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Why not keep old Unyielding Anguish as a separate skill?

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

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Frankly I prefer the current UA just from the look of it. If you have alot of energy banked you can stack silly amounts of torment very quickly. Mostly only useful in PVE but can punish anyone who disrespects the pizza of doom you just piled on top of yourself.

they call the new version a setup skill but I ask setup for what? They are changeing the two skills that a Mallax rev would actualy want to yank groups of enemies into. could see a bit of group play but I dont see it being all that valuable outside of zerg on zerg in WvW.

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Rather than taking away from this skill to improve Embrace the Darkness, they could've made something that feels like a real elite skill. For example, while EtD is active it could give you special versions of all the Mallyx utilities. So Unyielding Anguish would flip over to Call to Anguish, but it would have more than just a pull and chill. It would be something that feels like it's part of an elite transformation and justified in having a cooldown.

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Yeah, this could work actually.Like, every Rev's legend should get just 1 utility to fill the gaps in legend.

  • Shiro should get a sustainable and reliable damage skill (So we can have a Block on OH Sword). Currently Sword 5 is just a flat damage tool with tp, nothing else.
  • Ventari needs a stunbreak - give it to a new utility, so we can choose between projectile block, condi cleanse or stunbreak.
  • Jalis needs tankiness, give it Barrier skill.
  • Mallyx needs something to change with Banish Enchantment that would work in PvE = add a new utility, so people can choose.
  • Glint is fine but I wouldn't have a problem with having access to new skill.
  • Kalla needs a rework.
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Can't say i hate the new malyx, certainly less skill to put in rotation but that pull eats up too much energy to the point i felt like being punished if i use it. Most dps now more or less relies on EtD and i'm now totally have to fight in melee range and losing some kite tactics due to UA being reworked to CA not to mention i've already got quite a few complains about that dark field.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:There's a problem with this, though: Arenanet wanted Unyielding Anguish to die. They have a distinct picture of how they want condi revenant to play, and UA spam was not part of it. The removal of this skill wasn't happenstance, it was the whole point.

I am not really sure what that picture is. If it was supposed to be a bruiser build removal of stats from EtD surely was not the way to go. Having a setup skill using 2/3 of your energy means you no follow-ups. Losing the fire field for dark field hit your damage in every game mode. And condi rev damage in PvP was not good to begin with. Losing mobility means you have less tools to avoid damage. It is a nerf across the board in PvP (assuming things stayed the same in PvE), for a build that was not remotely viable in PvP to begin with.

For all classes, not only rev, it seems that Anet changes have no prospective. I seriously doubt their was any serious goal or vision put into this. Same for all changes that I have seen the last couple of patches. Even if there are objectives, the changes are very rarely done in a way that functionally meets these objectives. And very rarely does Anet evaluate if the objectives are met and make subsequent changes. It is a circle jerk of silliness at this point.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:There's a problem with this, though: Arenanet wanted Unyielding Anguish to die. They have a distinct picture of how they want condi revenant to play, and UA spam was not part of it. The removal of this skill wasn't happenstance, it was the whole point.

I am not really sure what that picture is. If it was supposed to be a bruiser build removal of stats from EtD surely was not the way to go. Having a setup skill using 2/3 of your energy means you no follow-ups. Losing the fire field for dark field hit your damage in every game mode. And condi rev damage in PvP was not good to begin with. Losing mobility means you have less tools to avoid damage. It is a nerf across the board in PvP (assuming things stayed the same in PvE), for a build that was not remotely viable in PvP to begin with.

For all classes, not only rev, it seems that Anet changes have no prospective. I seriously doubt their was any serious goal or vision put into this. Same for all changes that I have seen the last couple of patches. Even if there are objectives, the changes are very rarely done in a way that functionally meets these objectives. And very rarely does Anet evaluate if the objectives are met and make subsequent changes. It is a circle jerk of silliness at this point.

I don't know what their exact vision is, either, which sort of ticks me off. I was hoping that the condi renegade DPS rotations would be lower maintenance if we could just toggle EtD on and sit in one weapon, but that turns out that the new rotations are even more precise and difficult than ever. I actually played condi rev in WvW. The only thing that made them worthwhile was Unyielding Anguish. It isn't like condi rev was overperforming anywhere, either.

Most of the changes that we're seeing with current balance patches have been for the sake of making core builds better. Anet is using the evil genie method of fixing core balance by gutting all of the specializations. But this change to renegade doesn't make sense.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 The 4 primary classes I play, guardian, reverent, mesmer and warrior (only guardian in PvP), none of the changes improved core builds. Core rev is what got hit this patch. Mesmer and warrior core almost unchanged (except for rampage nerf). Guardian power remains almost the same, but condi gained big time.

I would say that it is not really a case of gutting elites and buffing cores. It is more of random tangents that Anet have been doing. Making changes no one asked for and without a clear prospective. Things that are broken are unaddressed including things that Anet previously unnecessary broke. I really think that 1-2 people who were mainly responsible for class balance left around the end of last year. Not that balance was great before that, but I would say until middle of 2018, every patch made the balance better. Since then Anet seems to be making changes that can be only described as random shit. Even the explanations they use for the changes either do not accurately match with the changes or are flat out wrong.

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Honestly, I gave it a try, the same way as renegade and I didn't like it. I hated it and felt ripped off the same. Would probably be batshit mad if I was power revenant too.Of course it has pull and shit (2 seconds chill omegalul) but it's all about it. Is it's sole purpose to proc dark aura from now half-useless embrace the darkness and try stop somebody from reviving their allies? (Which they'd do anyway since everyone seems to have shit ton of stability and other invulerabilities nowadays unless they are revenants or thieves) Because I don't see any good use for it in PvE either except for blasting fire fields perhaps :DAt least I could get some decent boost to stats from embrace the darkness (speed from herald and heal from retribution if I need too) or apply shit ton of chill and torment to those revive bots trying to save their downstate bots before this awful change.

I'd probably describe my feeling in some other way with lots of examples but I am affraid next forum infraction might result in period.

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