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Another small changes to make the ranger maybe to have an spot in squads.


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Dear @BalanceTeam.Players are all around happy with the fanstastic changes to Longbow.May i ask for an small changes to soulbeast CD stances and trait. This should make the ranger more desirable in squads and maybe that would be enough to stop the hate:

  • Bear stance total base duration to 6 seconds in all game modes. CD reduced to 20 seconds in all game modes.
  • Moa stance duration reduced to 6s in all game modes to aling the duration with the rest of the skills.
  • Leader of the Pack share 100% duration with allies.

So those are 4 total changes, all related to CDs and duration . Should not impact the balance at all, balance a bit the builds using moa stance, and move the soulbeast a little bit closer team support.And make the stances shine.

Do you think those small changes would be beneficial for the game ?

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Why u tryin’ to make sb a support spec when druid support spec still not gud 4 squad? Makes no sense to have sb better support. Makes sense 2 fix druid 4 better support. Fix daggers on sb instead bc daggers still no good.

U want rangers in squad? Give aoe weapon in next espec and fix druid so it not subpar anymore.

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@Swagger.1459 said:Why u tryin’ to make sb a support spec when druid support spec still not gud 4 squad? Makes no sense to have sb better support. Makes sense 2 fix druid 4 better support. Fix daggers on sb instead bc daggers still no good.

U want rangers in squad? Give aoe weapon in next espec and fix druid so it not subpar anymore.

This ^How is druid not a meta support spec on a game mode like wvw? Only anet could make that happen lol

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While i strongly agree with you all, my point is to focus in small changes that can be applied easily with very little possibilities to break anything.I'm being told in this forums that changes to duration and CDs are easy to apply and i'm sure this small changes would bring new oportunities and interactions with the ranger.It's like the small CD reduction for LB, simply that change made the Longbow so much fluid and fun to play with.

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@anduriell.6280 said:While i strongly agree with you all, my point is to focus in small changes that can be applied easily with very little possibilities to break anything.I'm being told in this forums that changes to duration and CDs are easy to apply and i'm sure this small changes would bring new oportunities and interactions with the ranger.It's like the small CD reduction for LB, simply that change made the Longbow so much fluid and fun to play with.

Nah, no small! We need awesome Anet to go big and to go boldly where no balance devs have gone before!

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Don't kid yourselves. They keep gutting Druid and moving it further and further away from being a decent spec that offers either the most of something or something unique that as it currently stands I'd prefer a stance sharing melee soulbeast (in its current form) in my squad rather than a Druid. "Why bring a Soulbeast rather than a Druid?" Because its better in teamplay for support, survivability (through disengage, merged pet skills and better utilities) and damage output. Heck, I watched someone stream a raid the other day and they were running two Soulbeasts and zero Druids, so I can't even say "at least Druids have raids still" anymore. >.>

~ Kovu

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Ranger doesn't really need a squad to stay alive or be dangerous or tag for bags, I play ranger for the freedom of choices and if I want to be part of any try hard zerg mob...I use a zergmob class which instead will be trash with the kind of gameplay I enjoy the most which is roamin/duelling and harassing..the new barrage is great for bags collecting so why would you need a squad so bad?

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