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8/27/2019 Patch - Thank God Holosmith Was Addressed

Trevor Boyer.6524

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@praqtos.9035 said:

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper's been irrelevant in PvE since it existed. It had a brief moment, then sputtered and died. It also maybe had a few months during PoF. Otherwise, it's been way deader, way longer. Chrono's only been in the dump since... what, last month?That so nice that you are talking about PVE in pvp subforum... almost makes sense...almost@Crab Fear.1624 said:The light (of the forge) has reached into the darkest corners to purge all scum builds from
pvpNot bad, not bad :D

It's so nice that you're whining about a single balance patch that hurt chronomancer, forgetting about all the other e-specs and classes that have had to spend time in the dirt.

See? I can be dismissive too. Try again.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper's been irrelevant in PvE since it existed. It had a brief moment, then sputtered and died. It also maybe had a few months during PoF. Otherwise, it's been way deader, way longer. Chrono's only been in the dump since... what, last month?That so nice that you are talking about PVE in pvp subforum... almost makes sense...almost@"Crab Fear.1624" said:The light (of the forge) has reached into the darkest corners to purge all scum builds from
pvpNot bad, not bad :D

It's so nice that you're whining about a single balance patch that hurt chronomancer, forgetting about all the other e-specs and classes that have had to spend time in the dirt.

See? I can be dismissive too. Try againOnce again, you are making zero sense. Why are you whining about scrapper in pve?What it has to do with pvp? Keep your PvE complaints for appropriate subforum.You were the first who whined about your "scrapper" for no reason while mumbling about PvE vIaBiLiTy... then call me dismissive (why should I even mention them)?I mentioned chrono not because its bad but because it was deleted from competitive game modes like druid, scrapper wasnt.Whats wrong with people on this forum even? I just said "Ye, chrono is in the can too" and that triggered mad engi main.
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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

There's nothing to hotfix.I swear to god, I wish they hadn't "hotfix disabled" CI. Now the community expects this to be done to every little thing.PF 5 does a ridiculous amount of stuff but it isn't spammable or anything unlike CI, and I've never seen this bug you bring up either.

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@Yannir.4132 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

There's nothing to hotfix.I swear to god, I wish they hadn't "hotfix disabled" CI. Now the community expects this to be done to every little thing.Removing immob from the trait is hard, u know.PF 5 does a ridiculous amount of stuff but it isn't spammable or anything unlike CI, and I've never seen this bug you bring up either.This shockwave radius was weird since forever, when animation was over that still could hit you anyway. On top of that this skill is stupid because it hit twice because of "wave spread" ? You can evade it but then get stunned anyway, evading on mirage and other classes highlighted evade twice. Some holo mains might say "just dodge on holo" but once I evaded something I shouldnt be punished for actually evading it, rite? Thats like evading a projectile(any) backwards but still getting a hit.(DE, LB rangers,DH would be very happy)

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:Jk. The time it takes ANet to fix Bugs is just unbelievable.Funny or not but overcharged shot bug became a feature, endurance gain on elixir U Exist for years and probably another feature, netshot existence is a bug itself. xD@Whitworth.7259 said:

@Meteor.3720 said:I'm just happy that more skins weren't locked behind blacklion chests/ gem store and that there are more rewards people can look forward to earning rather than buying :)

BuT aNeT nEeD tO mAkE mOnEyGemstore recieves more updates than anything in this game

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@Meteor.3720 said:I'm just happy that more skins weren't locked behind blacklion chests/ gem store and that there are more rewards people can look forward to earning rather than buying :)

Having moved on to different games the last weeks, the difference is enormous. So much content, steady releases, balance changes more than once every full moon and beyond all ... Devs take player feedback and keep an open discussion what's going on.

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@Yannir.4132 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

There's nothing to hotfix.I swear to god, I wish they hadn't "hotfix disabled" CI. Now the community expects this to be done to every little thing.PF 5 does a ridiculous amount of stuff but it isn't spammable or anything unlike CI, and I've never seen this bug you bring up either.

I think the important thing to point out is that the community definitely expects broken things to be fixed in general, and that they shouldn't have to wait 2 or 3 or 4 years for it to happen.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:I know this is a meme, but it wasn't a balance patch, so, what did you expect?

There's nothing so broken it's as easy as a hotfix. When oppressive condi mirages were a thing, Holo had a hard time existing, so clearly balance is so fragile that one overpowered thing being nerfed means something else overpowered can spring up.

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.

But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

What exactly is there to hotfix?

Holographic Shockwave

Regardless of everything else that is wrong with Holosmith,
I'd like to point out Holographic Shockwave in particular because it has been allowed to benefit from bugged range ever since its release. If they can dedicate time to fix a Jump Shot bug, why can't they dedicate time to fixing this bug?

A cc that covers a quarter of a conquest map that spreads in waves, whys that a problem? LolI kid.

It's the bugged range, it's disgusting.

I have been playing a lot of Thief this season right. 9 out of 10 times I die to a Holosmith, it's because I am already kiting 200 range or so away from the Holosmith, and then I go to Shadowstep. When I Shadowstep away at maximum 1200 distance when I was already 200 range away from the Holosmith, I'll hear a Holographic Shockwave sound effect and somehow get clipped by it at 1400 range away from the Holosmith, when the tooltip says it's only supposed to go 600 range. And this isn't lag, it's bugged range.

I never really noticed this while playing Druid, because I didn't have to often run from or super kite Holosmiths. Now while playing a Thief however, I see why people have been complaining about this bugged range. It's very very very obnoxious if you cannot stand toe to toe and brawl against the Holosmith to not worry about that range. This one stupid skill enables the Holosmith this effect where, if someone is within about 800-1000 range of him, they may as well be standing toe to toe with him, even if they are behind a $%^&ing wall or up a 600+ range vertical pillar.

Not even sure how the bug in this skill has escaped being fixed since PoF release.

I too wish the range would be fixed, sometimes I staff 2 away as mesmer even when im good distance away and it hits me anyways. hits Up the walls too and worst of all THROUGHT the walls. I understand why some melee attacks hit through walls " so you dont get LoS throught the pebbles on the ground I assume and so that running around pillars is punishable " but with skill as shockwave it shouldnt be allowed at all.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper's been irrelevant in PvE since it existed. It had a brief moment, then sputtered and died. It also maybe had a few months during PoF. Otherwise, it's been way deader, way longer. Chrono's only been in the dump since... what, last month?That so nice that you are talking about PVE in pvp subforum... almost makes sense...almost@"Crab Fear.1624" said:The light (of the forge) has reached into the darkest corners to purge all scum builds from
pvpNot bad, not bad :D

It's so nice that you're whining about a single balance patch that hurt chronomancer, forgetting about all the other e-specs and classes that have had to spend time in the dirt.

See? I can be dismissive too. Try againOnce again, you are making zero sense. Why are you whining about scrapper in pve?What it has to do with pvp? Keep your PvE complaints for appropriate subforum.You were the first who whined about your "scrapper" for no reason while mumbling about PvE vIaBiLiTy... then call me dismissive (why should I even mention them)?I mentioned chrono not because its bad but because it was deleted from competitive game modes like druid, scrapper wasnt.Whats wrong with people on this forum even? I just said "Ye, chrono is in the can too" and that triggered mad engi main.

@Vagrant.7206 said:Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.

@praqtos.9035 said:Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper was deleted from the PvP scene, but thanks for trying. It's been deleted from the PvP scene longer than chrono, and had only a few months to appear. It amazes me how much mesmer mains whine about one of their e-specs being in the gutter for a tiny period, when everybody else has had to deal with this.

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@"Vagrant.7206" said:Scrapper was deleted from the PvP scene, but thanks for trying. It's been deleted from the PvP scene longer than chronoIt amazes me how much mesmer mains whine about one of their e-specs being in the gutter for a tiny period,

It does NOT matter how long a class was meta and how long it was unplayable. Balancing and talking about balance should not be done on grudge, this just fuels more and more hate.All we know now is that chrono is unplayable and it needs to be fixed asap.

when everybody else has had to deal with this.It's not like there is "everybody else" in this context. There are not "mesmer mains" or "x class mains", there is just GW2 PvP community and some of the community members have bias. You should not target people saying "but you play x class!".

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper's been irrelevant in PvE since it existed. It had a brief moment, then sputtered and died. It also maybe had a few months during PoF. Otherwise, it's been way deader, way longer. Chrono's only been in the dump since... what, last month?That so nice that you are talking about PVE in pvp subforum... almost makes sense...almost@"Crab Fear.1624" said:The light (of the forge) has reached into the darkest corners to purge all scum builds from
pvpNot bad, not bad :D

It's so nice that you're whining about a single balance patch that hurt chronomancer, forgetting about all the other e-specs and classes that have had to spend time in the dirt.

See? I can be dismissive too. Try againOnce again, you are making zero sense. Why are you whining about scrapper in pve?What it has to do with pvp? Keep your PvE complaints for appropriate subforum.You were the first who whined about your "scrapper" for no reason while mumbling about PvE vIaBiLiTy... then call me dismissive (why should I even mention them)?I mentioned chrono not because its bad but because it was deleted from competitive game modes like druid, scrapper wasnt.Whats wrong with people on this forum even? I just said "Ye, chrono is in the can too" and that triggered mad engi main.

@Vagrant.7206 said:Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.

@praqtos.9035 said:Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper was deleted from the PvP scene, but thanks for trying. It's been deleted from the PvP scene longer than chrono, and had only a few months to appear. It amazes me how much mesmer mains whine about one of their e-specs being in the gutter for a tiny period, when everybody else has had to deal with this.its amazes me how "engi mains" playing a victims, how they defend broken holo to preserve its OP'ness."Core engi is in gutter and utterly useless" - its appears in every team on core tournament and mesmer is not even in 1 - "anecdote bro, its doesnt prove anything" .I'm not interested in your tears how long it was dead in your opinion. Which is completely irrelevant which class you THINK was good/viable/whatnot.Scrapper is not in the worse spot than druid/chrono,feel free to pretend it is.Cba to argue with another "person" with a victim syndrome.
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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:I know this is a meme, but it wasn't a balance patch, so, what did you expect?

There's nothing so broken it's as easy as a hotfix. When oppressive condi mirages were a thing,
Holo had a hard time existing
, so clearly balance is so fragile that one overpowered thing being nerfed means something else overpowered can spring up.

No they didn't. Both prot Holo and even rifle match up against condi mirage including CI better than any build that isn't Fire Weaver.

Hard disagree. A good CI mirage did beat any holo. Did a number of tests with top tier people to figure that out.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

There's nothing to hotfix.I swear to god, I wish they hadn't "hotfix disabled" CI. Now the community expects this to be done to every little thing.PF 5 does a ridiculous amount of stuff but it isn't spammable or anything unlike CI, and I've never seen this bug you bring up either.

I think the important thing to point out is that the community definitely expects broken things to be fixed in general, and that they shouldn't have to wait 2 or 3 or 4 years for it to happen.

Don't disagree -- this thread just isn't the way to do it. Although I'm not far removed -- I've essentially quit the game because of balance, low population and low to no PvP attention.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:I know this is a meme, but it wasn't a balance patch, so, what did you expect?

There's nothing so broken it's as easy as a hotfix. When oppressive condi mirages were a thing, Holo had a hard time existing, so clearly balance is so fragile that one overpowered thing being nerfed means something else overpowered can spring up.

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.

But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

I already said: There's nothing so broken you'd need to hotfix it. (Bug fixes are different)

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:I know this is a meme, but it wasn't a balance patch, so, what did you expect?

There's nothing so broken it's as easy as a hotfix. When oppressive condi mirages were a thing, Holo had a hard time existing, so clearly balance is so fragile that one overpowered thing being nerfed means something else overpowered can spring up.

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.

But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

What exactly is there to hotfix?

Holographic Shockwave

Regardless of everything else that is wrong with Holosmith,
I'd like to point out Holographic Shockwave in particular because it has been allowed to benefit from bugged range ever since its release. If they can dedicate time to fix a Jump Shot bug, why can't they dedicate time to fixing this bug?

A cc that covers a quarter of a conquest map that spreads in waves, whys that a problem? LolI kid.

It's the bugged range, it's disgusting.

I have been playing a lot of Thief this season right. 9 out of 10 times I die to a Holosmith, it's because I am already kiting 200 range or so away from the Holosmith, and then I go to Shadowstep. When I Shadowstep away at maximum 1200 distance when I was already 200 range away from the Holosmith, I'll hear a Holographic Shockwave sound effect and somehow get clipped by it at 1400 range away from the Holosmith, when the tooltip says it's only supposed to go 600 range. And this isn't lag, it's bugged range.

I never really noticed this while playing Druid, because I didn't have to often run from or super kite Holosmiths. Now while playing a Thief however, I see why people have been complaining about this bugged range. It's very very very obnoxious if you cannot stand toe to toe and brawl against the Holosmith to not worry about that range. This one stupid skill enables the Holosmith this effect where, if someone is within about 800-1000 range of him, they may as well be standing toe to toe with him, even if they are behind a $%^&ing wall or up a 600+ range vertical pillar.

Not even sure how the bug in this skill has escaped being fixed since PoF release.

Ok -- there's a range bug. So why not ask for the range bug to be fixed? What's this whole thread about.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Vagrant.7206 said:Scrapper was deleted from the PvP scene, but thanks for trying.
It's been deleted from the PvP scene longer than chrono
It amazes me how much mesmer mains whine about one of their e-specs being in the gutter for
a tiny period

It does NOT matter how long a class was meta and how long it was unplayable. Balancing and talking about balance should not be done on grudge, this just fuels more and more hate.All we know now is that chrono is unplayable and it needs to be fixed asap.

when everybody else has had to deal with this.It's not like there is "everybody else" in this context. There are not "mesmer mains" or "x class mains", there is just GW2 PvP community and some of the community members have bias. You should not target people saying "but you play x class!".

You're right, but this thread was focused on holo. I emphasized that scrapper needs more than just a hotfix, because they're both engineer e-specs.

Then @praqtos.9035 brings up mesmers... for some reason. This thread was about engineer, correct?

@praqtos.9035 said:

Profession Skills
  • Jump Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from applying its listed vulnerability stacks.

Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper's been irrelevant in PvE since it existed. It had a brief moment, then sputtered and died. It also maybe had a few months during PoF. Otherwise, it's been way deader, way longer. Chrono's only been in the dump since... what, last month?That so nice that you are talking about PVE in pvp subforum... almost makes sense...almost@"Crab Fear.1624" said:The light (of the forge) has reached into the darkest corners to purge all scum builds from
pvpNot bad, not bad :D

It's so nice that you're whining about a single balance patch that hurt chronomancer, forgetting about all the other e-specs and classes that have had to spend time in the dirt.

See? I can be dismissive too. Try againOnce again, you are making zero sense. Why are you whining about scrapper in pve?What it has to do with pvp? Keep your PvE complaints for appropriate subforum.You were the first who whined about your "scrapper" for no reason while mumbling about PvE vIaBiLiTy... then call me dismissive (why should I even mention them)?I mentioned chrono not because its bad but because it was deleted from competitive game modes like druid, scrapper wasnt.Whats wrong with people on this forum even? I just said "Ye, chrono is in the can too" and that triggered mad engi main.

@Vagrant.7206 said:Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.

@praqtos.9035 said:Chrono would like to have a word with you

Scrapper was deleted from the PvP scene, but thanks for trying. It's been deleted from the PvP scene longer than chrono, and had only a few months to appear. It amazes me how much mesmer mains whine about one of their e-specs being in the gutter for a tiny period, when everybody else has had to deal with this.its amazes me how "engi mains" playing a victims, how they defend broken holo to preserve its OP'ness.

Did I defend holo in this thread? The only thing I asked was what needed hotfixing, because the urgency of hotfixing is generally intended for bugs or massively degenerate gameplay.

But it's cool. Please keep putting words in my mouth. :smile:

@praqtos.9035 said:Scrapper is not in the worse spot than druid/chrono,feel free to pretend it is.Cba to argue with another "person" with a victim syndrome.

Self-Awareness Level: -1

@praqtos.9035 said:I'm not interested in your tears how long it was dead in your opinion. Which is completely irrelevant which class you THINK was good/viable/whatnot.

I'm glad we have that established. Now get in line.

@"Mbelch.9028" said:Ok -- there's a range bug. So why not ask for the range bug to be fixed? What's this whole thread about.

To be clear, what he described isn't actually a range bug for Holographic Shockwave. It's a general bug with CC's that affects any class with teleports. There have been many times I used an overcharged shot or thumper turret that hit a thief just after they cast infiltrator's arrow, but before the arrow landed. Same goes for holo shockwave. All result in a CC AFTER the teleport, even outside the normal range of the CC. Basically, any delay in the teleport, or the CC lands while the user is teleporting, will result in an oddly ranged CC.

I've seen it happen to necros, mesmers, thieves, eles, and guardians. Ranger, engi, and warrior don't teleport, so I've never seen it happen to them. And rev's teleports are... different. I have seen weird occasions where a CC will hit while warriors or rangers are in the middle of a leap/rush movement, which results in a weird synergy of movement plus a CC. It's some kind of engine glitch, which I don't think is exclusive to Holographic Shockwave. It's more apparent from engineer, because engi has some of the longer/larger CC's.

That said -- getting hit twice by the same HS IS definitely a bug in the way HS is designed, because it makes several "donuts" outwards, instead of one big CC. I'm not sure how you would fix this without making HS an instantaneous CC though, because all outwardly-expanding CC's operate in this fashion.

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@"Crab Fear.1624" said:I don't think we are complaining about a bug.Holo is overpowered and we have been waiting 2 years for devs to bring it down...normalize it.Pretty muchDamage, sustain, mobility. (S+ class) regardless of any "wink wink" nerfs.Barely had any unlike other classes

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:I don't think we are complaining about a bug.Holo is overpowered and we have been waiting 2 years for devs to bring it down...normalize it.Pretty muchDamage, sustain, mobility. (S+ class) regardless of any "wink wink" nerfs.Barely had any unlike other classes

Do you really want another list again of all the different nerfs holo has gotten? Lol, it's been repeated like 20 times by now, and the only "true" buffs it has gotten were combo finishers.

Also, not addressing your other post, largely because you're still trying to put words in my mouth and try to get a rise out of me. Frankly, it's not ok.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:I don't think we are complaining about a bug.Holo is overpowered and we have been waiting 2 years for devs to bring it down...normalize it.Pretty muchDamage, sustain, mobility. (S+ class) regardless of any "wink wink" nerfs.Barely had any unlike other classes

Do you really want another list again of all the different nerfs holo has gotten? Lol, it's been repeated like 20 times by now, and the only "true" buffs it has gotten were combo finishers.The only good nerf on holo was a stability nerf on corona burst, the rest was nothing and didnt adress the issues with holosmith. Its damage for its sustain and how spammy it is. Might as well make a thread based on my previous post. (I wonder how did you skip it)Also, not addressing your other post, largely because you're still trying to put words in my mouth and try to get a rise out of me. Frankly, it's not ok.Except I didnt, said what happened aldy and getting tired of biased/mad ppl screaming "mesma main". Report this post too btw
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Remember when overcharged shot was bugged to hit at 1200+ range and they addressed it by fixing the bug but making the range 1200 anyways? There have been some really stupid engi changes in recent years

Overcharged Shot: The range of this skill has been increased from 600 to 1200. Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to hit enemies from farther than intended.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:Ok -- there's a range bug. So why not ask for the range bug to be fixed? What's this whole thread about.

Discussion on and requests to fix Holographic Shockwave is probably one of the top 3 most frequently mentioned topics in this subforum. I'm sure Arenanet is already well aware of the community's opinions & requests on that particular topic.

This thread was simply to stress my own personal disdain towards certain patching decisions, and to perk discussion about it. Holographic Shockwave was only brought up as an example to show how silly it is to squander development time fixing nearly invisible bugs that no one notices, while completely ignoring game breaking bugs for years on end.

In truth, there is a lot about Holosmith that needs fixing. I don't expect a big balance patch to happen during a bug fix patch, but as the consumer I certainly expect important bugs to be paid attention to during a bug fix patch.

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Holosmith is a necessary profession right now. I feel like I'm the only one here who doesn't want it to be nerfed any more. If you remove the CC, and burst what left does it have? Core engineer is complete garbage, kits are outdated, scrapper is in really bad shape as well. The forge helped solve a lot of engineer problems while also bringing something unique to the table in that it controls some really dumb bunker builds out there.

I really can't see anything that can take a huge hit anymore on that class without it being completely gutted as a result. I would suggest if anything that the heat vent dodge either be reduced or changed - that would force players to be more tactical with forge use without locking them out of the one thing that keeps them in the current game.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:I don't think we are complaining about a bug.Holo is overpowered and we have been waiting 2 years for devs to bring it down...normalize it.Pretty muchDamage, sustain, mobility. (S+ class) regardless of any "wink wink" nerfs.Barely had any unlike other classes

Do you really want another list again of all the different nerfs holo has gotten? Lol, it's been repeated like 20 times by now, and the only "true" buffs it has gotten were combo finishers.The only good nerf on holo was a stability nerf on corona burst, the rest was nothing and didnt adress the issues with holosmith. Its damage for its sustain and how spammy it is. Might as well make a thread based on my previous post. (I wonder how did you skip it)

There's been a substantial number of other nerfs to its damage and survival capabilities, including nerfs to core engineer. That you choose to ignore them is your prerogative, not mine.

@praqtos.9035 said:

@Vagrant.7206 said:Also, not addressing your other post, largely because you're still trying to put words in my mouth and try to get a rise out of me. Frankly, it's not ok.Except I didnt, said what happened aldy and getting tired of biased/mad ppl screaming "mesma main". Report this post too btw

Take it how you will, but you did come onto a thread about engineer, and try to make it about mesmer.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Ok -- there's a range bug. So why not ask for the range bug to be fixed? What's this whole thread about.This thread was simply to stress my own personal disdain towards certain patching decisions, and to perk discussion about it. Holographic Shockwave was only brought up as an example to show how silly it is to squander development time fixing nearly invisible bugs that no one notices, while completely ignoring game breaking bugs for years on end.

The bug you described is a bug common to all CC's. I suspect it's something in the engine. It's just more noticeable with Holographic Shockwave.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I have been playing a lot of Thief this season right. 9 out of 10 times I die to a Holosmith, it's because I am already kiting 200 range or so away from the Holosmith, and then I go to Shadowstep. When I Shadowstep away at maximum 1200 distance when I was already 200 range away from the Holosmith, I'll hear a Holographic Shockwave sound effect and somehow get clipped by it at 1400 range away from the Holosmith, when the tooltip says it's only supposed to go 600 range. And this isn't lag, it's bugged range.probably get clipped mid teleport(no idea how that even works) but ive never used holo 5 and cc'ed someone 1400 range away with them just standing there and no teleport being involvedI never really noticed this while playing Druid, because I didn't have to often run from or super kite Holosmiths. Now while playing a Thief however, I see why people have been complaining about this bugged range. It's very very very obnoxious if you cannot stand toe to toe and brawl against the Holosmith to not worry about that range. This one stupid skill enables the Holosmith this effect where, if someone is within about 800-1000 range of him, they may as well be standing toe to toe with him, even if they are behind a $%^&ing wall or up a 600+ range vertical pillar.also a reminder. the vertical bug got fixed months ago :)

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@toxic.3648 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I have been playing a lot of Thief this season right. 9 out of 10 times I die to a Holosmith, it's because I am already kiting 200 range or so away from the Holosmith, and then I go to Shadowstep. When I Shadowstep away at maximum 1200 distance when I was already 200 range away from the Holosmith, I'll hear a Holographic Shockwave sound effect and somehow get clipped by it at 1400 range away from the Holosmith, when the tooltip says it's only supposed to go 600 range. And this isn't lag, it's bugged range.probably get clipped mid teleport(no idea how that even works) but ive never used holo 5 and cc'ed someone 1400 range away with them just standing there and no teleport being involved

It happens with other CC's as well. I've hit thieves with overcharged shot and thumper turret when their infiltrator's arrow was in the air, but before they teleported. The result is the teleport completes, but they're still CC'ed at the end of it. While it's most common with infiltrator's arrow, I have seen other teleports have similar problems, especially if the teleport is not considered a stunbreak.

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