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Please do something with the Skyscale.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:Et voila, mounted in the middle of any water area on a flying mount. Have the griffon or raptor do that.

If you're stranded in the middle of a large body of water that's pretty pointless. If you're close to the shore then it only offers a way of getting to shore a little faster than on the skimmer but you also have to factor in the time it takes to mount up and whether your 2 barrel rolls+flight bar will even get you there. This would probably be very useful if near a shear peak in the middle of the water that ONLY the skyscale can get onto. I'm thinking something like the tower of nightmares in kessex but I'm not sure it's impossible to get onto without the scale.

@"GoldenPants.1870" said:Except you can't dive rapidly with the Skyscale.. Which I don't like cause it feels so slow to descend on purpose with a Skyscale. :(And the fact that it sticks like glue to the slightest edge lol.

These are my biggest issues with it besides the skins looking pretty ugly (minus shimmerwing, a lot of work went into that one and it shows). It feels like a big, fat bumblebee. Ascending is excellent. The ceiling feels a little low but the Springer is already everyone's least favorite mount now apparently so I can live with being a little smarter about my movement to gain altitude. I honestly would have preferred the grinds for Skyscale and Griffon to be flipped as I see the Griffon as much more valuable a mobility tool than the Scale. The descending is also god awful. I would appreciate a new mastery added, or even just a new feature, wherein the Skyscale could make a locked descent to the ground. Something like Griffons dive but don't allow it to pull up after it's been engaged, just straight to the ground.

To fix the issue with it automatically grabbing whatever surface it's closest to ANet could just give us an option to hotkey that skill to a different button like how the other mounts' mobility skills can be independent of the jump ability. This could however be an intentional gate to deter people from using the skyscale in areas that are "busier" in terms of environment.

I don't feel the Skyscale is bad, definitely overhyped, but it does seem to need a little TLC to balance it's unique set of skills.

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I find it ironic that the easiest mount to control in the air and the safest to AFK and hover and explore all of the open world which would serve a disabled person well in this game is the hardest to get for a disabled person altogether.

If the journey to acquire a mount matched the difficulty of mount control, the gryphon and beetle should have the most grueling acquisition methods because they are difficult for the physically challenged to maneuver and control precisely and the skyscale acquisition should be simplified to that of the jackal.

For the people who can control gryphon and beetle well (I have seen few), the rush is endless. Speed is a drug. Haste has nothing on these 2 mounts.

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:Hello ! First time posting on these forums so please excuse me if I got the category or something wrong.

In any case, I just finished the Skyscale collection.. And I just have to say, the Skyscale is very dissapointing, like it does not have a purpose in this game, all the other mounts atleast have something they excel in, or something that is unique to them. Beetle for going Sonic Boom speeds, Gryphon for flying super fast, Jackal for using portals (And helping with certain hero points) Bunny+Leap for Scaling cliffs and Raptor is an average of all the mounts on the ground, and Skimmer for being able to skip swimming for about 5 years, With that being said.

With how much effort the Skyscale took, running all over the LS4 maps, Tyria, and needing to run back and forth all over Dragonfall 3 times in a row, needing to farm the LS4 Currencies, day after day, only to find out that the Skyscale excels in nothing, need to go up a high cliff ? There's the Springer and Leap, Need to fly ? There's the Gryphon which is superior at that, and the ground ? Just use the beetle or Raptor.

Please just buff the Skyscale in some way, maybe only drain it's flight bar after you hit a certain height in the map, and buff it's speed because it takes an enternity to reach from the Pact Command in Dragonfall to a camp.

Just please do something.

There is a subset of this game that cannot finish the dratted story and cannot do the jumping puzzles, so we do not have the griffon!

With Skyscale they gave us (1) Extra Pungent treats and (2) an easy to complete story, so, we have the Skyscale!

That is where the Skyscale fits in.

Plus you can hover above the bad guy,s and study your map...I like that.

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@Julischka Bean.7491 said:

@GoldenPants.1870 said:Hello ! First time posting on these forums so please excuse me if I got the category or something wrong.

In any case, I just finished the Skyscale collection.. And I just have to say, the Skyscale is very dissapointing, like it does not have a purpose in this game, all the other mounts atleast have something they excel in, or something that is unique to them. Beetle for going Sonic Boom speeds, Gryphon for flying super fast, Jackal for using portals (And helping with certain hero points) Bunny+Leap for Scaling cliffs and Raptor is an average of all the mounts on the ground, and Skimmer for being able to skip swimming for about 5 years, With that being said.

With how much effort the Skyscale took, running all over the LS4 maps, Tyria, and needing to run back and forth all over Dragonfall 3 times in a row, needing to farm the LS4 Currencies, day after day, only to find out that the Skyscale excels in nothing, need to go up a high cliff ? There's the Springer and Leap, Need to fly ? There's the Gryphon which is superior at that, and the ground ? Just use the beetle or Raptor.

Please just buff the Skyscale in some way, maybe only drain it's flight bar after you hit a certain height in the map, and buff it's speed because it takes an enternity to reach from the Pact Command in Dragonfall to a camp.

Just please do something.

There is a subset of this game that cannot finish the dratted story and cannot do the jumping puzzles, so we do not have the griffon!

That's why we have mesmers, atleast for the jumping puzzles. ;)

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The skyscale replaced my springer once I maxed the masteries for it.The only thing I use springer for now is breaking CC bars.So if anything all mounts have a purpose imo

Raptor for rounding up mobs (used as a pull, which is a hard CC) and traveling.Springer for knockdown (better hard CC)Skimmer for traveling over vast areas of waterJackal for traveling up hills quickly (faster than raptor) and for the 3 dodges to avoid combat more efficientlyGriffon for its diving and scaling short ledges with easeBeetle for fast traveling over flat areas like most areas of Ascalon and Krista as well as some areas in the desert.Skyscale for literally scaling high up cliffs which the springer cannot reach. The max jump for bunny is around 1050 whereas the Skyscale's Max height is slightly higher, plus more if using Bond of Vigor and clinging to ledges + gaining more flight juice with the cost of endurance.I highly value the skyscale, and it's one of my most used mounts now. Even dodging 2x + bond of vigor + dodge another 2x can get from Point A to Point B more quickly.Use Bond of Faith then glide while high up and jump on your Griffon. T2 dive down and you're good to go.Once you learn its mechanics, you'll understand where I'm coming from. The skyscale is incredibly useful to say the least!

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I think what I like about skyscale is I no longer had to play the "you fall, you lose" game. While gliding and griffon do give you some room for error, they only allow you to save yourself and it is extremely hard to get back up to where you fell from. With the skyscale, this is no longer a problem, I can make the same mistake a dozen times and always get right back up, which has taken the frustration out of exploring.

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@sorudo.9054 said:for the amount of effort needed just to even ride a basic skyscale i would expect at least a fast flying mount that can go up and down really fast, instead we're stuck with a legendary collection of achievements that gives out a slowpoke any other mount can outperform.

If you want a griffon, then get a griffon.

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The Skyscale is the most amazing mount thus far. Make sure to fully level it up though. Here is an example of vertical abilities.

Here is more of an example of horizontal abilities with some climbing.

As cool as infinite flight sounds, I still think in this game its much better interacting with the terrain as shown in these videos.

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@"Cobrakon.3108" said:The Skyscale is the most amazing mount thus far. Make sure to fully level it up though. Here is an example of vertical abilities.

Here is more of an example of horizontal abilities with some climbing.

As cool as infinite flight sounds, I still think in this game its much better interacting with the terrain as shown in these videos.

Exactly! Hopefully those videos shed some light on the issue.If you believe that the Skyscale isn't a good mount, then you're either using it wrong or don't know its true potential. That's all I can say.

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@castlemanic.3198 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:I think you just need to give it some time. At first I was pretty unimpressed by the Skyscale, and now I hardly if ever bring out my Griffon or Springer. What does it excel in? Getting to hard to reach places with less room for error.

Yea maybe.. It just discourages me after such a long grind to end up with such an underhelming mount at the start you feel me ?

honestly, getting the walljump mastery changed everything for me, and this is as someone who was going to use the skyscale as default anyway because dragon.

i honestly felt extremely disappointed by the skyscale during the rent-a-scale portion of the journey. i always felt like i could never reach anywhere properly, it was constantly stressful when encountering enemies because it meant a long journey to find another skyscale if i got knocked off, which i often did.

the pre mastery journey wasn't much better after i got the skyscale, i had almost all the same issues but i atleast always had access to my skyscale. made it less stressful so it was more enjoyable then.

getting the ability to mount the skyscale in midair changed almost nothing of my opinion because it was still extremely difficult to get anywhere and you were punished for mounting midair after using updrafts, bouncing mushrooms or anything else that raised your height, it almost felt like it's own disappointment. that's now changed, thankfully, at least, so you'll have fewer frustrations when hopping onto your skyscale midair.

rift repair felt like a dead mastery and i was frustrated because it meant that i was delayed longer in order to get the wall jump. i barely use the rift repair mastery as is, making me wait for the best mastery made me realise how much the skyscale is hinged on the walljump mastery.

once you get the walljump mastery, things get far better. the wall sticking becomes a non-issue because now you can wall jump and use it to climb. because the wall sticking is less of an issue, the barrel roll dash feels far more useful as a whole now becase even if you stick to something, if you have the other dash or your vigor button ready, you can use it as part of your movement, and in general the skyscale feels far more useful now.

i almost exclusively use the skyscale now, it's hard to get out of the dragonrider fantasy. some days i just go online to ride the skyscale and feel like a dragonrider.

So, even as someone who was always going to use the dragon mount because it's a dragon mount, there was a vast quality of life difference between getting the skyscale itself and getting the walljump mastery. it's an unfortunate result of the design, but thankfully the journey to acquire the walljump didn't take too long for me so i don't feel the effects now. So trust me when i say that the walljump makes a world of a difference when it comes to the skyscale. you'll still have speed issues, but the quality of life in climbing and general terrain use really makes it it's own thing. so, i agree, until you get the walljump, it's a drag to use. and that's very unfortunate.

I mean... if you use a black lion boost, guild boost, birthday boost and XP boost and then go to the Foundry in the Domain of Vabbi and just kill the endlessly respawning enemies there you'll have all three masteries filled (assuming you have the points ofc) in just under half an hour. It's.... reaaally not hard to max.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:I mean... if you use a black lion boost, guild boost, birthday boost and XP boost and then go to the Foundry in the Domain of Vabbi and just kill the endlessly respawning enemies there you'll have all three masteries filled (assuming you have the points ofc) in just under half an hour. It's.... reaaally not hard to max.

Never said it was difficult to max, but I (somewhat) took my time with gaining experience for the masteries. I'm also sure that I'm not the only person who did not immediately seek out an xp grind to get the wall jump mastery. Whether something is difficult or time-consuming or not is besides the point, there are people who simply do not seek out the most optimal route for any number of reasons, whether they just didn't think about it or it slipped their mind, they simply didn't know about such methods or weren't bothered to stockpile xp boosters or to use them, or for reasons I'm not thinking or aware of. An optimal route always exists, but it is not always used.

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First time poster here for me, as wells:

Edit: Apparently third time. I forgot I've posted here before.

For me, the Skyscale is the perfect mix of Griffon, Springer and Jackal.

It has the ability to traverse long distances like the Griffon, except it does not require a high altitude starting point to stay in the air. It is slower than a griffon, though, as it can not do a dive or the extra fast Dive+Flap for fast speed.

It outperforms the Springer in verticality once upgraded fully. It can rise straight up, higher than a Springer and that's before using wall clinging to boost up even higher.

Lastly, it's barrel-roll is comparable to a Jackal, allowing you to speedily dodge past enemies.

The Skyscale has replaced my traveling mounts for 90% of things. I only use Griffon to get somewhere fast if I need to, such as the Dragonfall Boss Rush. And I use Skimmer when I don't think I can get from one shore to the other.

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The Skyscale with all the masteries is a pretty good mount and excels at precision flying and landing placement as well as vertical travel. The only time I use my Springer now is to help kill the Choya Pinata. It took two play sessions to get the experience needed to get all three masteries so I don't have much sympathy. If you don't like the skyscale then don't use the skyscale, but I think you're in the minority of those who have the mount.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:for the amount of effort needed just to even ride a basic skyscale i would expect at least a fast flying mount that can go up and down really fast, instead we're stuck with a legendary collection of achievements that gives out a slowpoke any other mount can outperform.

If you want a griffon, then get a griffon.

i have the griffon and it is only 1/4 the effort plus the part where it is not gated and needs absolutely no map currency.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:for the amount of effort needed just to even ride a basic skyscale i would expect at least a fast flying mount that can go up and down really fast, instead we're stuck with a legendary collection of achievements that gives out a slowpoke any other mount can outperform.

If you want a griffon, then get a griffon.

i have the griffon and it is only 1/4 the effort plus the part where it is not gated and needs absolutely no map currency.

250 of each map currency or 250G. Pretty sure the map currency is far easier when alting.

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