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Spvp needs an Easy-mode

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This will be controversial, but I'll start out by making following statement and premise:

Spvp is well balanced.

I truly believe the game is in an excellent state and there are only very small outliers that could be tweaked for some quality of life and a tad bit more build diversity. The only minor problem is Rev and this is only slightly over performing.

The real problem is player skill and population. Spvp has an extremely steep learning curve and there simply isn't enough space or time for the vast majority to git gud.

My suggestion is to create an ACTUAL division. Spvp needs an Easy-mode where new players can go to learn how to play free from smurfs and try hards. Easy-mode should be an arena setting that remains locked to the top players and it should be strictly protected by some sort of ruleset that ArensNet best determines keeps out the smurfs. There should be recommended meta build templates in Easy-mode and tutorials on rotations in the lobby. Finally, to draw players in, give Easy-mode some decent pve centric rewards that nobody in the top cares about, like the ascended shards and marks that can give legendary armor.

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Well, matchmaking is based on rank, so new/infrequent players should be matched against other players of the same rank. This is inherently a scaling difficulty already built into the system.

The trouble comes when there's just not enough players of all the various skill levels playing at a given time. If there's not enough "newbs", then the low tier players will get matched with more skilled opponents. Likewise, if there's not enough high tier players, they will get matched with lower skilled players.

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Easy mode

  • pick one of the handful of power crept classes and roll ur head across keyboard and have a 50/50% chance to win/lose the fight in 2 sec's at most.Hard mode
  • chose any of the forgotten or destroyed by balance team classes/specs and severely out play ur opponent's for a 25/75% chance to win if ur opponent makes too many mistakes and or u die in 2 sec's.

See! U do have choices :)

Play how u want-arenaet

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Well conquest is somewhat the issue it requires to know your build, what is it good for, what are its weaknesses, what the purpose of it, then you have to understand the score system how to hold where and when to go to places, where to hide and walk when attacked , then it comes the team what are the builds they are using, what are they good for is my build helping the team idea, the the other team what are their builds, what do they do, what are they strengths, what are, their weakness.And that has to happen in seconds who needs my help, do i need help, should i go help mid or close, can i hold the point long enough so i get help or let it go and chase another point.This is too much to get into conquest is just too complicated even though the basis is to hold more points for longer then the other team.Simpler mode like deathmatch is easier to understand, 2v2, 3v3 would have been perfect for learning the class mechanics, kill the other guys before they kill you. When you lose you ask your self why did i lose, maybe if i did this spell and that dodge i would have won. In conquest you have that but on top of it you have that happen with multiple people at the same time over 3 points and maybe 1 extra objective, i should have been here and the other guy there at this minute of the game and then yada yada yada and repeat till 500 points. It is too much to bother and it is overcomplicated. If you played a lot you can notice that people tunnel vision fights, while they have lost 2 points but continue to fight, and i bet they are just having fun with it but they have to break it up to get the other points cause now they are losing the game.Most people just want to beat each other up in pvp but conquest is just not the ideal place for that.

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sips lemonade

I like this post because it suggests that some arbitrary algorithm can identify and mitigate smurfing, locking top players to play amongst themselves is a good idea, and that easy mode isn't itself specifically the handful of meta builds that have run over and all but erased build diversity.

Good work champ. You did it.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:sips lemonade

I like this post because it suggests that some arbitrary algorithm can identify and mitigate smurfing, locking top players to play amongst themselves is a good idea, and that easy mode isn't itself specifically the handful of meta builds that have run over and all but erased build diversity.

Good work champ. You did it.

The algorithm doesn't have to work very hard if the incentive to Smurf is removed.

Top players currently Smurf to manipulate the ranking system. Top players may also try hard in unranked to practice teams or new builds (although this now mostly happens in private arenas and private in houses).

There would be no incentive for someone to want to Smurf a hypothetical Easy-mode.

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@bladezero.9470 said:

sips lemonade

I like this post because it suggests that some arbitrary algorithm can identify and mitigate smurfing, locking top players to play amongst themselves is a good idea, and that easy mode isn't itself specifically the handful of meta builds that have run over and all but erased build diversity.

Good work champ. You did it.

The algorithm doesn't have to work very hard if the incentive to Smurf is removed.

Top players currently Smurf to manipulate the ranking system. Top players may also try hard in unranked to practice teams or new builds (although this now mostly happens in private arenas and private in houses).

There would be no incentive for someone to want to Smurf a hypothetical Easy-mode.

If unranked is rewarded at all, smurfing will be a problem. People don't smurf simply because of the ranking. They smurf because something they want (titles/clout) is tied to the ranking. If unranked so much as provides good gold per match, there will be people smurfing to grind it.You cannot put novices all in one place and give them an incentive to be there without people attempting to game the system.

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I can't see any benefit from easy mode sPvP as long as low ranked people only call for nerfs of a particular or multiple classes just because they can't be bothered looking into WHY they perform poorly into them. If you don't know the enemy's damage and/or defensive rotation and don't know their kit, you will never be able to judge how to react properly, yet some people keep claiming something is op. I also have a smurf account but only to play with some friends in silver/gold (I'm ~plat2). And I also occasionally watch some people in silver/gold (via twitch) and it's absolutely mind boggling how some of those players act.Like you only need to fail the very first mid engage and there will probably at least one who instantly goes afk and claims this match isn't winnable with this team. Like.. wtf?I have even turned matches where the other team hat a 450:250 lead and I've won countless matches where we failed the first mid engage, that's possible (admittedly also lost a lot where we won the first mid engage btw).There's just sooo much Q_Q going on and everyone is blaming something else rather than looking into their own mistakes. Sometimes it's a particular player in the team, sometimes it's the entire team, sometimes it's the enemy class.. For the latter one it's actually funny that they flame about it being op but then continue to feed into them. All the time it's something elses fault if they can't win. That's bs.

Anet just has to punish those players so that they don't pull down their team mates because it's a waste of time for everyone (maybe not the other team bc of ez points but still). I once played p/p deadeye thief when I was still in gold and I had a win streak of idk.. 7 won games in a row or something.. in the next match we were also already leading with 350:200 points or something like that. Suddenly our mesmer noticed my build and started raging and claiming we could not possibly win with me as p/p thief in the team (despite the fact that we had a pretty ez time and were already in a comfortable lead). (s)he then just stood there in the base, kept flaming me and we eventually lost the game since almost everyone else also gave up and eventually everyone was afking in the base.

@bladezero.9470 said:There should be recommended meta build templates in Easy-mode and tutorials on rotations in the lobby. Finally, to draw players in, give Easy-mode some decent pve centric rewards that nobody in the top cares about, like the ascended shards and marks that can give legendary armor.

First of all - Anet suggesting meta builds is a rather bad idea imo - it only forces people to play the game in a certain way and if someone plays something different, they will get flamed (like me in my example above) but now it's not opinion-based but legitimated by the devs. Also everyone should already be able to use the internet and just do a quick 10 minutes research on metabattle, there are builds with rating and a guide for skills, combos, playstyle, etc already.Second, why do people always need rewards in order to play a game? I've already discussed this in another thread (if you want I can find and link it). You can already make quite a bit of money by only playing sPvP and there are also already some (sPvP exclusive) rewards other than gold too. If this isn't enough already, wouldn't you think it's the balance or the game mode itself (like.. too little variety and such) or the toxicity from other players that keeps the population low?Anet should rather give players an incentive to play by making it more team-focused like with on-demand ATs for example (since a separate team-Q is out of the room because apparently - according to anet - the population can't sustain 2 separate queues). They should give players a reason to form sPvP guilds and bring friends into the game mode rather than forcing it to be a coin flip single player mode. And they should make the game mode itself more enjoyable.I mean, if you only care for the rewards, would you really tryhard a match or just go afk if it isn't an ez win and would you rather try to get it all by yourself which would probably take ages or would you rather just wintrade to get it a lot faster and then abandon the game mode again. Since GW2 already has a huge problem with wintrading and idle players, I think I know what my guess would be for a not-so-neglectable part of the playerbase.

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