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Nerf the mesmers for the love of pvp

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@King xiuras.3615 said:Mesmers that can spam infinite clones, mesmers that can immobilize, stunlock you and spam torment etc... Its ridiculous how they have so many evades and invulnerabilities... most professions can't even take them down solo without being hit by their stupid clones.

Nerf the mesmer builds and make them more vulnerable good lord..... It's totally unfun to fight them, especially when the enemy team has two of them...

go play one, learn how to beat themorcant beatemJoinem

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You know how even a good joke goes horribly stale after overuse? Yeah, that's about where "nerf mesmer" is in 2019.

What a tired, tedious sentiment adhered to by the usual suspects and the inexperienced alike.

Everything that can be said about Mesmer PvP balance has been said ad nauseum across multiple threads over multiple years.

Some things, however, will never change:

  • Some people simply dislike the class design, which features clones, evasion, deception, and control effects.
  • Mesmer and its elites have probably undergone the most nerfs in the game. They are objectively out-classed by most meta builds in any given aspect, be it evasion up time, mobility, stealth, sustain, or damage.
  • Almost no one, not even Mesmer mains, thinks the ability to dodge while CC'd is healthy. But Anet has altered almost every major Mirage feature except this. It may be too integral to the way Mirage Cloak works.
  • The Chaotic Interruption build floating around lately has been possible since the beginning (and was even stronger before). It's only around now because there are few other viable Mesmer builds as a result of countless nerfs up and down the core and elite specs, with little to no compensation or reworks, leaving several dead traits and skills, and almost no build variety.
  • Mesmers of any spec or build are not generally competitive at high level. That only a handful of skilled players may do okay with it there shows just how not overperforming it is.
  • About all Mesmer is good at right now is upsetting the people in the first point above, and those who are inexperienced with how the profession works. Beyond that, it is truly in a pretty poor state right now in terms of direction, builds, and performance.

Please stop acting like it's early 2018 when Mirage was arguably overpowered, and get with the times.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@"necromaniac.7629" said:If you yourself can't manage to counter their bursts why even waste my time explaining anything to you

Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor asserting that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim; if this burden is not met, then the claim is unfounded, and its opponents need not argue further in order to dismiss itYou made a claim, you can't prove that claim to be true, so it will dismissed as a false claim.

In a public debate, who decides whether the burden has been met? Could the same "razor" not apply to your first post?

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

  • The Chaotic Interruption build floating around lately has been possible since the beginning (and was even stronger before). It's only around now because there are few other viable Mesmer builds as a result of countless nerfs up and down the core and elite specs, with little to no compensation or reworks, leaving several dead traits and skills, and almost no build variety.

This is so true. I've been playing with CI since forever although in a power build.It is so easily hard countered it hurts, it only takes stab to shut down the entire build premise, that's it, one kitten boon shuts down entirely the build. And don't get me start with DD that are immune to MIC.

It's always the same thing. BD is so op nerf it, BD is nerfed, mesmers change to CI, CI is so op nerf it, if mesmers changed to PU (which sucks in pvp but for the sake or argument) people will scream PU op nerf it, and there goes another traitline like it was already happened to others.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

  • The Chaotic Interruption build floating around lately has been possible since the beginning (and was even stronger before). It's only around now because there are few other viable Mesmer builds as a result of countless nerfs up and down the core and elite specs, with little to no compensation or reworks, leaving several dead traits and skills, and almost no build variety.

This is so true. I've been playing with CI since forever although in a power build.It is so easily hard countered it hurts, it only takes stab to shut down the entire build premise, that's it, one kitten boon shuts down entirely the build. And don't get me start with DD that are immune to MIC.

It's always the same thing. BD is so op nerf it, BD is nerfed, mesmers change to CI, CI is so op nerf it, if mesmers changed to PU (which sucks in pvp but for the sake or argument) people will scream PU op nerf it, and there goes another traitline like it was already happened to others.CI is absolutely meh on all power builds as power lose tons of DPS, like really stopping to do the damage. Warrior eles ranger and whatnot they all get stability and ignore it but they dont want adapt against this mirage build, tho, I still dont believe immobilize must be there despite it was always been a meme trait, mirage does damage through ambush-dueling traitline so they dont suffer from taking chaos at all.

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The issue with Chaotic Interruption is it shuts down builds without condition cleanse (in fact that is cMirage's problem as a whole) but when you crank cMirage to its highest output in the hands of a skilled player it's not mindblowingly good. The floor for effectiveness is fairly high but the ceiling caps out lower than other builds.

Bring Portal back then Mesmer becomes meta again.

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