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Whats some top 10 Secret Bosses in GW2?

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Hard to say what qualifies as "Secret" bosses, considering nearly all are listed in the wiki and a good number of "hidden" bosses are attached to Hero and Mastery Points. So instead of a "top 10", I'll recommend some of my favorite surprise boss fights (in no particular order and ignoring Story bosses).

Most of the Djinni across Path of Fire, since I think they're quite fun to fight. Except that one on the tiny platform surrounded by quicksand... that one's a jerk. (Yes, I know they're all Mastery Points so maybe don't qualify as "secret" bosses, but I think they're cool.)

The secret Risen Wraith boss in Sparkfly Fen. While not especially difficult per se, he genuinely surprised me when I first "unlocked" him.

The secret boss on top of Vizier's Tower in Orr. Difficult to spawn, since this is one of the more "known" secret bosses and he has an invisible respawn timer, but if you do happen to find it by accident... hehe...

Marjory. I've already said too much. ;)

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Reading the book in the small hut while waiting for Shadow Behemoth. Don't remember if it's a 'boss' per say but that was my oh crap moment.

Making the mistake of going into the Mines by the Destiny's Gorge WP in Crystal Oasis.

Any prevent the **** from getting the ley-line energy if it's not on a map having events.

The vine doggy that splits up as you attack it in Iron Marshes I think the map is?

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The Risen Commander in Bloodtide Coast may not count as a "boss," per se...but it sure is memorable. Play the level 60 personal story, then go wandering about in the southern regions of Bloodtide Coast for a while (Whisperwill Bogs or [if your character joined the Vigil] the Mournful Depths). :innocent:

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I'd bet the most unknown and seldom spawned champion would be the Champion Mysterious Fire Creature.

On the nothern end of Ruins of the Unseen lies a small niche with a bunch of spiders and spider eggs. Killing them spawns a broodmother (which was at least originally a champ, not sure if it was hit by the "remove champs from low level areas" way back when). Doesn't seem to be recorded on wiki.

An "oh shit" spawn was a Champion Risen Spider in Shimmerstone Cave. Popped up out of nowhere as I was exploring the cave, as it spawns upon player approach.

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