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GW2 Battle Royale Idea: Personal Performance Game Mode

Crab Fear.1624

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GW2 Battle Royale Style Game Mode Idea

The image below is 1 map with 4 different areas on it.


Rules and design Ideas:

  1. 10-20 Players depending on map size
  2. Gain points from kills and successful supply recharges (maybe these would be channeled to allow interruption). supplies give much less points than kills
  3. unlimited respawns after a short time (when you die you teleported to a random location and stealthed for 5 seconds, weapons are locked during this time)
  4. The Labyrinth has a covering that hinders overhead viewing, up to the top of the wall. This is so you can not see over the walls.
  5. The cache is normal area but with towers and points of view to allow for trappers and ranged to scout and defend the area
  6. The swap has zones that can inflict conditions, slows movement by 20%. Trees for projectile hate.
  7. Smokeland prevents stealthing. 20% chance projectiles miss. NPC ghosts will occasionally blind you with avoidable orbs.
  8. Recharge kits scattered throughout the map. Some may be healing skill focused. Weapon bar focused. Utility Focused. Elite recharge only 33%.
  9. There are also trap crates available. And there are improvised/stolen weapon styled crates available that provide random skill (like stealth or plasma).
  10. Killing a player will have a 33% chance to drop a random supply crate
  11. You can leave at anytime or give up and observe.
  12. Some gold reward or something for the top 3 players (scaled to performance)
  13. Timer set to 20 minutes.

Different areas to benefit different classes and playstyle.

If you try to hide or run all match like thieves, rangers, and mesmers you can't win.

Because the goal is to kill the most and be killed the least, and collect items. Players may have to go into zones that they may be disadvantaged at.

The game mode is 100% personal performance. So you can only blame yourself.

The design was so that every class has a chance, and each playstyle has a chance.

Anyone else got any ideas?

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This does not work in an MMO and specifically does not work in GW2. If a thief or a Mesmer do not want to die, no other class can kill them. There is a reason why sPvP is based around node capture and not kills.

In addition, balance in GW2 is not based on individual class survivablity. You could make this team based of 3 players with 4-6 teams. It still would not work well.

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@otto.5684 said:This does not work in an MMO and specifically does not work in GW2. If a thief or a Mesmer do not want to die, no other class can kill them. There is a reason why sPvP is based around node capture and not kills.

In addition, balance in GW2 is not based on individual class survivablity. You could make this team based of 3 players with 4-6 teams. It still would not work well.

I thought that maybe the diferent zones on the map would punish some glasses and benefit others. Smokelands has stealth prevention for example, and if you have trouble with stealth class, stay there.

We are not seeing a surge in node capture popularity.

I thought also, it could be an unranked game mode.

I have to ask, did you read all the rules to understand my idea was to make it balanced for all classes?

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@otto.5684 said:This does not work in an MMO and specifically does not work in GW2. If a thief or a Mesmer do not want to die, no other class can kill them. There is a reason why sPvP is based around node capture and not kills.

In addition, balance in GW2 is not based on individual class survivablity. You could make this team based of 3 players with 4-6 teams. It still would not work well.

So all the thief deaths are suicides? Lmao

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Asking for opinions on adding a different game mode in these forums is a mistake lol this community goes on and on and on and on about games modes going stale or about the lack of game modes yet any mention or ideas on change and ull be met with replies shooting all ideas down for the most part lolGood luck lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Asking for opinions on adding a different game mode in these forums is a mistake lol this community goes on and on and on and on about games modes going stale or about the lack of game modes yet any mention or ideas on change and ull be met with replies shooting all ideas down for the most part lolGood luck lol

Ah, yes. I know.

I'll just ignore the quick, snide comments.

I only plan to respond to, even if it shoots the idea down, is critical feedback that explains the position they have taken on the issue.

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@Alatar.7364 said:I got great aversion for Battle Royale due to everpresent stuff like PUBG or Fortnite and its incredibly obnoxious audience/playerbase.

For me it is big fat (admittedly personal-bias) No.

Yeah, that is understandable.

If you think it will create or attract an even more toxic crowd than what is already here.

But, are you satisfied with circle quest?

What kind of mode would be good?

Payload or something like JQ/ FA from GW1?

For me, circle fest is so stale the bread is petrified.

If I threw that bread at someone, it would be a felony (attempted murder).

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:I got great aversion for Battle Royale due to everpresent stuff like PUBG or Fortnite and its incredibly obnoxious audience/playerbase.

For me it is big fat
(admittedly personal-bias)

Yeah, that is understandable.

If you think it will create or attract an even more toxic crowd than what is already here.

But, are you satisfied with circle quest?

I am satisfied with Circle Quest, I am not satisfied with lack of game modes, I know it sounds like paradox due to my first comment, but what I meant is that I personally dislike BR game-mode (at least in MMO environment) and would not play it.

What kind of mode would be good?

For the time being I'd be pretty happy if they finally brought out 2v2 which would give people/devs time to come up with ideas for another game-modes or at least events like in WvW, for example Core Week, No-defeat-state Week, etc.Please note that I am not trying to put down your idea, it is only as I mentioned above, "I dislike that mode and would not play it", if people want that mode in Gw2 that's fine.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@otto.5684 said:This does not work in an MMO and specifically does not work in GW2. If a thief or a Mesmer do not want to die, no other class can kill them. There is a reason why sPvP is based around node capture and not kills.

In addition, balance in GW2 is not based on individual class survivablity. You could make this team based of 3 players with 4-6 teams. It still would not work well.

So all the thief deaths are suicides? Lmao

No it is not. However, all you need to do is NOT ENGAGE IN COMBAT until any battle is mostly over, and then you come in with burst and mobility down enemies then leave. This mode will be only playable by Mesmers, thieves and occasional rangers. And it will take ions to finish one game, since everyone will save high mobility/evade skills and use them once the get a bit low. Hide, then heal, rinse and repeat. It is basically WvW roaming on steroids. The game inherent design does not even remotely support such this.

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Asking for opinions on adding a different game mode in these forums is a mistake lol this community goes on and on and on and on about games modes going stale or about the lack of game modes yet any mention or ideas on change and ull be met with replies shooting all ideas down for the most part lolGood luck lol

Any sPvP mode has to:

  1. Include an object that is not only to kill the enemies.
  2. Include fair engagement; equal number of players, match making and works with the current balance design. After all it is "structured" PvP.
  3. No long waits or down time and the ability to keep all players engaged till the end of the match. Otherwise, people will never play it.

I have not seen any suggestions that can remotely work for sPvP. It is always either something that cannot work under the game design (like Battle Royale), takes too long to finish, cannot be fairly matched and/or redundant with WvW.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Easy fix. Make it free for all battle first to reach kills target wins also small rewards for things like least deaths, most+1's(assists) etc. That way just avoiding combat does nothing for u

It is a good suggestion.

So change the number of respawns to unlimited.

Points for kills and collecting the supply crates (way more for kills).

Hiding does nothing for you.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Easy fix. Make it free for all battle first to reach kills target wins also small rewards for things like least deaths, most+1's(assists) etc. That way just avoiding combat does nothing for u

It is a good suggestion.

So change the number of respawns to unlimited.

Points for kills and collecting the supply crates (way more for kills).

Hiding does nothing for you.

Small penalties that dont really impact the players enough to really cause issues but give incentives to improve like most deaths etc like u get 5% less experience from the match

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@otto.5684 said:

@otto.5684 said:This does not work in an MMO and specifically does not work in GW2. If a thief or a Mesmer do not want to die, no other class can kill them. There is a reason why sPvP is based around node capture and not kills.

In addition, balance in GW2 is not based on individual class survivablity. You could make this team based of 3 players with 4-6 teams. It still would not work well.

So all the thief deaths are suicides? Lmao

No it is not. However, all you need to do is
until any battle is mostly over, and then you come in with burst and mobility down enemies then leave. This mode will be only playable by Mesmers, thieves and occasional rangers. And it will take ions to finish one game, since everyone will save high mobility/evade skills and use them once the get a bit low. Hide, then heal, rinse and repeat. It is basically WvW roaming on steroids. The game inherent design does not even remotely support such this.

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Asking for opinions on adding a different game mode in these forums is a mistake lol this community goes on and on and on and on about games modes going stale or about the lack of game modes yet any mention or ideas on change and ull be met with replies shooting all ideas down for the most part lolGood luck lol

Any sPvP mode has to:
  1. Include an object that is not only to kill the enemies.
  2. Include fair engagement; equal number of players, match making and works with the current balance design. After all it is "structured" PvP.
  3. No long waits or down time and the ability to keep all players engaged till the end of the match. Otherwise, people will never play it.

I have not seen any suggestions that can remotely work for sPvP. It is always either something that cannot work under the game design (like Battle Royale), takes too long to finish, cannot be fairly matched and/or redundant with WvW.

I changed the idea a little. Now it is collecting points by kills and supply recharges (these are channeled to allow interruption)

So hiding all match will do nothing for you. You will lose.

Also, there are random crates that can grant bonuses a class might not normally have, like stealth. ( I guess the bonuses would be similar to stolen skills, or improvised weapons)

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@Alatar.7364 said:I got great aversion for Battle Royale due to everpresent stuff like PUBG or Fortnite and its incredibly obnoxious audience/playerbase.

For me it is big fat
(admittedly personal-bias)

Yeah, that is understandable.

If you think it will create or attract an even more toxic crowd than what is already here.

But, are you satisfied with circle quest?

I am satisfied with Circle Quest, I am not satisfied with lack of game modes, I know it sounds like paradox due to my first comment, but what I meant is that I personally dislike BR game-mode
(at least in MMO environment)
and would not play it.

What kind of mode would be good?

For the time being I'd be pretty happy if they finally brought out 2v2 which would give people/devs time to come up with ideas for another game-modes or at least events like in WvW, for example Core Week, No-defeat-state Week, etc.Please note that I am not trying to put down your idea, it is only as I mentioned above,
"I dislike that mode and would not play it"
, if people want that mode in Gw2 that's fine.

You'd end up with a bunch of stalemate games consisting of four scappers that cant kill other lol

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@James.1065 said:

@Alatar.7364 said:I got great aversion for Battle Royale due to everpresent stuff like PUBG or Fortnite and its incredibly obnoxious audience/playerbase.

For me it is big fat
(admittedly personal-bias)

Yeah, that is understandable.

If you think it will create or attract an even more toxic crowd than what is already here.

But, are you satisfied with circle quest?

I am satisfied with Circle Quest, I am not satisfied with lack of game modes, I know it sounds like paradox due to my first comment, but what I meant is that I personally dislike BR game-mode
(at least in MMO environment)
and would not play it.

What kind of mode would be good?

For the time being I'd be pretty happy if they finally brought out 2v2 which would give people/devs time to come up with ideas for another game-modes or at least events like in WvW, for example Core Week, No-defeat-state Week, etc.Please note that I am not trying to put down your idea, it is only as I mentioned above,
"I dislike that mode and would not play it"
, if people want that mode in Gw2 that's fine.

You'd end up with a bunch of stalemate games consisting of four scappers that cant kill other lol

You mean the 2v2s? That's not too likely since if 2v2 was say a Ranked que then it would be self-punishing strategy that would force people in to exploring different combos, besides I would not be against no-class stacking rule, there already is a similar rule implemented in Matchmaking algorithm so it would probably not be too hard to do.

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I would love Battle Royale in GW2.

It's silly that so many people argue against adding new gamemodes and bringing new life into the game because they personally wouldn't enjoy playing in it.

This game has everything it needs to be a good BR: mounts, glidings, airships, good combat/skill/trait system, reward tracks, instances, loot drops, chests, teams, instances, etc. etc.

It also gives streamers a chance to show off their mechanics in a gamemode where there will be constant fighting, no zergs, and an environment that doesn't require you to rely on your team to win. I think this would be hands-down the best thing for Anet to add.

For the players worried about stealth classes never dying, that's why some BRs have enemies/chests to destroy in order to get loot and upgrade your character. For example, if a thief decides to try killing a chest and a warrior comes along and forces the thief to run away in stealth, then the warrior will get all of the loot and be stronger. So, there would be a lot of tactics and playstyles involved as well as BR gamemode-specific balance splits that Anet could do.

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If you want a battle royale you can just head over to the pvp practice arena and start randomly hitting everyone within your damage radius.

That always works pretty well for me, but you do melt a few snow flakes and get a bit of hate speech during the process!

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