Mistforged Armor Set? 2000 WvW rank points to buy the last piece? For real? Not only the Armor Set is an exact copy of the "precursor", also comes without the proper series of collections as all other legendaries do, but even the mistforged version who let's pretend it has something extra, needs literally years of playing to acquire.

I really believe this whole 'concept' was designed and implemented in a rush. The legendary set should look legendary, be acquired via the same collection process as all legendaries and also should be attainable in some reasonable amount of time and not be time gated as it is now.

2000 is very fine, you do not need the mistforged set for legendary armor. Afaik the t2 asc set is good enough

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Dreddo.9865 said:Let's say that the skirmish tickets farm time (which is debatable as it is dependent on the game time played by each of us) is ok. What about the rank requirement for the Mistforged Armor Set? 2000 WvW rank points to buy the last piece? For real? Not only the Armor Set is an exact copy of the "precursor", also comes without the proper series of collections as all other legendaries do, but even the mistforged version who let's pretend it has something extra, needs literally years of playing to acquire.

I really believe this whole 'concept' was designed and implemented in a rush. The legendary set should look legendary, be acquired via the same collection process as all legendaries and also should be attainable in some reasonable amount of time and not be time gated as it is now.

2000 is very fine, you do not need the mistforged set for legendary armor. Afaik the t2 asc set is good enough

That is correct. According to the Wiki page, the triumphant set is the only necessary precursor. You don't need the mist forged.

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  • 2 months later...

@Artaz.3819 said:All Anet has to do is change it so that WvW Legendary armor of one type (light, medium, heavy) can be exchanged for any other type (light, medium, or heavy) armor types as well as stat selection. Then the time investment makes sense.

To make Legendary Armor you don’t need the Sublime Items the regular T2 Ascended Armor makes the Legendary pieces which doesn’t require all that large of a time investment to achieve, WvW is the second fastest way to achieve Legendary Armor just saying.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Dreddo.9865 said:Let's say that the skirmish tickets farm time (which is debatable as it is dependent on the game time played by each of us) is ok. What about the rank requirement for the Mistforged Armor Set? 2000 WvW rank points to buy the last piece? For real? Not only the Armor Set is an exact copy of the "precursor", also comes without the proper series of collections as all other legendaries do, but even the mistforged version who let's pretend it has something extra, needs literally years of playing to acquire.

I really believe this whole 'concept' was designed and implemented in a rush. The legendary set should look legendary, be acquired via the same collection process as all legendaries and also should be attainable in some reasonable amount of time and not be time gated as it is now.

2000 is very fine, you do not need the mistforged set for legendary armor. Afaik the t2 asc set is good enough

Mistforged is basically skin effects, adds a glow to the Armor except for the chest piece which has the tentacles. They're really just a ticket sink.

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  • 4 weeks later...

GrackFields But You can get the T2 Acended Armors in WvW with Core Account which is Animatedand less work , but you do need to be wvw rank 2000also by the time you get to wvw Rank 2000 , U will have Enough wvw tickets for light , mid and heavy t2 acended armors setand the wvw acended Triklet which You can change Status ( with wvw tickets )

@GrackFields.7805 said:I don't know. I am kind of split. It would be nice to be able to earn it in less time but earning it should also be a result of investment. Reduce the cost too much and 1/3 of the people are going to be running around with legendary armor. While this isn't inherently bad, the legendary armor gives people something to work at. Once they have earned it they have less reason to come into WvW.

As anecdotal evidence, I played WvW once or twice a week before the pip system. Pip system came in and I needed to play a lot more every week to complete the diamond track to get tickets. I completed Warbringer and my play time plummeted back to where it was before the pip system. I am on a core account so I don't have access to legendary armor. I have unlocked the only legendary I can and the need to play to earn tickets has waded as the incentive to earn them is not there.

While you might say people that are playing WvW because they find it fun will still stick around and we can get all of the noob ticket leeching, spawn baby, wall watching scrubs out of WvW so the real players can get back to work. I think the rewards are needed to keep people around and keep fresh blood coming in. There needs to be a balance found between having tickets obtainable while not seeming to daunting that there is no point in every trying to earn them. I think the current earn rate reflects that. They make legendary an obtainable long term goal while at the same time if legendary is not on your radar you can still use the tickets to earn ascended gear and other items. In fact, by doing strictly WvW I think I would earn all the tickets to be able to make legendary armor before I would earn the gold and other resources.

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@GrackFields.7805 said:I don't know. I am kind of split. It would be nice to be able to earn it in less time but earning it should also be a result of investment. Reduce the cost too much and 1/3 of the people are going to be running around with legendary armor. While this isn't inherently bad, the legendary armor gives people something to work at. Once they have earned it they have less reason to come into WvW.

As anecdotal evidence, I played WvW once or twice a week before the pip system. Pip system came in and I needed to play a lot more every week to complete the diamond track to get tickets. I completed Warbringer and my play time plummeted back to where it was before the pip system. I am on a core account so I don't have access to legendary armor. I have unlocked the only legendary I can and the need to play to earn tickets has waded as the incentive to earn them is not there.

While you might say people that are playing WvW because they find it fun will still stick around and we can get all of the noob ticket leeching, spawn baby, wall watching scrubs out of WvW so the real players can get back to work. I think the rewards are needed to keep people around and keep fresh blood coming in. There needs to be a balance found between having tickets obtainable while not seeming to daunting that there is no point in every trying to earn them. I think the current earn rate reflects that. They make legendary an obtainable long term goal while at the same time if legendary is not on your radar you can still use the tickets to earn ascended gear and other items. In fact, by doing strictly WvW I think I would earn all the tickets to be able to make legendary armor before I would earn the gold and other resources.

@OriOri.8724 said:

@Wanze.8410 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Yea. ANet has a huge kitten for making WvW rewards take absolute ages to acquire due to the ticket cap. It's a design choice I fundamentally disagree with, as its time gating for the purpose of timegating. No other reason for it.

Timegating these huge mat sinks makes sense as it stretches demand for the mats over time. If there were no timegates on legendary armor, we would have seen alot of materials spike in price upon release.

While I see your point, I still disagree with this timegate for WvW legendary armor.

Compare it to PvE legendary armor. Not only does it have its own skins (I love the mistforged triumphant skins, but that leaves WvW with just an ascended skin set, not an ascended and legendary like PvE has), but it takes just 12 weeks of timegating if you work hard at it (killing all raid bosses each week). That's 12 weeks to spread mat demand out over, which is still very reasonable. Now compare that to WvW legendary armor, which doesn't have its own skins (even though it does look amazing, I really do like the skins), but takes 5.5 months to acquire minimum. It takes 2.5 months longer to get the WvW leg armor, with no unique skins, than it does to get PvE leg armor. And this is for no reason other than timegating to timegate.

I have no problem with having some sort of time gate, both to spread out demand over time, and to not cheapen the set. But considering everything the timegate should come down to 12 weeks
you put in the work to get it that fast. This is why I have a problem with it.

I love the PVE legendary animated armors too but , the waiting time to find a party , the time u spend in raid , and if u don't kill the boss , u just wasted 2 or more hours for nothing , I try it got 21 and gave up , 21 outta 47 times in raid

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@"Talindra.4958" said:the current wvw armor upgrade to stat change IS NOT a legendary armor. :) legendary armor has a precursor armor which you obtained through achieving two legendary armor collections - similar to legendary weapon that you have to go through collections to receive the precursor before transforming it to legendary with the gifts. The wvw is not legendary armor, it is simply an upgrade of wvw asc armor into changeable stat. I hope in the future, there will be wvw, legendary armor collections to do and new real legendary armor for wvw. Anet cant be lazy right :p

wvw , pvp , pve , all use the same items beside , wvw tickets , pvp , pve

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor ( everythings else is about the same , ) so you see ? wvw or pvp dont cost less then pve ,Talindra , wvw is a Legendary armor ,you have to go though 2 sets ( exotic then acended before you can make the legendary ) wvw do have precursor armors U work from Exotic Set ( wvw Tickets / Battle , To Acended Set ( also need wvw tickets / Battle , Then Legendary the same way , u put the Acended Armors and Turn it into Legendary , doing reward Track 6 times to get the Exotic , then again to get the Acended ,on top of 6 more time on reward track on the battle ax thingy , to make the wvw legendary its about the same way , same items beside the tickets , u need all Mats , gift of what ever , btw wvw also got the acended triklet u can change status too ( with wvw tickets ) .

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The one thing I wish they would remove from the requirement is the cube of stabilized dark energy OR add a 'fractal' reward track where you could actually obtain stabilizing matrixes while playing wvw. Another option would be vendor to exchange memories of battle, etc. for these. Currently this is the only item that really annoys me every time I go to craft a piece.

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@Keviin Snow.5760 said:1095 ticket to get the legendary war insight x 6 = 6570 Tickets + 1310 ( ascended set = 7880 Tickets

each week MAX 375 Tickets

1500 tickets per month , Min take 5 1/2 Months to get enough Tickets for wvw Legendary ,

unlike other , you have to wait for the tickets , you cant get anymore

i wish Anet would lower the legendary war insight

Compared to the PvE alternative it's a difference of 4 weeks

It's not hard.And Next week I will be completely done with a full set of WvW legendary gear, and I'm pretty sure some people already have thiers as well..This isn't hard to getand 22 weeks for rune swapping/stat selectable gear is more than generous.

I would have more of an issue if getting legendary gear from WvW came from RnG boxes.

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@"Solori.6025" said:

And Next week I will be completely done with a full set of WvW legendary gear, and I'm pretty sure some people already have thiers as well..

Yep I finished mine last night and another guy on our server just finished his set recently also.

This isn't hard to get and 22 weeks for rune swapping/stat selectable gear is more than generous.

The difficulty isn't the time - it's the money. It is super expensive to craft the gifts. WvW isn't exactly a huge money earner and I found once I'd used up my accumulated materials from my bank that for each legendary piece after that I'd have to buy around 80 T6 mats per gift (so that's like 640 tier 6 mats PER PIECE). The other sub tier 6 mats also weren't cheap!

I think the worst thing is that I now have to go and earn even more tickets to get the Mistforged skins that I want. I own the ultimate legendary armour but somehow that doesn't include any visuals.

It's like some shop selling a car and saying "Oh btw, wheels are gonna cost extra because not everyone wants stock rims - some people want to fit aftermarket rims".

The good thing about this armour is I never have to worry about gearing my light armour classes.

Once I'm done with a few clean up jobs I'll probably start working on my heavy set. I'm going to run out of money though.

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@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:

@"Solori.6025" said:

And Next week I will be completely done with a full set of WvW legendary gear, and I'm pretty sure some people already have thiers as well..

Yep I finished mine last night and another guy on our server just finished his set recently also.

Congrats :D

This isn't hard to get and 22 weeks for rune swapping/stat selectable gear is more than generous.

The difficulty isn't the time - it's the money. It is super expensive to craft the gifts. WvW isn't exactly a huge money earner and I found once I'd used up my accumulated materials from my bank that for each legendary piece after that I'd have to buy around 80 T6 mats per gift (so that's like 640 tier 6 mats PER PIECE). The other sub tier 6 mats also weren't cheap!

I think the worst thing is that I now have to go and earn even more tickets to get the Mistforged skins that I want. I own the ultimate legendary armour but somehow that doesn't include any visuals.

It's like some shop selling a car and saying "Oh btw, wheels are gonna cost extra because not everyone wants stock rims - some people want to fit aftermarket rims".

The good thing about this armour is I never have to worry about gearing my light armour classes.

Once I'm done with a few clean up jobs I'll probably start working on my heavy set. I'm going to run out of money though.

I can agree with that.Would be nice to have some more monetary rewards in WvW for the dedicated players but that probably wont happen cause it's WvW.

WvW specific visual armor for legendaries would be nice as well. But the PvE'ers would come into this section with pitchforks and torches..

Probably a charrzooka as well.

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a lot of WvW players asked for new reasons for playing WvW .. don´t think anyone meant THIS to happen .. but there we are .. keeps people playing WvW without doing really something helpfull imo and even brings some new players to wvw .. not for the mode itself but farming armor .. hm ... business as usual and the wvw developers can keep helping @ the living world updates ^^

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