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Nerf the mesmers for the love of pvp

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I dont think they need a nerf persay in terms of damage. But there ability to teleport and there mobility is to much.Jaunt does to much. Damage, condi clear, and a leap finisher.The last part doesnt make sence to me. How is a teleport a leap finisher. If jaunt is a leap finisher, so should the ele teleport.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:I dont think they need a nerf persay in terms of damage. But there ability to teleport and there mobility is to much.Jaunt does to much. Damage, condi clear, and a leap finisher.The last part doesnt make sence to me. How is a teleport a leap finisher. If jaunt is a leap finisher, so should the ele teleport.

There are some mesmer players who feel the class is lacking in mobility lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Eddbopkins.2630" said:I dont think they need a nerf persay in terms of damage. But there ability to teleport and there mobility is to much.Jaunt does to much. Damage, condi clear, and a leap finisher.The last part doesnt make sence to me. How is a teleport a leap finisher. If jaunt is a leap finisher, so should the ele teleport.

There are some mesmer players who feel the class is lacking in mobility lol

Exactly "mesmer players" baised based people that cant compair there class to what other classes can do. And only want there class to rain supreme.Those people are juat used to the overpowered abilities of mesmer and cant see the whole picture of gw2

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:I dont think they need a nerf persay in terms of damage. But there ability to teleport and there mobility is to much.

Fact is, mesmer mobility was massively nerfed over and over already to the point that they are no longer the best choice for decapper or even to get home. Warrior, thief, ranger all arguably get better mobility at this point. Jaunt ammo load was reduced from 3 to 2, Mirage cloak was reduced by 25% and vigor uptime was reduced which further reduces the ability for a mes to dodge/move, No one uses Portal now because its a use timeframe was cut from 60 sec to 30 sec making it useless in pvp. That point of view is just out of date and, therefore, basically wrong. Additionally, Mesmer mobility, like Thief mobility, is, and is supposed to be, a key cornerstone of the class (even core). Mesmer mobility actually lags behind a little bit these days.

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:

@Ziggityzog.7389 said:bucko..




Dude. Your stuff is so condescending it's not funny. You could make points without all of the above. If people disagree, let them, or argue with facts, not "kiddos" and "buckos" lol.He is mad child hyperbolizing to insanity (spoiler: I did it as well somewhere but its hard to miss, not here xD). There is simple fact : no one can be invulnerable-perma evading for 3 minutes, especially mesmer with gutted vigor access and not having access to any endurance boost like thief/engi/ranger. Simple logical conclusion - if he fought 3 minutes perma invul mesmer, he did play just as busted class as this mesmer (its not possible anyway)He is apparently mad that confusion does 10 damage per second if you dont use skills, what a tragedy....

Sorry I use the terms when the other person is obviously talking with a bias and not reality. 3 minutes is a exaggeration and that should be known just like its exaggerated that all you have to do is have stability, dodge, or git good.

Mesmer is broken plain and simple and I did fight a chrono with about 1 minute worth of dodging, evading, blocking, invulnerability. While spamming conditions and cc. Oh and making screen spam with clones and phantasm.

How is that fair?

Oh sorry I should learn the class lol, even tho i have and I have one each class to test all specs.

Okay then can you articulate an argument for how a class with less active evasion/doge/block/invuln uptime than any medium armor class can avoid your damage for over a minute, without the simple fact of you as a player getting lost in clones, and getting subsequently kited, while running a spec that needs to lock an opponent close range to get a kill, and primarily excels in team fights rather than 1v1s.

You say you understand, so you should be able to form an argument regarding the string of skills that allowed for a full minute of “I frames” and the skills that were at the same time spamming condis and CC, right?

“It’s OP because I say it is.” Is unhelpful, you do a disservice to this community (and our species if you the same IRL) through your lack of critical thought and arguments, especially when you over state your claim with hyperbole. It’s fine to have an opinion to discuss but if we are talking “fairness” we need true facts and details, then we can compare.

In addition you still talk about “carrying”, yet in practice the hard numbers, even win rates supported by A dev do not reflect this. Which runs contrary to your account of “carry”. The burden of proof is on you to back up that claim.

If you cannot do any of this, then you are likely lacking information, and don’t have as clear a picture as you think you do. Probably got dunked on by someone legitimately better, or knows how to play around your build, (or fought you in a skirmish outside of benefit for your role) and are calling it overpowered because you cannot beat it, which isn’t a scale of balance or fairness.

I don’t play necro, but in my experience on war, ranger, thief, I have no trouble avoiding shatters, and if I avoid shatters (and confounding suggestions if scepter) I win.

@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@DigiQWill.6378 said:And I would like to know what makes you think you can't evade a burst from stealth.

Here is a radical idea you might never though about: maybe because you can't see players in stealth and you can't do anything about what you don't see?

So it’s impossible to avoid a backstab? snipe, or a maul from stealth? Actually in the case of backstab and snipes the stealth durations are much much longer.

Here is a radical idea, maybe you can anticipate the hit and dodge it by knowing he stealth window.

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Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

lol just L2P refer to my previous post it already addressed this question

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Theres nothing to address....the classes uses only clones and there is no other play style.Also the mesmer portal was game braking....being able to teleport to and objective instantly after the enemy made there play there made thetoon to strong for point catpture and decaping....if u dont see that you are super biased towrds mesmer and any convo with u about it is like talking inan echo chamber.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Theres nothing to address....the classes uses only clones and there is no other play style.

TBH You should just try playing one a while if you have a hard time opposing them. You can then learn a few things. Like, for instance, that mesmer isnt as unstoppable as you seem to imagine and also you would learn enough about them to have an easier time opposing them in matches. I realize many people have this issue.

I realize many assume if they get killed or lose a match to a Mesmer it must be cause it was one of those "insanely OP mesmers that everyone is always talking about." As Daishi pointed out, its easy to make false generalizations in the forum and put blame on Mesmers. In fact, its become a very popular forum activity. However, I DID address this topic in general in my response to the OP and you still have yet to bring any facts, numbers, or even reference to WHICH SKILLS you think are giving mesmer its OP mobility. Please explain so we all can learn.

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Delete Thief!!

GW2 THIEF ROAMING CONDIS P/D "TOXIC BOY"(even the Thief player state that Thief is Toxic and calls it at out like that)Any Thief players would like to comment on it? I mean; look at the amount of Toxicity that is being applied; how would any disagree? It even make Condi Mesmer look like trash.

((Let me know when Mesmer can outmatch the amount of Toxicity Thief outputs so we can really ask for its nerfing))

--until than; Thief is the True Toxic Profession; must be deleted for the health of Pvp and WvW--

-Toxic Build Included-

---side note; before Toxic Thief existence, there was Captain Gwen Thackeray; a Mesmer--Without Mesmer; there would never be Guild Wars.So therefore; Mesmer is here to stay as long Guild Wars exists

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Theres nothing to address....the classes uses only clones and there is no other play style.

TBH You should just try playing one a while if you have a hard time opposing them. You can then learn a few things. Like, for instance, that mesmer isnt as unstoppable as you seem to imagine and also you would learn enough about them to have an easier time opposing them in matches. I realize many people have this issue.

I realize many assume if they get killed or lose a match to a Mesmer it must be cause it was one of those "insanely OP mesmers that everyone is always talking about." As Daishi pointed out, its easy to make false generalizations in the forum and put blame on Mesmers. In fact, its become a very popular forum activity. However, I DID address this topic in general in my response to the OP and you still have yet to bring any facts, numbers, or even reference to WHICH SKILLS you think are giving mesmer its OP mobility. Please explain so we all can learn.

I did my very 1st post......i absolutly named a skill i felt was overperforming in comparision to other akills like it. So u need to chill out ur baised attitude.I did try mesmer out and i felt it was easy to spam clone easy to do damage easy to shut ppl down easy to run away and survive. I was always able to stay on the outside of a fight spam my clones and stay safe while fighting in any team fight.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Name one build play style for warriors that doesn't use Adrenaline.

Or one build play style for elementalists that never swaps attunements.

It's literally the class mechanic. You can't not use clones.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Name one build play style for warriors that doesn't use Adrenaline.

Or one build play style for elementalists that never swaps attunements.

It's literally the class mechanic. You can't not use clones.

ahhh lets talk aboit this.War has beserker completely changes how f1 works.Ele has tempest completely changes how attunments work. U stay in them u get overload.Lets talk mesmer. What specialization uses the clone spamage? All of them!. There really is no different play style between specs.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Name one build play style for warriors that doesn't use Adrenaline.

Or one build play style for elementalists that never swaps attunements.

It's literally the class mechanic. You can't not use clones.

ahhh lets talk aboit this.War has beserker completely changes how f1 works.Ele has tempest completely changes how attunments work. U stay in them u get overload.Lets talk mesmer. What specialization uses the clone spamage? All of them!. There really is no different play style between specs.

Berserker still uses adrenaline and bursts. Berserker just gives them a super mode as they do it. That doesn't change the fundamental principal of the class mechanic.

Tempest Attunements still change your weapon skills and Glyph utility effects. You just get a bonus skill on top of attunement swapping if you stay in it for a few seconds. It doesn't change the fundamental principal for the class mechanic.

Your post is the sort of nonsense that justifies a lot of mesmers correctly assuming most players don't want them balanced but destroyed.

And if you want to see a cloneless mesmer specialization, well my signature is my fan made write up on a cloneless mesmer elite specialization.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Name one build play style for warriors that doesn't use Adrenaline.

Or one build play style for elementalists that never swaps attunements.

It's literally the class mechanic. You can't not use clones.

ahhh lets talk aboit this.War has beserker completely changes how f1 works.Ele has tempest completely changes how attunments work. U stay in them u get overload.Lets talk mesmer. What specialization uses the clone spamage? All of them!. There really is no different play style between specs.

Berserker still uses adrenaline and bursts. Berserker just gives them a super mode as they do it. That doesn't change the fundamental principal of the class mechanic.

Tempest Attunements still change your weapon skills and Glyph utility effects. You just get a bonus skill on top of attunement swapping if you stay in it for a few seconds. It doesn't change the fundamental principal for the class mechanic.

Your post is the sort of nonsense that justifies a lot of mesmers correctly assuming most players don't want them balanced but destroyed.

The only thing i ever said that needed changing was there ability to teleport around. There damage is fine and not op....confusion is the culprit and if it had a icd or behaved like anyother condi with set tick intervals it be fine.

U started sayong l2p and mechanic this skill that....u seem to be able to escalate things in ur favor every nicely but qt a very biased point of view

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Name one build play style for warriors that doesn't use Adrenaline.

Or one build play style for elementalists that never swaps attunements.

It's literally the class mechanic. You can't not use clones.

ahhh lets talk aboit this.War has beserker completely changes how f1 works.Ele has tempest completely changes how attunments work. U stay in them u get overload.Lets talk mesmer. What specialization uses the clone spamage? All of them!. There really is no different play style between specs.

Berserker still uses adrenaline and bursts. Berserker just gives them a super mode as they do it. That doesn't change the fundamental principal of the class mechanic.

Tempest Attunements still change your weapon skills and Glyph utility effects. You just get a bonus skill on top of attunement swapping if you stay in it for a few seconds. It doesn't change the fundamental principal for the class mechanic.

Your post is the sort of nonsense that justifies a lot of mesmers correctly assuming most players don't want them balanced but destroyed.

The only thing i ever said that needed changing was there ability to teleport around. There damage is fine and not op....confusion is the culprit and if it had a icd or behaved like anyother condi with set tick intervals it be fine.

U started sayong l2p and mechanic this skill that....u seem to be able to escalate things in ur favor every nicely but qt a very biased point of view

I never said anything about L2P. I even have some proposed nerfs to CI Mirage in the first page. All I said was that your criticism of mesmers only using clones is ridiculous.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Name one build play style for warriors that doesn't use Adrenaline.

Or one build play style for elementalists that never swaps attunements.

It's literally the class mechanic. You can't not use clones.

ahhh lets talk aboit this.War has beserker completely changes how f1 works.Ele has tempest completely changes how attunments work. U stay in them u get overload.Lets talk mesmer. What specialization uses the clone spamage? All of them!. There really is no different play style between specs.

Berserker still uses adrenaline and bursts. Berserker just gives them a super mode as they do it. That doesn't change the fundamental principal of the class mechanic.

Tempest Attunements still change your weapon skills and Glyph utility effects. You just get a bonus skill on top of attunement swapping if you stay in it for a few seconds. It doesn't change the fundamental principal for the class mechanic.

Your post is the sort of nonsense that justifies a lot of mesmers correctly assuming most players don't want them balanced but destroyed.

The only thing i ever said that needed changing was there ability to teleport around. There damage is fine and not op....confusion is the culprit and if it had a icd or behaved like anyother condi with set tick intervals it be fine.

U started sayong l2p and mechanic this skill that....u seem to be able to escalate things in ur favor every nicely but qt a very biased point of view

I never said anything about L2P. I even have some proposed nerfs to CI Mirage in the first page. All I said was that your criticism of mesmers only using clones is ridiculous.

Rediculous mmm....but very true..why should there be a clutter of garbage all the time when a meamer show up? You have to admit if theres 2 things a mesmer does, one of them is creat a visual clutter garbage mess.

Maybe u didnt say l2p but plaunty of other people did. I cant keep track of all the fanboys for mesmer people.. Look at this game as a whole and not just at one class u got to compaire all abilities to each other an not just what one class can do.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Theres nothing to address....the classes uses only clones and there is no other play style.

TBH You should just try playing one a while if you have a hard time opposing them. You can then learn a few things. Like, for instance, that mesmer isnt as unstoppable as you seem to imagine and also you would learn enough about them to have an easier time opposing them in matches. I realize many people have this issue.

I realize many assume if they get killed or lose a match to a Mesmer it must be cause it was one of those "insanely OP mesmers that everyone is always talking about." As Daishi pointed out, its easy to make false generalizations in the forum and put blame on Mesmers. In fact, its become a very popular forum activity. However, I DID address this topic in general in my response to the OP and you still have yet to bring any facts, numbers, or even reference to WHICH SKILLS you think are giving mesmer its OP mobility. Please explain so we all can learn.

I did my very 1st post......i absolutly named a skill i felt was overperforming in comparision to other akills like it. So u need to chill out ur baised attitude.I did try mesmer out and i felt it was easy to spam clone easy to do damage easy to shut ppl down easy to run away and survive. I was always able to stay on the outside of a fight spam my clones and stay safe while fighting in any team fight.

I referenced jaunt in my original response, but here lets look at it in more detail:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/JauntSeptember 22, 2017 - Jaunt was added to the game.

November 07, 2017 - Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being recognized as an elite skill for the purposes of some rune effects.

February 06, 2018 - Condition duration from this skill has been split. In PvE, the confusion duration has been increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds. In PvP and WvW, the confusion duration has been reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. (50% duration nerf)

March 27, 2018 - Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.July 10, 2018 - The ammunition recharge time of this skill has now been split and will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.December 11, 2018 - The number of charges this skill can hold has been split between game modes and reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW.

Now lets consider other changes during that same time period that might have also been mobility nerfs OR buffs.During the Feb 2018 patch in addition to reducing confusion on jaunt it was also removed and replaced with torrment on Imaginary Axes and also Axes of Symmetry, staff also saw a nerf to bleeding duration in this patch and might was reduced from 15 stacks to 8 for Bountiful Disillusionment, which now provides only 3 stacks at present in pvp. Additionally Bountiful Disillusionment has had its stability duration reduced to 1 second per shatter if traited. This patch had more nerfs for mes and no real buffs. (This in total was a rather significant change in the long run when combined with other changes) (This directly impacted core mesmer also)(no mobility buffs)

Next March 2018 is when they added exhuastion which was a rather large mobility nerf if the mesmer used a certain GM trait which is now a dead trait. Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun This is clearly a mobility nerf and and also a change to how mirage was handling stuns. This was a pretty popular change and not too many people objected to it. (no mobility buffs)

July 2018 - during this patch Axe torrment duration was reduced and torch skills had fire damage cut and duration extended which made it less bursty. This patch too had a long long list of nerfs for mesmer, mostly staff, torch and axe. (no mobility buffs)

December 2018: This is when axe physical damage was nerfed by 30% and signets got changed to remove the boon share from Signet of Inspiration and also Bountiful Disillusionment was nerfed so that it too no longer shared boons, but only cast them on the Mesmer itself. ALSO Portal was nerfed to 30 sec from 60 sec for its use window which was a very significant mobility Nerf that occurred at the same time that Jaunts charge was reduced.

Since then other nerfs have occurred, mesmer has not had any buffs to mobility, vigor, etc.

In effect, the way I see it youre assertion about Jaunt seems 100% baseless. Learn to Play!

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Name one build play style for warriors that doesn't use Adrenaline.

Or one build play style for elementalists that never swaps attunements.

It's literally the class mechanic. You can't not use clones.

ahhh lets talk aboit this.War has beserker completely changes how f1 works.Ele has tempest completely changes how attunments work. U stay in them u get overload.Lets talk mesmer. What specialization uses the clone spamage? All of them!. There really is no different play style between specs.

Berserker still uses adrenaline and bursts. Berserker just gives them a super mode as they do it. That doesn't change the fundamental principal of the class mechanic.

Tempest Attunements still change your weapon skills and Glyph utility effects. You just get a bonus skill on top of attunement swapping if you stay in it for a few seconds. It doesn't change the fundamental principal for the class mechanic.

Your post is the sort of nonsense that justifies a lot of mesmers correctly assuming most players don't want them balanced but destroyed.

The only thing i ever said that needed changing was there ability to teleport around. There damage is fine and not op....confusion is the culprit and if it had a icd or behaved like anyother condi with set tick intervals it be fine.

U started sayong l2p and mechanic this skill that....u seem to be able to escalate things in ur favor every nicely but qt a very biased point of view

I never said anything about L2P. I even have some proposed nerfs to CI Mirage in the first page. All I said was that your criticism of mesmers only using clones is ridiculous.

Rediculous mmm....but very true..why should there be a clutter of garbage all the time when a meamer show up? You have to admit if theres 2 things a mesmer does, one of them is creat a visual clutter garbage mess.

Maybe u didnt say l2p but plaunty of other people did. I cant keep track of all the fanboys for mesmer people.. Look at this game as a whole and not just at one class u got to compaire all abilities to each other an not just what one class can do.

Because Mesmer is based primarily off of classic illusionists from D&D who have spells like Mirror Images and Blur that explicitly distort enemies perception of the illusionist making them very difficult to hit, either through making multiple images of the illusionist or by literally transforming themselves into a smeared blur. They also summon phantasms of certain things ranging from whatever the illusionist thinks of to the victim's greatest fear to even phantasmal dragons that all do varying degree of psionic damage to enemies.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Theres nothing to address....the classes uses only clones and there is no other play style.

TBH You should just try playing one a while if you have a hard time opposing them. You can then learn a few things. Like, for instance, that mesmer isnt as unstoppable as you seem to imagine and also you would learn enough about them to have an easier time opposing them in matches. I realize many people have this issue.

I realize many assume if they get killed or lose a match to a Mesmer it must be cause it was one of those "insanely OP mesmers that everyone is always talking about." As Daishi pointed out, its easy to make false generalizations in the forum and put blame on Mesmers. In fact, its become a very popular forum activity. However, I DID address this topic in general in my response to the OP and you still have yet to bring any facts, numbers, or even reference to WHICH SKILLS you think are giving mesmer its OP mobility. Please explain so we all can learn.

I did my very 1st post......i absolutly named a skill i felt was overperforming in comparision to other akills like it. So u need to chill out ur baised attitude.I did try mesmer out and i felt it was easy to spam clone easy to do damage easy to shut ppl down easy to run away and survive. I was always able to stay on the outside of a fight spam my clones and stay safe while fighting in any team fight.

I referenced jaunt in my original response, but here lets look at it in more detail:
September 22, 2017 - Jaunt was added to the game.

November 07, 2017 - Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being recognized as an elite skill for the purposes of some rune effects.

February 06, 2018 - Condition duration from this skill has been split. In PvE, the confusion duration has been increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.
In PvP and WvW
, the
confusion duration
has been
4 seconds to 2 seconds
. (50% duration nerf)

March 27, 2018 -
Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
July 10, 2018 - The
ammunition recharge time of this skill
has now been split and
will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW
while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.December 11, 2018 - The
number of charges this skill can hold
has been split between game modes and r
educed from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW

Now lets consider other changes during that same time period that might have also been mobility nerfs OR buffs.
During the Feb 2018 patch in addition to reducing confusion on jaunt it was also removed and replaced with torrment on Imaginary Axes and also Axes of Symmetry, staff also saw a nerf to bleeding duration in this patch and might was reduced
from 15 stacks
to 8 for Bountiful Disillusionment, which
now provides only 3 stacks
at present in pvp. Additionally Bountiful Disillusionment has had its stability duration reduced to 1 second per shatter if traited. This patch had more nerfs for mes and no real buffs. (This in total was a rather significant change in the long run when combined with other changes) (This directly impacted core mesmer also)(no mobility buffs)

Next March 2018 is when they added exhuastion which was a rather large mobility nerf if the mesmer used a certain GM trait which is now a dead trait.
Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun
This is clearly a mobility nerf and and also a change to how mirage was handling stuns. This was a pretty popular change and not too many people objected to it. (no mobility buffs)

July 2018 - during this patch Axe torrment duration was reduced and torch skills had fire damage cut and duration extended which made it less bursty. This patch too had a long long list of nerfs for mesmer, mostly staff, torch and axe. (no mobility buffs)

December 2018: This is when axe physical damage was nerfed by 30% and signets got changed to remove the boon share from Signet of Inspiration and also Bountiful Disillusionment was nerfed so that it too no longer shared boons, but only cast them on the Mesmer itself. ALSO Portal was nerfed to 30 sec from 60 sec for its use window which was a very significant mobility Nerf that occurred at the same time that Jaunts charge was reduced.

Since then other nerfs have occurred, mesmer has not had any buffs to mobility, vigor, etc.

In effect, the way I see it youre assertion about Jaunt seems 100% baseless. Learn to Play!

It doesn't matter if it got nerfed in the past. Theres still no other skill that, clears condis, does damage, applies condis, has two charges telepoets you and is a leap combo. It is the most useful elite skill in the game. Not only can u use it to escape u can use it for massive pressure with other skills and burst and survivability. Its very strong at its core compaired to other teleport skills. And mesmer has a few.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

Theres nothing to address....the classes uses only clones and there is no other play style.

TBH You should just try playing one a while if you have a hard time opposing them. You can then learn a few things. Like, for instance, that mesmer isnt as unstoppable as you seem to imagine and also you would learn enough about them to have an easier time opposing them in matches. I realize many people have this issue.

I realize many assume if they get killed or lose a match to a Mesmer it must be cause it was one of those "insanely OP mesmers that everyone is always talking about." As Daishi pointed out, its easy to make false generalizations in the forum and put blame on Mesmers. In fact, its become a very popular forum activity. However, I DID address this topic in general in my response to the OP and you still have yet to bring any facts, numbers, or even reference to WHICH SKILLS you think are giving mesmer its OP mobility. Please explain so we all can learn.

I did my very 1st post......i absolutly named a skill i felt was overperforming in comparision to other akills like it. So u need to chill out ur baised attitude.I did try mesmer out and i felt it was easy to spam clone easy to do damage easy to shut ppl down easy to run away and survive. I was always able to stay on the outside of a fight spam my clones and stay safe while fighting in any team fight.

I referenced jaunt in my original response, but here lets look at it in more detail:
September 22, 2017 - Jaunt was added to the game.

November 07, 2017 - Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being recognized as an elite skill for the purposes of some rune effects.

February 06, 2018 - Condition duration from this skill has been split. In PvE, the confusion duration has been increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.
In PvP and WvW
, the
confusion duration
has been
4 seconds to 2 seconds
. (50% duration nerf)

March 27, 2018 -
Reduced damage by 50% in PvP and WvW.
July 10, 2018 - The
ammunition recharge time of this skill
has now been split and
will use a 30-second cooldown in PvP and WvW
while maintaining a 20-second cooldown in PvE.December 11, 2018 - The
number of charges this skill can hold
has been split between game modes and r
educed from 3 charges to 2 charges in PvP and WvW

Now lets consider other changes during that same time period that might have also been mobility nerfs OR buffs.
During the Feb 2018 patch in addition to reducing confusion on jaunt it was also removed and replaced with torrment on Imaginary Axes and also Axes of Symmetry, staff also saw a nerf to bleeding duration in this patch and might was reduced
from 15 stacks
to 8 for Bountiful Disillusionment, which
now provides only 3 stacks
at present in pvp. Additionally Bountiful Disillusionment has had its stability duration reduced to 1 second per shatter if traited. This patch had more nerfs for mes and no real buffs. (This in total was a rather significant change in the long run when combined with other changes) (This directly impacted core mesmer also)(no mobility buffs)

Next March 2018 is when they added exhuastion which was a rather large mobility nerf if the mesmer used a certain GM trait which is now a dead trait.
Elusive Mind: This trait now applies 3 seconds of exhaustion when breaking a stun
This is clearly a mobility nerf and and also a change to how mirage was handling stuns. This was a pretty popular change and not too many people objected to it. (no mobility buffs)

July 2018 - during this patch Axe torrment duration was reduced and torch skills had fire damage cut and duration extended which made it less bursty. This patch too had a long long list of nerfs for mesmer, mostly staff, torch and axe. (no mobility buffs)

December 2018: This is when axe physical damage was nerfed by 30% and signets got changed to remove the boon share from Signet of Inspiration and also Bountiful Disillusionment was nerfed so that it too no longer shared boons, but only cast them on the Mesmer itself. ALSO Portal was nerfed to 30 sec from 60 sec for its use window which was a very significant mobility Nerf that occurred at the same time that Jaunts charge was reduced.

Since then other nerfs have occurred, mesmer has not had any buffs to mobility, vigor, etc.

In effect, the way I see it youre assertion about Jaunt seems 100% baseless. Learn to Play!

It doesn't matter if it got nerfed in the past. Theres still no other skill that, clears condis, does damage, applies condis, has two charges telepoets you and is a leap combo. It is the most useful elite skill in the game. Not only can u use it to escape u can use it for massive pressure with other skills and burst and survivability. Its very strong at its core compaired to other teleport skills. And mesmer has a few.

Jaunt is a mediocre bandaid that's there to cover the lack of ability to properly position yourself with a dodge as mirage.

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