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Resistance as a unique Mallyx buff (Superspeed-ish)


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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

It might sound silly but I think that Revenant is actually one of the healthiest classes in game. It’s all because of legends system. They lock you to a specific boon set. This by design prevents Revenant from excessive boon spam. Jails has Retaliation and Stability, Mallyx Resistance. Herald is an exception. But the boon duration is very short (what I like). Since it’s the only buff it has access to, it would be awesome if it was unique.

I really think that it could actually help Mallyx.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

It might sound silly but I think that Revenant is actually one of the healthiest classes in game. It’s all because of legends system. They lock you to a specific boon set. This by design prevents Revenant from excessive boon spam. Jails has Retaliation and Stability, Mallyx Resistance. Herald is an exception. But the boon duration is very short (what I like). Since it’s the only buff it has access to, it would be awesome if it was unique.

I really think that it could actually help Mallyx.

Not your impression, it actually is.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

It might sound silly but I think that Revenant is actually one of the healthiest classes in game. It’s all because of legends system. They lock you to a specific boon set. This by design prevents Revenant from excessive boon spam. Jails has Retaliation and Stability, Mallyx Resistance. Herald is an exception. But the boon duration is very short (what I like). Since it’s the only buff it has access to, it would be awesome if it was unique.

I really think that it could actually help Mallyx.

Not your impression, it actually is.

Not necessarily true. Power herald has access to might (25 stacks in PvE), fury, reg, swiftness and quickness. Renegade has good access to protection and alacrity in PvE. This is not limited boons by any means.

Mallyx, ventari and Jailis do not work in PvP, but not cuz of limited access to boons.

And overall, if every class has access to large amount of boons and rev does not (not the case obviously), rev will be left behind.

And rev overall has limited issues in PvE. But the PvP issues are not cuz of boon access.

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Sure, but we'd need to see substantial nerfs to scourge/corruption in general as well.

This mechanic isn't unique to Mallyx or even revenant, though. The old Berserker Stance on warrior used to function exactly this way before it was converted into resistance since the effects were the same.

The big problem with boons is stacking them, both in terms of the concentration stat and the ability to just spam AoE boon access that gives everyone around you huge access. If concentration got removed from the game, and the number of AoE boon sources dropped/boons cut pretty heavily in general, we'd be in a much better spot as a whole, and could let individual professions be more selfish as far as their boon types and strengths go.

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@otto.5684 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

It might sound silly but I think that Revenant is actually one of the healthiest classes in game. It’s all because of legends system. They lock you to a specific boon set. This by design prevents Revenant from excessive boon spam. Jails has Retaliation and Stability, Mallyx Resistance. Herald is an exception. But the boon duration is very short (what I like). Since it’s the only buff it has access to, it would be awesome if it was unique.

I really think that it could actually help Mallyx.

Not your impression, it actually is.

Not necessarily true. Power herald has access to might (25 stacks in PvE), fury, reg, swiftness and quickness. Renegade has good access to protection and alacrity in PvE. This is not limited boons by any means.

Mallyx, ventari and Jailis do not work in PvP, but not cuz of limited access to boons.

And overall, if every class has access to large amount of boons and rev does not (not the case obviously), rev will be left behind.

And rev overall has limited issues in PvE. But the PvP issues are not cuz of boon access.

Right, but the thing about Herald is that the boons it provides are here and now. Once you switch Legends the whole set of boons disappears in a matter of seconds (which is a good design).Notoriety is an example of the overpowercrept Trait that just fills the lack of damage modifiers Shiro has. And we all know Shiro is an exception in PvP. This legend overshadows every other Legend in PvP due to its kit, sadly.

The boon acces itself isn't a problem, imo, but the quality of them. I remember Stability used to work like Retaliation. This was changed and I think for the worse.

In my opinion some boons like: Resistance, Stability could be unique and very short. Some sort of a reliable buff that lets you perform your class mechanic without getting condi-bombed or stripped.

If Resistance is a counter to Condi, why Condi has a counter to counter - corrupt, strip?Stability is a counter to CC. It can be very short, but let it be powerful, just for those 2 seconds. It's the same example of a counter having a counter - strip, corrupt.

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My first thought is that two mallyx condi fighters would be mostly stalemated against each other and their actual skill for taking off boons would mean jack. But, if this is somehow implemented, which I doubt, then engineer's utility goggles should have an innate precision bonus not tied to fury. And a whole lot of other trickle down uniformity changes.

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@Matoro.9708 said:My first thought is that two mallyx condi fighters would be mostly stalemated against each other and their actual skill for taking off boons would mean jack. But, if this is somehow implemented, which I doubt, then engineer's utility goggles should have an innate precision bonus not tied to fury. And a whole lot of other trickle down uniformity changes.

Welp, I can't imagine a scenario when there are 2 Mallyx users fighting each other :D But it would make me happy.A fair point.

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@otto.5684 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

It might sound silly but I think that Revenant is actually one of the healthiest classes in game. It’s all because of legends system. They lock you to a specific boon set. This by design prevents Revenant from excessive boon spam. Jails has Retaliation and Stability, Mallyx Resistance. Herald is an exception. But the boon duration is very short (what I like). Since it’s the only buff it has access to, it would be awesome if it was unique.

I really think that it could actually help Mallyx.

Not your impression, it actually is.

Not necessarily true. Power herald has access to might (25 stacks in PvE), fury, reg, swiftness and quickness. Renegade has good access to protection and alacrity in PvE. This is not limited boons by any means.

Mallyx, ventari and Jailis do not work in PvP, but not cuz of limited access to boons.

And overall, if every class has access to large amount of boons and rev does not (not the case obviously), rev will be left behind.

And rev overall has limited issues in PvE. But the PvP issues are not cuz of boon access.

Ventari can work actually :/ the other 2 are more difficult to play there.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

It might sound silly but I think that Revenant is actually one of the healthiest classes in game. It’s all because of legends system. They lock you to a specific boon set. This by design prevents Revenant from excessive boon spam. Jails has Retaliation and Stability, Mallyx Resistance. Herald is an exception. But the boon duration is very short (what I like). Since it’s the only buff it has access to, it would be awesome if it was unique.

I really think that it could actually help Mallyx.

Not your impression, it actually is.

Not necessarily true. Power herald has access to might (25 stacks in PvE), fury, reg, swiftness and quickness. Renegade has good access to protection and alacrity in PvE. This is not limited boons by any means.

Mallyx, ventari and Jailis do not work in PvP, but not cuz of limited access to boons.

And overall, if every class has access to large amount of boons and rev does not (not the case obviously), rev will be left behind.

And rev overall has limited issues in PvE. But the PvP issues are not cuz of boon access.

Ventari can work actually :/ the other 2 are more difficult to play there.

I actually don’t have issues playing Jalis or Mallyx in pvp as long as my build accounts for them. Ventari on the other hand ?

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Edge.8724 said:Resistance was once an unique buff on Malyx, I believe.

It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx.

Since Resistance is
the only
boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique.

Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.

It might sound silly but I think that Revenant is actually one of the healthiest classes in game. It’s all because of legends system. They lock you to a specific boon set. This by design prevents Revenant from excessive boon spam. Jails has Retaliation and Stability, Mallyx Resistance. Herald is an exception. But the boon duration is very short (what I like). Since it’s the only buff it has access to, it would be awesome if it was unique.

I really think that it could actually help Mallyx.

Not your impression, it actually is.

Not necessarily true. Power herald has access to might (25 stacks in PvE), fury, reg, swiftness and quickness. Renegade has good access to protection and alacrity in PvE. This is not limited boons by any means.

Mallyx, ventari and Jailis do not work in PvP, but not cuz of limited access to boons.

And overall, if every class has access to large amount of boons and rev does not (not the case obviously), rev will be left behind.

And rev overall has limited issues in PvE. But the PvP issues are not cuz of boon access.

Ventari can work actually :/ the other 2 are more difficult to play there.

I actually don’t have issues playing Jalis or Mallyx in pvp as long as my build accounts for them. Ventari on the other hand ?

Each one to is own I guess, on ventari its great to acompanny the player that is pushing forward in some cases team will have to push back if u have a decent decaper or some one decent on home closest node,I don’t have much issues but maybe because I always played monk on most spvp and gvg I did, there’s somewhat a semiliarity on its gameplay.

I’m a totally disaster with mallyx and shiro LoL...On ventari most players even rangers laugh then rant since they were expecting to be carried with damage output.. quite funny, or when team pulls center becoming a 3 vs 4 and sudently team health back to full, if u have a decent fb to rotate team can be almost unkillaable by the most common casuals.. wich is most spvp playerbase.

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Why is it that people feel like Mallyx is underperforming exactly? It's doing great right now. Fighting Scourge hasn't been this fun in a while with the Torment output being on par instead of being counter pressure based because Scourge had a good output in the beginning. That's all the Legend needed, Anet gave it. Just please, work it out a little. I can't be the only one that's going up fighting top players thinking that Mallyx is actually OP in close quarters against anything that has barely any cleansing, to go as far as saying it's comparable to the current poison burst from thief, only that it has a telling and isn't instant cast which is fair.

Resistance as it stands for Mallyx is more like to give you some ease to think and prepare a burst, not to keep you safe like it does for a Warrior or Ranger even thought the effects are still granted. 5 seconds would not be enough to do any of that compared to how in team fights you can gather up to 10 seconds of Resistance if adding Empowering Misery as of currently. Boon stripping is avoidable and it's honestly what as Mallyx, players should be wary of, removing that factor is just power creep and unhealthy removal of counter play.

RotGD is working as is because they wanted to add an extra buff that can be paired with other buffs for the tank aspect (Which works great IMO.), condition immunity from Resistance is not stackable since it's 100%, therefor having something that would work like the old stability would just be plain broken at only 30% energy cost and dear I would not want Pain Absorption start costing 40% like RotGD for something that needs that helps against damage overtime AND that Mallyx weakness is Heavy CC afterall. Remember that Power is instant and Condition is overtime.

They could make Pain Absorption based on conditions that are on the player already, keeping the absorption aspect of Teamwork while being also useful to Duels. That's as best as the skill could get but that alone already feels OP due to how Mallyx can easily take on 1v2 fights if both foes are condition based, a unique static buff wouldn't help as much unless you speak solo fights which is honestly, if you can avoid the boon removal. The old skill is just plain better as it is.

Ventari is the one that needs help, the blinds aren't enough in team fights. Stunbreak should be added to Purifying Essence.

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