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Why is there no guild team at ArenaNet?

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I am wondering this for a while now. Why is guild content so low on the priority list? Even something simple like a ls3/4 map currency node for the guild hall, PoF and festival music selection, guild portal to more locations, more npc vendors for the gh, force spawning bosses like the death branded shatterer or chak gerent etc. Then there are all these nice mount races and adventures that could be used as a basis for guild missions. A higlight would be additional guild slots in the gemstore.

Are there so many players that dont have a guild, that creating content for guilds would be a waste of resources?

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As for a game that is all about building a healthy, positive community that can create healthy and positive environments like guilds, it's so bizarre guilds are being treated so badly for long years...

Would be nice if ALL of Hot and Pof meta events would be turned into instanced guild missions with also amalgamated gemstone rewarded.

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@Crystal Black.8190 said:I am wondering this for a while now. Why is guild content so low on the priority list? Even something simple like a ls3/4 map currency node for the guild hall, PoF and festival music selection, guild portal to more locations, more npc vendors for the gh, force spawning bosses like the death branded shatterer or chak gerent etc. Then there are all these nice mount races and adventures that could be used as a basis for guild missions. A higlight would be additional guild slots in the gemstore.

Are there so many players that dont have a guild, that creating content for guilds would be a waste of resources?

Cause it's a zerg game and guilds are just seperate chat channels and nothing else.

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Arenanet has chosen to minimise limiting specific content to guilds only. Membership of a guild should be an option, but you should also be allowed to pug (or gather a group using your friendslist, or any other way to form a group to do content). There is however many content suitable for guilds and that also benefits guilds and being in a guild. Among them are WvW, Raids, Fractals and dungeons.And as of the rest. Almost all aspect of the game has people asking for more dev-time. The question is what justifies dev-time for your format, over the time spent on other stuff?? Yes, they could do more, I agree, but they can do more on so many levels. I do not think that a dev-team limited to doing guild-content limits the abilitiy to choose. They did say that the teams can work on more then just living world releases. I do hope Guild improvements are among them, but I do not think it is beneficial to have a dedicated team.

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Probably bcause they never had any vision for guilds in this game. That's why any guild content made is an individual thing, not part of a bigger design. And in such a case they don't need a guild team - it would spend most of the time doing nothing.

Too bad that it ended with the guild content being way too low on the priority list than it should be.

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Guilds are a bit like SAB: among the people who care about it, they are critically important. Among the rest of the population, they are not all that interesting.

So the likely reason there's no guild team: it takes a lot of resources to generate appropriate content/features and ... that effort doesn't turn into more people playing or more income for the game. For example, in vague terms, creating a new guild puzzle would be similar effort to creating just any ol' JP (albeit with different features). Only some JP-loving players would be able to participate in the g-puzzle, while all JP-lovers could manage an open world one.

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Guild halls need to have a real purpose. The only usefulness they had was as an emergency merchant or bank without having to waypoint back to where you came from, but that was replaced by the permanent passes (like Mistlock Sanctuary) for many players.

Lets be realistic, no one goes to the guild hall except to do anything but to harvest the synthesisers and RP a bit. Just lacking a Trading Post in particular means that I'm going back to Mistlock about every few minutes if I need to do any Scribing.

Even though our entire guild built our GH, I call it my Fortress of Solitude, as only I ever visit it.

Have you ever noticed there's not even any life in there? Not a single living creature, not even an ambient. Creepy stuff.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Guilds are a bit like SAB: among the people who care about it, they are critically important. Among the rest of the population, they are not all that interesting.

So the likely reason there's no guild team: it takes a lot of resources to generate appropriate content/features and ... that effort doesn't turn into more people playing or more income for the game. For example, in vague terms, creating a new guild puzzle would be similar effort to creating just any ol' JP (albeit with different features). Only some JP-loving players would be able to participate in the g-puzzle, while all JP-lovers could manage an open world one.The problem is, this is ONLY true in GW2, in most other games that players are coming from, guilds are a critical feature, and have been since the 90s, with almost all content revolving around guilds. ArenaNet kind of tried to do this with HoT, to make PvE, PvP, and WvW all more guild-centric, but the game is still too solo-friendly, so the majority of players either don't bother, or have their own personal guilds.

And while this may seem more casual friendly, its actually harmful to casuals in the long term, because it builds no real sense of community, no reason to stick with the game once you get tired of the gameplay, the grinding, the lack of updates. etc. Its usually attachment to one's guild that keeps players in games for years after they've become exhausted of the game itself, and because of that is a major factor in player retention.

Lets be real here, even the forums are about as dead as some indie game. There's just no community.

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