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New CORE WEAPONS is one of the easiest form of new content that can add hundreds of gameplay-hours

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

It's not about adapting to change, it is about the system not being designed for a certain implementation and realizing that changing this would create a ton of workload and bind resources. Resources which are desperatly needed currently.

Systems change over time, in 7 years of GW2 there have been over 9000 system design changes... and the workload of my suggestion would be minimal.

Not balance wise. Not future balance wise. But w/e, you are free to ask for whatever you want. It's not going to happen since the developers are actually the ones who need to put in the work, and they have their hands full.

What balance? We do not have balance and I am of the opinion that the way GW2 is designed, with all the skills, weapons, upgrades, gear sets, boons, conditions, and traits is a game that cannot be balanced anyway because it is fundamentally broken design. GW1 was far easier to balance and is balanced, even with a dual-class system while GW2 is a nightmare. I think people who say that GW1 was harder to balance than GW2 do not understand what they are saying, at all.

At least give us the option to play with w/e we want and enjoy PvE even more. Competitive and balanced PvP in this game does not have a future anyway. New weapons or unlocking the weapons from elite specs mean more variety, more fleshing out the playstyle you want, more overall fun. And gaining new weapons or the ability to use elite ones as a core can be implemented as unlocking gameplay. The same way everything in this game is unlocked.

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@Dante.1508 said:I agree op but the whole WvW and pvpers go nuts everytime something new pops into existence.. Those two modes really limit the games creativity.

Man thanks for blaming everything on us. Cause you know, it's not like PVErs fundamentally changed the game in any way.

Looks at the dungeon speedrunnersLooks at the raidersLooks at the hardcore fractal players.

Yea uh huh, allllll our fault.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@lare.5129 said:just interested, the current topic creator have complete all achievements to 5000 blow kills whit all current weapons ? No ?So why worry and suggest more ?

Do I need all achievements in the game to enjoy the game?

Man if they took achievements away tomorrow i wouldn't even notice or care.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Dante.1508 said:I agree op but the whole WvW and pvpers go nuts everytime something new pops into existence.. Those two modes really limit the games creativity.

Man thanks for blaming everything on us. Cause you know, it's not like PVErs fundamentally changed the game in any way.

Looks at the dungeon speedrunnersLooks at the raidersLooks at the hardcore fractal players.

Yea uh huh, allllll our fault.

Honestly when it comes to forums complaints its usually pvpers and wvw.. But i agree raiders are up there as well ruining the game a little at a time.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:I dont know why you dont see this, but new Core Weapons, (not to confuse with Elite Specs) can add lots of potential replay value back into the game , especially during long droughts in content.

New Core Weapons provide new ways to play current classes, and most of the code is already in the game. Way easier than making a brand new map, or adding brand new features like Mounts in PoF. I am sure those were far harder to do, and took up more resources than giving new weapon choices to the current classes.

Elite Specs take up more work as well, since they have their own Specialization and brand new weapons.

But for just New Core Weapons, you only have new weapon choices for class, which would need some animations for skills.

You can even add Sea Weapons to Land and give them new skills for land for all the classes. Something like that would be big and keep people busy learning the new skills and mastering the weapons.

I play Revenant mostly. We dont have a lot of customization options. I am getting tired of using same few weapons and legends. But a Brand new 2hander Melee Spear or a 2hander Ranged Support weapon would be a huge thing in terms of gameplay and builds.

These small things add many hours of replay value back into the game.

Living World is your bread and butter, but how about adding a new Mastery that unlocks brand new Core Weapons, such as the suggested Sea Weapons to Land conversion. Or just brand new Core Weapons in general.

Please consider it.

couldn't agree more. but keep in mind you're posting this on the forums where the vast majority of people are afraid of and vehemently against the addition of new things and would prefer the game to remain the same for all of eternity. I don't see this ever happening because it's such a simple thing that would have been done a long time ago if they actually cared about adding variety to non elite specs.

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